Impact of Russia-Ukraine War on sports worldwide


This is the daily life of Ukrainian children. What are they guilty of?

russian children have parents who are responsible for them. If they are satisfied with everything in russia, then they are satisfied, then their children will be without international competitions.
You are comparing two different things. No sane person would say that a Russian kid not competing in gymnastics is as worse as an Ukrainian one losing his life, family, friends. You have every right to be as outraged as you like, I am just pointing out the facts. People around the world will not care about what IOC does. Sadly, most of them do not care about the war in general. As a side note, I live near the border with Ukraine in a town full with refugees. You do not want to know what people here think about your leader and about the minorities law that just passed. Anyways, I hope that those who get to compete will at the very least have some decency in their behaviour.


Well-Known Member
Olga Kharlan is due to fence a Russian girl in two days time. That should be interesting since she decided to participate after all.
She will withdraw from the competition. Today Ihor Reizlin withdrew from the competition in a similar situation.


She will withdraw from the competition. Today Ihor Reizlin withdrew from the competition in a similar situation.
If other fencers would do the same it would make sense, but since no one cares... She just puts herself in a position of not qualifying for the Olympics. But her career, her choices.


Well-Known Member
If other fencers would do the same it would make sense, but since no one cares... She just puts herself in a position of not qualifying for the Olympics. But her career, her choices.
It's not her choice. There is a decision of the Ministry of Sports and all federations are obliged to comply with it.
I have quoted her words above. The russians are aware of this decision and send even weak athletes to the competition on purpose. Just to prevent Ukrainians from participating in competitions and fighting for medals.


It's not her choice. There is a decision of the Ministry of Sports and all federations are obliged to comply with it.
I have quoted her words above. The russians are aware of this decision and send even weak athletes to the competition on purpose. Just to prevent Ukrainians from participating in competitions and fighting for medals.
This is what I was talking about. I believed it was up to every athlete to decide if they compete or not. Was not she the one who said that the Ministry of Sports should allow each individual to make a decision? In my opinion, winning a gold medal (she is more than capable to do that) would be a bigger upset for the Russian and a sign for FIE, than withdrawn. I was definitely not questioning her values. I really liked her even before the war, and even more now for the way she spoke about the events and the impact on sports.


Well-Known Member
This is what I was talking about. I believed it was up to every athlete to decide if they compete or not.
No, and it was known from the very beginning. Ukraine has already missed several world championships, where "neutral" athletes competed. So "neutral" that there is evidence that they support the war.
russians must publicly declare that they are against the war or let them sit at home. But russian money does not smell.
I'm sick of the thought of just standing next to the russians. I'm sure athletes feel the same way. It is very cynical to force the victims to compete with the aggressors.


She did it. Olga Kharlan fought against the Russian girl. She won and now the brat from Russia is trying to force her to come back and shake her hand. She is not having any luck. Staying on the piste for the last 30 minutes and showing everyone what a scumbag she is. That is how you should fight against the so called neutral fencers.


Well-Known Member
Barbie Power :respec:



Well-Known Member
I expected this. That is why I was not happy with the new decree of the Ministry of Sports. because the IOC did not just take the side of the aggressor, but itself began to behave like an aggressor. Or we will force you to "befriend" the russians, or you will be left without competition.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I guess they think they're like the Nobel peace prize from 2022, awarding to Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, as "a message".


Well-Known Member
The IOC needs a reason to invite the russians to the Olympics. All these handshakes were the perfect plan. If Olya had done this, then Bach would have shouted at every corner: you see, sport is friendship. So we would definitely invite the russians to Paris.


Antique member
Is anyone else shaking hands with the Russians? I hope no one else does either, over Kharlan's disqualification. And hope there will be a joint petition to suspend rules like these if Russians must be at the Olympics.
That would actually be wonderful 😍


Very neutral anna smirnova with her very neutral brother

Olya was not just disqualified from these competitions. This disqualification will continue for 60 days. the neutral athlete knew why she was sitting.
The photo is not visible. What was it? the 60 days dsq does nothing for her. The season in fencing is over. Will start again in November. I still believe it was the best decision she could have made. As for judo. The guy who runs the show is a Romanian :argue: who lives in Hungary and has ties with a corrupt political party from my country who is pretty much pro-Russia (yes, some people are that stupid to vote for them). I wonder what is the reason FIE is behaving like this?


Well-Known Member
And now it looks even more disgusting

"Yesterday [July 26] I had a conversation with the International Fencing Federation. And I emphasized there that our athletes will not shake hands with athletes under a neutral flag from Russia. Yesterday there was a meeting of the [Ukrainian] federation: the president, the head coach with members of the international federation . They also emphasized that our athletes will not shake hands, they will salute, salute and leave the track. What we saw was a provocation of a female athlete under a neutral flag," Gutzeit said.

"We saw what she did: a specific provocation against Olga Harlan. She came up, made a provocation, held her hand for a long time, waited. There are cases of fencing athletes when athletes from Israel and the Arab world meet: they do not shake hands, they hit the blade and diverge. Here we saw that she provoked Olga, the organizing committee. And, unfortunately, they [the organizing committee], knowing that this would happen, because they were warned, disqualified Olga after a long break, they argued for a long time," added the head of the NOC of Ukraine.


And now it looks even more disgusting

I would like to know who were those people, from what country? The commentator of the event said that until yesterday the rule said a touch of the blade was enough, and that they changed that rule yesterday??

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