Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Junior sports couples and dance duets held a training camp in Novogorsk (Oct. 6):

The composition of the participants of the Russian Grand Prix series - figure skaters of the Russian national team (Sept. 27):


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Junior sports couples and dance duets held a training camp in Novogorsk (Oct. 6):

The composition of the participants of the Russian Grand Prix series - figure skaters of the Russian national team (Sept. 27):
LOL - DavSmo are scheduled to compete in Moscow the same weekend as the US Sectionals Dance Final is being held in Norwood. They better show up in Moscow or Dave Lease is going to double down on his insistence that they're still switching THIS season and will somehow be granted a bye to compete at US Nationals despite zero evidence to support that theory. :rofl:

And, it looks like Morozov's made the decision to have Annabelle & David Naryzhnyy represent Russia.

ETA - no StepBuk this fall... Maybe DL needs to focus on the Stepanova pregnancy rumors that are out there instead of DavSmo.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I think Smolkin would be nuts to show up anywhere in Russia as if there is a skater they'd draft, it would be him because of his anti-war social media posts.
I seriously doubt they will get anywhere near Russia anytime in the near future. But also I hope they show up at US spectators because that would genuinely be hilarious.


Active Member
I can't decide if it's just a slow news day in Norway or if the situation has gotten so bad that it can't be ignored (we almost never get any FS coverage here) -- NRK, the national broadcaster, has an article currently on the front page about Ice Age. Ilinykh described her routine with Egor Beroev: "I want every woman to wait at the front for her husband, and if she sees this number and it gives her strength...I hope it will inspire and help."

Beroev adds, "We, actors and skaters, what can we do to win? We can raise morale, spread joy and the certainty that we will win, and believe in the future of our country."


Cats and garlic lover
I can't decide if it's just a slow news day in Norway or if the situation has gotten so bad that it can't be ignored (we almost never get any FS coverage here) -- NRK, the national broadcaster, has an article currently on the front page about Ice Age. Ilinykh described her routine with Egor Beroev: "I want every woman to wait at the front for her husband, and if she sees this number and it gives her strength...I hope it will inspire and help."

Beroev adds, "We, actors and skaters, what can we do to win? We can raise morale, spread joy and the certainty that we will win, and believe in the future of our country."
Oh this paper is totally not reliable. They call Sinitsina/Katsalapov Olympic gold winners :drama:


Whippet Good
Technically, they are still Olympic gold medalists.


ETA I do not agree with it at all and think this should be blank but ROC is still listed as the gold-medal team. I don't think it's right but technically, the article isn't wrong.


Well-Known Member
Correction: Ukrainians are defending their country against invading forces sent by a raving murderous lunatic who is trying to turn Russia into a cult.
I mean it's so simple, just to answer the question: if russians stop invading Ukraine, will Ukrainians continue killing them? And if Ukrainians stop fighting, will russians continue killing them? (Hint: check what happened in Bucha, Izyum, etc) But for some people it's "we don't know everything", "there are loved ones from both sides", "russians can't think differently" :blah:

As for Olympic gold I actually thought it was only russia that continued calling them all from that team Olympic champions but apparently it isn't. As for the article and quotes, well, they are more or less the same as in russian article I provided earlier, so don't see why it can't be trusted.
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
I don't see how ROC could be team gold medalists if there has yet to be a medal ceremony.
They were gold medalists as soon as the results said 'official' following the event, but there's a note on the women's and team event results that they are provisional.

Of course Russia is going to state they are gold medalists and others are going to interpret it how it best benefits them.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Even though it says "provisional," they are still considered gold medalists. Shcherbakova is still considered the women's gold medalist, even though the women's result is provisional. It sucks but the article isn't wrong.
Shcherbakova's case is different - her OGM isn't in question, because she's first according to the judges, and wasn't being investigated for doping. The results after Sakamoto are in question. Hence why they held a medal ceremony.

The Russian Team OGM had Valieva. Hence why the entire result is in question, including the podium spots and why no medal ceremony was held, and why S/K aren't OGMs unless you add "provisional" next to it.


Whippet Good
Shcherbakova's case is different - her OGM isn't in question, because she's first according to the judges, and wasn't being investigated for doping. The results after Sakamoto are in question. Hence why they held a medal ceremony.

The Russian Team OGM had Valieva. Hence why the entire result is in question, including the podium spots and why no medal ceremony was held, and why S/K aren't OGMs unless you add "provisional" next to it.
I completely agree but according to and Wikipedia and probably countless other sources, S/K are considered Olympic gold medalists. The article probably should've omitted that part but it should in no way devalue what it says.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I completely agree but according to and Wikipedia and probably countless other sources, S/K are considered Olympic gold medalists. The article probably should've omitted that part but it should in no way devalue what it says.
To be honest, I'm not certain what you're agreeing with.

The article isn't necessarily reliable, because whoever wrote it couldn't be bothered to fact check. Wikipedia is hardly a source of any kind, and as @tony said there are notes about the Team and Women's results being provisional - even scratching the surface on that would have told them it was because of Kamila (thereby not calling Anna's OGM into question, but definitely calling S/K's into question).

If countless sources claim otherwise, they are wrong. Countless sources can indeed be wrong.

If whoever wrote the article couldn't be bothered to fact check these things, how can we be sure the rest of what they wrote is reliable?

Anyway, I'm sure we'll find out the main contents of the article are reliable or not soon. Or won't in my case, because it's vomit-inducing to learn more about.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Some of the Russian figure skaters said that they were not given only medals. Everything else, as winners, they received.
Well, yes, because they had a victory ceremony at the arena where they received the exclusive panda bears given to medalists, and I think they also received flowers, which I think was the case for all of the events - there was a venue victory ceremony and then the medal ceremony, usually the next day. I don't know if the BOCOG had other gifts they awarded the medalists - usually the NOCs award money/prizes/additional gifts to their own medalists. I believe that the ROC and Russian government went ahead and awarded the team the gold medalist level money/prizes/gifts, which might be what they are referring to.


Well-Known Member
Well, yes, because they had a victory ceremony at the arena where they received the exclusive panda bears given to medalists, and I think they also received flowers, which I think was the case for all of the events - there was a venue victory ceremony and then the medal ceremony, usually the next day. I don't know if the BOCOG had other gifts they awarded the medalists - usually the NOCs award money/prizes/additional gifts to their own medalists. I believe that the ROC and Russian government went ahead and awarded the team the gold medalist level money/prizes/gifts, which might be what they are referring to.
No, from the organizers. I found a video of Kondratyuk, where he shows a box for a medal and a letter from Bach.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree but according to and Wikipedia and probably countless other sources, S/K are considered Olympic gold medalists. The article probably should've omitted that part but it should in no way devalue what it says.
No offence, but since when does Wikipedia is a reliable source of information? 😉 I would go with and that would be enough for your point 😌


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
No, from the organizers. I found a video of Kondratyuk, where he shows a box for a medal and a letter from Bach.
Yes they were definitely given boxes for the medals. The US team were talking about how they all had empty boxes to take home as well.


Cats and garlic lover
Technically, they are still Olympic gold medalists.


ETA I do not agree with it at all and think this should be blank but ROC is still listed as the gold-medal team. I don't think it's right but technically, the article isn't wrong.
they claim only 3 out of 2014 team are in the ice age, but in fact it's 4 - Volosozhar is also participating. There! I knew the paper was not reliable :rofl:


Well-Known Member
they claim only 3 out of 2014 team are in the ice age, but in fact it's 4 - Volosozhar is also participating. There! I knew the paper was not reliable :rofl:
And her team actually has a chance of winning the whole thing. LOL.
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