Russian women news & updates, 2021-22 season

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Doing all the things
Inquiring minds... I can't see it either and I've tried all three browsers I have with a VPN.
I got to it right away but it's in Polish. Google Translate says:

A๐ฅ๐ž๐ค๐ฌ๐š๐ง๐๐ซ๐š ๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฐ๐š despite performing five quadruple jumps "only" with silver ๐Ÿฅˆ # Beijing2022 She became hysterical after the announcement of the results ๐Ÿ˜ฑ "I hate you, I hate sports, I don't want to go to the ceremony" - she said ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐€ ๐ง๐š ๐œ๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ฆ๐จ๐ง๐ข๐ข ... ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ณ๐ฒ๐ฉ๐š๐๐ž๐คโ“

It won't translate the last bit no matter what I try.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
I am probably going to be slammed for asking this but . . .
Do you KV was told to flub her long to take the heat off the rest Team Eteri?
That's what I think as well.

Also, sorry didn't read everyone's comments, but OMG to Trusova's reaction!! Did she think she was better than Anna?! Wtf was that all about?!?


Well-Known Member
To think when the 3A made their senior debut it was almost universally acknowledged Anna was the weakest and wouldn't last. She was always thought of after the other two. Now she's the reigning world and Olympic champion ๐Ÿคฉ Of course even with all that her teammates still overshadow her! Like no one's talking about her :lol:

Xela M

Well-Known Member
Trusova is mental! And Anna was absolutely incredible tonight!!! There's no question that she was better than Trusova's ugly empty "program" with clumsy jumps. Although of course the number of Trusova's quads was extremely impressive, Anna was head and shoulders above and beyond. It's not even worth debating


Well-Known Member
To think when the 3A made their senior debut it was almost universally acknowledged Anna was the weakest and wouldn't last. She was always thought of after the other two. Now she's the reigning world and Olympic champion ๐Ÿคฉ Of course even with all that her teammates still overshadow her! Like no one's talking about her :lol:
I love Anna and am happy she won, but one probable reason she lasted is PEDs, which people weren't taking into consideration.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
To think when the 3A made their senior debut it was almost universally acknowledged Anna was the weakest and wouldn't last. She was always thought of after the other two. Now she's the reigning world and Olympic champion ๐Ÿคฉ Of course even with all that her teammates still overshadow her! Like no one's talking about her :lol:
She skated with a lot of anger I thought! Like "I'm going to show them all!!"-type of performance.

Absolutely deserving champion and Trusova's ugly reaction is just embarrassing.

As if the ROC and Eteri needed any further embarrassment :yikes:


Well-Known Member
Makes no sense to me either.

If Trusova had landed the triple axel in her short program like Nathan did, she would have the OGM just like Nathan. :confused:
I havenโ€™t watched it but I looked at the protocols and saw that two of her quads and another jumping pass had negative GOEs. For someone reason her quad flip that got a ! call was not one of them though. That also doesnโ€™t help. Scherbakova had two quads and every element had positive GOEs. Trusova had like a 16 point advantage in BV but Scherbakova made back almost ten points of that just in GOE alone. Add her SP cushion and PCS cushion and wellโ€ฆ

Vincent knows about having higher BV (in his less q and < called programs) and losing to others based on GOE and PCS.


Well-Known Member
Trusova is mental! And Anna was absolutely incredible tonight!!! There's no question that she was better than Trusova's ugly empty "program" with clumsy jumps. Although of course the number of Trusova's quads was extremely impressive, Anna was head and shoulders above and beyond. It's not even worth debating
She skated with a lot of anger I thought! Like "I'm going to show them all!!"-type of performance.

Absolutely deserving champion and Trusova's ugly reaction is just embarrassing.

As if the ROC and Eteri needed any further embarrassment :yikes:
I can see a possible homage to Trusova on SNL. Anna handled the situation beautifully.


Well-Known Member
I can see a possible homage to Trusova on SNL. Anna handled the situation beautifully.
The entire situation was horrible. Valieva sobbing with no compassion from Eteri and others who probably put her in this situation. Trusova acting like a three year-old throwing a tantrum and crying about how unfair it was that everyone else got a gold medal but she didn't and she wouldn't go out on the ice. Shcherbakova having just won the Olympic gold medal and standing by herself with a blank look. And everyone else skating with this pall over the event. It was a terrible day for figure skating on so many levels.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Whatโ€™s with the Nathan Chen comparisons? He also messed up the short program at his first Olympics and did an excellent long program loaded with quads and where did he end up? 5th.
The comparisons are because people keep saying Nathan has bad skating skills and all he does is land jumps, so when he won Trusova thought she could win that way. I'll give you one guess who they think should have won in Nathan's place based on his angelic PCS scores.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to Anna and Sasha for their Gold and Silver medals!
Kamila needs a hug, time with friends and family and a trip to Disneyland. She's been through a lot.
That might not heal the damage she has experienced losing her one shot at Olympic gold and when she got off the ice, Eteri showed no sympathy. Told her she just gave up (I heard it as I watched the replay). How sad that is all you can say to someone who is being crushed by pressure and the loss of a monumental dream.


Doing all the things
Yes. And maybe confused and surprised that nobody was with her when she had just won an Olympic gold medal. When skaters dream of winning a gold medal, I don't think it looks like this.
What they did to her was despicable. Some of us have been saying all season that Sambo-70 has been treating her like the red-headed step-child with crappy programs and crash-talking her to the media. And now this...

I can see a possible homage to Trusova Eteri on SNL. Anna handled the situation beautifully.
Eteri is the one who needs to be lambasted.


Well-Known Member
What they did to her was despicable. Some of us have been saying all season that Sambo-70 has been treating her like the red-headed step-child with crappy programs and crash-talking her to the media. And now this...

Eteri is the one who needs to be lambasted.
Iโ€™d go with both. It is ok to be upset if you missed out on the gold. But THAT was a temper tantrum. This competition will live in infamy.


Well-Known Member

Just WOW at the dysfunction of it all.

I truly feel sorry for Anna S here. Just being left all alone in the biggest and happiest moment of her life. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
The sun will come out tomorrow and everyone will be feeling better.

I am most concerned about the recovery of KV and where she goes from here. Sasha was incredible and historic 5 quads coming off a broken foot a couple months ago. Unthinkable. Then the Queen of cool comes out Anna and lays it down during 2 quads racking up points like we've never seen with transitions and Johnson triples and she even did a 4 - 3.

Anyone showing abnormal emotions from what we usually see is OK with me these girls have been locked up for 2 years with the worldwide infection infection losing competitions losing practice times having to wear masks having to be in bubbles. I think we should cut them some slack. I also don't like the media up everybody's business we don't need to hear what they're saying because no one here would like that in a bad moment.

It's just a couple of days ago we were talking about an ankle injury with Anna or a neck injury with Anna or she needed new skates. I was thinking she might not even make the podium. Then she goes out and does that? Incredible.

Is Anna the greatest female Russian skater ever? Quite possibly and I hope she continues if it's the right thing for her. But. to see her best friend melt down and her little buddy struggling losing for the 1st time as a senior sapped a lot of her joy. Like I said the sun will come out tomorrow and hopefully there will all be feeling better.

I hope there's a gala tomorrow where they can all have fun
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Well-Known Member
Iโ€™d go with both. It is ok to be upset if you missed out on the gold. But THAT was a temper tantrum. This competition will live in infamy.
It definitely was a temper tantrum and totally inappropriate. But, I do think that Eteri has a LOT more to answer for than Trusova does. And I'm not talking about crappy programs.

It's sad when a tv host has to explain to the viewers the meaning of skaters saying that they skated "clean."


Well-Known Member
People forget those "crappy programs" Eteri gave Aleksandra are exactly what she wanted. She wanted programs that were all about her jumps cause that's all she cares about. When they attempted to give her programs with more then just jumps she just went through the motions. Remember she left because they wanted her to practice things other then quads and she thought that was a waste of time. She genuinely thinks she had a winning program all because of those 5 quads and those 5 quads alone. The rest of the stuff doesn't matter.


People forget those "crappy programs" Eteri gave Aleksandra are exactly what she wanted. She wanted programs that were all about her jumps cause that's all she cares about. When they attempted to give her programs with more then just jumps she just went through the motions. Remember she left because they wanted her to practice things other then quads and she thought that was a waste of time. She genuinely thinks she had a winning program all because of those 5 quads and those 5 quads alone. The rest of the stuff doesn't matter.
Sounds like Plushenko's way of thinking back in Vancouver 2010.


Active Member
You cannot be serious. Maybe go there before you insult one of the most beautiful and fascinating countries I've ever known. Russia isn't Putin, Russia isn't Eteri, Russia isn't wall to wall dopers and cheats, Russia most definitely isn't whatever politically motivated selective reporting you see on the news. So don't say that unless you're happy to be equated with your own government and all of the worst aspects of your own country, whatever that is.
Maybe I'd go back to Russia... if I wasn't afraid for being jailed and put in labor camps for being gay or even being suspected of being in the LGBTQI+ community. Made worse by the fact that Russia is even ashamed to admit that they HAVE gay people that they jail them for made up crimes. It's great to defend a country, but if a naturally born citizen can be granted asylum by the World Peace Organization, (which was established well before 1990 when the current 'Mother Russia' herself), there is no defense.

Russia is a beautiful country with much history. But PEOPLE make a HOME not a material place, and let's be real honest here, Russia is not a home for anyone other than cis white straight Catholic people, preferably with lots of money, and they make no effort to disguise their disdain. And whether you want to admit it or not, Putin and the other oligarchs, IS this century's Russia, and make no gripes about it or face the consequences

Russia is also, factually, the only country to have so little regard for their athletes long term health that they were convicted of STATE sponsored doping. One of the (many blatant delusional disregard for the rules) ways they did it was by NOT telling their athletes they were doping them or forcing them to...and evidently this now includes 15 year old girls in figure skating. And the public is currently PRAISING her and her TEAM, calling her a 'hero' and a 'martyr' instead of a 'cheater' and a 'child abuse victim'. Sounds like a bunch of classy people.

And PS: If a child in the USA was found to have unprescribed trimetazidine at any time for any reason, accident or not, the Department of Family and Social Services is called and that child is IMMEDIATELY removed from that home until that County's department feels with 100% certainty that child is safe to go home to their regular full time care givers. What they DO NOT DO is allow them to complete in a strenuous & stressful athletic competition because ITS FN DANGEROUS! It increases the blood flow and enlarges heart valves! Or allow that child to be UNSUPERVISED still in the care of the alleged abusers.

I donโ€™t mean to be a mean toolbox here or to you. But we are angry. We are frustrated. We are sad, and bluntly, its Russia's fault. I think the question here is whether you are serious?
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Well-Known Member
Iโ€™d go with both. It is ok to be upset if you missed out on the gold. But THAT was a temper tantrum. This competition will live in infamy.
Imo Trusova meant that both Kamila and Anna got the gold medals ( all except her), meaning that Anna got an individual medal and Kamila Team gold medal


There's absolutely ZERO private for these athletes anymore. Remember 2002 when the camera wasn't allowed behind the wall to see Michelle Kwan cry after her free skate? That doesn't exist anymore the camera is in their face everywhere. Like that stupid "let's see the current top 3 on the couch" shit. A few years back we never would have been able to see these meltdowns. They would have simply been described and we would have to make guessing what happened. The cameras backstage got to go
I both agree and disagree. There should be some moments of privacy allowed after the event before awards at that level but the kiss and cry, reaction room and immediate interviews are part of professional sports and being an Olympic sportsmen. Most amateur skaters wait to cry until they have gotten to the locker room or even back to the hotel/car/bathroom/somewhere private. You learn to contain yourself in public at a young age because it is really unsportsmanlike to have a burst out in front of your fellow competitors, coaches, judges, etc. Part of being an athlete is being humble, gracious and accepting the results for what they are. I think athletes have every right to speak up about unjust judging, doping, etc and to feel their (valid) emotions when they are upset but they should process it first. What Sasha was feeling for a determined teenager was quite normal but she should have been able to control her emotions or excuse herself to the toilet until she was able to do so. I had the same feeling about the infamous โ€œbsโ€ comment and facial expression Ashley Wagner displayed in the kiss and cry. Not only does the Trusova tantrum unfairly damage the publicโ€™s view of her but it is a terrible example for kids around the world who look up to her. I canโ€™t blame her though given I consider the โ€œyellingโ€ and โ€œtoughโ€ coaching style she endures the adult version of a childlike tantrum so her examples are not ideal.

This event affirmed for me that Anna Scherbakova is a real class act! I am not a fan of her skating in general but I am a fan of her perseverance and humility.


Active Member
We are being awfully judgemental of a 17yo Trusova, who had no where to run & hide from the cameras with her disappointment, warranted or not, after she just literally had the biggest disappointment of her life so far happen. I felt AWFUL for her. Was it her proudest moment, eh, but she is a human. She is allowed to be emotional, we've seen it before.

I remember being 17 & being frustrated and disappointed (orrrrr yesterday when I was 35) when I lost something that was important, or had a relationship break up, got a bad grade, whatever. We had the opportunity to privacy in a bathroom or go into another room and be by ourselves, those 3 ladies did not.

She couldn't leave the comp & staff area, (funny enough because of drug testing protocols) until she was out of medal position and she won a medal. Then if you are a medal winner, the ISU requires all athletes to immediately walk the press line (optionally taking questions) after the award ceremony, then pee in a cup/ needle in arm/breath test. We saw that one OBS lady there escorting Valieva away. Then a mandatory medalist press conference.


Well-Known Member
We are being awfully judgemental of a 17yo Trusova, who had no where to run & hide from the cameras with her disappointment, warranted or not, after she just literally had the biggest disappointment of her life so far happen. I felt AWFUL for her. Was it her proudest moment, eh, but she is a human. She is allowed to be emotional, we've seen it before.

I remember being 17 & being frustrated and disappointed (orrrrr yesterday when I was 35) when I lost something that was important, or had a relationship break up, got a bad grade, whatever. We had the opportunity to privacy in a bathroom or go into another room and be by ourselves, those 3 ladies did not.

She couldn't leave the comp & staff area, (funny enough because of drug testing protocols) until she was out of medal position and she won a medal. Then if you are a medal winner, the ISU requires all athletes to immediately walk the press line (optionally taking questions) after the award ceremony, then pee in a cup/ needle in arm/breath test. We saw that one OBS lady there escorting Valieva away. Then a mandatory medalist press conference.
Absolutely, maybe a stupid reaction, but absolutely understandable from a 17 yo girl who has always lived for Figure Skating only.
Cameras everywhere is insane...
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