Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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On My Own

Well-Known Member
@airgelaal is in Ukraine. She can judge all she wants.
She can and should judge all she wants. But judgment is all it is.

This isn't bloody Les Miserables where some child will start singing "Do You Hear the People Sing" and it will encourage everyone else to start singing and when they all die they meet on some barricade in heaven and hang the tricolore. All that happens now is someone "protests" and gets crushed by a tank or shot by a bazooka. You will never hear of it, even as it's happening.
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Well-Known Member
Tanya's hometown, Dnipro, is bombed by the russians every day. And right now, in this moment. Sofia Golichenko and Artem Darensky are still training in this city. For them, every day, every night can be the last. What do they know about fear? Nothing, of course. But Tanya is so scared that she goes to perform in a show that glorifies those who shell her hometown.
If she's dead or imprisoned how will she support her family in either Ukraine or Russia or Italy? Shindler didn't advertise his good deeds either. He hid them in plain sight. Sometimes its better to work smarter rather than harder.

One persons reality isn't everybody's reality.


Well-Known Member
If she's dead or imprisoned how will she support her family in either Ukraine or Russia or Italy? Shindler didn't advertise his good deeds either. He hid them in plain sight. Sometimes its better to work smarter rather than harder.

One persons reality isn't everybody's reality.
Oh, so now Volosozhar has turned into a secret savior of Ukrainians 🤦‍♀️
Do not stop. I'm sure you can think of an excuse for every russian skater.


Well-Known Member
Russian athletes, actors, average people- for years they willfully turned a blind eye to a murderous oppressive state. Many actively supported it. They chose comfort over being free. They’ve been terrified into submission but it’s their choice. They’re responsible for this war. It happened with their silent blessing. Why should I feel sorry for them?


Well-Known Member
Plus, she's been contractually bound long before Ilinykh made the statements and the show was changed by Putin's PR. She and Max have two kids to support and I suspect she sends money to her family who fled to Italy. A public refusal could have extreme consequences. Endorsements have disappeared and it's not as if they can travel to shows in Japan or Germany to support the family. Max isn't able to travel to coach. She and Max have tried really hard to keep a low profile, but they've made their feelings with regard to the war known. I don't think anybody would like for Putin to make an example of them. I suspect she and Max are under a lot of stress at the moment. And, it's easy to sit in the safety of your home and type on a computer what others should do and how they should take risks while you don't. Are all the people who would accuse her going to Ukraine to join the army and risk their lives? You can. They will give you a gun and let you put your life on the line. Then you can tell others what to do.
I agree totally


Well-Known Member
I think V&T should get out of Russia. I think yesterday would have been a good time. I worry about both of them & their family/ies, as it seems unlikely Putin's assault on humanity will end in Ukraine but more likely that it will continue within Russia after Russian troops have headed home.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
One persons reality isn't everybody's reality.

To this, I think all I need to really do is show tweets like these, isn't it?

I might remind the people on here, that just 21 years ago, some decided to blame an entire race of people for the wrongdoings of some. Actually, not even just one race of people, but multiple unrelated peoples. This happened in the West.

I acknowledge that some will have an emotional reaction, I said as much on the thread, but it is ridiculous to say it is "disgusting" that some "preferred" others to do the "dirty work" for them, and that anyone is allowed to judge people in any way they want. That all emotions are somehow equal and all judgment is somehow good.

I'm sure all these emotional reactions were happening to justify anything and everything all those years ago, that the people who "didn't" overthrow "totalitarian" regimes were to blame.

I don't really care what people say about Viktor Petrenko who's been living in the US for so long, or even all that much about V/T, and I support the sports ban, but not every emotion needs to be enabled. Not in my book. Maybe being from the eastern hemisphere makes me think so, but then for that I'm glad.

Place the blame where it belongs, or remain silent. Since some of you are so proud of being in Western democracies, maybe show that you really do have the values that are supposedly associated with them. Otherwise, all you are, are twits who know how to write the names of your preferred leaders onto a piece of paper and insert it into ballots - nothing to be proud of whatsoever.

Don't be shocked if it comes back to bite you. If Russians are disgusting, then it might well turn into all Eastern Europeans themselves being trash at some point. You know, since it did happen.

I'm sure I'll get backlash for this post, but let it be so. I didn't want to say anything, but some things are just too much to read.


Well-Known Member
I think V&T should get out of Russia. I think yesterday would have been a good time. I worry about both of them & their family/ies, as it seems unlikely Putin's assault on humanity will end in Ukraine but more likely that it will continue within Russia after Russian troops have headed home.
I agree...the less attention on them the safer they are. Sincere thoughts and prayers


Well-Known Member
I might remind the people on here, that just 21 years ago, some decided to blame an entire race of people for the wrongdoings of some. Actually, not even just one race of people, but multiple unrelated peoples. This happened in the West.
No need to remind everyone this is a really stupid whataboutism that has been brought up in here a gazillion frigging times. WTF were you doing then? A lot of us were in the streets every weekend getting assaulted by cops in riot gear. We were not going on "USA **** Yeah" tours for money. GTFO already with this.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Forgive me, but I doubt that children are important for russian parents. They chose their own comfort, not the future of their children.
Do you have kids Airgelaal? For the exception of a few psychopaths, parents are parents wherever they are from and wherever they live. Their own children will always come first, even at the detriment of other kids. It's a deep-rooted natural instinct. That doesn't mean I do not understand your thinking, considering your situation. But I have a hard time picturing a whole nation choosing its comfort over its children 😉


Well-Known Member
Do you have kids Airgelaal? For the exception of a few psychopaths, parents are parents wherever they are from and wherever they live. Their own children will always come first, even at the detriment of other kids. It's a deep-rooted natural instinct. That doesn't mean I do not understand your thinking, considering your situation. But I have a hard time picturing a whole nation choosing its comfort over its children 😉
No I do not have children. But Ukrainian parents chose to fight for the future of their children. Although they could also sit comfortably on the couch and watch how Ukraine turns into a second russia. You and I have different understandings of what it means to love children. If russian parents believe that such a russia is the best that their children can have, then I have nothing to say.
russian top skaters are not poor. They could go to other countries and choose a different future for themselves and for their children. But there you would have to work hard to earn good money. But why, if they can get more in the Ice Age?


Marquessa of Chartreuse
You and I have different understandings of what it means to love children.
My "understanding of what it means to love children", unlike yours, is certainly not to put into question and this is a very dangerous territory to venture into as it implies I'm a bad mother and it is very close to an insult. As a mother of an only child who unfortunately died, I'm in the right place to know a lot about loving children. For instance, I would have done absolutely anything to save him, including giving my own life or taking the life of someone else. Many years later, I'd still do it if it could bring him back. I will never ever get over this. The love I have for him and his absence are pains I suffer every single day. I of course understand your anger and your hatred towards Russian people but lumping them all as monsters who are not even able to love their kids isn't going to help you. In my original post, I wasn't talking especially about skaters and/or Tatiana V. but about Russians in general. I've been a volunteer in Kosovo, I was in two different countries during civil wars, and I have never ever seen anyone choosing their "comfort" over the well being of their children. Their idea of their well-being may be wrong but it's a very difficult thing to define. When you are a parent, you always try to do your best for your children, and sometimes you're wrong, you fail. It does not mean you don't love them. Being a parent is a complex and risky task. Nobody knows what Russia will be in the future. Moving abroad is not something easy to do, whatever the situation is. You don't leave your country as you bat an eyelid, even when you totally disagree with the nutcase who rules it. And sometimes you don't even bother to disagree. It's coward, true, but humans are cowards, you don't need to be Russian to be one. And when children are involved, you tend make even less waves because you don't know what tomorrow will bring you. Perfect people mostly live in movies and books. In real life, they don't exist. There is a reason why I turned into some kind of hermit after Kosovo. Nobody wants to know what humans are able to inflict to each others. Once you know, well, it doesn't paint a nice picture of us all. But it's dark enough without adding to the picture with flaws most people don't have.

Sorry for the disgression and back to what was once Russian skating :D
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Well-Known Member
When you are a parent, you always try to do your best for your children, and sometimes you're wrong, you fail. It does not mean you don't love them. Being a parent is a complex and risky task. Nobody knows what Russia will be in the future. Moving abroad is not something easy to do, whatever the situation is. You don't leave your country as you bat an eyelid, even when you totally disagree with the nutcase who rules it. And sometimes you don't even bother to disagree. It's coward, true, but humans are cowards, you don't need to be Russian to be one. And when children are involved, you tend make even less waves because you don't know what tomorrow will bring you. Perfect people mostly live in movies and books. In real life, they don't exist. There is a reason why I turned into some kind of hermit after Kosovo. Nobody wants to know what humans are able to inflict to each others. Once you know, well, it doesn't paint a nice picture of us all. But it's dark enough without adding to the picture with flaws most people don't have.
I sympathize with your loss and it's probably great to see only the best in people, as in yourself. But, unfortunately, the reality is very often quite different.
I don't understand the mothers who are now sending their children to war. They are silent. What do they have to lose? Government compensation? We're not talking about one person. More than 65,000 Russian soldiers have already died. Are they all orphans? Their children in 20 years will die in a new war. After all, their fathers died for this.
russian athletes are silent not because they are afraid of something. They are sure that russia will never lose. russia will use money, influence and blackmail, but russia will get what she wants. After all, it has always been so. So why go against someone who won't lose? moreover, some of the russian athletes blame the Ukrainians for everything. That they forced russia to attack, that they did not give up in the very first days, that we resisted for so long. Because of the Ukrainians, they cannot compete. This is what they write to Ukrainian athletes. It is naive to think that all russian figure skaters are simply afraid.


Cats and garlic lover
There was an article about the ballerinas having troubles getting the new point shoes because the ones made in Russia suck and they can't buy abroad because of the sanctions. How do the skaters get their new Grafs/Edeas/Wilsons/Jacksons/Risports?


Values her privacy
I sympathize with your loss and it's probably great to see only the best in people, as in yourself. But, unfortunately, the reality is very often quite different.
I don't understand the mothers who are now sending their children to war. They are silent. What do they have to lose? Government compensation? We're not talking about one person. More than 65,000 Russian soldiers have already died. Are they all orphans? Their children in 20 years will die in a new war. After all, their fathers died for this.
russian athletes are silent not because they are afraid of something. They are sure that russia will never lose. russia will use money, influence and blackmail, but russia will get what she wants. After all, it has always been so. So why go against someone who won't lose? moreover, some of the russian athletes blame the Ukrainians for everything. That they forced russia to attack, that they did not give up in the very first days, that we resisted for so long. Because of the Ukrainians, they cannot compete. This is what they write to Ukrainian athletes. It is naive to think that all russian figure skaters are simply afraid.
Could you take this into another thread? Or have a conversation through messages? I am getting a bit fed up with this bullshit. This is a skating forum, not a forum about parenting. There are other threads about the war, could we have at least some about skating?

On My Own

Well-Known Member
There was an article about the ballerinas having troubles getting the new point shoes because the ones made in Russia suck and they can't buy abroad because of the sanctions. How do the skaters get their new Grafs/Edeas/Wilsons/Jacksons/Risports?
Link? And I would guess there are some local retailers of standard brands (but I guess they probably import them from elsewhere)?

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I don't have an article, but I know that there is a pointe shoe shortage in general due to supply chain issues and manufacturing delays. This was even before the war started. I know that people who buy the Russian brands (Grishko/Nikolay and Russian Pointe) are having trouble finding their model and size. Professionals get their shoes through their companies though, and they tend to get priority and advanced orders. I'm speaking on behalf of rec dancers and pointe shoe sellers who can't find specific shoes in North America. As for quality, Russian Pointe (the brand, not a generic term for Russian pointe shoes) are pretty darn good if your feet are right for them and they were made in Russia last time I checked. Of course, they could be struggling to find the right materials, which would affect quality. Also, if some of the Russian ballerinas wear the other brands (Bloch, Freeds, etc), I can see why they wouldn't like RP. There was already a shortage, so could it be that shoe manufacturers maybe are prioritizing ballet companies outside of Russia? That's certainly a possibility. As for skaters, no idea how they're doing with their skates. Could it be that the elite are getting their boots and blades somehow but not the younger skaters? That would certainly affect development. So far we haven't heard anything, but I don't expect to hear anything negative even if things are bad.


Cats and garlic lover

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Thanks, learned that Russia has imposed new rules on the procurement of foreign goods to oppose the sanctions.

To be fair, it's simpler for ballet dancers. I don't know enough about how Russian classical ballerinas are trained, but I imagine they're taught a variety of dance styles in addition to the codified schooling they receive? The Royal British Ballet teaches jazz, contemporary ballet, modern IIRC. So they can switch to doing shows in those styles, I guess, it's time for them to be inventive and make the best of the situation. I do know Russian ballerinas have done great contemporary ballet.
I don't have an article, but I know that there is a pointe shoe shortage in general due to supply chain issues and manufacturing delays. This was even before the war started. I know that people who buy the Russian brands (Grishko/Nikolay and Russian Pointe) are having trouble finding their model and size. Professionals get their shoes through their companies though, and they tend to get priority and advanced orders. I'm speaking on behalf of rec dancers and pointe shoe sellers who can't find specific shoes in North America. As for quality, Russian Pointe (the brand, not a generic term for Russian pointe shoes) are pretty darn good if your feet are right for them and they were made in Russia last time I checked. Of course, they could be struggling to find the right materials, which would affect quality. Also, if some of the Russian ballerinas wear the other brands (Bloch, Freeds, etc), I can see why they wouldn't like RP. There was already a shortage, so could it be that shoe manufacturers maybe are prioritizing ballet companies outside of Russia? That's certainly a possibility. As for skaters, no idea how they're doing with their skates. Could it be that the elite are getting their boots and blades somehow but not the younger skaters? That would certainly affect development. So far we haven't heard anything, but I don't expect to hear anything negative even if things are bad.
Thanks for the information.


Cats and garlic lover
Heh. My question was not about the ballet - that's not something I care much about. My question is whether it will be the same for the figure skaters who get their boots/blades provided by the RusFed. On the other hand it sounds from the article there are Russia produced pointe shoes, but I haven't heard of any Russia produced ice skates/blades, so perhaps the skaters can go on and get their boots/blades.
Would Edea/Wilson/Rispot/Graf/Jackson work with RFSF through?


Well-Known Member
Just like millions of russians. They chose their family and that is why thousands of Ukrainians lost their families. And every day more and more Ukrainian children become orphans. I think their parents would also have chosen to support and protect children, but the russian rocket made the choice for them.
With all due respect your anger is misplaced. Tanya and Max are not responsible for this war. You may as well rant about every Russian. Your anger should be placed on your own President Z. He it appears to me is being used as a pawn of the USA and the rest of the West. It was in his power years ago when he weighed the pros and cons of this action to avoid this war. Anyone who goes to war with a mad man is just as responsible for what we now have. Who deliberately pokes a bear?

There were more discrete ways of dealing with the problem.. it may have required more patience but a lot less casualties would have resulted.

So please can we migrate these comments to an appropriate thread and get on with discussing Russian Figure Skating?

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Heh. My question was not about the ballet - that's not something I care much about. My question is whether it will be the same for the figure skaters who get their boots/blades provided by the RusFed. On the other hand it sounds from the article there are Russia produced pointe shoes, but I haven't heard of any Russia produced ice skates/blades, so perhaps the skaters can go on and get their boots/blades.
Right, my answer is that I don't know. I am just saying that it'll inevitably be much simpler for ballet dancers when they can perform with different dance styles, which don't need their specialized shoes. Not possible for skaters. Basically owning up to my lack of knowledge on this. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Maybe they can buy via China? I don't know what skate brands Chinese skaters use, but even if they also use "Western" brands, I suppose they wouldn't mind selling those to Russia either. No idea if the brands could prevent that or even would care to. Realistically, I bet there's plenty of ways sanctions are circumvented.
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