From Russia With Love [#38]: Fall/Winter 2020

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Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
Balanchine made many iconic ballets with no storyline whatsoever and was very specific about how he liked his dancers to carry themselves and move. There was very little freedom as far as he was concerned. His dancers expressed themselves through the body not the face. Svetlana Zakharova and Ulyana Lopatkina have been called throughout their careers cold and emotionless and mere technical machines with pretty lines and body positions but they are both easily considered by the ballet world as two of the greatest ballerina's of the last half century.

I swear the online skating fandoms definition of artistry keeps getting smaller and smaller, more and more limited and narrower with with every passing season. The idea that you need to tell a story, make big facial expressions and express "joy" to connect with an audience or to even be considered artistic is ridiculous. You don't give the general audience enough credit then. Ballet and dance are far more then that.
You are confusing a "story-line" with a story. They are not one and the same. Balanchine was indeed very specific about how his dancers expressed themselves. Key word "expressed." Zakharova is frosty and detached, but it is her style. Presence and artistry do not need to be overt. Joy is not a facial expression; it's the love of performing. Freedom is not the ability to improvise; it's the mind/body connection. Artistry in skating has nothing to do with being balletic, period. We are talking apples and oranges here.
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Well-Known Member
Sinitsina/Katsalapov do not train due to illness. Test C-19 negative per Zhulin.

According to Zhukov, 3 negative c19 test but they still have a fever. Doctors can't make a diagnosis. They may miss Nationals.
Uhoh. They sound like they might be long haulers. They might have tested too late to show up positive.


Well-Known Member
Entries for Russian Nationals are up

Mo Medvedeva and Danielian, both are recovering from injuries/ilnesses.
Medvedeva gave an official comment to TASS:
Unfortunately, I have to confirm that I won't take part in Russian Nationals, this is our decision. This season is probably the most difficult for me, if we talk about health. In the fall I had problems with my back, severe pain, and because of it I missed more than a month of training, spend time in clinics. After my back felt better, and I just started to train and then became very sick "
When asked whether she was diagnosed with C-19, Medvedeva replied: "Yes, back in November. I missed most of November and the beginning of December due to illness, was in the hospital with serious lung lesion. Now I am more or less healthy, but I got back on the ice only on December, 8th.
The doctors recommended me to take everything slow. I essentially have two weeks to prepare for the Russian Nationals, that is impossible under such circumstances and given the doctors recommendations. I understand that I let my fans down, but such is the life of an athlete.
This is the sixth season in seniors, and probably the most difficult one. We will work to keep everything going well. I really want to go on the ice as soon as possible!
When asked about her future plans, Medvedeva replied: "To train, prepare for the next competition, for the next season. And hope that health will not bother me. I would also like to wish everyone health and take care of yourself."
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Well-Known Member
I missed most of November and the beginning of December due to illness, was in the hospital with serious lung lesion.

Whoah. Poor Evgenia. I think this is a cautionary tale to all those who were claiming athletes were too strong to be affected.

I see Tuktamysheva is on the list of entries. Perhaps she is doing well and will be ready to compete.


Well-Known Member
I see Tuktamysheva is on the list of entries. Perhaps she is doing well and will be ready to compete.
They listed everyone except those who are 100% out (Evgenia, Arthur). Sinitsina/Katsalapov and Aliev are also on the lists for now..

But Liza posted something about ‘see you at the Russian Nationals draw’ on her Instagram, so at least she plans to compete


Well-Known Member
I missed most of November and the beginning of December due to illness, was in the hospital with serious lung lesion.

Whoah. Poor Evgenia. I think this is a cautionary tale to all those who were claiming athletes were too strong to be affected.

I see Tuktamysheva is on the list of entries. Perhaps she is doing well and will be ready to compete.
Oh dear.

Let's hope for the athletes sake there is stricter enforcement of protocols otherwise this could turn out to be a super spreader event. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
So all these athletes who are currently sick and not training, they will miraculously appear at Nationals? Hehe...and after Nationals where will they go?

Well, in the Feds defence they do have to provide a stipend to their athletes.

It's a really tough year.

Hope they do all they can to keep them safe.


Values her privacy
So all these athletes who are currently sick and not training, they will miraculously appear at Nationals? Hehe...and after Nationals where will they go?

Well, in the Feds defence they do have to provide a stipend to their athletes.

It's a really tough year.

Hope they do all they can to keep them safe.
There are still more than two weeks till nationals. Why do you think they will still be ill then?


Well-Known Member
Why single them out when Mishin's group, Rukavicin's group and Plushenko's group are not adhering to protocol either?
I am not singling them out, read my other posts about this. I've been a critic of all of the safety lapses by the Russian fed, coaches, and skaters. Why is every legitimate criticism of this training group met with such resistance (I realize this is a rhetorical question).


Well-Known Member
There are still more than two weeks till nationals. Why do you think they will still be ill then?
I was wondering out loud if they'd be in competition shape. But hey they are all compromised in some way so. Cest la vie.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Poor Evgenia. I am glad she is listening to doctors and taking her time getting back to training. But given she was back training in November when she caught the plague I ask again: why did the Sambo coaches not quarantine?
Medvedeva was not training at Sambo-70 at that time. After she went to the treatment centre with a back issue, she did not return to the rink. Then she got the XYZ infection.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
I am 100% with you. Ballet is about emotional connection with the audience. Kamila has clean lines and her body is capable of holding precise positions. But here is no connection to anything - no story, no freedom of movement, no joy, no facial expression, etc. Positioning the neck "just like this" is not balletic. Personally, I find her the least interesting of the young Russian skaters. Trusova has a lot of fire in her, Kostornaya is a diva in training, and Scherbakova is a little skating aristocrat. Valieva has nice positions, and skates/jumps to music.
I'm with you. There's so much to like in the 3 A's but Kamila has yet to make any impression on me. I hope she finds her style and projects an enjoyment of what she's doing as she gets older.


Well-Known Member
So sad about Evgenia. I really wanted to see her programs again, speaking of skaters who can perform for an audience. I don't even know at this point if she'll try to come back for next year, Idk why she would keep training from now till October for the chance at 2 grand prixs and a nationals before she retires anyways. I'm worried this combination of circumstances might bring on an early end to her competitive career.
So are we placing bets on the ladies yet or is it too early? I love Aliona, but especially with getting sick I expect she'll be out-jumped. I find myself kind of rooting for Anna, imagine with all the competition being a 3 time national champion!


Ubering juniors against my will
It feels really up in the air right now. I'd have said Trusova was on a winning path because she was having a strong season at first (such as the season was), but then she had that disastrous free skate. We'll have to see if that was just a fluke and she got it out of her system. And of course so much depends now on where Aliona and Liza are in their recovery and how much they're able to train.


I've never seen Lipnitskaya but I've seen Valieva, and I think her skating is incredible so... it's not like anyone here is the arbiter of what other people find appealing. If someone does get to be that, I demand that it be me.

Wait, you joined in 2002 and you've never seen Lipnitskaya? Did you take a break from skating? You need to watch her Sochi team event LP ASAP! (My post is coming up in italics for some reason and I've no idea why..not doing it to be snarky or anything lol).


Well-Known Member
Wait, you joined in 2002 and you've never seen Lipnitskaya? Did you take a break from skating? You need to watch her Sochi team event LP ASAP! (My post is coming up in italics for some reason and I've no idea why..not doing it to be snarky or anything lol).

I did take a long break from skating. I've mentioned it before but not in awhile. I was really frustrated with a lot of the discourse in the fan community and the nationalistic coverage in the 90s and early 00's. Can't actually remember anymore when it started - maybe sometime before 2006? Probably also had to do with the shift to the new judging system. And I started watching more seriously again in the run up to the 2018 Olympics. Although I did check in here and there. One reason I think I am so interested in S/K is because (ironically I guess) I/K is one of the only teams I was a fan of between 2006 and 2018 or so. I don't really remember why or how I knew about them. Have a feeling when I was watching the Duchesneys Missing program on youtube, it might have recommended their rhythm dance from 2010 Junior Worlds, since it used some (or all?) of the same music I think. As for Lipnitskaya, I don't personally mind the existence of Holocaust-themed programs at all but I'm reluctant to watch them myself, that's why I haven't caught up with hers yet. I'll do it one day.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
My opinion on the whole Russian ladies/Sambo thing has stayed pretty consistent for a few years: Daniil is jam-packing their choreography and program structures in very expected ways. Lots of transitional movements that just make the program look busy rather than making musical sense (Zagitova last season LP first 20 or so seconds as an example). Watch Medvedeva's program structure from her years with Tutberidze and spend 20 seconds watching her SP beginning choreography from last season. Less sometimes is more, and I don't think Daniil has fully realized that yet. Of course, some skaters naturally have 'it' and they can put their own nuances into the programs that make them look less robotic, but this paint-by-number thing is typically what we get.

With all of that said, I think Valieva is coming along nicely and I think he did an excellent job with her short program in particular. The element placement and the way the spins perfectly match the trill-y music is wonderful.

In regards to Lipnitskaia, I never really got her skating when she was near the top, and also felt that Schindler's List was more of a 'it's moody music and it covers the lack of a personality' thing. She's far from the only skater I've felt this way about through the years, though. I absolutely LOVED Stolbova and Klimov but felt the same about their personalities: the music often carried them through it. I could watch their GPF win over and over, but that program was flat as hell if they weren't on IMO because there was not a lot left otherwise.


Banned Member
I'm with you. There's so much to like in the 3 A's but Kamila has yet to make any impression on me. I hope she finds her style and projects an enjoyment of what she's doing as she gets older.
I don't understand it. In performance, she looks like that character from that dance movie "Center Stage" who was the BEST but didn't have the heart..... blah. Maybe Kamila likes being that tragic "perfect skater" who just has to go through with it and will look disconnected and detached from it all? As a dancer, she is amazing, and she really needs top choreography because she is capable of delivering it. But she needs more FACE. And no, I'm not talking Tanith Bel-bimbo "O" faces and forcing her partner to smile like Joel Osteen asking for money for his ministry while he drives up in a 300K Ferrari at his 'church'. uggh. (Tan and Ben reminded me of these mega-church frauds in Houston with their big fake smiles, eek). I really WANT to like those two as pioneers in modern US ice dance, but dang, the cheeze from them... But, yeah, PR, I agree that Kamila needs to learn that performance isn't just perfect moves, it's about the face too. Anna Shcherbakova doesn't show much 'face', but she has some at least. Kamila looks totally disaffected or scared. She's way too good for her wandering through Bolero like Bambi. Needs better choreography.


Well-Known Member
I like Daniil's choreography but I think one person shouldn't be choreographing this many programs. I wonder if because they may perceive themselves to be "under attack" (this is just my own speculation of course), they have developed something of a fortress mentality and they are reluctant to let other people in. I think the main thing I'd like to see is a bit more holding of positions. There has to be a way to maximize points while still improving in that department. And the other criticism I agree with is that they don't always hit the musical highlights at times when it would enhance the program - that may be a deliberate stylistic choice (as a young creative person once I can imagine having seen that as "contrived" at Daniil's age, although this is more speculation on my part!), but Alina's Don Quixote program speaks to how effective hitting the highlights can be in figure skating.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
My opinion on the whole Russian ladies/Sambo thing has stayed pretty consistent for a few years: Daniil is jam-packing their choreography and program structures in very expected ways. Lots of transitional movements that just make the program look busy rather than making musical sense (Zagitova last season LP first 20 or so seconds as an example). Watch Medvedeva's program structure from her years with Tutberidze and spend 20 seconds watching her SP beginning choreography from last season. Less sometimes is more, and I don't think Daniil has fully realized that yet. Of course, some skaters naturally have 'it' and they can put their own nuances into the programs that make them look less robotic, but this paint-by-number thing is typically what we get.
Give me an AMEN!!
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