Ross Miner Out Of Olympic Team (OFFICIAL)


Well-Known Member
Well, this decision has put a bit of a damper on Adam's upcoming Olympic experience because now he has the unenviable task of justifying and defending the committee's decision which can become wearisome pretty quickly. The press will be asking him questions about it @ every interview he does from here on out.
That what happens when you choke and then become a thief


a monkey stole my title
I am pretty much a Jason uber, and pretty meh about Ross in general. But even I think it's beyond ridiculous that Ross is 2nd alternate behind Jason. I'm not sure what the argument for that is, given how poorly Jason has been jumping all season. Yes, his skating is beautiful and he's an amazing talent- but he hasn't been skating up to his usual standards all season.

I think the USFSA was screwed no matter who they selected (for the 3 places- not the alternates), and am surprised the vote was 11-1.


Where am I? How do I get off? Do I get ice cream?
Personal feeling: BOW is nothing more than a way for the committee to predetermine what they want and to justify it.

I have always felt that the rule should be that placement is the determining factor. If you can't deliver under the pressure of Nationals, how are you going to do it under the greater pressure of Worlds or Olympics?

Just my humble opinion...

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
2018 World Championships
Nathan Chen
Adam Rippon
Vincent Zhou

Alternate 1 – Jason Brown
Alternate 2 – Ross Miner
Alternate 3 – Max Aaron

2018 Four Continents Championships
Jason Brown
Ross Miner
Max Aaron

Alternate 1 – Grant Hochstein
Alternate 2 – Timothy Dolensky
Alternate 3 – Alexander Johnson


Well-Known Member
Well, this decision has put a bit of a damper on Adam's upcoming Olympic experience because now he has the unenviable task of justifying and defending the committee's decision which can become wearisome pretty quickly. The press will be asking him questions about it @ every interview he does from here on out.

Adam doesn't need to justify anything. He can just point anyone asking questions to Ross's Wikipedia page.


Well-Known Member
My theory is that the technical panel knew Vincent skated extremely well, but didn't want to get themselves into a predicament with crazy results ( :lol: ) so all of his jumps were put under the microscope. Remember, his technical score dropped something like 20 points from the end of the program to all the < and << calls and reduced GOE's. I think they did this so that the road to the Olympics would be easier for both Adam and Jason. But that really backfired.
My feeling in the arena was that this is exactly what happened. Vincent got a standing ovation from the crowd, and when he had finished, I was sure he had done enough to make the Olympic team. It was my mom who was watching on television who informed me that all but one quad had been downgraded - to me that said that the judges were trying to protect Jason and Adam. Then when Ross came out and had the performance of the night and wound up ahead of Vincent, I realized that Jason and Adam's margin for error had suddenly shrunk by quite a lot, considering neither has anything close to a reliable quad jump. Then they BOTH went out and flubbed multiple jumps, leaving us with our current scenario where Vincent finished in the Top 3 anyway, considerably strengthening his case for the Olympics, and their pre-designated (non-Chen) faves shot themselves in the foot.


Well-Known Member
You are probably the most ignored poster here, so your posts are mostly self serving.
I, on the other hand, keep you in view just because it’s so much fun to watch your head blow up.
Do you even LIKE skating? Or are you only on here to be a douche?
I do like skating! You like to call people douches on forums

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Same team for Worlds too. Wow, Jason Ross Max to 4Cc.
I hope Ross kills it there.

From what's been reported here Adam is handling this pretty decently and I'm certainly not going to take my anger out on him, but Ross has been treated shamefully and I will be surprised if this doesn't taint USFS to some degree.

I have never been a fan of Ross's but he delivered like a champ last night.


Well-Known Member
I think it shows with Ross as second alternate, those who would go was kind of pre-determined and nothing would change it.

I think it shows that the USFSA is serious about emphasizing to skaters that they need to skate well in all of their competitions, not just show up once a year and have a great skate at Nationals. Yes, that somewhat diminishes Nationals as the “do or die” competition it has been in past years, but if the U.S. wants to remain relevant in this sport, skaters need to be motivated to skate well at all of their international events.

Former FS FAN

Polina places fourth with at JGPF with total TES that was higher than most of the senior US ladies. I think her scores over the next two years which were higher than Nagasus backed up sending her.

The problem I have with body of work is it can be used to hold down younger skaters.

I think it should only be used for legit contenders.
It's very difficult to compare scores even from different competitions. Different judges, technical specialists, ect, make it impossible to compare. As it was stated on FSU in another thread, Tennell's scores at 2018 nationals would have given her the silver medal over Yuna Kim at 2014 Olympics.


Banned Member
Obviously, if Adam hadn't popped his last two jumps, he would have had about 10 additional points and landed in front of Ross. USFS probably expected Jason to then land in front of Ross too. What would they have done then, go with the medal podium? Apparently if Adam was in front of Ross, but Jason tanked as he did and Ross remained in third, the committee would have still bumped Ross for Vincent. The only way Jason was going to make the team was to skate clean with possibly only a fall on a quad allowed for him. And Adam obviously had more leeway on the basis of his more recent consistency and his GP/GPF record.

Adam has landed fully rotated quads about twice, both times on the GP. Jason did land a fully rotated quad at 2016 Skate America that he was not given credit for in his home country. And I think that set him back, as it could have been a turning point in terms of having a feel for the jump and boosting his confidence in landing it. The tech panel did not have a good angle. On replays the jump was fully rotated. In any event there was no reason for the tech panel to go against the skater when they did not have a good review angle, and it was definitely not a visible UR, meaning it was not a UR at all. The point is that the tech panel couldn't believe Jason landed the quad that easily because they hadn't seen him do it before. There is a first time for everything, and they shouldn't go against the skater with the excuse that they only had one camera angle.

It's really a shame that the quad has brought the sport to this point of such imbalance. I certainly respect Nathan for his accomplishments. Nathan would be a great skater regardless. He's got everything. The only reason he's focused so heavily on quads is because that's what the sport has been stupidly over-rewarding to the point where it's the only way to get on the podium, even if you're not a complete skater.
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Retired by Frank Carroll
Hochstein also getting passed by for Aaron even though he was some 30 points better in this competition and fairly close to REALLY complicating things for Adam Rippon's selection.
Plus Hochstein has placed ahead of Aaron at both 2017 and 2018 nationals. :rolleyes:

The selection committee sure isn’t endearing themselves to many people today.


Well-Known Member
The rule, which has been well published and established, is that selection is based not on how you do at just one competition, but on average at multiple events weighted by importance. In my opinion, putting it all one one competition would be foolish, considering how results can vary so wildly from one to another based on so many factors. I'm happy the decision isn't made solely on nationals.

Gymnastics has been doing it this way for quite some time, and has gotten great results. A panel decides based on team strength. If someone has a freak fall at nationals but was otherwise strong all year, that one moment is not the be all and end all.


Active Member
Who is on this selection committee? Do we have a list of their names? Just wondering if there is any special ties to certain coaches.


Well-Known Member
The rule, which has been well published and established, is that selection is based not on how you do at just one competition, but on average at multiple events weighted by importance. In my opinion, putting it all one one competition would be foolish, considering how results can vary so wildly from one to another based on so many factors. I'm happy the decision isn't made solely on nationals.

Gymnastics has been doing it this way for quite some time, and has gotten great results. A panel decides based on team strength. If someone has a freak fall at nationals but was otherwise strong all year, that one moment is not the be all and end all.
But the issue is the gymnasts have a nationals and then a second nationals really with the training camp! They are tested twice!

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