The Dance Hall 9: Bring the Bling or No Beijing 2021-2022

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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
😂 For the record, I think you’re much more invested in it than I was by pointing out my opinion (saying ‘I don’t think’…) whether he was forced to say something but okay…

If he didn’t want to say it, he didn’t have to say it. Was it calculated? Maybe. Maybe not.

Or maybe he did it to piss off the crazy people who are still wrapped up in these who is better debates, and claim they know every last thing that the skaters must be thinking.
Maybe he said it for all of the reasons... Like it was suggested, but he's a shady enough bitch to go along with it because it is good for the IAM school in general, plus it would piss off/drive the crazy people up a wall and he's got a wicked sense of humor that enjoys trolling all the sekret baby conspiracists.


Well-Known Member
I kinda love the snarky/ shady aspect to Scott. I just wish this shady bitch persona had come out more in the Zueva years :shuffle:
I thought it did and that's when he started to get some hate. Remember him saying how much he hated World Team Trophy, I think it was 2012, during the telecast? His and Tessa's reality show also showed him in a kind snarky light. I remember Tessa saying how unfriendly Meryl was and the producers edited in shots of Meryl playing with her dogs as Tessa was saying all of that. I mean at least Meryl and Charlie were nice enough to sign releases to film them for that show.

Gosh, that was an unintentionally hilarious program. I loved the cameos from other skaters, like when PapaCiz nearly ran into them during Eric Bompard and Guillaume went up to apologize to a quietly seething Scott. Or when Weaver/Poje had dinner with Scott/Tessa and Scott/Tessa were shocked that Kaitlin and Andrew told them that they were best friends and live together while Scott/Tessa were like "I can't even imagine doing that with you" which I believe was also to drum up the fake romantic/sexual tension for their shippers. I'm sure there were other appearances too. I also love how the Shibs were just missing from the program. I'm not saying they were a big part of Scott/Tessa's life or anything but there were a lot of scenes at the rink and on the ice with other teams training - so I started wondering. I bet the Shibs didn't sign any releases for any footage of them to be shown on the show, not even just skating in the background in Canton.

The funniest thing was how Team Canada was so gung-ho about Seasons.

ETA: Oh and Fedor was listed as the "footwork coach" as if he was actually one and not just because his mom was running that coaching center.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah the "in my opinion... possibly the best of all time" made me raise two eyebrows. I did not find himself shady at all to be honest (if he was it went waay over my head), the "possibly the best of all time" is not the same thing as "without a doubt, the best of all time", or "better than we were". Still, it was unexpected. I found nice how he talked about bouncing back from disappointment because obviously that is what he lived through, so I thought he looked empathetic with them if anything.

I found his words about H/D very spot on, it's nice to see his "coach side" aspect, he seems to have a good coaching relationship with H/D and his compliments were very encouraging to them. But yeah, above all else Scott looks like he needs a nap.

It's Chouinard that sounded a bit fake to me, his overly excited and dramatic rehearsed talk was a bit off-putting, he sounded more like a Bachelor TV host than a coach, but I guess speaking in front of a camera is not an easy exercice.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah the "in my opinion... possibly the best of all time" made me raise two eyebrows. I did not find himself shady at all to be honest (if he was it went waay over my head), the "possibly the best of all time" is not the same thing as "without a doubt, the best of all time", or "better than we were".
I didn't think this was shady either. He's consistently said P/C are great skaters since the start of the V/M comeback. At the same time, V/M wouldn't have come back if they thought P/C were unbeatable. I think it's more that he knows how much work he and Tessa had to do to be able to beat them, and it was a lot.

I'd like to know what exactly he admires about P/C, just because I bet he could go into great technical detail about it, and I'd find that really interesting.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't think this was shady either. He's consistently said P/C are great skaters since V/M came back. At the same time, V/M wouldn't have come back if they thought P/C were unbeatable. I think it's more that he knows how much work he and Tessa had to do to be able to beat them, and it was a lot.

I'd like to know what exactly he admires about P/C, just because I bet he could go into great technical detail about it, and I'd find that really interesting.many
Watch P/C RD from Internationaux de France on the Oly Channel: Charlie is enthusiastic about their work: he calls them "skaters' skaters" ... it seems that former ice dancers have a better appreciation of what they do than fans.


I see the sea
I thought it did and that's when he started to get some hate. Remember him saying how much he hated World Team Trophy, I think it was 2012, during the telecast?
It was during the first WTT in 2009. Some of the skaters were confused as to what they were doing there :)


I see the sea


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was his “it doesn’t matter how we skate, we get paid the same” moment.


Rooting for the Underdogs
2009 was when Tessa was still in pain and recovering from the first round of leg surgeries, so I can understand some resentment there of being made to do another competition. I feel like it was still sort of no choice not to do it in 2012 either. It seems like after that, skaters could opt out of WTT if they wished (which is the way it should be).


Well-Known Member
2009 was when Tessa was still in pain and recovering from the first round of leg surgeries, so I can understand some resentment there of being made to do another competition. I feel like it was still sort of no choice not to do it in 2012 either. It seems like after that, skaters could opt out of WTT if they wished (which is the way it should be).
Yes, skaters couldn’t opt out of WTT in those days. There were quite a few skaters who complained about it, because if you trained to peak at Worlds, then WTT was really hard (the same reason why many Olympic medalists will skip that year’s Worlds). Scott of course is most memorable though.


Rooting for the Underdogs
Wasn’t it also his score that he hated? Davis/White beat them there right after the reverse happened at Worlds. I’m sure if he had scored well he wouldn’t have said that.
I think he was just tired and frustrated at the whole thing.

I know it’s easy to look at WTT as a fun event with a paycheck, but I don’t think all the skaters see it that way. I’m glad there is no longer the insistence that specific skaters must appear.


Well-Known Member
lmao why are people so invested in believing Scott Moir genuinely thinks P/C are a better team than anyone else in history, including himself. We know he doesn't! We know that on the inside he's still laughing about Pyeongchang! Scott Moir is not just a better and more decorated ice dancer than either of P/C but also a shady bitch to the bone.

And yet in his new role as a coach, in which role he plays a small part in P/C's preparation and is personally invested in their success, his past as a competitor doesn't matter and he has to say what he needs to say to motivate them and present a united front to the world. Gassing them up is the professional thing to do in this context.

Wayne Gretzky goes around saying every first overall NHL draft pick is more talented than he was at 18 and that he wouldn't score a single goal in today's league. Does he believe it? No idea, probably not--but also it doesn't matter because of course he's gonna say that in his present capacity as an ambassador for the game.

"See, V/M stans, even your god says P/C are better!!!" and "He's being forced to say this" are both beside the point in treating Scott Moir as P/C's rival rather than someone they now train under (however indirectly).


Well-Known Member
This is, by the way, not the first time that Scott said that: he did already in a radio interview from after the OG. So, I doubt he would repeat something he doesn't believe, for what it is worth.

scott has a great deal of respect for this team...I don't think you can really compare the 2 teams. Their strengths are so different. I appreciate and love them both.


Or when Weaver/Poje had dinner with Scott/Tessa and Scott/Tessa were shocked that Kaitlin and Andrew told them that they were best friends and live together while Scott/Tessa were like "I can't even imagine doing that with you" which I believe was also to drum up the fake romantic/sexual tension for their shippers.
There's a scene in the new IAM series that has the Canadanes having dinner with Chock/Bates & talking about how they are the best of friends, and I couldn't help but think of this scene from the Virtue/Moir series.
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