Russian figure skating news & updates in 2022

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On My Own

Well-Known Member
Didn't she already say something? Someone or the other already said that Trusova "only did it for her boyfriend".'

Actually I don't know why all this made it to my twitter timeline. Time to start mute/blocking again.


Cats and garlic lover
Didn't she already say something? Someone or the other already said that Trusova "only did it for her boyfriend".'

Actually I don't know why all this made it to my twitter timeline. Time to start mute/blocking again.
Probably. I must have missed it.

Ok, Zhelezniakov:
Unfortunately, Sasha doesn't listen to the wise people. Let me give an example - the choreo - Sasha is skipping the jazz lessons for a year now, even though everyone on the internet writes `Sasha, you need to dance, you need to work on your moves and work on the choreography' But no, Sasha comes to no conclusions. The classical dance- the same. I only wish her luck! Wish all would work out for her, but such searches usually do not end well. May she go to Sokolovskaya, to Vasilevski, whoever. But till your head is right nothing will work.

Sounds like the Team Tutberidze usual departure interview

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Ok, Zhelezniakov:
[entire post]

Sounds like the Team Tutberidze usual departure interview
Yup. Also, in a previous interview he said something along the lines of "I don't know anything yet, I haven't been to the rink lately, but if it's true then good riddance" A classic indeed :lol: . He also said that if it's true then the move won't help her at all.

Rudkovskaya - all positive. As expected since it's LaTut she's leaving, and we all know those two camps don't get along.

Liashev - I don't remember exactly what he said, but it wasn't good. Lots of words but nothing concrete.

TAT - she actually referred to Mark as "the boy she is friends with". Is this 1922? Added "She won't learn anything from Sokolovskaya". Maybe she'll learn that you can make it to 30 without needing a wheelchair?

Haven't seen anything from Rodnina, but I can already tell what she's going to say. She'll probably start by saying that this stupid little girl is not worth commenting on, only to then give a very lengthy comment. She seems to do that a lot with Trusova.

In a shocking turn of events, Yagudin didn't completely throw sh*t at the girl this time. I'm shocked. I blame the Mercury retrograde thing.

I'll keep an eye out on the rest. I have insomnia, I have next week off work, and there are only so many word and geography games I can play :D

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know that. But the question was whether she belonged to the same school as Eteri so I answered it.


Well-Known Member
Stupid and foolish man. Never was a fan of his anyway.
Who are the biggest Putin/invasion supporters in the Russian skating community whether it be vocal/visual or written? Now that Ukraine is clearly kicking their tails I want to see if 1. They shut up or 2. They are drafted. And do the Putin cheerleaders among the males get a pass from the draft?

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Who are the biggest Putin/invasion supporters in the Russian skating community whether it be vocal/visual or written? Now that Ukraine is clearly kicking their tails I want to see if 1. They shut up or 2. They are drafted. And do the Putin cheerleaders among the males get a pass from the draft?
No, they should not. Neither should male ballet dancers and coaches/ musicians / administrators within the draft age…including dual citizens or permanent residents within the Mariinsky-Kirov or Bolshoi who willingly stayed in Russia.
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Well-Known Member
No, they should not. Neither should male ballet dancers and coaches/ musicians / administrators within the draft age…including dual citizens or permanent residents within the Mariinsky-Kirov or Bolshoi who willingly stayed in Russia.
Agree—just curious to know who gets the draft notice and who is spared…

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Katsalapov got married today. According to the pics - to Navka, according to the writing - to Sinitsina
So, according to my theory about last year’s programs - bowling-shirt Grandpa and his mail-order bride - the happy couple will be living at…


If only they could. Now they’re stuck in Putinland.
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Well-Known Member
How does that guarantee her a release from the Russian Federation?

She's young and can't have competed much. I figure she'll be OK, but what does her family's emigration have to do with getting a release?
They have applied for release and Skate Canada is involved as applicable. By the power of the ISU as she has not competed for Russia since January (if I remember correctly)she could skate for Canada in feb. 2023 if released by Russia. However Russia tends to ignore the fact that they should release athletes. In any case I believe the ISU should take a vote that as long as Russia is banned they do not have the right to deny a release so 12 months after they last skated for Russia let us say the ISU could release them from Russia.


Well-Known Member
Shiryaeva never competed internationally for Russia so I don't really understand why she even needs a release, although I assume it's because she must have received some funding somewhere along the line or similar.


Well-Known Member
Shiryaeva never competed internationally for Russia so I don't really understand why she even needs a release, although I assume it's because she must have received some funding somewhere along the line or similar.

My interpretation of the rule is that it’s pretty clear a release is only needed if the skater has previously represented another country in an ISU event. There is a one-year residency requirement, but regardless of any funding she may have received, the Russian fed has no claim on her if she never competed internationally for them.


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
My interpretation of the rule is that it’s pretty clear a release is only needed if the skater has previously represented another country in an ISU event. There is a one-year residency requirement, but regardless of any funding she may have received, the Russian fed has no claim on her if she never competed internationally for them.
Tiffany had never competed internationally for the UK but she still had to be released to skate for France.


Well-Known Member
My interpretation of the rule is that it’s pretty clear a release is only needed if the skater has previously represented another country in an ISU event. There is a one-year residency requirement, but regardless of any funding she may have received, the Russian fed has no claim on her if she never competed internationally for them.
The country has to issue a release as well which they are supposed to do but Russia has been refusing to for years and sometimes never. They are not the way. I remember a dance team wanting to dance from Canada one from USA. Canada refused to release the girl to US and US refused to release the guy to Canada so they ended up giving up. France is another one I remember.


Well-Known Member
Tiffany had never competed internationally for the UK but she still had to be released to skate for France.

Interesting. Looking at an older version of Rule 109 (linked here) that makes sense to me because I see this:

If a skater wishes to represent a Member in a country of which he/she is not a citizen, the second Member must ask the first Member for permission (release).
The same applies in case that a skater with dual citizenship decides to change the Member whom he/she intends to represent in the future (Rule 109, paragraph 3).
Only in a case that the skaters has either never lived in the country of which he/she is a citizen or at least has never skated in any national competition in that country, the permit may be replaced by a Declaration signed by the skater (or by the parents in case of a minor skater) in which such facts are clearly and unambiguously stated.

I’d interpret that to mean that under that version, any skater who competed at the national level in one country would have needed a release to skate for another country as a non-citizen. So Tiffany’s situation totally makes sense.

The more recent version of Rule 109 (linked here) is shorter and doesn’t look like it contains any of that language. I can’t figure out any way under the current version that a fed could hold a skater who never represented them.


Cats and garlic lover
Sinitsina/Katsalapov will be participating Averbukh's `Ice Age' TV show that should start sometime this month.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Yagudin and Plushenko seem to be going at it yet again. I've said it a few times in the last few years, but I never once thought I'd be team Plushenko looking back 20 years. Yagudin seems stuck in the 'nobody will be me' glory years of his skating (even resorting to mocking a young skater for emulating one of his programs) while Plushenko at least is putting efforts in to train a whole new generation. (ETA- of course there are the personal known politics of both that aren't favorable, but Yagudin's suggestion that Rippon just die was...).
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Cats and garlic lover
The TV show in March that will take place instead of the Worlds in Russia is supposed to allow both the professionals and the amateurs to compete. Assume they are trying to get as much publicity as they can, so getting Yagudin/Pluschenko rivalry alive is a good thing for them. Am sure the next thing will be Medvedeva/Zagitova and erm.. what else do we have? Volosozhar/Trankov vs who? Tarasova/Morozov? For all we know they can set a competition between Domnina/Shabalin, Domnina/Kostomarov, Navka/Kostomarov, Navka/Zhulin, Mikhalova/Zhulin in one show if they feel like and all the involved parties agree.
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