The Skating Lesson


Well-Known Member
Considering the number of people who continue to watch their show, it doesn't seem like they "need" to do anything.

Not that many people watch it. And those who have watched in the past, like me, have stopped because of the long length and the unprofessional speculation and gossip, mostly (all?) by Dave. If they want to expand their viewership--and why wouldn't they?--they need to put together a more professional and succinct product.


Well-Known Member
And those who have watched in the past, like me, have stopped because of the long length and the unprofessional speculation and gossip, mostly (all?) by Dave.

I mentioned in another thread, that I tweeted Dave and asked them to "be nice" (or not too mean, or something like that) in their Canadian Championships review, because I wanted to watch it. Dave responded and said it should not be too bad. LOL LOL. And it wasn't! I have been very critical in the past of their delivery and at times unbalanced commentary and I was pleasantly surprised to find them watchable this time.


Well-Known Member
I can't listen for two hours. They need to script their videos and stick to the script--Ladies, Men, Pairs, Dance, in whatever order. If they want to talk about the selection process, they can do it within the discussion of the four events. They need to leave out innuendos about Gracie Gold and speculation about whether the judges thought Ashley was injured at Skate America and her preparation for Nationals. If they are claiming to be journalists, they need to do their homework before they report what amounts to gossip. They should also do whatever it takes to fit their recaps into 30 minutes. Why do they think most TV news shows are 30 minutes? Because that's the limit of most peoples' attention span.
But almost all print journalists write analysis pieces and will write “sources briefed on the matter say” so almost everything tsl does is totally legit journalistically. Like in video form a head tilt and wink is a form of “sources briefed on the matter say”.


Well-Known Member
How the heck are they going cover future European Championships in the next Olympic cycle if it appears they will like literally none of the skaters who will contend for the medals?

Just cover Four Continents instead.


Banned Member
TSL discusses Stolbova and Bukin developments, plus Larry Nassar and USAG... (rambling as usual, but some interesting points made as usual too, if you can wade through). I enjoyed replay of U.S. ladies synchronized swimming gold medal win from 1996 at tail end of the broadcast.

Has anyone here seen the film, Icarus (documentary about Russian doping scandal)?
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Well-Known Member
I was really disgusted with the latest This and That. Only made it about 20 mins in before turning it off. The level of speculation and throwing out rumors was ridiculous. Definitely won't be watching anything else they do.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here seen the film, Icarus (documentary about Russian doping scandal)?

^^ Thanks, I will take a look.

I watched it some months ago and thought it was a very worthwhile documentary to check out. It starts off slow but once you get past the cycling part (first 30 minutes or so) and Fogel (main guy) starts communicating with Rodchenkov and discussing the Sochi lab, it gets absolutely fascinating.
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Banned Member
I am not a big fan but I am honestly impressed that David Lease has kept the show going and is doing so well. I thought when Jenny Kirk quit it would be curtains for the show altogether.


Banned Member
^^ Dave probably thought so too. It must have kept him up at night figuring out how to manage. His friends and supporters stayed loyal. He seriously needs to rethink TSL's approach though and get some editing help. I don't particularly care for Dave & Jonathan together because there's little contrast. But I'll watch or skim through because it's skating coverage, of which there's precious little.

I enjoy @glorybox64's podcast on with his cohost and friend:

On I-Tunes:


I loved their 2018 U.S. Nationals recap. It's worth a listen. :)


Well-Known Member
What is so impressive about keeping a Youtube channel going that requires nothing more than sitting in front of a camera, yakking and gossiping? Anybody can do that.

Sasha is DIVINE

Well-Known Member
The interviews he has been able to procure and publish have been pretty good. Granted, it's not brain surgery but it is a tad bit more impressive than just "anyone could do it".

If anyone could do it, then let's all have our own skating webshows. Complete with interviewing National, World, and Olympic competitors because it must be totally easy to do so, right?
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Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
What is so impressive about keeping a Youtube channel going that requires nothing more than sitting in front of a camera, yakking and gossiping? Anybody can do that.

Unless you're Logan Paul. Maybe to boost subscriptions, they could slime their guests (or each other) like The Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards sometimes did.
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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Loved the most recent This n’ That about the IOC and gymnastics. Dave & Jonathan are well informed and entertaining. Keep up the great work! Can’t wait for their 4Cs recap and for more on the Russian doping situation.

Sasha is DIVINE

Well-Known Member
Didnt he used to post here as the TheIronLady too? If so he was a good poster here, too bad he dissapeared. Agreed about the resilient bitch part, haha.

He wasn't TheIronLady. I don't have any knowledge of him posting on FSU. I think he did a really long time ago and maybe got banned? At one point I let him use my password so he would have access to some parts of the forum. But then he started posting under my screenname!! I had to shut that down REAL quick lol! I can't have anyone thinking someone else's opinions are mine! And especially someone polarizing like Dave Lease :lol:. I can get in enough trouble on my own. :p
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Well-Known Member
One thing I think TSL does very well are the interviews, no matter what you think of them otherwise. I will always appreciate TSL for some of the great interviews they have conducted, even if I cannot bear to watch anything else they do.


Well-Known Member
If anyone could do it, then let's all have our own skating webshows. Complete with interviewing National, World, and Olympic competitors because it must be totally easy to do so, right?

Who has he interviewed since Jenny left? Sandra Bezic and Mark Mitchell? With all due respect, they are not exactly hot properties. Who else is chomping at the bit to talk to him?


Banned Member
With all due respect, I enjoyed hearing more from Linda Fratianne than many skaters who competed in the past 2 decades.

I did too. The interview was fabulous and Fratianne is so classy and well spoken. I personally found her skating a bit of a snooze, even though I respected her abilities, but she is an incredibly intelligent, insightful, funny, and articulate women.

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