Big Brother (US) Season 20!


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Tyler is for sure taking Kaycee. He was giddy last night when she won Part 2. She's always been his true ride or die. Plus, I don't think he trusts the idiots in The Hive to not give JC the win if he took him.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Does 2nd place take home $50,OOO.?

Yes. And I believe third place just gets their stipend from time spent in the house (the entire length of the game), but no outrageous prize money.

Jokers has a poll every year asking who would vote for who in each final two situation, and they think Kaycee will win overall, but they have her losing head-to-head versus Tyler. They think JC will vote for him, which I think is really questionable especially if Tyler’s the one that evicts him on Wednesday, and they think both Sam and Brett will get over their bitterness and vote for him. I think at least one will be mad still and vote for Kaycee.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Yes. And I believe third place just gets their stipend from time spent in the house (the entire length of the game), but no outrageous prize money.

There's a new prize structure in place this year where the top five get money in addition to their stipend. Sam referenced it a couple months ago while talking to Kaycee, and there have been a few other mentions since then. I don't remember if they said how much 3rd-5th gets, but I'll see if I can find it somewhere.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
JC is convinced Tyler would take him to final 2, and also knows Kaycee would take Tyler. JC told him today that if Kaycee wins final HOH, Tyler will get his vote.

So.. not that Tyler can know what everyone is thinking in jury, but it kinda sounds like he should throw the final HOH to Kaycee to not get the JC blood on his hands. There is NO WAY that JC would vote for Tyler to win just minutes after he was responsible for evicting him, and there’s a good chance the vote will already potentially be 5-4.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Kaycee and Tyler waited until the final day to finally disappoint me. They decided to tell JC this afternoon about Level 6 and their final 2 deal, denying us the chance to see it on the feeds, which went off this morning. I doubt CBS will have time to edit the footage, and they may not even want to show it so the casual viewers won't know for sure who will be in the F2. I'm so bummed that we may never see JC's face when he finds out he didn't know a big part of what was happening around him.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Kaycee and Tyler waited until the final day to finally disappoint me. They decided to tell JC this afternoon about Level 6 and their final 2 deal, denying us the chance to see it on the feeds, which went off this morning. I doubt CBS will have time to edit the footage, and they may not even want to show it so the casual viewers won't know for sure who will be in the F2. I'm so bummed that we may never see JC's face when he finds out he didn't know a big part of what was happening around him.

We probably saw the same article. But it’s just what their plan was as of last night. I think Tyler knows he needs to avoid blindsiding JC at the last minute to try to salvage his vote somehow, so it’s smart thinking on his part.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
We probably saw the same article. But it’s just what their plan was as of last night. I think Tyler knows he needs to avoid blindsiding JC at the last minute to try to salvage his vote somehow, so it’s smart thinking on his part.

They talked about it on BBAD last night. They felt bad after JC said, "We never named our alliance." 😂


Throwing the (rule)book at them
So Kaycee vs Tyler final. How do they vote?

Bayleigh- 99% Kaycee
Rockstar- pretty likely Kaycee
Faysal- likely Kaycee, although Haleigh could convince him otherwise maybe
Scottie- tough one, he respects Tyler’s game but I think when everything comes out, he will vote for Kaycee
Haleigh- seems to be on the Tyler bandwagon now
Brett- tough one again. I think he will respect Tyler’s game but not the little jab at the POV ceremony, so I guess he goes for Kaycee
Sam- she’s bitter. She said something like she doesn’t know if she will ever be friends with (or talk to Tyler) again. And she seems to really love Kaycee.
Angela- 100% Tyler
JC- depends on how he reacts to Tyler’s news that he has NOT been working with him all season, I still think he’s voting for Kaycee though.

So Tyler has one for sure vote, and Kaycee probably has three. With five in the middle votes, I don’t know that Tyler could overcome the odds even with an amazing speech.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I think Fessy and Brett will vote for Tyler, and it could very likely be a 5-4 split. Kaycee isn't great at public speaking, so I'm not sure if she'll be able to verbalize her strategy and make it sound worthy of the victory.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Kaycee tanked the final questions and statement. Just kept saying ‘I played a social game’, which is fine, but I was hoping for her to say more.

Sam’s the one who decided this year, even if she didn’t know it at the time. The bitterness wasn’t over!

And I want to see Haleigh some more. The girl is smart, and if only one of the many things that went wrong for The Hive in the middle ended up going right, I think we would have seen her at the end.

Another interesting thing is how much respect the jury seemed to give JC. I think it would’ve been close for him to win if he was up against either of them, and people were predicting a 9-0 vote for Kaycee if she took him.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
As a professed superfan, I thought Scottie would respect Tyler's game, but he turned out to be another Bitter Betty. Tyler needed to do a better job of explaining his game to the jurors in his goodbye messages so he didnt have to cram it all in 45 seconds.

I'm still shocked Fessy voted for Kaycee. Really happy for her and happy for Tyler getting AFP. His shock and tears were real. The only thing that ruined this feel good finale was Swaggy's ridiculousness.


Well-Known Member
I wish Kaycee did better in the final questioning. I think Tyler deserved the win based on the 3 tests: comps, social and strategy...I think Kaycee was not strategic enough.
But overall a great season, and my 2nd choice won.
Better than the years where I wanted none to win (jun & Allison among many others)

So how long will swayleigh’s engagement last? This is my question after the bachelor/bachelorette season is over. His proposal reminds me off Mike Boogie’s in his first season- totally forshow
And I don’t see Fessy and Haleigh lasting. I think she can do so much better. Plus I have said before- hope she comes back in a few years, she will be dangerous.
I hope Tyler and Angela make it, I like him and she seems nicer around him.

Interesting that Julie said something like see you next year. Hope she will be back, as I have watched since season 1 and she is part of the show. If she does leave, I would not be surprised if Jeff takes her place. CBS seems to love him. Putting this on writing in case it comes to pass, or Dr Will?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I’m not surprised about Scottie voting for Kaycee. Tyler had the chance to clue him in twice and/or protect him, but he didn’t. Scottie definitely got the point after the second time around.

Now, looking back at the week Sam got evicted- both Kaycee and Tyler voted for her to go. Either of them could’ve split the vote and still had Angela break it and send Sam home anyways. Then Tyler wouldn’t have necessarily had blood on his hands with her, and the outcome would’ve probably been different.

Tyler played a great game, and he started out as one of my favorites. I do think he got a little cocky and the reason I lost most interest in him was the way everything else was falling apart to benefit him and level 6- but that’s not his fault. I really just think in the last few weeks, things got a little messy.. maybe or maybe not because of Angela.

As much as I hated Kaycee’s final answers, I have to respect the girl. She won so many competitions after laying low the first half of the season (seriously, we commented how she and Angela had NO TV time in the beginning weeks), and she won the big final 4 POV when the odds were heavily against her if she lost it, and also I still question whether Tyler would’ve taken Kaycee in the end if he won that final HOH. She also won the hacker competition when she was on the block and had she (or L6) not, there’s actually a big chance that she got sent home that week way back when. So she definitely delivered at three of the biggest moments of the year, and I give her a lot of credit.

And yes, this was the best season in a long time.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with Kaycee winning as she did great on two of the biggest part of the game: winning comps and being social ie people didn't hate her.

And maybe she wasn't this great strategic mind but laying low is being strategic so overall, she played great. And agree, once Tyler found "love" with Angela, he sorta lost his way. Still not a bad summer for him and I have a feeling if they do any vet seasons soon, he'll be invited back.


Well-Known Member
I am happy with who won, placed 2nd and got favourite player.

Other than Foutte's meltdown, this was a very good season.

Kudos to Kaycee for her loyalty taking Tyler.


Well-Known Member
Tyler and Angela, Hayleigh and Fessy, AND Swaggy and Bayleigh will ALL be on the next season of The Amazing Race to be produced -- MARK IT DOWN (unless Bayleigh really is indeed pregos)


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Tyler and Angela, Hayleigh and Fessy, AND Swaggy and Bayleigh will ALL be on the next season of The Amazing Race to be produced -- MARK IT DOWN (unless Bayleigh really is indeed pregos)

I believe this current season of TAR (airing 2019) was filmed three or four months ago. It's full of BB/TAR/Survivor contestants only. I highly doubt anyone, except for maybe Tyler and Angela if they stay together, even has a chance. But I also have the feeling this next TAR may be the last. It's really lost its steam, the budget is low and the challenges are getting silly, and even the editing is kinda meh now. We will see how the reality show season goes, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
That is sad news for Bayleigh & Chris (refuse to call him Swaggy).

And agree, the TAR ship has sailed for these couples. They'd be much better off uncoupling and following Paulie, Natalie, Davonne and Jozea to MTV's Challenge series. Can make that a "career" if so inclined!

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