Height survey for science project


Well-Known Member
One of my daughters is doing an experiment for her middle school science class. The goal of the experiment is to see how much height people lose as they age!

She needs more data for her project, so if you would like to help, please consider taking her survey. It asks about one's current height vs. one's height in their 20s. Everything is completely anonymous, with no names involved.

Here is her survey. If you have time to take it today, she would appreciate it:



scratching at the light
I’ve lost height due to scoliosis in my lower spine and dowagers hump in my upper spine, as well as aging I am sure. Would that be useful to record my numbers?


Better off than 2020
I dont know @clairecloutier daughter's theory but suspect she needs a combination of no shrink and some who have had height loss plus different age groups.

Since there is a plethora of medical journals thar document this association, I suspect the real outcome of this assignment is to teach how research is conducted.


Well-Known Member
Since there is a plethora of medical journals thar document this association, I suspect the real outcome of this assignment is to teach how research is conducted.

Yes, @once_upon, this is the real intent of the assignment: Just for them to run an experiment and understand how to create a hypothesis, collect data, and do a little bit of data analysis.

I think my daughter's original hypothesis was to evaluate if tall people actually lose more height through aging than shorter people. It was just something she was curious about.

Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey!! I really appreciate it. :)


Well-Known Member
I’ve lost height due to scoliosis in my lower spine and dowagers hump in my upper spine, as well as aging I am sure. Would that be useful to record my numbers?

We didn't collect any info about conditions leading to height loss, @quartz, but it would still be great if you want to fill out the survey! The more data the better, basically. ;)


Well-Known Member
Not for the research because my filling it out wouldn't do any good. I don't know how tall I was 40 years ago. Once I hit a growth spurt after 8th grade, I've been between 5'5" and 5'6", depending on what shoes (flat, but still) or not I had on when I was measured. I've had bad posture and tried to scrunch up so I would only be 5'5" or 5'5-1/2" my whole life. My driver's license always said 5'5" cause that's what I told them when they asked me. They didn't even do my height at the doctor's office for decades. I figure I've been 5'6" actually, but when I got the DEXA scan a couple weeks ago, that's what I said and she measured me at 5'5-1/2" and said I'd lost half an inch. Only 1/2 an inch with osteoporosis? My mom was always 5'8" (and lied that she was 5'7") till she started having lung problems and osteoporosis. She also had the dowagers hump. And I was suddenly a little taller than she was. I put my mom and her brothers and sisters from 1988 for my profile picture. Fourth person, my aunt Hilda, was 5'6". They always said that Marian, dyed blonde on the end, got everybody else's share of boobs. ha ha My grandma was rounder too. The others took after their tall, lanky father. Just rambling.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
I did not see the survey, but I'm boring. I was 4'10.5 from seventh grade (which was kinda the tall side of average)...and graduated high school at 4'10.5. Then my freshman year of college, I grew to just a hair over 5'0. My younger brother was the same, except for him he went to 6'1 to 6'3 (bastard!). I am still 5'0. My mom was 5'6 and is now 5'4 due to osteoporosis.

I wish I could have gotten a friend of mine to fill it out--she was 5'11 and gave birth three times in two years. She shrunk to 5'8 because her feet went completely flat and I guess the strain on her body? It was a shame too because she was a tall girl who enjoyed being tall. She's very bitter now that she's shorter than her husband. :lol: The first time she had to use a ladder she was so put out. She asked me how I even function at life because "ladders suck."

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