2022 Nationals in Nashville


Doing all the things
I have been sitting behind Peter Carruthers all week. No one seems to recognize him. Today Jill Watson and John Zimmerman came and sat with him for the men’s and pairs.
We saw Zimmerman at the bar in the Renaissance lobby. Apparently the woman in the group told our waitress "do you know who this is?" and said he was an Olympian. Which is true, he is. But it seemed kind of weird to me. I mean John Zimmerman isn't a name or face most people would recognize.

Can us lowly peons use the tunnel? 😁 It’s supposed to be raining all day tomorrow so that would be much appreciated!
I wonder if they aren't telling us it exists so that it can be used only by USFS people?


Well-Known Member
The roof in the arena has been leaking since it snowed (per rink personnel). It has been raining on my seat since the beginning of the men's FS. A non-leakig roof is the minimum that I'd expect in an arena, so I would not support Nashville as a site for Worlds.


Well-Known Member
A couple of observations now that I'm home (I'm from Tennessee, so I'm absolutely biased):

-So glad the food hall is open across the street from the arena now. Some of the arena food looked decent, but the chicken I had Thursday night was awful. The selection in the food hall wasn't any cheaper than the arena, but there was more variety and the quality was pretty good.
-The in-arena entertainment during resurfacings was kind of weird, but I guess TPTB decided that's better than everyone sitting in silence while the same ads play on the video boards over and over.
-I really hope all the issues this week don't sour Nashville as a host with USFS. Sure, there were lots of ***** issues. Sure, the ***** protocols in Tennessee as a state are few to non-existent. However, I think some (but maybe not all, who knows) of the issues would have happened regardless of which city was hosting. I also think some of the logistical issues (specifically, nothing starting at the announced time) were more on USFS and NBC because of the withdrawals and TV timing, not the local organizing committee. I hope Nashville gets another chance to host soon in non-***** times, and I like Scott Hamilton's idea of potentially bidding to host Worlds. Bridgestone Arena is typically one of, if not the most, successful arenas in the country at hosting events so they know what they're doing. Having tons of entertainment, food, and hotels right outside the arena's door should play in their favor as well. The growth of the city and the tourism should mean even more direct national and international flights in the future.


Doing all the things
There was a Gala. It was not available to watch in the US.
But those of us who saw it in person could tell you about it! :D

It was the best Gala I've been to. It was more coherent and having live music made it seem more like a real show. Though the Olympic team being given Gibson guitars was a very WTF moment.

I think Nashville did a great job in trying circumstances. It seemed very well organized. And the live entertainment throughout was much better than having Rusty make Dad jokes and interview fans who go silent on camera. (I think maybe only 3 songs per ice make though; four was a bit much.)


Well-Known Member
Nashville did a good job hosting nationals. The security check & checking of vaccination cards was really smooth & fast. Lines for food & bathrooms were fine (though those weird flat surfaces instead of sinks were impractical). Food in the arena was fine. There were lots of choices for food & museums/stores nearby, but due to covid concerns, I didn't go into any of them. The arena seats were comfortable. My only complaint was the ridiculous cost of parking at the Residence Inn-- $47 a day for valet parking! Anyway, if nationals were held again in Nashville, I'd likely return. If Detroit, no (too far, bad winter weather, sort of dangerous walking to the arena). Greensboro, definitely because it's so close to home. Anyone know where nationals will be next year?


Rooting for the Underdogs
It was the best Gala I've been to. It was more coherent and having live music made it seem more like a real show. Though the Olympic team being given Gibson guitars was a very WTF moment.

I’m going through the team in my head and I think the only one who will get any use of the guitar is Zach. Everyone gets a headache of a prize to get home. 🤦‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Why am I imagining USFSA handlers in Tyvek suits whisking Nathan away immediately after the medal ceremony, spraying him with disinfectant, and ushering him into a driverless vehicle where he will skate in a pressurized tent with an Olympic sized rink until Beijing

He was actually there for the Olympic team introduction at the top of the 2nd half of the gala, but then left apparently.


Well-Known Member
My husband and kids joined me for the gala tonight. Since my kids are too young to add to my Clear app, I had to bring their original vaccination cards. I thought they'd take just a cursory glance, but the security guard actually took the cards and tried to verify by asking them to confirm their names and dates of birth.
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