Survivor S43


Well-Known Member
I was disappointed Cody was voted out, but not surprised given all the footage they aired of him being so sure of his alliance with Jesse and so sure of the vote. I also thought he seemed like he took it well initially, he did shake Jesse’s hand, but then he did seem mad and a bit hurt later on.

I guess I am rooting for Jesse. I don’t like Karla or Cassidy particularly. Gabler is too out there


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I cannot even finish the final hour and a half. I guess go Owen but who cares at this point.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Played out exactly like my less-preferred B version theory suggested, and I'm not surprised at all that Gabler won after the final tribal. I figured he was going to win because he mentioned donating the money in confessional, but never said it during the council. One thing that I do think he got away with in the final speeches was saying he was 'Ride or Die' to the end, when he was really close to breaking up Cody and Jesse before Jesse got to do it himself. No one called him on it, even though others knew he was scheming. I know myself and others have been commenting that Cassidy seemed to take credit for a lot of things that just happened to fall into place because of others, and she was called on it. Owen was just.. there.

I was so disappointed that Jesse didn't win and I think that they need to go back to the drawing board about the fire challenge. Not because the favorite got wiped out tonight, but it seems like the jury is so swayed by the winner of fire-- sometimes. Remember in All-Winners, at least one (if not more) former winner said that Natalie needed to play the perfect game, and that would've been going to fire against Tony. Even though she didn't play in 95% of the actual game! And same thing with Chris Underwood in 38, who was given a big advantage in his late return and then put himself in fire-making to get the win. It's becoming expected and it seems like some of them were really disappointed Cassidy didn't give up her immunity to take Jesse out herself.

I've seen a few articles pop up that Twitter is super confused/frustrated by the Gabler win apparently, but he really did play a good game. I just wish he would've had that big move weeks back (getting rid of one my two favorites).


Well-Known Member
During the pleas, I almost thought Cassidy had it for a while, until that final question. Also, huge respect to Owen for owning up to his game being bad for most of it, and never driving a vote.
With the ways they were focusing on Jesse in tribals, I fully expect him to be back. He was definitely the best of the season.


From the Bloc
Going into last night, my preferred order was Jesse, Karla gap Owen big gap Gabler huge gap Cassidy. But from the start of the ep I thought Jesse seemed deflated. At several points I thought his words were slurring, like he was just that tired and emotionally drained. No zip in him for the challenges, including making fire. Trying to get Cassidy to do the fire challenge was smart - she might have actually fallen for it if she hadn't already thought she proved herself with her strategic acumen (as if) and winning The Biggest Challenge Of The Game. So not sure what happened with him, maybe taking Cody out was more difficult than they let us know, I don't know, because it did seem clear that had he been sitting there the jury would have given it to him hands down.

Karla is a great player. In another season she could have won, not in others, but I'd count her among the best. We saw Jesse losing steam, Gabler must've talked about it at least 4 times in his confessionals ("nothing left in the tank") but Karla despite injuries was keeping up with the youngsters physically, she's a warrior.

As @tony said, Owen just was there, and while he made for some good "journey" tv that the producers seem to love, the fact that he got zero votes despite winning three challenges should tell casting that what fans and fellow players really want to see is strategic play.

Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy. Going to sound like an old person here but how many times have we seen some entitled young thing think she's all that and more. When she started TC with how she won The Biggest Challenge Of The Game and she's so proud of herself I thought you are laying it on way too thick with the grownups, and it went down from there.

Gabler won the TC, no question. Not to get too personal but for many, many years I have advised senior executives in preparing for interviews and presentations and such and Gabler simply nailed it. Had his story straight, got his key points out there, repeated them deftly, connected with his audience, was confident but also respectful of the jury of his peers. If I hadn't seen the whole season I would have thought it made total sense.

Because here's where it doesn't. I think the editors were hiding him somewhat - a few of us have noticed that he would say something, or start to say something, or there would be a next time on, and we wouldn't see it play out. But maybe it did, we just didn't see it. Obviously any jury worth their buffs was never going to give it to Cassidy, but I would have thought Owen would get a couple of votes for perseverance, winning when he had to, somehow being the guy who got saved twice with other people's idols, hanging in there, surviving. But Gabler got all but one of the jury, and Owen got nothing.

I really liked going straight into the after show while they were still there. Is that new? I can't recall that ever happening since the very first season. Cassidy was in a remarkably good mood, assuming they gave them a little break to wash up and get it together, but it was fun also seeing some of the crew and the set, everyone joining in the fun. Also, sorry but glad not to waste time talking to the early voteouts who I don't even remember any more.

Fun season, fun talking it through with you all!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I really liked going straight into the after show while they were still there. Is that new? I can't recall that ever happening since the very first season. Cassidy was in a remarkably good mood, assuming they gave them a little break to wash up and get it together, but it was fun also seeing some of the crew and the set, everyone joining in the fun. Also, sorry but glad not to waste time talking to the early voteouts who I don't even remember any more.
They revealed the votes in season 1 immediately, but they didn't have the after show until many months later. 41 and 42 used this same format of having them reveal the votes and go straight into discussions- which is much better for getting real and raw emotions, and a whole different level of excitement.

And I agree, most of the time the early vote outs come to the reunion show and get asked how they are doing and that's it, so we aren't missing much of anything by not seeing them.

The only thing I can say about Cassidy is that for a few weeks I was wondering if it was another Erika situation, because there are a lot of parallels between the two except for one having a million dollars and the other being basically told by the jury that she didn't make the moves she thought she did. Based on her O-face shock at the votes, I thought she was going to be bitter but Survivor, especially since the Dan situation a few years ago, has turned into a game where everyone plays relatively nice in the end and wants to be besties with everyone else. Some of it may be genuine, but I think a lot of it is in hope that more opportunities come and their own social media becoming more popular for future projects.

love skating

Clueless American
A couple weeks ago I read a comment (on an Amazing Race recap) that they lost interest in Survivor after reading that Cassidy won. I was like "how the heck does Cassidy win?" (Cody, Jesse and Karla were all still around then) plus I was mad that someone would spoil Survivor on an Amazing Race page. I kept wondering if the spoiler was right or wrong. After Cody went out. I thought - oh Karla must get booted and then Jesse loses at fire. When that happened I said - yep, that's how Cassidy wins. However, during the episode I felt like the editing was going for Owen - lots of interviews with him - grand scene of him on a cliff - maybe Owen wins. I never once thought Gabler was going to win until he got a third vote lol. I was shocked. I didn't particularly think he was great at the final tribal council. I thought all three were okay, but I didn't see a slam dunk either for or against any of them. However I think I didn't realize how strong that "ride or die" alliance was - and I am thinking maybe Cody and Jesse talked up Gabler to the rest of the jury. Anyway, good season - up to the finale. Just looking at the jury with Cody, Jesse, Karla, James, Sami and Noelle I couldn't help thinking I wish one of them was in the finale.


Well-Known Member
I never once thought Gabler was going to win until he got a third vote lol. I was shocked.
I knew it was over during the voting. They showed one vote for Cassidy and two for the alligabler which meant that nobody voted for Owen and that Gabler had won. If all three would have received a vote, they would have shown one vote for Owen. That they showed two for Gabler told me that he won 8-1.
I did not like this season at all, and I consider myself to be a super fan. A lot of the players that I was interested in seeing play were out early, and I would have loved to see a Jesse-Karla final 2.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Bad things are coming out about Gabler

This is his "charity"
He didn't even serve in the military, but acted like he did

Worst winner EVER
Please show me where he said he served in the military, because I must be missing it. He made it very clear that it was for people like his dad who served, but didn't mention anything about himself as far as I knew.

I knew he was a Trumper- that came out quite early, but like with everything else I'm going to comment here, it's not going to stop me from respecting his gameplay. Sarah the police officer is Republican and quite possibly MAGA level as well, but I really loved her game her second time around also.

If he learns that the charity isn't doing as it says, then he can always allocate the money elsewhere. But some of the points in that article are a little weird. If it's restricted to only veterans having to raise the money, should the same apply for every other specific charity? As in, should I not be able to raise money for something like Planned Parenthood because I've never had and will never have a baby (at least naturally)?

If the problem is that the solicitations come in the form of cash and that certain people cannot be trusted because of a DUI or sex offender listing, what makes the next person in line not as eager to pocket the money as well? It sounds like a foundational problem that needs to turn to non-cash (digital) donations only.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Please show me where he said he served in the military, because I must be missing it. He made it very clear that it was for people like his dad who served, but didn't mention anything about himself as far as I knew.
He didn't say it
He did that one challenge where he kept talking remember? And then he won and he was talking about veterans with mental health issues and what not…and he made it seem like he was one too. And then in his confessional was like "I didn't serve but I know so many people who did.."


Throwing the (rule)book at them
He didn't say it
Okay, so you're interpreting based on the show last night? I'm sorry, IMO there was nothing there to indicate that he had served any kind of time in any force and didn't even use it to try to win the million to begin with- he said it after he won. He broke down talking about his father and the issues he had.

Don't you think if he wanted to get creative and let people think he was also a veteran, he would've wisely worded his plan for the million prior to the votes?


Well-Known Member
I edited it to add more of my thoughts
I'm still allowed to have an opinion


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I edited it to add more of my thoughts
I'm still allowed to have an opinion
I'm also allowed to ask how you came to that conclusion (clearly asked if I had missed something and even said 'as far as I knew') and never once said you couldn't, so let's not get it twisted.

In the end, I'm guessing it really is something very important to him and because of his political views, I'm not going to assume that he was trying to deceive or intentionally donate to an organization that may have problems with allocating money. That's my opinion.


Fan of many, uber of none
Just watched the finale. I wasn't expecting a Gabler win, but I guess it's better than Cassidy. I really don't know that he had the "Survivor resume" to actually win it, but oh well. I'm glad that Owen seems happy with his progression in the game and the outcome it will have on his life. Jesse, I would like to see play again, but he would have a huge target on his back from day one if he did. I hope he can go home feeling proud of how he performed out there, and he did show that you don't give up. Karla, meh, OK. She was indeed ruthless and hard core, I just didn't like her much at the end. Kudos to Gabler donating his winnings, provided he actually does so, and as a veteran, I thank him.


From the Bloc
Since final TC happened months ago, is there any update on whether he did actually donate the money, and to who?

Also assuming that if there was anything iffy about it, that the show could have edited it out, and let Gabler say it in his post interviews.


Well-Known Member
I was shocked when Gabler won, and my first thought was that he had been telling people all along that he was going to donate to charity, or maybe he’d said that during the final tribal council and they didn’t show it. I could totally see how they would give him the money if they thought that’s what he would do.

I actually enjoyed the season and the relative lack of bitterness over blindsides and such. Never liked Karla at all but agree she is a real warrior. I thought Owen would get some votes for perseverance and not giving up. Cassidy, ugh.

I haven’t watched the after show yet, will do that tonight. And I saw someone linked an article about Gabler and the charity, but I haven’t had the chance to look at it yet. I guess if the winner is a “bad person” or such, it doesn’t matter; they’re not winning based on whether they’re a good person or not, or whether they misrepresented themselves or not, but it’s supposed to be based on their game play. I thought he was mostly kind of out there for the whole game, and no one saw him as a real threat or had much interest in him, but I may be wrong. I‘m a bit sleep deprived at the moment, LOL.

I felt bad for Jesse because he did play a pretty great strategic game. It’s too bad he couldn’t win the fire challenge or even the final immunity challenge, but that seemed par for the course for him.


Staff member
People liked Gabler. A number of the boots have commented on this; they thought he was a good guy.

I expect that's what it came down to; out of the three candidates, no one had played a great strategic game, so they went with the person they liked the most. It's not the first time that has happened--and it happens even when there is a great strategic player sometimes.

It's a social game; being liked counts for a lot, even if it's not entertaining game play.


Well-Known Member
I was enthralled last night.
Bummed for Jessie - and everyone's reactions - wow. Jessie is up there with Rob C for not winning - and as said above - if he came back - he would be a target. Jessie seems like such a nice person - something good will come out of this I believe.
Final TC - I thought all did well with their stories, with Cassidy sounding insecure at the very end.
I had not idea how the vote would come out - and shocked at 7-1-0
The post TC was one of the best and just conversation - very enlightening.
Part of me is - the older person won yea (as an older person).
My 24 yr old niece shared her opinion - and she really got me thinking. The sexism on the show - is there - and I could see her side as well. And as a female - I think I was rooting for Cassidy.
This is an ending I think will be debated for years - truly any of the 3 could have won - it was the mindset of the jurors at that point and time. They were not bitter - which was nice. I would love to see the group conversations they had before the final TC - it would probably explain a lot.
This show never disappoints in 43 seasons - cant wait til 44.


Well-Known Member
I got a chance to watch the post TC part of the broadcast last night and thought it was great. So they did not know about Gabler’s plan and voted for him because they liked him! Fair enough, although I hadn’t always gotten that sense through the season.

But I thought the comments that people made and the support that the others gave them were great to see. I really enjoyed the season and liked most of the players. Looks like next season will be interesting. Hope everyone is okay!

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