Just call me Harry. (Everything Harry & Meghan)

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Well-Known Member
Wow. Honestly, just WOW.

You have a huge chip on your shoulder that is predisposing you to judge people whom you honestly know nothing about. You do yourself and the children you think you are educating no favors by remaining in your own, prejudicial bubble.

Excuse me? I don't need you to tell me I can't teach. I know I can. I have great passing rates, graduation rates, and maintain relationships with kids after they've graduated. Teaching science in NYC is not easy and I wouldn't be able to do what I do without being sensitive to the racial injustice that often causes kids living in redlined districts huge disadvantages right out of the gate.
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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Excuse me? I don't need you to tell me I can't teach. I know I can. I have great passing rates, graduation rates, and maintain relationships with kids after they've graduated. Teaching science in NYC is not easy and I wouldn't be able to do what I do without being sensitive to the racial injustice that often causes kids living in redlined districts huge disadvantages right out of the gate.

And @tony I don't need you mansplaining and whitesplaining what racial prejudice is. :rolleyes:
Reading comprehension is clearly not your forte. I said you do them no favors - and you aren't if you are teaching them to believe that half the country is against them straight out of the birth canal because of their skin color. It is divisive and puts EVERYONE on the defensive. There is nothing open or inclusive about your attitude and I do feel sorry for your students if they buy into your angry narrative.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
My closest friend at the job where I worked for many years is black. We ate lunch together, went to each other's family events, & when we took trips together we shared a hotel room. We also could talk about any & everything, including the black experience. But @canbelto is right about one thing - when I looked at her I actually saw her black skin. But she's wrong about what happens when we see skin color. It doesn't have to be a negative thing. I have another friend who is naturally very blonde. Every time I see her I notice her hair & her very white skin that doesn't tan. So seeing color just means a person isn't blind. What we do with that information makes the difference.


Well-Known Member
In actual new news: Meghan's interview apparently only has "kind words" for Kate:

Aww I think I am probably being unfair and need to see what the interview says.


RIP D-10
And this is like what a second cousin? Hardly a major member do you care what your second cousin thinks?
Princess Michael of Kent has long been one of the best known and was long one of the most public royals in the UK and is known beyond royal-watching and royal-caring audiences as the person who presented the trophies to the winners at Wimbledon for over three decades. She is also the highest ranked Catholic among the royals and was featured regularly when the Pope came to visit, and her (second) husband gave up his place in the line of succession because she was. Queen Elizabeth was said to have joked that, because of PMoK's bloodlines, she was too grand for the British Royal Family. (Those bloodlines also included her father's membership in the Nazi party.) I'm surprised you don't know who she is, aside from being widely criticized for wearing the racist pin.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even watching the interview. Sunday nights I have the NBA All Star game, American Idol, and Allen vs. Farrow on HBO to occupy my viewing schedule. I'm just tired of the racist dog-whistles used against Meghan.
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
You must be willfully blind if you can't see the racist tint behind many of the criticisms of Meghan.

In fact here's an article that brings up the EXACT SAME POINTS I was making about how racist dog whistles have been used in this latest smear campaign against Meghan:

And this article:

Look at how much people in this thread are ready to tar and feather her BEFORE THE INTERVIEW EVEN AIRS.
We will agree to disagree :)
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Doing all the things
A key quote would be: “According to one former employee: "What people fail to understand is Harry's hatred of the media is probably one of the most important things in his life. It is defining for him. So the narrative is always – it’s the press's fault, never theirs."
This is one reason why I feel like he's the driving force behind the break.

The issue here is I really don’t think the Suxxes want a private life. They absolutely want the life of a celebrity.
I am still waiting for someone to show me where the Sussex' said they wanted a private life with no attention. Not only did they not say this (saying you want people to stop printing lies about you and stop hounding you is not the same thing) but none of their actions indicate that this is what they did mean by what they said.

I read an article today that talked about tomorrow's interview and said it was designed to move them from royal celebrities to Hollywood royalty. I tend to agree with that. And I think they can do that because I don't think they have to be working royalties to keep the public's interest. Plenty of Hollywood types manage to do that without being royalty so they can too.

If your giving an interview where your attacking others. Don’t those others get the right to say something back?
Again, we don't know what was said in the interview. People are attacking Meghan based on what they think she might say. It smacks of a guilty conscious IMO. If the staff didn't do things that Meghan could complain about, why are they so worried about what she might say? I've noticed that Meghan's complaints are about how the BRF treated her while the defense seems to be "she was mean to staff" rather than "we didn't treat her badly." 🤔

Only autocorrect knows ;)
More like auto-incorrect.

Aww I think I am probably being unfair and need to see what the interview says.
Ding. Ding. Ding.

Parsley Sage

Well-Known Member
Princess Michael of Kent has long been one of the best known and was long one of the most public royals in the UK and is known beyond royal-watching and royal-caring audiences as the person who presented the trophies to the winners at Wimbledon for over three decades. She is also the highest ranked Catholic among the royals and was featured regularly when the Pope came to visit, and her (second) husband gave up his place in the line of succession because she was. Queen Elizabeth was said to have joked that, because of PMoK's bloodlines, she was too grand for the British Royal Family. (Those bloodlines also included her father's membership in the Nazi party.) I'm surprised you don't know who she is, aside from being widely criticized for wearing the racist pin.
It was her sister in law the Duchess of Kent who presented the trophies at Wimbledon. The Duke of Kent is the President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club.



Well-Known Member
Aww I think I am probably being unfair and need to see what the interview says.
Don’t believe everything in the tabloids. I am almost finished the book. Geez there wasn’t even a huge rift between Harry and William. Kate didn’t cry at a wedding fitting with the kids. It’s hard to understand the complexity of the set up in there with all these aides. It’s an interesting book.


Well-Known Member
Don’t believe everything in the tabloids. I am almost finished the book. Geez there wasn’t even a huge rift between Harry and William. Kate didn’t cry at a wedding fitting with the kids. It’s hard to understand the complexity of the set up in there with all these aides. It’s an interesting book.

I feel like Finding Freedom is about as close to "the truth" as we'll get. It was written by an experienced royal reporter Omid Scobie, and while it has Meghan's POV it also is careful about slinging accusations. The issue is the book has the slightly dry, dull feel of a royal biography.

This is MY prediction but I feel like the Oprah interview will end up being a big nothingburger. People are frothing at all the "scandalous" details but this interview is essentially a promo for their Netflix and Spotify deals. I feel like Oprah will ask about the issues with her father, maybe a little bit about the fishbow royall life, but then they'll talk about future projects and the upcoming baby and what not.

I've seen enough Oprah interviews to know she's pretty good at only talking about things the subject wants to talk about.


I see the sea
So seeing color just means a person isn't blind. What we do with that information makes the difference.
Yes, we notice the appearance of those we encounter and engage with. That can mean we notice race, gender, disabilities, scars and birthmarks, and more. And we note how others behave, and may notice if someone has an intellectual disability or is neurodiverse. As Tony noted, people often notice those who are LGBTQ.

We certainly don't notice just people's race, or notice it first and foremost, or intersectionality wouldn't be a thing. And it is indeed what we do with this information that matters.


Doing all the things
Today, there is a very lengthy, detailed and factual article recounting a full timeline of every incident that led to the breakdown in the relationship between the sussexes and the palace. It’s subscription but you can get a free 30 day trial to read it.
I suspect this is the closest to the truth anyone is going to get so if you’re interested- here goes.
I did register (it say only 24 hours but that's okay) and this article makes both Harry and Meghan seem like horrible people. It certainly doesn't make it seem like only Meghan was out of control and treating staff badly. There are numerous examples of Harry doing things and also of "the couple" doing things.

I see this happen all the time. The couple makes choices but the guy gets to slide and everything gets blamed on the woman as if he has no agency.


RIP D-10
It was her sister in law the Duchess of Kent who presented the trophies at Wimbledon. The Duke of Kent is the President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club.
And there I was thinking terrible things about the royal who presented the trophies to the winners at Wimbledon :oops:.


Mayor of Carrot City
Finding Freedom read very much to me like Andrew Morton's Diana book. As in, Diana fed information to her friends who fed it to Morton, so that he could use it and she could truthfully say that he had never interviewed her and she had never given him any material for the book. IMO the same setup was used to write Finding Freedom. There were details in the book about things that happened between Harry and Meghan when they were the only people there, and the only way that information could have gotten to the book's authors without their fingerprints on it would have been via a trusted friend. Plus, with H&M being so litigious and hating the press as much as they apparently do, if anything in that book had been wrong, they would have been denouncing it and/or filing a lawsuit about it. Which they didn't.


Mayor of Carrot City
I've seen enough Oprah interviews to know she's pretty good at only talking about things the subject wants to talk about.

IMO Oprah is a terrible interviewer, at least in terms of getting any important information out of the interviewee(s). I think people agree to be interviewed by her because they have a story to get across and they know she's not going to challenge them at all and just ask them softball questions. Remember how hands-off she was with Lance Armstrong even though he was finally confessing to at least some of his drug-use cheating.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
My closest friend at the job where I worked for many years is black. We ate lunch together, went to each other's family events, & when we took trips together we shared a hotel room. We also could talk about any & everything, including the black experience. But @canbelto is right about one thing - when I looked at her I actually saw her black skin. But she's wrong about what happens when we see skin color. It doesn't have to be a negative thing. I have another friend who is naturally very blonde. Every time I see her I notice her hair & her very white skin that doesn't tan. So seeing color just means a person isn't blind. What we do with that information makes the difference.
And some of my best friends are Jewish. A lovely statement which generally proceeds or follows an anti-semetic remark.

Geesh. Your protestations seem more like justifications to me. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
HAMLET...Queen Gertrude.


I see the sea


Bunny mama
I couldn’t get through Finding Freedom.

I found it quite dry and the writing style of the author cumbersome.

I’m about half way through with it. Not sure if I’ll ever pick it up again.


Well-Known Member
Finding Freedom read very much to me like Andrew Morton's Diana book. As in, Diana fed information to her friends who fed it to Morton, so that he could use it and she could truthfully say that he had never interviewed her and she had never given him any material for the book. IMO the same setup was used to write Finding Freedom. There were details in the book about things that happened between Harry and Meghan when they were the only people there, and the only way that information could have gotten to the book's authors without their fingerprints on it would have been via a trusted friend. Plus, with H&M being so litigious and hating the press as much as they apparently do, if anything in that book had been wrong, they would have been denouncing it and/or filing a lawsuit about it. Which they didn't.
Diana did
Finding Freedom read very much to me like Andrew Morton's Diana book. As in, Diana fed information to her friends who fed it to Morton, so that he could use it and she could truthfully say that he had never interviewed her and she had never given him any material for the book. IMO the same setup was used to write Finding Freedom. There were details in the book about things that happened between Harry and Meghan when they were the only people there, and the only way that information could have gotten to the book's authors without their fingerprints on it would have been via a trusted friend. Plus, with H&M being so litigious and hating the press as much as they apparently do, if anything in that book had been wrong, they would have been denouncing it and/or filing a lawsuit about it. Which they didn't.
Diana did secret tapes for Morton and the book was largely based on that. It was very explosive at that time.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
And some of my best friends are Jewish. A lovely statement which generally proceeds or follows an anti-semetic remark.

Geesh. Your protestations seem more like justifications to me. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
HAMLET...Queen Gertrude.
I would hate to live in your head. If someone doesn't rubber stamp your opinions then everything they say is suspect, right? You missed the whole point of my post which was that seeing color doesn't have to be a bad thing. Of course if you had acknowledged my point you wouldn't have been able to spread your nastiness as you have been doing throughout this thread.

Yes, I said ONE of my best friends are black, I didn't say a lot of my friends are black. People can't win with you. If I had said I've never had a black friend you would accuse me of being racist. AAMOF I've had more than one although the one I mentioned was the closest one.


Well-Known Member
MI did register (it say only 24 hours but that's okay) and this article makes both Harry and Meghan seem like horrible people. It certainly doesn't make it seem like only Meghan was out of control and treating staff badly. There are numerous examples of Harry doing things and also of "the couple" doing things.

I see this happen all the time. The couple makes choices but the guy gets to slide and everything gets blamed on the woman as if he has no agency.

Again, we don't know what was said in the interview. People are attacking Meghan based on what they think she might say. It smacks of a guilty conscious IMO. If the staff didn't do things that Meghan could complain about, why are they so worried about what she might say? I've noticed that Meghan's complaints are about how the BRF treated her while the defense seems to be "she was mean to staff" rather than "we didn't treat her badly." 🤔

This is not true though- every article quotes the staff as saying the are incredibly hurt because they feel they treated her very well and did absolutely everything in their power to welcome her / please her demands - and categorically deny her complaints are legitimate. They are hurt at being portrayed as racist too.

Certainly some of the grievances that are appearing from Meghan - having some phone calls monitored or receiving advice on which interviews she could accept - even if true, show her at best naivety. Other articles mention her being upset she couldn't keep designer freebies. I can’t imagine anyone being quite foolish enough to marry into the royal family and expect not to have these things happen but it seems somehow, she got confused between Hollywood and Buckingham palace.
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