Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread


Active Member
Who would've thought that the only skater to be awarded a level 4 in the one foot at the world championship would be Christina Carreira.
I hope every person that called her a bad skater is rotting right now.
Anyways congrats to christina and anthony! A perfect way to end this amazing season! let's go!!!!


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Who would've thought that the only skater to be awarded a level 4 in the one foot at the world championship would be Christina Carreira.
I hope every person that called her a bad skater is rotting right now.
Anyways congrats to christina and anthony! A perfect way to end this amazing season! let's go!!!!
i remember an interview with her a year or two ago where she said something a little funny like before they had switched coaches she had really realized she could be good at ice dance too or something to that effect. I only remember because it was an odd thing for a high level ice dancer to say. She is absolutely incredible now, and I know it's only up from here for both of them.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
Who would've thought that the only skater to be awarded a level 4 in the one foot at the world championship would be Christina Carreira.
I hope every person that called her a bad skater is rotting right now.
Anyways congrats to christina and anthony! A perfect way to end this amazing season! let's go!!!!
To be fair, Zachary Lagha got a L4 as well in the one foot. But CPom were stunning! 7th in the world!! They are on their way up for sure and I hope US ice dance rewards that...they have broken free from the pack of great teams, imo, in the US.


Well-Known Member
USFS really put their full faith in C/P with those World Team assignments, and they showed that they fully deserve to be US #2. That was amazing! It shocks me how much not only have they grown as skaters and performers, but how rock solid their consistency has become. Highest BV in both segments of competition, beautiful performances, I'm so excited for where they go from here!


Ubering juniors against my will
Christina's post in honor of the Perfume program. I think we're all going to miss it -- I didn't know what to make of it the first time I saw it, but it really grew on me as their performances got stronger! I hope they get something just as good next season.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Yeah I remember the first time I saw it was like, "I think I like this??" and now I adore it. Can't wait to see what they do next season!

Also if anyone has some time and wants to send Christina a birthday message, someone is collecting things to send to her. It's very soon, so not a lot of time, but it's a very nice thought.


Active Member
I was not convinced at all when I first watched it but then the concept, storytelling and choreography went on an upward trajectory.
I honestly had never seen one of their programs grow and evolve as much as perfume did.
I'm gonna miss it so much 🥲 now how are they gonna top it?


Well-Known Member
Can I just say that while I miss being able to watch, I love the off season in terms of that feeling of possibility!

I'm sure thoughts on this will evolve as time goes on, but I've been thinking about this over the weekend and my thoughts are: what made them stand out last season (in terms of the programme - the improvements and consistency aside) is that they took a piece not new to skating but a composition of Perfume that felt new to ice dance. The intensity suited them incredibly well, and did so much for Anthony's performance skills. And so...

For the FD I think they shouldn't go down the intense route next year. I think they either lean into the bluesy more sexy vibe of the RD this year and build on that side of their performance OR they again choose music that isn't new to skating but new to a top ice dance team. Pride and Prejudice. Gorgeous music, sweeping moments that they can use to highlight the speed and edge work we all know they'll work on during the off season, and a chance for Anthony in particular to build on those softer but still intense performance skills he had as a junior. I think they'd really stand out if they were to do it well and while being music that is almost 20 years old it would still feel really fresh.

Then BAM back to intense in the Olympic season with a tango FD.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Can I just say that while I miss being able to watch, I love the off season in terms of that feeling of possibility!

I'm sure thoughts on this will evolve as time goes on, but I've been thinking about this over the weekend and my thoughts are: what made them stand out last season (in terms of the programme - the improvements and consistency aside) is that they took a piece not new to skating but a composition of Perfume that felt new to ice dance. The intensity suited them incredibly well, and did so much for Anthony's performance skills. And so...

For the FD I think they shouldn't go down the intense route next year. I think they either lean into the bluesy more sexy vibe of the RD this year and build on that side of their performance OR they again choose music that isn't new to skating but new to a top ice dance team. Pride and Prejudice. Gorgeous music, sweeping moments that they can use to highlight the speed and edge work we all know they'll work on during the off season, and a chance for Anthony in particular to build on those softer but still intense performance skills he had as a junior. I think they'd really stand out if they were to do it well and while being music that is almost 20 years old it would still feel really fresh.

Then BAM back to intense in the Olympic season with a tango FD.
I support all of this 🙏 🙏


Well-Known Member
One thing I'd like to see from them is a more audience friendly FD. I loved Summertime and Perfume both, but they both have soft, fading endings, and Perfume in particular sometimes confuses the audience in terms of when the program actually ends. For their home Worlds I want a big sweeping FD with a big dramatic TA-DA ending that gets the crowd on its feet. Something storytelling focused too, since we've seen Anthony take such a huge step forward in that aspect.

I really wish the ISU cared about my feelings at all and had any interest in giving us a tango RD, because theirs was so good even as baby seniors, so I'm willing to settle for a tango FD because I'd love to see their growth in this style. I've seen fstwitter excited about a Titanic FD, which I'm neutral on, if done right could connect to a home crowd. Christina would make an excellent Bond girl. Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or something could also be crowd friendly pleasers and a departure in style. I want them to show off their versatility and their differences from their rivals.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how I feel about Titanic tbh but I really hate the film so that may be why.

I think a Bond FD could be excellent for them - I think as time goes on their "thing" that makes them different I think could be storytelling


Any guesses on Grand Prix assignments this year for them? It’s unlikely France or Finland will want them at their GPs, since they would likely beat the home team. Skate America seems likely, since Green/Parsons got that last year. Others?


Active Member
I agree with yall about the programs ideas! Would love to see something edgy and follow up with a Fleetwood Mac FD

I'm guessing they're getting skam and nhk


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I think it's worth noting in this thread too that it's the start of cpom's choreo era apparently as they are choreographing the free skate for Plazas/Fernandez to the "Dune" soundtrack. What a fun opportunity for them!


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I think it's worth noting in this thread too that it's the start of cpom's choreo era apparently as they are choreographing the free skate for Plazas/Fernandez to the "Dune" soundtrack. What a fun opportunity for them!
I suppose it's the official start but we all know this wicked duo have been inspiring other skaters for a couple seasons now. ;)


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
From the US Pairs thread...
News from Plazas/Fernandez (including 🇺🇸 interdisciplinary collab):

We are beyond excited to announce our program music for the 24/25 season​
Short Program from “The Greatest Showman” “Never Enough” performed by Kelly Clarkson • Choreographed by Jim Peterson​
Freeskate program from the “Dune Saga” by Hans Zimmer• Choreographed by our Team USA teammates Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko

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