Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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Well-Known Member
Some more "lovely" details about "Ice Age":
First program to be shown in the first episode will be "dedicated to the war".

Sorry, I started translating but really felt like vomiting, I guess Google Translate will do...
What infuriates me the most is that they intentionally mix ideas and images of this war and of WWII and use Simonov's "Wait for Me" poem, which is significant and special and shouldn't be touched by their filthy hands.


Well-Known Member
Some more "lovely" details about "Ice Age":
First program to be shown in the first episode will be "dedicated to the war".

Sorry, I started translating but really felt like vomiting, I guess Google Translate will do...
What infuriates me the most is that they intentionally mix ideas and images of this war and of WWII and use Simonov's "Wait for Me" poem, which is significant and special and shouldn't be touched by their filthy hands.
Maybe we should spam the IOC and Bach about this to demonstrate just how sports is not separate from politics and war in Russia.


Well-Known Member
Interview with Alina Zagitova about being weighed three times a day at the Olys:

Interesting she says "parents are our everything" and it sounds like hers helped her see herself and her body in healthier ways. As I recall, Alina was the one the coach singled out as having an indulgent mother who needed to have less contact with her. She is a World and Olympic gold medalist so I am sure some would easily justify it.


Well-Known Member
This is just hype from Averbuch, the program is nothing about the war. Simply women waiting for their men (caught in the midst of a pointless war). Not even a military uniform is worn. Much ado as they'd say. Just like the other little judging scandals he's trying to create to drum up interest. LOL.


Cats and garlic lover
Averbukh's shows are sponsored by the governmebt grants. He has to. Given the new year celebrations will be reduced he might not earn/pay the skatets much.
Also the article is about Ilinykh/star she skates there with, not the whole cast. I don't expect much of Ilinykh seeing her husband's instagram...


Well-Known Member
This is just hype from Averbuch, the program is nothing about the war. Simply women waiting for their men (caught in the midst of a pointless war). Not even a military uniform is worn. Much ado as they'd say. Just like the other little judging scandals he's trying to create to drum up interest. LOL.
I don't plan to watch it, but from what they say in the article this program is everything about the war, "we try to do our programs related to what is happening right now" (Averbuch), "dedicated to our friends who are now at the front" (Beroev), "Ilinykh is portraying someone taking her loved one over the mine field", they use parts of the very significant and symbolic poem (about WWII), "it was amazing to start new season specifically this way" (Navka), "what can we do for our victory? Raise the spirit of the people with positive, joy and confidence that we will win, faith in the future of our country" (Beroev).

Nobody names this war pointless, of course. And the message is very different from what you try to convey.


Well-Known Member
Averbukh's shows are sponsored by the governmebt grants. He has to. Given the new year celebrations will be reduced he might not earn/pay the skatets much.
Doesn't make all this less disgusting.

As for "not the whole cast" - nobody said anything about the whole cast. But Averbuch says: "We won't make specific numbers, but we will touch upon it, even in the first episode we will have a program on this topic" which for me reads like "not the only program" that will be. I wanted to add "we will see", but I definitely don't plan to see. :D


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make all this less disgusting.

As for "not the whole cast" - nobody said anything about the whole cast. But Averbuch says: "We won't make specific numbers, but we will touch upon it, even in the first episode we will have a program on this topic" which for me reads like "not the only program" that will be. I wanted to add "we will see", but I definitely don't plan to see. :D
Pointless is my estimation of things. But for a Russian living in Russia what other perspective did we expect them to have? Their loved ones are going to war regardless. Not all have the wherewithal to leave and the tentacles of the Kremlin have reach. To be honest I find sometimes our anger misplaced.


Well-Known Member
Pointless is my estimation of things. But for a Russian living in Russia what other perspective did we expect them to have? Their loved ones are going to war regardless. Not all have the wherewithal to leave and the tentacles of the Kremlin have reach. To be honest I find sometimes our anger misplaced.
This is probably discussion for a different thread. I don't believe at "this is putin's war", "putin is the one to blame", etc.
Their "loved ones are going to war" (not that it has anything to do with loved ones of anyone at the "Ice Age", they are perfectly safe, ofc) because of them, nobody else to blame here.

As for "Russian living in Russia what other perspective did we expect them to have", I really hope you're not serious. I certainly expect from "people of the world", who for years enjoyed being that, who nicely profited off that, who have Internet and know languages, to have a different perspective from russian propaganda. If they have any conscience left, of course. I actually don't know what is worse: them sincerely thinking this, or them selling their soul by spreading this propaganda and poisoning other people via national TV while they know for sure how disgusting it is. (As for "they have no choice", specifically these people certainly do, they are very, very wealthy bunch, it's not like they will nothing to eat if they don't do/participate in propaganda).


Well-Known Member
This is probably discussion for a different thread. I don't believe at "this is putin's war", "putin is the one to blame", etc.
Their "loved ones are going to war" (not that it has anything to do with loved ones of anyone at the "Ice Age", they are perfectly safe, ofc) because of them, nobody else to blame here.

As for "Russian living in Russia what other perspective did we expect them to have", I really hope you're not serious. I certainly expect from "people of the world", who for years enjoyed being that, who nicely profited off that, who have Internet and know languages, to have a different perspective from russian propaganda. If they have any conscience left, of course. I actually don't know what is worse: them sincerely thinking this, or them selling their soul by spreading this propaganda and poisoning other people via national TV while they know for sure how disgusting it is. (As for "they have no choice", specifically these people certainly do, they are very, very wealthy bunch, it's not like they will nothing to eat if they don't do/participate in propaganda).
It's like we're watching two completely different films. It's like we really believe this war is between Russia and Ukraine. Anyways lets leave that issue alone.

I speak not of the politics of war but the human realities. So let's just agree to disagree. I understand your concerns clearly but there are other factors of equal importance that have nothing to do with political correctness. A loved one is a loved one regardless.


Well-Known Member
It's like we're watching two completely different films. It's like we really believe this war is between Russia and Ukraine. Anyways lets leave that issue alone.

I speak not of the politics of war but the human realities. So let's just agree to disagree. I understand your concerns clearly but there are other factors of equal importance that have nothing to do with political correctness. A loved one is a loved one regardless.
What political correctness? This has nothing to do with it. Simply put, with this show they’ve desecrated the memory of Russians who fought in WW2. Who, by the way, weren’t strictly speaking Russians. They were Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians, etc. I understand why Averbukh and company do what they do from both political and human perspective but it doesn’t make it any less twisted. And they are using figure skating to brainwash Russian population. For shame.


Results for the Memorial of Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin, Oct. 5-8 in St. Petersburg:

Senior (MC) winners were Tuktamysheva (233.41), Kolyada (298.49), Mishina/Galliamov (245.79), Shanaeva/Drozd 195.99.
Junior winners were Alisa Dvoeglazova from "Khrustalny" (215.62), Vladislav Dikidzhi (254.25), Maria Dybkova/ Alexei Khvalko (191.06), Sofia Aleksova/Ilya Vladimirov (170.68).


Boikova/Kozlovskii won the SP (86.54) before they WD from the FS; saw a Russian article headline "Mishina and Galllamov broke two world records [159.74 in FS & Total] at the tournament in St. Petersburg" :D (Sui/Han scored 84.41 in their Olympics SP and 239.88 total - both are counted as the current ISU world records while M/G's ISU FS world record of 157.46 happened at 2022 Euros.)
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Needs a nap
It's like we're watching two completely different films. It's like we really believe this war is between Russia and Ukraine. Anyways lets leave that issue alone.

I speak not of the politics of war but the human realities. So let's just agree to disagree. I understand your concerns clearly but there are other factors of equal importance that have nothing to do with political correctness. A loved one is a loved one regardless.

You know that the "human reality" is that there are many "Russians living in Russia" speaking out against and protesting this war, and paying a price for it, correct? And many who have fled the country. Not all Russians are participating in pro-war political propaganda.


Well-Known Member
What political correctness? This has nothing to do with it. Simply put, with this show they’ve desecrated the memory of Russians who fought in WW2. Who, by the way, weren’t strictly speaking Russians. They were Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians, etc. I understand why Averbukh and company do what they do from both political and human perspective but it doesn’t make it any less twisted. And they are using figure skating to brainwash Russian population. For shame.
That's one way to look at things. I guess. I may not agree. But you have every right to express your opinion as do I.


Well-Known Member
You know that the "human reality" is that there are many "Russians living in Russia" speaking out against and protesting this war, and paying a price for it, correct? And many who have fled the country. Not all Russians are participating in pro-war political propaganda.
This is true and I respect their right to do so. But there are many ways to protest other than the obvious. Not everything can be taken strictly on face value. I will refrain from airing any further opinions about the matter as I don't know all the facts and the issue is quite sensitive.
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Well-Known Member
Trusova showed up and her tantrum being broadcasted is,imho, the TV holders' fault. Lipnitskaya, on the other hand,missed some minor competition medals ceremony because she went to the hotel and fell asleep.
To me it seems the RusFed is trying their hardest to cover themselves by throwing Tutberidze under the bus.
It was not a minor competition where Lipnitskaya missed the medal ceremony. It was at a Grand Prix event and was totally inexcusable.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm way behind on this thread but I could not help commenting on the youtube video. Besides what others have said, I found the entire thing nauseating propaganda BS. KV clearly buys into and plays into her own victimhood with this performance. Most victims of any type will begrudgingly own their victim status for a short period of time and then struggle and then get on with it, rise above it and become something more than a permanent victim. And as for the three stooges standing there looking smug and above all, they are all a disgrace to figure skating and may they all be permanently banished to Russia and never be allowed to coach skaters for another ISU event...ever. That entire display with Eteri at the edge of ice...the embrace, the forehead snuggle, the helping on of the jacket...vomitous, every last bit of it. Eteri revealed herself to all at the Olympics, berating her emotionally fragile skater for the world to see. That youtube display had more theatrics than a Broadway show.


Well-Known Member
Averbukh's shows are sponsored by the governmebt grants. He has to. Given the new year celebrations will be reduced he might not earn/pay the skatets much.
Also the article is about Ilinykh/star she skates there with, not the whole cast. I don't expect much of Ilinykh seeing her husband's instagram...
He doesn’t have to run shows sponsored by government grants. It is rather “he deliberately chooses to collaborate with the government, taking money in exchange for using his shows as a propaganda tool”.
It is not like Averbukh is financially destitute and has to continue producing shows to survive. Not that that would be an excuse, anyway.


Cats and garlic lover
yeah yeah... given his nationality he doesn't even have to stay in Russia. But he chose to

On My Own

Well-Known Member
That's one way to look at things. I guess. I may not agree. But you have every right to express your opinion as do I.
Personally, I think it is better to stay out of certain conversations when they spurn a very emotional response, as this topic doubtless does for many Europeans on here. I am not sure where you are from, but it might be better to let it go if you're from Asia or North America.


Cats and garlic lover
Boikova/Kozlovskii won the SP (86.54) before they WD from the FS; saw a Russian article headline "Mishina and Galllamov broke two world records [159.74 in FS & Total] at the tournament in St. Petersburg" :D (Sui/Han scored 84.41 in their Olympics SP and 239.88 total - both are counted as the current ISU world records while M/G's ISU FS world record of 157.46 happened at 2022 Euros.)
They have a special ultra C bonuses in the internal competitions (though not quite sure what the pairs would have to do to earn a bonus? A quad throw? no one did it. There were teams who did a sbs 3lz or 3f though, so perhaps that) so there is a slight chance the judging was not too off for a local competition


Well-Known Member
They have a special ultra C bonuses in the internal competitions (though not quite sure what the pairs would have to do to earn a bonus? A quad throw? no one did it. There were teams who did a sbs 3lz or 3f though, so perhaps that) so there is a slight chance the judging was not too off for a local competition
I watched it, both teams were overall clean but the scoring was still laughable and included no bonuses. First, B/K are doing "hit the road jack" with simple and generic choreography and while their technical elements were overall good, they still mostly skate like two single skaters and both have posture issues (Boikova especially), M/G are doing the same layout and transitions again but this time to different music. Beyond the very generous GOE they got, both teams got close to perfect PCS (39.43 vs. 39.37) and while I accept that it's a local competition and they (unfortunately) do get PCS at around 37 internationally, it was still quite laughable when you realize B/K got perfect 10.0 across the board for the composition of a program set to some of the most generic music and choreography to exist.


Well-Known Member
There are certain "markers" when you know perfectly well you need to stop conversation. "We don't know all the facts" is one of those ("where have you been for 8 years?" is another one). :D
And, yes, would be nice on the 229th of the war not to read lame excuses for russians "having no choice" to participate in ugly propaganda which made all this hell reality in the first place.

Now back to ru skaters which are truly best in the world and don't need any competitions because any internal competition (including I guess "Ice Age"? :D ) they have is anyway at higher level than any ISU event, like they were taught and truly believe. :encore:
Won't hijack this thread any further.
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