Big Brother 21


Banned Member
Stop watching.

I have watched this season much less than any of the others. And I am not alone, the ratings are the lowest in history by far this season. Blatant riggage to save even unlikeable twerps like Tommy and douches like Jackson will just continue to ensure the ratings hit such a low the show will be off air soon at this rate.


Banned Member
Tommy sucks. All the gay casting sucks lately.

We will probably get a Tommy-Jackson Final 2 if Tommy stays over Holly. I hope to god Jackson wins that.


Banned Member
As for a Nicole-Tommy Final 2 I am pretty sure Tommy would win it easily but I would love Tommy to lose 5-4 with Nick not voting him since I know he would never forgive Nick and never talk to him ever again since I hate their relationship more than any other on the show. Seeing a gay man be queer baited by an ugly ogre straight man with BO is just gross. So manifest that please so the two of them never talk again after the show!


Throwing the (rule)book at them

Tommy told Michie and Holly that hes going to let Cliff (and Nicole) know about his Christie connection. Michie saw this as an opportunity and already ran off to hint Cliff in on the incoming news. What Cliff would be smart to do at this point is tell Tommy that Michie already told him (even if he already knew from the loudspeaker blast), vote Holly out, and this almost surely gets Tommy gunning for veto against Michie, and vice-versa.

I have NO DOUBTS now that Holly will go to jury and blow up the news about Tommy.


Banned Member
Jackson has made it pretty clear the last couple days he wants to take Tommy to Final 2 if Holly goes. I think Jackson's boot order will be Nicole > Cliff > Tommy if Holly goes. I have no idea what Tommy's would be but I could see his ego wanting an all GR8TFUL Final 2, despite that Jackson is the only one left he could ever lost against. Holly and Cliff's would be easy, Jackson > Tommy > each other. I am calling it right now if Holly goes, there is no way Tommy is not in Final 3, and if Nicole or Cliff end up going home in the F4 he is also guaranteed Final 2.

Holly seems super pro Tommy so I am not sure at all she will spill anything in jury. However it might not matter anyway since if Cliff or Nicole go at F4 (which probably happens if Jackson wins veto, who knows maybe even if Tommy does) it comes out anyway. And FWIW anyone who thinks Holly would in a million years vote Nicole over Tommy or Nicole over ANYONE in a Final 2 is not a feeds watcher as the last few days feeds would make that clear this never happens.


Banned Member
I am now starting to think this (although I wouldn't bet on it) might flip back to keeping Holly by Thursday. Holly and Jackson are starting to campaign and have already told/threatened Nicole she isn't getting their vote in a Final 2 with Tommy and ensuring her with the other locked votes Tommy has she would lose. And while they have not told Cliff that I am sure it is known the same would apply to him.

Of course Nicole/Cliff want to go to Final 2 together but if they realize they would be going to Final 4 with 2 strong competitors who they can't beat in a jury vote, I could easily see them caving by Thursday night.

I want Tommy out so badly. Especialy since I am 80% sure if he is still here Thursday he is winning this thing. He is such an awful person. So fake and a horrible rep for the gay community.


Banned Member
And now Holly's new tactic to stay (since the scare tactic didn't work) is trying to do girly stuff with Nicole. This will go over well, LOL! Ugh I am already bracing myself for a Tommy win. I hope Nicole/Cliff win both F4 veto and F3 HOH (the F3 HOH over Tommy would be a miracle given its contents) as that is the only thing to a prevent a Tommy win now. That or Tommy being a dumb ass and saving and taking Jackson, who he might beat, but also might lose to.


Banned Member
They just showed a jury house segment on the feeds about half an hour ago. Jess and Kat are SUPER anti Nicole. Forget the fantasy of her beating Tommy in a jury vote. There are only 3 options in a Tommy vs Nicole Final 2: a 9-0 loss, a 8-1 loss with Cliff or Nick (more likely Cliff) voting her, or a 7-2 loss.

Based on the jury house segment the only small chance Nicole has is a Final 2 with Cliff, but she will have to probably win all the remaining comps and have an amazing jury speech to even win that.

My blood is feeling a Tommy-Nicole Final 2 as most likely and a Tommy-Jackson Final 2 as 2nd most likely, with Cliff- Nicole 3rd most likely. Those are the only Final 2s I see happening. Tommy-Jackson I see a 5-4 win for Tommy, no idea on the vote breakdown.


Banned Member
No jury house segment was shown on the live feeds. Thanks.

I didn't see it, but everyone on reddit was talking about it and what was said while I was out. If it wasn't on the feeds it was somewhere and according to everyone Jess and Kat were thrashing Nicole like wild; Christie too.


Banned Member
BB has videos of the jury answering questions. Jess thinks Nicole was a mole. :rolleyes:

Well then everything I read is right. Jess and Kat aren't voting Nicole. If Nicole is in Final 2 with either Jackson or Tommy she loses very badly. Although I see no way a Jackson-Nicole Final 2 happens anyway. And it will take an amazing argument to win over Cliff at this point.


Banned Member

Thanks. I wonder why reddit were talking about Kat so much then. They must have seen something else. I am Canadian so get the feeds but a lot of other extra things are geo blocked.

Either way I think against Tommy the only possible votes for Nicole are Nick and Cliff.

Against Jackson it is harder to say but I don't think she can win.

Against Cliff she is the underdog currently and needs to win every remaining comp and drag him to Final 2 to make a case.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Everything is shifting again. Nicole is saying she feels Tommy would take her to the end, but she thinks Holly/Michie would definitely take Cliff. All it would take is Cliff’s vote to keep Holly and she’s still there. But Nicole thinks their chances in F4 with Holly rather than Tommy are better, probably because of Holly unraveling.

I really think in the next 12 hours we are going to see them settling on keeping Holly.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I guess that means Tommy is staying. You haven't gotten one thing right all season. Your absurd Nicole beats Tommy in a jury vote prediction was basically confirmed wrong before it even happened. :rolleyes:

You’re being dramatic and your pseudos are liking your posts. This is getting hilarious. Block me if my inaccurate posts are bothering you. You keep bringing up my Tommy would be a perfect DE victim- and he was one correct answer (from Christie) away from actually living that situation out. I also just saw your comment about Nicole putting up Jackson and Holly, but that she’d ‘never win HOH’ anyways... so, we’re even?

Anyways, Tommy promised the world to Cliff and Nicole in his campaign, sticking to the idea of throwing HOH and fighting to get Michie out with veto. He has to know it’s his most realistic path to final 2 anyways, so why not?

And as pissed as Jackson and Holly would be at their F4 buddies for sending Holly out, I’m still sure Jackson is more mad at Tommy for picking Nicole and Cliff over him if he actually follows through and does win veto.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, Tommy promised the world to Cliff and Nicole in his campaign, sticking to the idea of throwing HOH and fighting to get Michie out with veto. He has to know it’s his most realistic path to final 2 anyways, so why not?
Tommy told his secret to every one and now every one knows that every one knows.


Banned Member
Tonight is a hoot. Jackson and Holly flat out told Nicole and Cliff that both cannot possibly win against Tommy in their campaign to save Holly. That he and Holly are 100% a Tommy vote in a Final 2 with both and that Jack, Sis, and Christie are sure to vote Tommy too. They just mumbled awkwardly and played it off and still are planning on the Holly boot. And Nicole has made herself the laughing stock of BB forums with what she did about half an hour after that "I think I can beat Tommy still even without Jackson and Holly since I would get Jack's vote over Tommy." Just take that in and digest it for a moment.


Headcase Addict
My opinion. The best way for Cliff and Nicole to make F2 together is by getting rid of Holly now. If both make the final 3, I believe one of them will win the final part of the 3 part challenge and choose each other for F2. Never take a showmance to F4.
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Banned Member
My opinion. The best way for Cliff and Nicole to make F2 together is by getting rid of Holly now. If both make the final 3, I believe one of them will win the final part of the 3 part challenge and choose each other for F2. Never take a showmance to F4.

Interesting, I don't think many would have them as the favorite for the last HOH over either Tommy or Jackson. Part 3 is always kind of a crapshoot though.

Since this season is clearly being rigged for a Tommy win by Allison Grodrig though I expect Part 3 to be questions and things suited for Tommy to win though.


Well-Known Member
Tommy told his secret to every one and now every one knows that every one knows.

I was wondering why Tommy told - but after seeing the conversation on tv last night, and realizing that Christie would probably not keep her mouth shut in jury - better for these folks to hear from Tommy directly.

AliasJohnDoe - I agree Nicole/Cliff should get rid of Holly to have a shot at winning - do not take a showmance.

Jackson is campaigning Holly. I do not like him, but if he sways for Holly to stay and he can make a good argument in the final round - how he came back from isolation etc and all his comp wins - he could win. Uggh - I just do not like him.

The other night - Jackson and Holly fighting - he is a #$*%. He did not want the fight on tv - but go ahead and have sex. Your mother must be so proud.
And the way he was - kind of creepy scary. Holly - run!

Hoping for either Nicole or Cliff to win as I do not like any of the other options.

Looking forward to this season being over and Survivor starting up again.


Banned Member
Nicole literally can not win any Final 2 at this point. She is so ****ed in terms of winning. Anyone with a brain knows she was destroyed by Jackson or Tommy. However I can't see her beating Cliff anymore, especialy if Tommy goes. The jury questions were so negative to her and most respect Cliff over her. And if Tommy goes, which is the only way Holly has a shot at Final 2, Holly easily beats her now. Jess, Kat, Tommy, Christie, Jack, Sis, Jackson all vote Holly over her. It is a blow out even against her. She should have never brought up the idea of keeping Tommy unless she were 100% sure on it, going back on it now would be game suicide, but I think she is screwed either way now. If Tommy goes after all that she now looks like Jackson's bitch even more, and the jury already think of her as Nick's bitch.

Nicole should just focus on how she can get to Final 2 and win 50, 000. She isn't winning 500, 000 against a ketchup bottle at this point.

Cliff can still win, especialy if Tommy goes. He now has 2 possible winning paths- Nicole and Holly. He just has to make sure if Tommy goes he leaves much more pissed at Nicole than at him, otherwise he loses to Holly hands down, but if he can do this he has a fighting shot vs Holly too. Nicole has none. She can't possibly beat any of the 4 left, not just Jackson and Tommy which was true months ago, but not anymore Cliff or Holly either. She should stop thinking of winning and just focus on maximizing her chances of being a Final 2 goat and winning 50, 000.

Nicole's Final 2 scenarios:

vs Tommy- 1 vote from Cliff
vs Jackson- 1 vote from Jackson
vs Holly- 2 votes from Cliff, Nick
vs Cliff- 2 votes from Nick and maybe someone else, Tommy or someone pissed enough at Cliff.

Cliff's possible winning scenarios

vs Nicole- easy win
vs Holly- if Tommy isn't too pissed at him he has a shot at Tommy, Christie, Jack, Sis, Nicole, maybe Nick
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Banned Member
They have decided to evict Tommy. For now.

Cliff and Jackson are both playing Nicole like a fool and making her look like an even bigger idiot than she already looks to the jury. She is a bigger Final 2 goat than Natalie Tenerelli at this point. She could win every competition from here, drag Cliff (clearly the easiest out of Tommy, Holly, Jackson for her to face in a jury vote) and still lose badly at this stage.

Jackson deserves to win this season hands down if he makes this happen. And Nicole deserves her dumb ass as the Final 4 vote which I am confident would happen with Jackson likely winning veto and giving her the heave ho. The biggest goat ever and still voted out in Final 4, haha.


Banned Member
This is great. Jackson is literally playing rings around all these fools, particularly Cliff, Nicole, and Tommy. Cliff and Nicole deserve a badge of shame right now, but Tommy is nearly as bad. He did nothing since Nicole and Cliff ensured him he was safe while Jackson campaigned and brainwashed non stop until he finally started to break them. And then when he finally talked to them he told them nothing, and Jackson eavesdropped on a conversation and used what he head

Holly did shit too. She slept while Jackson played the game for her. Everyone but Jackson is an awful player, I am firmly convinced of this at this point. I don't even like him but anyone left (or anyone left once Christie left) winning over him would be a crying shame.

And yes Nicole isn't winning against a piece of turd at this point. I am just sad we won't get the Tommy-Nicole Final 2 to see Tony Wheeler's delirious prediction of a Nicole win over Tommy get schooled into oblivion with an 8-1 or 9-0 loss anymore.

I can't stand Tommy so if he goes tonight I will probably host a Tommy evict party. Anyone who lives in TO is invited if interested.


Well-Known Member
There is going to be a house meeting soon. Jackson is going to be called out. :watch:

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