Royalty Thread #7: Do They Get Frequent Flier Miles?

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fsuniverse.COM (finally)
Staff member
I watched that last night too, Lorac. It was a bit strange but I was "squee" throughout regardless. :lol:

There's programmes on all week! :cheer:

I just saw a thread on mumsnet where someone is asking if it's acceptable to send her husband with her daughter to a birthday party on Royal Wedding day as she wants to stay home watching - I feel her pain! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I am in charge of my Master Gardener plant sale that morning and will miss the entire thing. :mad: I certainly would watch if I could.


Well-Known Member
You're all wrong. His names are obviously a nod to the Harry Potter series, specifically the Weasley family: Louis for Bill's & Fleur's youngest child, Arthur for the patriarch, Charles for Charlie the dragon handler. ;)

(I read this on Yahoo.)

But no Harry, as it is a nasty common name.


Well-Known Member
So was the Prince Albert website just a joke?

It was a quirk or a mess up on the website. Apparently if a 0 was added to the end of the address that pops up on that search, it took you to the page for the original Prince Albert.

I knew there was no way that was a give away. They weren't going to tell the web team the name before it was released. It would have got out for too many people knowing.


Banned Member
I'm watching the ITV show about how royal weddings are put together and they keep going on and on about how this - Harry and Meghan - will be the biggest royal wedding ever and I am just bemused by that as yes we are getting publicity about it but it seems to be more low key that for Charles and Diana and William and Kate. The speculation about Diana's and Kate's dresses was huge but I have not seen anything or anyone speculating about Meghan's dress!! I will be watching as I love the spectacle but don't get this weird reporting!!

There is a lot of speculation about Meghan's dress on certain websites specifically related to European royalty and to Meghan fashion or all things Meghan Markle. There's occasional speculation in some U.S. publications such as People, US, Entertainment Weekly, Glamour, Vogue, Town & Country, etc. As well as these publication's online sites, some daytime talk shows, YouTube videos, plus all the British tabloid articles (many involving scurrilous and disreputable reporting). In addition to reports in overseas publications like Hello, Majesty, Tatler, etc. There's regular coverage about all things Meghan and Harry in Canada and Australia (print and television). The Bradford Exchange (Ashton Drake Galleries) is already taking orders for porcelain Meghan and Harry dolls in their wedding day attire. :lol:

As well, there's a commemorative plate:

H&M paper dolls and coloring books, mugs and all manner of paraphernalia and souvenirs, unsurprisingly.

As soon as the wedding day dawns, there will be knock-offs made of the dress, just as happened after Kate's reveal, and Diana's too. As far as the wedding, it is a smaller, more intimate wedding at a smaller venue because that's what H&M wanted. I read that Harry often took Meghan to Windsor Castle and Frogmore House during their courtship, and they both fell in love with the entire Windsor setting.

ETA: There are always superlatives thrown around in the weeks leading up to every royal wedding. As far as H&M's being the 'biggest royal wedding ever,' it's not clear what is meant by that. ;) There's certainly worldwide interest, and a hefty amount of tourism dollars will be generated, and the town of Windsor is being over-run. However, H&M's wedding will be smaller than Kate's and Diana's weddings in terms of venue and guest list. But that's by preference of the soon-to-be newlyweds themselves. :)

In terms of royal stature, Prince Harry is very popular around the world, but he's second-born son of a soon-to-be British monarch and therefore not in direct line to the throne. Such status frankly has some advantages, despite his wedding not necessarily having the same royal stature. Clearly Prince Harry is as popular if not more popular than his older brother. But I doubt that either of them are at all concerned about royal wedding stats spouted by the media. Harry did have the option of marrying at Westminster Abbey, but it's not what he and his fiancee wanted.
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From the Bloc
I treasure this Royal Worcester tea cup and saucer to commemorate Kate and William's engagement - I figure years from now it will still have so much meaning, when they become King and Queen :)

I also have a Wedgewood teapot in my pattern signed by the Duchess of York. I didn't meet her - it was one of those promotions where you could reserve one ahead of time, and I didn't find out until I received it that they do not recommend putting hot water in the teapot so as to preserve the gold signature. Kinda defeats the purpose of the teapot :(


Well-Known Member
Do you take this article as gospel? Why don't we wait & see?
They might backtrack due to the bad press this has caused, but the fact remains that they did send out a notice to those guests that they should bring their own food. The Guardian is a reliable source, and it's also been mentioned by the Independent and BBC.
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From the Bloc
Has there been any discussion of what titles they will be given? I think it's customary upon marriage, no?


Well-Known Member
That document addresses some of the "objections" about the public arrangements.
IRRC, they announce any new titles/forms of address closer to the date.


Well-Known Member
Some more wedding details from Kensington Palace:

Meghan will be walked down the aisle by her father but travel to the chapel with her mother. Her parents will meet members of the Royal family - including the Queen and Prince Philip - the week before the wedding. Meghan will not have an adult maid of honour but will have bridesmaids who will all be children - I suppose some would refer to them as flower girls - as well as pageboys - so I suspect Prince George and Princess Charlotte will be part of the wedding. And Prince Philip will be at the wedding even though he has been recovering from hip surgery - I'm sure going to the wedding was a goal of his.
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From the Bloc
Ah, so all the speculation about which of her famous and not-so-famous girlfriends would be in the wedding party was for nothing!


From the Bloc
Took me awhile to find this so thought it worth sharing for Canadian royal watchers, and perhaps Americans near the border :)

TV coverage of the wedding, and various specials leading up to it

Note that etalk is doing quite a bit, which is interesting because the host is married to one of Meghan's best friends, Jessica Mulroney. Ben is almost certainly attending the wedding, so may have extra insights beyond the usual media coverage.

Also interesting that Jann Arden will be part of the CTV coverage. For those who may not know her, aside from being a fabulous singer/songwriter, she's also very funny, so could add a fun touch :)

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I took a look at the sons of George III and their dukedoms and:


So of the three that are open, Sussex does come with the best back ground story of the last Duke, Prince Augustus being Queen Victoria's favorite uncle and who married for love. So I can see that being the choice of the Queen.


Banned Member
Ah, so all the speculation about which of her famous and not-so-famous girlfriends would be in the wedding party was for nothing!

When I read that there won't be a maid of honor, I figured it's because Meghan has quite a few close girlfriends and it would be difficult to choose between them. My thoughts were confirmed in a recent Time report; quoting Harry's press secretary, Jason Knaupf. :)

In 2016, Meghan was maid of honor to her BFF from college, Lindsay Roth. But Meghan is also extremely close to stylist, Jessica Mulroney, who has been helping Meghan with her wardrobe and wedding day attire, etc. And there are quite a few other ladies who are close to Meghan, among her acting friends.
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Well-Known Member
Meghan' step family are vile. That letter from her half brother! :scream:

I had neither of my half sisters at my wedding 5 years ago. I've heard rumours that they were very racist towards Doria.

So excited! Two weeks to go!

I totally agree Sharpie - the stuff being spewed by Meghan's half siblings is absolutely awful!! I know they are probably angry with Meghan and her mother as their father left his first wife for Meghan's mother but still. But the half brother was totally wrong in stating their father wasn't going to be there so I can only assume the rest of the letter is also full of lies :yikes:

I took a look at the sons of George III and their dukedoms and:


So of the three that are open, Sussex does come with the best back ground story of the last Duke, Prince Augustus being Queen Victoria's favorite uncle and who married for love. So I can see that being the choice of the Queen.

Clarence was last used as a joint designation of Clarence and Avondale and given to Edward VII eldest son - Albert Victor - who died as a young man but who also had some scandal associated with him so I doubt it would be revived for Harry. Cumberland I and many others would just associate with sausages and could leave the holder open to all sorts of cruel jokes - especially if they happened to gain weight!!!!

Sussex is a good solid name and I think would be a good title to give Harry.


Well-Known Member
What? The dress? Utter bollocks I think, this would never be revealed?

Meghan's £100,000 wedding dress revealed

I very much doubt that picture will bear any resemblance to the dress Meghan will actually end up wearing!!! And I thought I read somewhere that Meghan - like Kate - would be paying for her own dress but that the rest of the ceremony etc. would be paid for privately by the Royal Family!!


Well-Known Member
You KNEW her father would be there, he was just being classy and saying nothing to his loud and money hungry tabloid tattling older children. After seeing what they said about his youngest child earlier, he was smart and being a good dad by keeping them in the dark about the plans. It's their own fault they weren't invited, spewing forth to the media like they did ever since they found out who Meghan was dating. If you follow the royals you know you have to keep your mouth shut and they did the opposite... probably just happily grabbing whatever money they were being paid with no real care for the dad or Meghan etc..

I knew Meghan would not have her famous friends in her wedding party. Where people got that idea i"ll never know, other than it was going to sell newspapers to claim this. They would never want celebrities in their wedding party. Pippa stealing the limelight (unintentionally, mind you) at Kate's wedding was bad enough and that was her own sister, not someone already famous. It was always going to be kids and i"m glad that that has come to pass. Meghan is the bride and she should be the focus, not Priyanka or Serena or Jessica etc.. It's a royal wedding, not a celebrity wedding, and there's a big difference.

And yeah, no way that is the dress Meghan will wear. I don't think that would even *suit* her, tbh.


Banned Member
^^ There has been a lot of OTT speculation in the media about Meghan's father's health and his tendency toward being reclusive. It's no wonder that he prefers his privacy in Mexico, what with the older two whining drama queens he fathered likely having caused other ruckuses and divisiveness in the Markle family over the years.

I agree that Mr. Markle Sr likely remained circumspect as to his plans if he was questioned by those older two children. Plus the tabloid media has been making up a lot of stories and have often given way too much credence and ink to the screeching by Tom, Jr and Samantha (not her actual given name, btw). Still there has been some legitimate uncertainty regarding whether Mr. Markle Sr would feel up to facing the enormous spotlight, no matter how proud he is of Meghan. I'm not surprised to see the confirmation that he will be there and that he will walk his beloved younger daughter down the aisle on probably the happiest day of her life. But there has been a lot of speculation, apparently some of it bogus and trumped up.

If Mr. Markle did happen to tell his older children (while silently chuckling) that he hadn't received a wedding invitation, that might be true. Since when does a bride send wedding invitations to her own biological parents who raised her? Normally it's the bride's parents who send out the wedding invitations. :duh: In this exceptional instance, it happens to be the groom's father and esteemed grandmother who are hosting and paying for the royally grand ceremony, festive reception, and intimate friends & family after-party. And so the exclusive wedding invitations were extended by The Prince of Wales. Most likely Doria and Tom Sr will be provided with souvenir copies of the invitations, but neither needed an official invitation through the mail.

The recent statement from KP indicates that both of Meghan's parents will arrive in London in the week leading up to the wedding so they can meet with the Queen, Prince Charles, and the rest of Harry's immediate family. I've also read that Meghan will be paying for the honeymoon, which they plan to delay for a week in order to appear at a scheduled public event together.

I knew Meghan would not have her famous friends in her wedding party.

I would never presume to know beforehand exactly what Meghan was or is planning to do. Granted I think it's fair to say that Meghan probably did not contemplate asking Serena Williams nor any of her female actor friends (such as Priyanka Chopra or Abigail Spencer) to be in the royal wedding party. For a normal wedding, she may have thought differently. However, as the KP statement indicated, Meghan has a lot of close girlfriends, and so in this instance she made the decision not to choose between any of them. I agree that for a royal bride, the spotlight should not be distracted by adult female friends. Queen Elizabeth did have a retinue of adult females in her wedding party, but that was in the 1940s, and perhaps they were regarded more as attendants to a future queen rather than spotlight stealers.

In any case, the two most likely candidates who Meghan may have considered selecting as her maid of honor are not well known celebrities (Lindsay Roth and Jessica Mulroney; Jessica is well known in Canada, but she's more famous these days for being Meghan's friend and stylist).

I didn't click on the particular Daily Fail story speculating about the wedding dress. Most of their tabloid articles are scurrilous clickbait. Not that I don't go there sometimes to look at pictures, or to raise my eyebrows at some of the stuff they try to pass off as truth.
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