Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a couple improve so much over roughly one season, maybe only Pap/Ciz:)) The ice coverage and fluidity is champions' class. Deserved to win the Nationals, of course that cld not have happened for political reasons:)))


Well-Known Member
I had many hopes for this season, but one of them was that cpom would finally, FINALLY, get a new personal best in the RD and SO THEY HAVE. Our long national nightmare is over!!! His twizzles aren't even scary anymore, they looked so confident. Especially after B/S DNQ'd USFS really had all their eggs in C/P's basket and they showed up and delivered! Now just do that again in the FD and it will be a great way to close out the season.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
So, how much mojo do we need to manifest Christina & Anthony into a 6th place final placement tomorrow? Am I being greedy in wanting them to be one of the seeded GP teams next season? Perhaps. But nothing is too much for our team!


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
So, how much mojo do we need to manifest Christina & Anthony into a 6th place final placement tomorrow? Am I being greedy in wanting them to be one of the seeded GP teams next season? Perhaps. But nothing is too much for our team!
they're skating after r/a but before l/b (who have a great fd) so I feel like it will depend on how they look after r/a

really, they just have to go out and attack like they did today. They've got the goods.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Top 6 would be :swoon:
Yes. I feel like it might be a bit of a reach to pass both ReedAmbru and LopBri, but it could happen. I also think that whomever finishes 7th here this week will wind up being seeded (seems clear that GilPoir have hit a wall and probably aren't going to rise any higher than where they are, so I think they'll decide to retire).


Well-Known Member
Such a joy to watch Christina & Anthony compete today. He does look more like his mom than his dad. Where did the time go? I remember skating on a session at Lake Arrowhead in 1996 when a slim, fit woman started skating so fast & beautifully in front of me. I quickly realized it was Maria Klimova & felt like such a klutz that I got off the ice, lest I get in her way! I wish her son & Christina all the best & will be cheering for them tomorrow.

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