Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Well-Known Member
What is there to say? She shouldn't do it, and unless there's some compelling reason I'm not aware of, I don't know why she would.
It's FSU and every single minute detail of most things are flogged to death. There are literally pages and pages of criticism about Petrenko taking part in Navka's show. Russian skaters perceived support of the war because they aren't posting things to their social media. It just struck me as very surprising that it hadn't even been commented on in any way yet in this thread.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
So Ukrainian born Volosozhar will take part in Ice Age and it's crickets in here about that? :eek:
I mean, according to Wikipedia which is probably not reliable, she was born to Russian parents, and doesn't speak Ukrainian "perfectly". But ignoring that, you can hardly expect all Ukrainians to think the same. Some won't. We can only hope they're a minority.

For me, I didn't even know that she was Ukrainian born though, so that's why I didn't think anything of it.
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Cats and garlic lover
Yep, Volosozhar should give up a good money opportunity because what? Will her stop skating the shows make the war stop? Will her not skating in Averbukh's show make Putin to give grants to Averbukh? Will it make Ilinykh a decent person?
Somehow it's a bit like the posters who were pissed with James for skating because Cipres is a creep...


Well-Known Member
There are literally pages and pages of criticism about Petrenko taking part in Navka's show. Russian skaters perceived support of the war because they aren't posting things to their social media. It just struck me as very surprising that it hadn't even been commented on in any way yet in this thread.
What's to say though? She'll get the very same excuses we already heard just a few days ago (upd: see above :D ). She can't possibly not participate in this show, because she will have nothing to eat (as if).

Also, there is a difference between her and Petrenko who doesn't live in russia, doesn't have to work there, but made an effort to come to participate in a show, it was Navka's show which is somehow seen as worse because she is Peskov's wife; also not to forget that Petrenko is seen as Ukrainian skater and Ukrainian Oly champion even although he won it being part of the Unified Team, Wikipedia also says that he "became the first flagbearer for Ukraine"; also, last but not least, Petrenko continued profiting from Ukraine being a vice president of the Ukrainian Figure Skating Federation - he was fired only after that show.

Volosozhar was seen by Ukrainian fans as "theirs" even when she changed flags, but formally she retired as russian skater and she is russian Oly champ. She tried to write something vague and "let's all live in piece" kind of shit in the very first days and then continued posting photos of her very comfortable life, so can't say I was surprised. She disappointed me - and I really liked her as a person, not only as a skater - long ago. (But maybe she secretly donates thousands of dollars to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who knows, right? :D )

Also, main critics here was about the number "dedicated to the special operation" and about all the propaganda Beroev, Ilinykh and Averbukh said. I sincerely hope Volosozhar never does such number, but you never know.

There are Ukrainian actors, singers, TV hosts, celebs who moved 5-10-15 years ago to work & live in russia, some gained all their success being already in russia. When the war has started they reacted in different ways and made different choices, some, just like Volosozhar, just shut up and continued their lovely rich untroubled life.
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Well-Known Member
Volosozhar is also married to a Russian, and one who has become a fairly big voice in state-funded Russian skating. So there are layers to her situation. Which still doesn’t make it a great choice to appear in shows supporting the war. But it is a pretty different situation than Petrenko’s.


Well-Known Member
FWIW Volosozhar did speak out against the war at the beginning before it became illegal to do so in Russia.
These are her posts:

This is more than some other "former Ukrainians" wrote (and btw she didn't delete those posts although some other people did), but not in one of them she mentions who started the war as if it just "happened" on Ukraine. They are all vague and "let's all live in piece, love and support each other", like I wrote.


Let the skating begin
Yep, Volosozhar should give up a good money opportunity because what? Will her stop skating the shows make the war stop? Will her not skating in Averbukh's show make Putin to give grants to Averbukh? Will it make Ilinykh a decent person?
Somehow it's a bit like the posters who were pissed with James for skating because Cipres is a creep...
Plus, she's been contractually bound long before Ilinykh made the statements and the show was changed by Putin's PR. She and Max have two kids to support and I suspect she sends money to her family who fled to Italy. A public refusal could have extreme consequences. Endorsements have disappeared and it's not as if they can travel to shows in Japan or Germany to support the family. Max isn't able to travel to coach. She and Max have tried really hard to keep a low profile, but they've made their feelings with regard to the war known. I don't think anybody would like for Putin to make an example of them. I suspect she and Max are under a lot of stress at the moment. And, it's easy to sit in the safety of your home and type on a computer what others should do and how they should take risks while you don't. Are all the people who would accuse her going to Ukraine to join the army and risk their lives? You can. They will give you a gun and let you put your life on the line. Then you can tell others what to do.
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Well-Known Member
Nobody expects from Volosozhar to "to join the army and risk her life" (just like from any other Ukrainian born russian celebrity). But public discourse about how bad this war is, how bad and wrong is everything russia is doing to Ukraine, how immediately this should be stopped is something many people expected and hoped for in February. Celebrities, influencers, people with a lot of following should have lead it, help other "simple people" to understand, to see and to know that they are not alone. This process didn't happen (to be more precise, there were people who started it but only very few). And for every single one of them you can find tons of excuses why and tons of explanations "but what he/she could do? she/he is only a songer/actor/athlete". Yet if you take them all together, they for sure could have caused the change, at least to start it. If you wonder why we've seen close to zero (considering 144 million country) protesters on the streets, it's exactly because of that line of thought.
Bad news is: there is no other way, nobody will come and change russia "from outside", so if they continue with their "but we are small people, we need to support our family" (and unlike Volosozhar/Trankov for many families it is about having enough food to feed their children), russia will go down and down and down... They are going down with it and have only themselves to blame.

(ooops, I really promised not to hijack this thread, there is another one specifically for this topic...)
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Let the skating begin
Just like millions of russians. They chose their family and that is why thousands of Ukrainians lost their families. And every day more and more Ukrainian children become orphans. I think their parents would also have chosen to support and protect children, but the russian rocket made the choice for them.

OK, so you're saying Russian parents should put Ukrainian children before their own? Would you expect Ukrainian parents to do the same and put Russian children before their own? No, you would not. Yet, there seems to be a double standard with respect the average Russian. Put the blame squarely where it belongs and that's Putin's ambition. He's harming his own people as well as those in Ukraine. This morning they are selling India cheap oil and he's getting OPEC to go along in order to cause economic issues for the US and Europe. It's not the figure skater's fault. I get they are just an easy target for posters here to blame for everything and try to infer they could single handedly stop the war. That's just fantasy.
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Well-Known Member
OK, so you're saying Russian parents should put Ukranian children before their own? Would you expect Ukranian parents to do the same and put Russian children before their own? No, you would not. People put their children first. That's just how it is. Put the blame squarely where it belongs and that's Putin's ambition. He's harming his own people as well as those in Ukraine. This morning they are selling India cheap oil and he's getting OPEC to go along in order to cause economic issues for the US and Europe. It's not the figure skater's fault.
Ukrainian parents are dying so that their children can live in a free country. russian parents are silent so that their children can live in a terrorist country.
Forgive me, but I doubt that children are important for russian parents. They chose their own comfort, not the future of their children.


Cats and garlic lover
Am sure the Ukrainian parents would be equally dying if Volosozhar went to a Russian jail for writing posts against the war and shouting in public she should not participate the government funded skating shows. Who exactly would gain there?


Well-Known Member
Am sure the Ukrainian parents would be equally dying if Volosozhar went to a Russian jail for writing posts against the war and shouting in public she should not participate the government funded skating shows. Who exactly would gain there?
When she received apartments and cars from the state, she liked everything, right? And who, according to Volosozhar, should fight for the future of her children? Let her name that magician. After all, it will suit her very much if the Ukrainians do it at the cost of their own lives, right? While she will sit in comfort and continue to receive money from the state.
And yes, if she went to prison, then this would be a signal for other parents not to be silent. But no, they chose the death of other people's children and other people's parents.
Stop defending the selfishness of russian athletes.


Well-Known Member
Am sure the Ukrainian parents would be equally dying if Volosozhar went to a Russian jail for writing posts against the war and shouting in public she should not participate the government funded skating shows. Who exactly would gain there?
This is exactly where you're wrong. If Volosozhar, and Averbukh, and Mironov (just random name of famous ru actor), and X, Y, Z, all decent people who live there (still hoping not most of the country are orcs but smaller part of it) were actually "shouting in public" about all the evil their country is doing, if hundreds of celebrities would have done that, situation would have been very different right now. When every single one, including people with actual influence, say "I'm a small person, what can I do", then the situation is like you see it in russia.
Ukraine in winning on many levels - not only in the battlefield - because every single person there said "I'll do my best, I'll do even more than that, indeed I am a small person, but I'll do my small contribution" (well, it's a bit idealistic and it's not every single one and there are some "bad" stories three too, but you know what I mean). There are literally legends about things Ukrainian volunteers were able to do.

Specifically Volosozhar had multiple ways to behave differently in this situation and multiple solutions. I'm sure Lambiel would have accepted them all in his chalet for unlimited amount of time + would have given them work in his school. But, yeah, it's a bit different than living in a huge house near Moscow with the pond in their garden, I know. But there were examples of decent people in russia, who lost a lot, but still chose a different way. Unfortunately only very few of them.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly where you're wrong. If Volosozhar, and Averbukh, and Mironov (just random name of famous ru actor), and X, Y, Z, all decent people who live there (still hoping not most of the country are orcs but smaller part of it) were actually "shouting in public" about all the evil their country is doing, if hundreds of celebrities would have done that, situation would have been very different right now. When every single one, including people with actual influence, say "I'm a small person, what can I do", then the situation is like you see it in russia.
Ukraine in winning on many levels - not only in the battlefield - because every single person there said "I'll do my best, I'll do even more than that, indeed I am a small person, but I'll do my small contribution" (well, it's a bit idealistic and it's not every single one and there are some "bad" stories three too, but you know what I mean). There are literally legends about things Ukrainian volunteers were able to do.

Specifically Volosozhar had multiple ways to behave differently in this situation and multiple solutions. I'm sure Lambiel would have accepted them all in his chalet for unlimited amount of time + would have given them work in his school. But, yeah, it's a bit different than living in a huge house near Moscow with the pond in their garden, I know. But there were examples of decent people in russia, who lost a lot, but still chose a different way. Unfortunately only very few of them.
russia has been buying the silence of all these people for years. And every time they agreed, because money does not smell. It was they who told people that everyone is jealous of russia, that everyone is afraid of russia. They started a war in sports a long time ago and this is the result. Not only are they doing nothing now, but they helped start the war.


Sorry, wrong thread - this GSD thread is where I meant to post:
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Well-Known Member
We seem to almost casually ignore two facts. First, Russia is not a democracy, people cannot do as they please. They cannot speak truthfully. The half of many a story is untold. Second, when the pawns are in the midst of a struggle the issue isn't really about who wins but who survives. We wax poetic but if we're really not in the thick of things, what can we really say. As a Russian or Ukrainian you want either this pointless war to end or your family to come home. Neither of these statements can be voiced publicly in Russia. What we think we see isn't all there is to a narrative.


Well-Known Member
russia has been buying the silence of all these people for years. And every time they agreed, because money does not smell. It was they who told people that everyone is jealous of russia, that everyone is afraid of russia. They started a war in sports a long time ago and this is the result. Not only are they doing nothing now, but they helped start the war.
Do you remember what happened to the two most popular opposition leaders in Russia? We must be careful how judge people. We have no idea what they are going through. Some of these people must say certain things in public....but.....This is an alternate universe we are fortunate not to be a part of.


It's a freakin masterpiece.

* The coach who was approached by a skater with a request to switch to their group must notify the current coach of the said skater
In fact yes, there is something about doping:

Main points for the athletes' behaviour:
  • be civil to your partner, rivals, audience, coach, judges and other competition officials
  • no alcohol/drugs or other substances during the competitions. training, before and after the competitions
  • follow the guidelines of the code of law, the rules on the confidential information of the RFSF and the coaching switches in the RFSF.
  • get to know and follow the rules of the antidoping regulations and do not use any drugs without the special permission fully according to the antidoping regulations
  • no matter the result be present at the medals ceremony, press conference according to the RFSF press attache advice.
  • during the medals ceremony, the official photo shoots and while working with the mass media be dressed in the competition costume or an official dress or the team uniform
  • when participating the medals ceremony in the international competitions make sure to have a flag of Russia with you, if there is an official uniform provided by the RFSF or the ministry of sports- wear it.

And then people responsible for following the code of law when it's about an underage athletes is on their parents, official representative of the team who is present at the competition, the heads of the federations, clubs and schools they belong to and the personal coach.

Basically if I had to sum up the code of law it's: you can't talk to the other coaches about a coaching switch and they have to snitch on you and tell the current coach; don't you dare posting anything on the internet; the press is only allowed to talk to the skaters if the press attache gave her ok, otherwise - no speaking to the press.

I would assume it should stop Zhulin's public outbursts, not so sure about Zheleznakov or Liashev- am not sure they are in any way under the RFSF.
Opinion piece by Anastasia Panina on the newly published Code of Ethics:
Machine translated excerpts:
Firstly, it would immediately take out the unreliable rumors of skaters, coaches and so on from under the blow. Secondly, if the voice of the mouthpiece of the federation through the press service will be regularly confirmed by events in real life, then the trust in the federation will skyrocket. No one will make memes about Alexander "not in the know" Gorshkov (actually a respected Olympic champion and a very pleasant person in personal communication), and all sorts of bloggers from banned social networks will no longer be of interest to anyone.
But instead of trying to solve real problems and at the same time warm up the level of spectator demand for figure skating with openness and truth, showing it with all its advantages and disadvantages, the federation offers us a broom in the form of a code. It is very convenient to quickly create the illusion of cleanliness in the room: do not wear black and white, do not talk about refereeing, inform on transitions, do not run away from the coach, keep your face in case of defeat, do not discuss what is being discussed. That's when we will live, that's a bright future!
Instead of a postscript, there are several hypothetical questions that no one will answer anyway. Do you know why? Because members of the professional community are no longer allowed to answer "what if" questions - this is also spelled out in the code.
—What if the factor of favoritism in judging were reduced to a minimum?
—What if schools taught healthy eating habits, not ways to lose weight on an apple and a cigarette a day?
—What if in pair skating and dancing it was considered abnormal to beat and spread rot on a partner?
—What if coaches didn't put a student in a trash can as punishment for misbehavior?
—What if the code required to keep a face not only to the losing athlete, but also to the coach in an ambiguous situation?
—What if the interests of all persons were equally taken into account, regardless of merit and titles?
—What if journalists and the "professional community" stopped treating each other as enemies?
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Well-Known Member
Do you remember what happened to the two most popular opposition leaders in Russia? We must be careful how judge people. We have no idea what they are going through. Some of these people must say certain things in public....but.....This is an alternate universe we are fortunate not to be a part of.
A totalitarian regime can be overthrown either by people inside or by people from outside. The russians preferred others to do the dirty work for them. It's disgusting.
If your boat is sinking, you can't sit and watch the sun while others pump out the water and row to shore. But the russians think they can. And why bother? Let others work.
No need to tell me how scary the russians are. Ukrainians went through this in 2013. The russians chose comfort. They are not against the war, they do not care. Stop justifying them.


Well-Known Member
We seem to almost casually ignore two facts. First, Russia is not a democracy, people cannot do as they please. They cannot speak truthfully. The half of many a story is untold. Second, when the pawns are in the midst of a struggle the issue isn't really about who wins but who survives.narrative.

No one is forcing Tatiana Volosozhar to skate in propaganda shows. She could do something else to make ends meet if she wanted to.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
"A totalitarian regime can be overthrown either by people inside or by people from outside. The russians preferred others to do the dirty work for them. It's disgusting."

... Honestly, I wasn't going to say anything about it, but please. Take a step back, and think about what you're asking people to do. This might be a different country, but it's hardly a dissimilar situation.

Go ahead and judge the Russians for what they're not doing, but do know what some of you are asking can't really be considered rational or reasonable.

A friend and I were discussing certain topics related to this and that other country, and maybe it won't be useful to anyone here, but I will put what we discussed here anyway. A good Russian isn't useful for anyone if he's dead. If he needs to support the war so he can continue doing good things within his country, then he's neither black nor white. He's grey. You can judge him, but know that judgment is all it is.


Well-Known Member
"A totalitarian regime can be overthrown either by people inside or by people from outside. The russians preferred others to do the dirty work for them. It's disgusting."

... Honestly, I wasn't going to say anything about it, but please. Take a step back, and think about what you're asking people to do. This might be a different country, but it's hardly a dissimilar situation.

Go ahead and judge the Russians for what they're not doing, but do know what some of you are asking can't really be considered rational or reasonable.

A friend and I were discussing certain topics related to this and that other country, and maybe it won't be useful to anyone here, but I will put what we discussed here anyway. A good Russian isn't useful for anyone if he's dead. If he needs to support the war so he can continue doing good things within his country, then he's neither black nor white. He's grey. You can judge him, but know that judgment is all it is.
As I said before, I don't ask people to do things that I wouldn't do myself. It's amazing that people try to convince me that I don't know what fear is.
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Well-Known Member
Tanya's hometown, Dnipro, is bombed by the russians every day. And right now, in this moment. Sofia Golichenko and Artem Darensky are still training in this city. For them, every day, every night can be the last. What do they know about fear? Nothing, of course. But Tanya is so scared that she goes to perform in a show that glorifies those who shell her hometown.
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