The Dance Hall 6: We're All Off Our Rockers 2018-2019

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Well-Known Member
That's a gorgeous FD from Piper & Paul. I can see them making major moves with this, so long as this FD looks as good or better at the end of the season. I find that Piper & Paul's programs some times don't age well throughout the season. However, I don't think that's the case here as this one seems to more about the actual dance. Thank goodness Carol Lane is out there providing another voice in ice dance.

Yes how is Carol Lane producing such beautiful programs for G/P on one hand, and being such a terrible tv ice dance commentator on another I'll never know. Too bad she isn't working for more couples.


Well-Known Member
Yes how is Carol Lane producing such beautiful programs for G/P on one hand, and being such a terrible tv ice dance commentator on another I'll never know. Too bad she isn't working for more couples.

I know everyone hates her commentary for valid reasons, but I'll never hate her for being a voice that expressed major support for the Shibs last season.


Well-Known Member
Well she was the opposite of fair to P/C and I find myself, like Miloune, appreciating her great skills as a choreographer but despising her commentaries just as much.

Like I said, people dislike her commentary for valid reasons. But for me, she was a much needed voice I needed to hear last season for a specific team, and it wasn't even one of her teams and was one of the teams that used to go toe-to-toe with her primary team.


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
I was not as wowed by G/P's FD as everyone else but I can see an enormous potential for it. Many innovations but it just lack the emotion such a song requires. However being so early in the season it makes sense they would first get the mechanics of the program and then just deploy the emotional layers.
I've always love G/P and this season they have the best set of programs they've had in a long time. This is gonna make this season so interesting instead of having P/C vs H/D and then battle for third place. We don't know much about P/C's programs right now ( :revenge: at the French Fed) so let's see but with G/P being better than ever, W/P finding their mojo back and the biggest surprise for me being Katsalapov/Sinitsina deciding to pull it together (well let see in major comp though #neverforget), it should make for a great rat race :D


Well-Known Member
I was not as wowed by G/P's FD as everyone else but I can see an enormous potential for it. Many innovations but it just lack the emotion such a song requires. However being so early in the season it makes sense they would first get the mechanics of the program and then just deploy the emotional layers.
I've always love G/P and this season they have the best set of programs they've had in a long time. This is gonna make this season so interesting instead of having P/C vs H/D and then battle for third place. We don't know much about P/C's programs right now ( :revenge: at the French Fed) so let's see but with G/P being better than ever, W/P finding their mojo back and the biggest surprise for me being Katsalapov/Sinitsina deciding to pull it together (well let see in major comp though #neverforget), it should make for a great rat race :D

Given what we have seen so far, I would not assume Worlds will just be the P/C v. H/D show. Not to say they won’t be the top two just that ice dance rankings are always more volatile than people expect and sometimes hierarchies get upended. I mean I still expect P/C to be on top and I am very sure H/D will work on their programs and their programs will be much better by Worlds.


Well-Known Member
Yes how is Carol Lane producing such beautiful programs for G/P on one hand, and being such a terrible tv ice dance commentator on another I'll never know. Too bad she isn't working for more couples.
Great choreographer.....not a good person. Even within her own camp usually does not give her best to the other teams. Focused on Piper and Paul. Not sure what her advice is to her other teams but they seem to quit and/or retire rather than leave for another camp. She has a few good juniors coming up and their programs seemed good this yr. Hope they stay in.


Well-Known Member
I was not as wowed by G/P's FD as everyone else but I can see an enormous potential for it. Many innovations but it just lack the emotion such a song requires. However being so early in the season it makes sense they would first get the mechanics of the program and then just deploy the emotional layers.
I've always love G/P and this season they have the best set of programs they've had in a long time. This is gonna make this season so interesting instead of having P/C vs H/D and then battle for third place. We don't know much about P/C's programs right now ( :revenge: at the French Fed) so let's see but with G/P being better than ever, W/P finding their mojo back and the biggest surprise for me being Katsalapov/Sinitsina deciding to pull it together (well let see in major comp though #neverforget), it should make for a great rat race :D

I just watched their free dance last night and yes I was wowed by it. Very good moves. Paul does not do emotion so the usual weird quirky hides that...Piper does drama extremely well (as evidenced by her tangos)not sure if she can stretch it to emotion but maybe she can. I guess we shall see as the season gets going.


Well-Known Member
I just watched their free dance last night and yes I was wowed by it. Very good moves. Paul does not do emotion so the usual weird quirky hides that...Piper does drama extremely well (as evidenced by her tangos)not sure if she can stretch it to emotion but maybe she can. I guess we shall see as the season gets going.

The whole combination just pulls you in though. It's the only FD I've been compelled to watch over and over.

Is it just me or did Diana Davis get really good all of a sudden? Now if only she were old enough and a tad taller, which she may become, her and Drodz would have been magic. Funny this thing called life.


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
Ah! That G&P program is great. Nice to think of taking bits and pieces from the Eleonor Rigby FD Dean made Paul&Vanessa a while back.
Good choice of music too. And it has a whole meaning. :)


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
I guess you're referring to this program with Vanessa Crone, the last lift is indeed the first in G/P's FD. And there is indeed maybe a likeness here and there in the attitudes. It was a nice program.
Yes. They took out some of the moves, and it fits in nicely here. That's a whole program, with a meaning, a truc artistic research. Well. Carol Lane ;)
But it fits them. Piper will never be the best of ice dancers, but they are working around it. And this year, the program fits them.


Well-Known Member
I guess you're referring to this program with Vanessa Crone, the last lift is indeed the first in G/P's FD. And there is indeed maybe a likeness here and there in the attitudes. It was a nice program.

Wow...I didn't catch that...quite a few moves from that program...The only thing I caught was the twizzle with the bent leg from another program but it is not quite the same...Paul and Vanessa went deeper in my memory...I will have to find the program and take a look.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely great music and great program by Gilles/Poirier. I enjoy Weaver/Poje, but let's face, Piper and Paul have much better, more interesting music in their FD and a much more creative program.


Well-Known Member
I’m really surprised so many people like GP’s FD music. It sounds so boring to me. I just keep loosing my attention on the dance because of it

I think "Vincent" by Don McLean is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's a tribute to Vincent Van Gogh and the lyrics perfectly encapsulates his work and what he represents to people who are inspired by him. It was also the last song Tupac listened to before he died. The cover they used (and it was worked specifically for this program) honors the original while providing enough changes to fit the FD requirements and actually builds well I find.


Active Member
I think "Vincent" by Don McLean is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's a tribute to Vincent Van Gogh and the lyrics perfectly encapsulates his work and what he represents to people who are inspired by him. It was also the last song Tupac listened to before he died. The cover they used (and it was worked specifically for this program) honors the original while providing enough changes to fit the FD requirements and actually builds well I find.
I know all that, and the lyrics are very beautiful indeed, and there’s a lot of meaning to it. But it still doesn’t changes the fact that the cover that been chosen is boring, and the changes that been made maybe fit the requirements, but doesn’t help it much. I have nothing against the song, but It doesn’t works as ice dance piece.


Well-Known Member
I know all that, and the lyrics are very beautiful indeed, and there’s a lot of meaning to it. But it still doesn’t changes the fact that the cover that been chosen is boring, and the changes that been made maybe fit the requirements, but doesn’t help it much. I have nothing against the song, but It doesn’t works as ice dance piece.

Well, evidently it does since so many people said they liked it which you admitted to when you said you were "really surprised so many people like G/P's FD music". You also didn't specify that you had an issue with the cover or anything. You just made a blanket statement about the music and how you keep "loosing" your attention. Honestly, the cover isn't that different in tone to the original so I don't see how them using the Don McLean version would have changed things for you. I responded to explain why I like their music to maybe help you understand why "so many people like G/P's FD music". You don't have to like it, but saying it doesn't work as an ice dance piece based on your opinion doesn't make it true.

I thought there was supposed to be a beat?

To paraphrase Madison Hubbell, "all songs/pieces of music have some sort of beat/rhythm."
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Well-Known Member
I think "Vincent" by Don McLean is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. It's a tribute to Vincent Van Gogh and the lyrics perfectly encapsulates his work and what he represents to people who are inspired by him. It was also the last song Tupac listened to before he died. The cover they used (and it was worked specifically for this program) honors the original while providing enough changes to fit the FD requirements and actually builds well I find.

Thanks for the explanation. I actually don't prefer the song (and didn't know it) and the reaction to the FD has surprised me. Giving it some context (i.e. the last song Tupac listened to) helps me understand there's an emotional connection to the music for many people. There are some parts of the FD I like but I am not as sold on it or as excited by it as so many.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the explanation. I actually don't prefer the song (and didn't know it) and the reaction to the FD has surprised me. Giving it some context (i.e. the last song Tupac listened to) helps me understand there's an emotional connection to the music for many people. There are some parts of the FD I like but I am not as sold on it or as excited by it as so many.

People who liked the song did so without having any context as it is one of the Don McLean's most loved songs. I bet a lot of people who ended up liking G/P's FD and their music didn't hear the song before they performed to it this weekend.


Well-Known Member
People who liked the song did so without having any context as it is one of the Don McLean's most loved songs. I bet a lot of people who ended up liking G/P's FD and their music didn't hear the song before they performed to it this weekend.

Sure. I've discovered a lot of music I love because someone skated to it. But it DOES help to know a song is popular or well known or has significant historical context because it means that when exposed to new people there's a solid chance a lot of those people will like it, too. (even if I end up in the minority of people who don't)


Well-Known Member
So an interesting tidbit from the early competitions of the new season so far: The teams that *have* finished top 10 at Worlds at some point before have all cleared 115 in the FD. That's Weaver/Poje, Sinitsina/Katsalapov, Hubbell/Donohue, Guignard/Fabbri, and Gilles/Poirier. Their highest-so-far FD scores ranged from 116.72 to 120.74.

The next two highest scores so far? The second year seniors out of one club- Wheaton Ice Skating Academy. Parsons/Parsons and McNamara/Carpenter at 110.93 and 108.27. Then, another young American team- first year seniors Carreira/Ponomarenko at 107.93.

The next two highest scores after that? The two Spanish teams once again on a knife edge.

Obviously all the caveats apply about not being able to compare scoring across events, especially Challenger series events because of notoriously effusive judging. But, it's still interesting to me that the young American teams are scoring high enough to be not be blown out by top-10-at-Worlds caliber teams.


Well-Known Member
I liked Gilles & Poirier's FD quite a lot: the music, the choreography, and the theme. And her dress. I'm not at all surprised they are ready. All these teams that didn't tour. This is their shot to make a big push. It's not usually the teams you hear much about during the off season. It's the ones you don't hear about. The ones who are working and not touring or upending their lives with major coaching changes. The likes of Gilles & Poirier and Guignard & Fabbri.

I didn't dislike G&P's RD, but I find today that it didn't stick with me. (Except for the squatting twizzles, which look to me nowhere near as difficult as Stepanova & Bukin's, yet tentative, unattractive, and as though they were about to topple over). We are getting a lot of twizzles variations in the wake of the new rules, and I like most of them. But not these.

I have the opposite response to Sinitsina & Katsalapov's programs. I really like the RD in that case--especially the fast part toward the end. I don't really remember the FD except the sudden change of emotion there in the center. (And, of course, the fact that they are using Klimova & Ponomarenko and Grishuk & Platov's music).

I think Weaver & Poje look terrific for touring most of the summer. The RD is very mature and shows off their dynamic together. (Though why or why could we not have found another mature piece of music?) I thought the FD looked like it had good potential for where they are at in training this season. I just worry about them not having a regular season, and I hope they will train that FD on tour as well as the RD. (Rotate if necessary).

I liked both Guignard & Fabbri's programs. I think the FD stands out more for me. It's fun, engaging, upbeat through the second part, and appropriately does not take itself too seriously. G&F really aren't a classic tango team, but they do well by it & the lift is fab.

As far as Hubbell & Donohue's programs are concerned, I wanted to throw something against the wall after the RD. And I am even less happy with the FD, though in that case at least I was prepared for exactly what it turned out to be. Kudos for being out there so quickly because, by golly, I acknowledge that it must be a super hard turnover. I expect them to look stronger by SA. But I really wish they had maybe spent another week selecting their music. Gives me post-Turino Tanith & Ben vibes.

I expected Hurtado & Khaliavin to be more ready, and again, I'm disappointed with the music selections. Like the flavor of the RD. And I think they could look a lot better post-debut.

Kudos to all these teams for being out there at this stage of the season after such a long year last season. Really, at this point, it's about potential. I'm looking forward to some surprises along the way this season. Post-Olympic years tend to be good for those.
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Well-Known Member
I'm in the minority where I didn't like G/P's FD. Two of my favorite programs from them have been the Beatles program and the Hitchcock program. Maybe it is because I don't really care for the music as much.:slinkaway They have some nice transitions and lifts etc. but the program as a whole doesn't do much for me at this time. I'm hoping it will get better as the season progresses.
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