Big Brother 19 (US)


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Per source at Reddit, Josh voted out Alex in a tiebreaker and Paul won HOH. Can't we ever have just a little unpredictability this season? I hope he drags Kevin to the final 2 and Kevin pulls the upset.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
No matter who the HOH is this week, the power lies completely in whoever wins the power of veto, as they will likely be the one and only vote. I don't have much confidence in Kevin to win anything and I doubt Christmas or Josh is going to take the other one out, but you never know.

But Josh may be annoyed just enough with Christmas barking orders at him that he could potentially get rid of her if he's the safe one.

I'm so annoyed Josh had the perfect opportunity to switch up the game even after Paul said he wasn't going to do it, and he still voted Alex out. Dumb.

And how convenient that it was the same competition that Paul went through last year.


Well-Known Member
Tony, my thoughts exactly. I bet josh and Kevin go up this week. Josh will go if he doesn't win veto.


From the Bloc
I bet Paul nominates Josh and Christmas, as a gesture to get Kevin's jury vote. He will tell Josh and Christmas it doesn't matter because it's all about the veto, and it conceals their alliance from Kevin so he doesn't tell the jury they were together the whole time - which of course is in Paul's best interest as well.


Well-Known Member
If Paul does that xmas and Josh will flip out! But then again it should be live and Paul would only have to put up with the flipping out for a short time. I don't see Paul or Kevin using the veto if that happens. Josh is the biggest threat to win one of the 2 of comps for the final HOH and with the editing they have done against Paul the past 2 weeks, they might try and let Josh win to go against kevin or xmas. If Kevin is the only vote, he will do Paul's dirty work once again. I could see xmas take out Josh.


From the Bloc
Much as we have hoped someone will flip things this season, that possibility was lost the day Cody walked out the door.

Paul is in the final 3, so mission accomplished there, and I'm sure he's confident he can win any mental comp against anyone, with only Josh a threat on physical, so he will decide who is sitting next to him at the end.

For this segment, he really can't lose. He just has to keep telling them that only veto matters, so the nominees don't mean a thing. That being said, I do think it's an opportunity for a gesture to Kevin, plus if he only noms one of Josh and Christmas, no matter what he tells them they will take it personally that it's them not the other. He'll tell them it's to hide their alliance from Kevin and make him feel too comfortable to try on the veto.

Then, if he or Josh or Christmas wins, it's no problem. If Kevin wins the veto, it's not really a problem either as then he's the bad guy who takes out Josh or Christmas, thus securing their vote for himself (Paul). He's likely sure that Kevin cannot win anything in H3, so he or the remainder of Josh or Christmas will get rid of Kevin then.

As I think about it, having Kevin in the F3 would probably be a good thing for Paul, because then he's got an easy exit without having to choose between Josh and Christmas - I'm sure he doesn't care, but they certainly will.

ETA - Of course I could be completely wrong about this :lol: and surely enough, the folks at tvclubhouse seem quite certain that Paul wants Josh out now because he's the only threat for the final HOH comps. He's also the most volatile and made the mistake of asking if Paul and Christmas were a showmance (Paul apparently thinks he has a girlfriend waiting for him), so that's against him.

But Paul has figured out how to manipulate all of them - Josh's emotions, Christmas' crush on him, Kevin the man of his word - so none of it really matters I guess!
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Well-Known Member
if Paul takes xmas and Josh to f3, whomever gets voted out will have a few minutes to go out to the jury. So they won't have a chance to influence them. Also Paul mentioned that the one who goes out on Thurs goes to a hotel. not sure if I believe that since they would be there for a week.
The only thing that makes me happy about this season is other then Kevin, none of them are going to be liked. Paul is going to get some major blow back. last night bbad showed Paul talking about kicking people asses and xmas joined in.


Well-Known Member
Just watched Wed pm episode.
OMG- Paul and his crocodile tears, from his conversation w Alex when he let her know he would not use the veto, and then with xmas right after.
And his joy at winning HOH seemed fake to me.
Am I cynical or just hating him and this season?


Well-Known Member
@smurfy that HOH win was so thrown to Paul! He was making little noises so xmas knew what to do. it reminds me of that other comp where it was true or false. xmas pretty much had true the entire one tonight. Yeah Paul was acting fake as hell.
Also, looks like production is trying to salvage the season making paul, xmas and josh look good. i'm calling josh and kevin go up tomorrow. Paul will win veto and send josh home.


Well-Known Member
just found this on Hamsters. Paul nominated Kevin and Josh, with Kevin as his target. The final veto comp was held this afternoon - results will be known when feeds return tonight.


Kleenex missed a huge marketing opportunity this season. :wuzrobbed

It's too close to the end for me to give up on this season but I strongly suspect the "special" episode on Friday is another fcuking clip show.


Well-Known Member
Remaining Shows
Thursday 9/14 9pm Final veto comp, live eviction
Friday 9/15 8pm Final Three guided memories and clips, begin Part 1 final HOH
Wednesday 9/20 8pm Two-hour finale: Parts 1, 2, 3 final HOH, winner vote, confetti

I don't see a Sunday show this week. also they said there is an after hours Q&A for fans Sunday night. That would be interesting.

On one of the boards someone said kevin said to Paul after he won HOH "I threw it. I did good?"


From the Bloc
Well forget most of what I said above :lol: Apparently Paul told the cameras that he's planning to take Josh to the end. Hindsight is everything of course, but it's now easy to see how it's all falling into place.

Christmas is the vote, and with Paul winning veto, she's still the vote, so she gets to be the bad guy and send someone to the jury and Paul gets to continue his "I did everything I could" strategy with the jurors. Everyone seems certain they all - including Kevin - threw the HOH to him, so probably the veto too.

Assuming Christmas sticks to plan with her crush Paul, Kevin's gone and Paul should have no trouble beating them in the final. Hell they may even throw it to him. How he explains to Christmas why he's chosen Josh is up in the air, but again, crush. Plus sounds like she's been playing for the fame/followers/business opps anyway.

Sitting next to Christmas, he has someone who could take more credit than she's due while Paul continues his "I did everything I could but couldn't save you" line and lose jury members who think strategy is more important that Friendship. Plus we know Christmas has also worked hard on the jury members to gain their trust from the beginning, and many might not realize the extent of her venom behind their backs.

Sitting next to Josh, he has the guy he conned into "going off" on them one by one, and tormenting them with pots and pans, and being a volatile mess who couldn't pull off a strategy if he was wearing it as a hat. Case closed.

Le sigh.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Well, at least Paul actually has thought this all out. And he was smart into instigating Josh to do so much of his dirty work all while protecting him from being the target.

I don't like a lot of what Paul did and said, but he clearly knew what he was doing. Everyone should've listened to Dominique way back when!


Well-Known Member
Just watched Thurs pm episode.
The jury house... lol
Raven states she was the puppet master, and Elena's reactions. Loved itAnd then when Alex is at the house and Jason informs Alex that Raven thinks she is the puppet master.
They called Rave out!!!
And at the end of the segment when they r saying they did Paul's dirty work and Cody pipes in 'I Didn't'. Just perfect timing
This whole portion of the show was the best thing of the whole season.


From the Bloc
That jury segment just made up for the entire season for me!

Raven: Paul's most important alliance was with me and Matt. We were pulling all the strings. Well really, I was.
Mark: Then why are you here?

Mark, in disbelief: You did nothing in the game. All you did was play house in the Big Brother house.
Raven, screeching: Mark you're a dick, I bet your middle name is Dick!!!
Elena, quietly: Actually it's Gordon.



A bitch from Canada
Remembered my other favourite line:

Jason to Alex: It's sort of fun here, or it would be except for them (gesturing to Raven and Matt).

And Raven and Matt still both seem to think she's America's sweetheart who played a great game.
She's in for quite a shock when this is all over. I honestly hope they'll offer her some counselling.


From the Bloc
Well here we are at the end. I plan to watch for a) Dr Will's jury round table and b) reactions to AFP. For the latter, the places I read around the internet are saying it's either Cody or Kevin, with Jason also in the running. This is completely opposed to what various HGs think, so I'm reallyreallyreallypleasepleaseplease hoping Julie reveals the top three, or at least says who it was between and then the winner. Please do not deprive of us of one of the few moments of satisfaction this season!!


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Jessica did a live Instagram video last night with all the pre-jurors in her hotel room that was pretty entertaining. Lots of shade thrown around, and some interesting tidbits came out (Jillian walked in on Matt and Christmas canoodling before the live feeds started). I wish Cameron had another chance to play because I think he could be fun to watch on the show.


From the Bloc
It's kinda fun the way Jessica has taken a lead role in representing the early season - will make Paul and some of the jurors even more isolated when they realizes that Jessica and therefore Cody are already well engaged in post-season fame and associating themselves with "the other side" before the show even ends. Usually the early boots appear wherever CBS needs them but otherwise fade away, no?

Also read an interview this morning where Jessica mentioned she has been in regular contact with Elena's mother, and they plan to have lunch together in LA this week.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Jessica also got a recurring role on Bold & the Beautiful as a restaurant hostess, much more than the usual cameo that the BB contestants make. Her character's name is Jody. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Good for Jessica. Intially I did not think I would like her, but they way she was on the show, at her core, she seems to be a very decent person.

it is really sad that we only care about the jury/dr will segment and AFP. I did vote for Cody.

Survivor starts next week!!


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Worst season ever. Paul did everything he possibly could and still came up short to someone who was basically told to bully other people all while putting a target on his own back, stumbled through every closing argument he had, and tried to keep saying he was a super fan with all these ideas— when in reality things really never went his way. The week Jessica was voted out no one wanted to side with him on HIS HOH over his wanting Elena out, and even when he wanted to save Alex he still went with Paul and voted her out when he had the chance not to. Just ridiculous that everyone is so bitter. I’m actually the most annoyed with Cody voting for Josh and essentially determining the winner because I thought he would respect their battle and give Paul the nod. Alex, as smart as she is, also disappointed me that she didn’t respect Paul’s gameplay. Remember, Josh could have kept her in the game but chose not to. Not Paul.

And WTF CBS for not showing anyone’s faces when Cody got announced as America’s favorite.

Celebrity edition needs to be amazing or I think viewership is going to go way down next summer.

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