Best pairs programs of all time


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for some viewing suggestions for quality pairs programs that I should watch. Particularly ones that are from previous eras of skating.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to what they consider to be the best pairs programs of all time?

I find that pairs can either be the most exhilarating and beautiful of all the disciplines or just simply a bunch of crossovers and elements depending on who is skating!

I might start by saying Shen/Zhao's 2003 Worlds free skate is my current favourite:


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M & D's Liebestraum IS the best pairs program of all time I will brook NO DISAGREEMENT. :) (I think '91 or '92 Worlds is the best performance of it rather than the Olympics though, but don't recall which of the two is superior).


Well-Known Member
Here is Mishkutenok and Dmitriev's free skate from 1991 Worlds:

It is beautiful. I thought that was technically sharper than the 1994 Olympics skate.

My takeaway from watching some of these programs is that the technical quality is not the same as what we are used to now - in terms of jumps, twists, lifts and throws and some of those spins don't look like they'd get level 4s now. But the quality of what they did with their blades on the ice and unison between the skaters is much better.

Although, I can imagine that when you got down to the lower ranked skaters it may have been a bit dull with those who didn't have much techik and also didn't have artistry? Or perhaps no one noticed it much because there obviously wasn't a comparison to what the skaters would be doing in 25 years time.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
M & D's Liebestraum IS the best pairs program of all time I will brook NO DISAGREEMENT. :) (I think '91 or '92 Worlds is the best performance of it rather than the Olympics though, but don't recall which of the two is superior).

I think the 91 worlds was better. The 92 worlds was not perfect, IIRC, but it is such a beautiful program that even small mistakes don’t take away its beauty.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I am not sure if you are looking for just LP or other types too (SP, Ex, and Pro competitions). So here is my short list in each. I may expand on it later.


M&D 91 worlds, 94 Oly
G&G - 88 Oly, 89 worlds, 90 Euro, 94 Euro, 94 Oly
B&S - 2001 COR (City lights)
V&T - 2014 Oly


B&S - 2002 Oly, 2001 worlds
T&M 1- 2005 & 2006
G&G - 94 Oly
V&T -2014 Oly

Ex ( too many to list, but this will do)-

G&G - Reverie, Vocalise, The Nutcracker
B&P- You don't bring me flowers, Spartacus
B&G - On Golden pond
T&M1- Color Of the night
B&S - Impossible Dream, Elegy


Well-Known Member
For me S&Z 2003 and M&D Rach.

S&Z Nutcracker 2004 was also wonderful. It didn't have the 'sizzle' of Turandot, which was S/Z's break-out program - in my mind, it signified a transformation. But Nutcracker was perfection.

For technical perfection, G&G and also T&M (Tot and Mar).

From previous eras, the Protopopovs immediately come to mind, but I'm sure there are others.

ETA: Just rewatched Liebestraum for the first time in a long standard. Agree that it is among the gold standards of program, but personally I prefer Rach, particularly for the ending.
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Well-Known Member
A few more off the beaten path ones - I'll try to look for youtube links later if you can't find them:
Kazakova & Dimitriev's broken doll (I think? Something like that) exhibition
The young Stieglers (Johnny and Tiffany's) program from maybe that benefit that the Boston(?) Skating Club used to do - sorry to be so vague, I promise to look for better info later, but maybe someone recognizes what I'm talking about? - this one doesn't really meet the "best of all time" criterion I guess, maybe more of a "best potential from really young skaters" thing :)
M & D did a cool avant-gardish exhibition to Yma Sumac music at some point that I really liked
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I agree with Michalle et al about Liebestraum!!!

I love Shen and Zhao's LP Meditation from Thaïs at 2007 Worlds. It's not perfect and they may have done it better but it was a moving performance that capped a glorious season for them. That was the one where Hongbo got down on his knees to propose on the ice after their skate, but he got rattled or something when she kneeled down too, and I think it was months before he tried again. :lol:


Well-Known Member
For me S&Z 2003 and M&D Rach.

S&Z Nutcracker 2004 was also wonderful. It didn't have the 'sizzle' of Turandot, which was S/Z's break-out program - in my mind, it signified a transformation. But Nutcracker was perfection.

I found Shen/Zhao's 2002 Turandot to be a totally different program to the 2003 Worlds Turandot. Like at 2003 Worlds the whole thing came to life. I watched the 2002 Worlds Turandot and it was nothing like the one from 2003 - even if the choreography was similar, their artistry and expression in 2003 was in a whole other universe. Amazing how the same program can look so different.


Well-Known Member
I love Shen and Zhao's LP Meditation from Thaïs at 2007 Worlds. It's not perfect and they may have done it better but it was a moving performance that capped a glorious season for them. That was the one where Hongbo got down on his knees to propose on the ice after their skate, but he got rattled or something when she kneeled down too, and I think it was months before he tried again. :lol:

Yes, another piece of perfection for S/Z. I guess that 2007 I had come to expect it from them, and for me it didn't have the surprise/wow factor of 'Turnadot' nor the elegance of Nutcracker. The Nutcracker music moved me more than Thais - a program that for me will forever be associated with B&S.

That was just too funny when he knelt on the ice to propose, and she got down on her knees as well. :D
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Yes, another piece of perfection for S/Z. I guess that 2007 I had come to expect it from them, and for me it didn't have the surprise/wow factor of 'Turnadot' nor the elegance of Nutcracker. The Nutcracker music moved me more than Thais - a program that for me will forever be associated with B&S.
I agree that Nutcracker and Turandot were more brilliant but Meditation is exquisite too. It has special meaning for me because I was new to skating (as a serious fan) and had just started watching pairs. I fell madly in love with S/Z and it was a magical season for them.


Well-Known Member
I found Shen/Zhao's 2002 Turandot to be a totally different program to the 2003 Worlds Turandot. Like at 2003 Worlds the whole thing came to life. I watched the 2002 Worlds Turandot and it was nothing like the one from 2003 - even if the choreography was similar, their artistry and expression in 2003 was in a whole other universe. Amazing how the same program can look so different.

That to me is why I think the program indicative of their transformation.

S&Z had been told time and time again that their artistry wasn't up to the standard of non-Chinese pairs. Whereas the Russians have the opera for inspiration, and Westerners popular culture, Chinese/Asian performance styles are highly stylized and arguably restrictive. When S/Z first came on the international scene (91 Worlds IIRC) they were still restricted to Chinese music and not allowed to get training/choreography outside of China. That changed in the years to come, but I think S/Z and team were still a bit perplexed about how to improve S/Z's artistry.

I remember a commentator saying that one point, S/Z started holding hands to build a better connection between them.

My pet theory is that when they tried to improve their artistry after 2002, they dug deep inside themselves, and discovered their love for one another, and that love was the source of their transformation.


Well-Known Member
@Japanfan When I read The Second Mark I appreciated the struggle that they had to prove themselves to the judges that they could be artistic. Even though in my opinion they had high quality pairs elements that were from a point in the future compared to other teams. I can't help but think though that they were blocked by this narrow and somewhat discriminatory idea the judges had that supposedly a Chinese pair couldn't be artistic - or that the Russian way was the only way to be artistic.


Well-Known Member
Soooooo many wonderful programs already listed :) Some of my favorites not on here from a sliiiightly earlier era overall - I love this era of pairs for some reason :)

Valova & Vasiliev 1985 Worlds LP
Valova & Vasiliev 1985 Euros LP - Two incredible performances of 'Sharule'

Selezneva & Makarov 1990 World Pros Artistic Program -
If Bezic could've just STFU this would be even more amazing. Honestly one of the voidiest programs of all time in any discipline IMO

Selezneva & Makarov 1990 Worlds SP - The original Michael Jackson program, all others are cheap rip offs IMO :)

I don't know if I'd really put this one on the all time greatest list, but I'll include it anyway because it's interesting
Selezneva & Makarov 1985 World ex - It is their SP from that season. Reminds me of Stolbova & Klimov a bit

But like many others have said, M&D's Liebestraum, even 28 years later, is still the best pairs program of all time. Might as well just link that 1991 worlds performance again :)

Here it is, again :)
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Well-Known Member
@Japanfan When I read The Second Mark I appreciated the struggle that they had to prove themselves to the judges that they could be artistic. Even though in my opinion they had high quality pairs elements that were from a point in the future compared to other teams. I can't help but think though that they were blocked by this narrow and somewhat discriminatory idea the judges had that supposedly a Chinese pair couldn't be artistic - or that the Russian way was the only way to be artistic.

ITA. In fact, I remember thinking that a case could have been made for S/Z to have beaten B/S at the 1999 Worlds - though I don't remember the details.

The rise of the Chinese pairs is testament to the vision and work of Bin Yao, who followed his dream of building a great pair school after performing so terribly on the world stage in the first pair China sent out into the world. IIRC he was thrust into a pair with no pair training, and learned about the discipline from watching videos of Russian pairs. I think the Second Mark mentioned that his partner once practiced with coins in her pockets, and the coins all came spilling down onto the ice during a lift. :eek:


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Valieva Vasiliev’s 1988 worlds LP was wonderful. They beat G&G with it.

Here it is! Really it's just how electric this skate is - and the fact that back like 2.5 months earlier Elena was dealing with this freakin hole in her foot and they didn't think they'd even be in Calgary at all, let alone winning worlds clean a few weeks later over G&G. Their sbs triple toes out of splits with then two back crossovers into double axels - in 1988 - is completely surreal to me.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Here it is! Really it's just how electric this skate is - and the fact that back like 2.5 months earlier Elena was dealing with this freakin hole in her foot and they didn't think they'd even be in Calgary at all, let alone winning worlds clean a few weeks later over G&G. Their sbs triple toes out of splits with then two back crossovers into double axels - in 1988 - is completely surreal to me.

They had a very creative choreography as amateur skaters. Most pairs were just doing technical elements those days. I also think they may have been the first pair to do sbs triple jumps. Others were doing sbs double axels.


Well-Known Member
They had a very creative choreography as amateur skaters. Most pairs were just doing technical elements those days. I also think they may have been the first pair to do sbs triple jumps. Others were doing sbs double axels.

Cherkasova & Shakhrai did sbs triple toes in 1978 and Vorobieva & Lisovsky did sbs triple salchows in the 1978-79 season (not sure theirs were clean). V&V would've probably been the third team to do them, followed immediately by Selezneva & Makarov. One of the American teams I believe attempted them in the mid 70s but not cleanly (I think Melissa Militano but not sure with which partner)


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
A lesser known pair John Zimmerman and Stephanie (his partner before the switch to Kyoto Ina)- Sorcerer’s Apprentice was a really good program. I don’t remember the year or the competition. I just remember that I liked it.

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