Was the 1999-2002 Period the Most Entertaining and Corrupt Period of Ice Dance?


Well-Known Member
I actually agree. The Americans (and Molina) are playing the game just like the Russians used to, but now they've cleverly packaged themselves as inclusive and forward-thinking and liberal, so no one dares call them out. They are protected by the cloak of woke.
And how is this playing out in ice dance? And not to mention it’s not like the US is the most advanced culture when it comes to progress and everybody else is still stuck in feudalism and selling their daughters for a bag on onions and a pig and declaring religious crusades against darker skinned people (at least not so explicitly). Aren’t Canadians even more progressive? And most of Western Europe in many aspects?
I feel like people call out politicking for American teams (specifically Chock/Bates right now) a lot?

I wasn't watching a lot of ice dance in this time period but this thread REALLY makes me want to check it out! I love this ridiculous sport.
Oh Americans politik bigtime. Read Joe Jackson's book. He complains and moans about Russians or other countries politiking but boasts about him and other American judges/officials politiking, particularly at junior events. Although his talk is two speared, as he also praises in other instances the Russians for their politiking and says he wishes Americans were better and more effective at it. And he mocks the Canadians for never politiking which I think is selling them short given that some of the most overscored and overrated skaters/teams ever are Canadian- Elvis Stojko, Sale & Pelletier, Patrick Chan at one point (he is amazing but won so many events with 4 or 5 big mistakes sometimes), Bourne & Kraatz at times, Brasseur & Eisler arguably. It was an interesting read all around. And he really hated Slutskaya, continously calling her truck driver. He compared her to Harding and implied the reason Slutskaya did so much better in her career was Russian politiks vs American lack of politiks and American bias against a Harding type. But that is a flawed example since while Slutskaya might have been overrated a bit at times (and believe me I am not a fan of Irina's skating, lol), she mostly maximized her talent by putting in the hard work, showing up to competitions fits and able to do her jumps (her strength) effectively, and being fairly consistent. And of course she showed super determination coming back when everyone thought her career was over in 99 after 2 straight 4th place finishes at Russian Nationals, and missing worlds, and she instead came back much stronger than before. The kind of thing Harding would have never in a million years had the werewithal to do. Harding definitely had even more raw jumping, athletic, and probably overall skating talent at her best, but did none of the things I just said, and her so called triple axel Jackson spoke off was already in the grave after 1991, in fact for all her jumping talent she rarely did a triple lutz or triple flip cleanly after 92 again, lol! He acts like she wasn't the main culprit for her own underachieving, but then again I guess that makes a better story. I really enjoyed the book, both the insight and comedic hypocricy and flawed logic at times, mixed with elements of truth.


Banned Member
And how is this playing out in ice dance? And not to mention it’s not like the US is the most advanced culture when it comes to progress and everybody else is still stuck in feudalism and selling their daughters for a bag on onions and a pig and declaring religious crusades against darker skinned people (at least not so explicitly). Aren’t Canadians even more progressive? And most of Western Europe in many aspects?
I see.

In any case, I concede A/P's 2001 Worlds FD was more difficult than FP/M, but I would still give FP/M my first place ordinal based on the presentation score.


Banned Member
Oh Americans politik bigtime. Read Joe Jackson's book. He complains and moans about Russians or other countries politiking but boasts about him and other American judges/officials politiking, particularly at junior events. Although his talk is two speared, as he also praises in other instances the Russians for their politiking and says he wishes Americans were better and more effective at it. And he mocks the Canadians for never politiking which I think is selling them short given that some of the most overscored and overrated skaters/teams ever are Canadian- Elvis Stojko, Sale & Pelletier, Patrick Chan at one point (he is amazing but won so many events with 4 or 5 big mistakes sometimes), Bourne & Kraatz at times, Brasseur & Eisler arguably. It was an interesting read all around. And he really hated Slutskaya, continously calling her truck driver. He compared her to Harding and implied the reason Slutskaya did so much better in her career was Russian politiks vs American lack of politiks and American bias against a Harding type. But that is a flawed example since while Slutskaya might have been overrated a bit at times (and believe me I am not a fan of Irina's skating, lol), she mostly maximized her talent by putting in the hard work, showing up to competitions fits and able to do her jumps (her strength) effectively, and being fairly consistent. And of course she showed super determination coming back when everyone thought her career was over in 99 after 2 straight 4th place finishes at Russian Nationals, and missing worlds, and she instead came back much stronger than before. The kind of thing Harding would have never in a million years had the werewithal to do. Harding definitely had even more raw jumping, athletic, and probably overall skating talent at her best, but did none of the things I just said, and her so called triple axel Jackson spoke off was already in the grave after 1991, in fact for all her jumping talent she rarely did a triple lutz or triple flip cleanly after 92 again, lol! He acts like she wasn't the main culprit for her own underachieving, but then again I guess that makes a better story. I really enjoyed the book, both the insight and comedic hypocricy and flawed logic at times, mixed with elements of truth.

Harding had much more talent and better basics than Slutskaya, but at least Slutskaya was always fit and hard working (perhaps with some assistance from the federation? 💊). Neither skater was ever my cup of tea.

I think the more interesting comparison is: which skater is more insufferable today? The anti-vax conspiracy theory-loving Tonya or the generally insufferable and homophobic Slutskaya?


Skating season ends as baseball season begins
This thread has been a trip and a half to read/reminisce. Except for reliving the abundance shredded costumes. Ugh.

I see.

In any case, I concede A/P's 2001 Worlds FD was more difficult than FP/M, but I would still give FP/M my first place ordinal based on the presentation score.

I can't fault this necessarily, but it reminds me of what A&P faced in 1999, having the more audience-friendly programs compared to K&O, who were sharper at the time. (At least that's what I remember - I refuse to re-watch K&O's FD that year...) I still can't believe they had such a clunker in Beethoven's Last Night. Did everyone on their team take leave of their senses?

I loved the R+J soundtrack, and was busy fighting burgeoning fandom of FP&M. I was young, easily swayed by home commentary, and saw the Italians as propped up by Speedy/judges and a general threat to Canadian Ice Dance, which is unfortunate. I quite liked all their programs except the Lord Of The Dance business-- particularly their 1998 FD. I loved R+J program even then - but I wouldn't admit it. I also quite enjoyed B&K's programs that year after a few misses in a row, but they were definitely fighting their way back up the standings and were lucky to have 4th.

I think my real question is were there ANY decent FDs in 2001 in the top 5? :lol:

And for all the questioning of Tracey Wilson's commentary, a lot of FSUers forget Barb Underhill was still around somewhat, and was 100x worse with bias than Wilson or Bezic or anyone during her tenure at CTV...

Harding had much more talent and better basics than Slutskaya, but at least Slutskaya was always fit and hard working (perhaps with some assistance from the federation? 💊). Neither skater was ever my cup of tea.

I think the more interesting comparison is: which skater is more insufferable today? The anti-vax conspiracy theory-loving Tonya or the generally insufferable and homophobic Slutskaya?

Aw, Slutskaya wasn't so bad, was she? Her programs got pretty stale by 2006, of course, but she really tried in 2000 & 2001 with Carmen & Don Quixote. Even before IJS, her spins, footwork and speed were remarkable, but her artistry certainly didn't compare to Kwan, Butryskaya or even the up and coming Sasha Cohen... She tried more traditional programs more than Harding did, anyways.
I see.

In any case, I concede A/P's 2001 Worlds FD was more difficult than FP/M, but I would still give FP/M my first place ordinal based on the presentation score.
The thing though is FP/M did not win the FD and thus gold medal at the 2001 worlds on the presentation score. Almost every judge they won was on the technical score and their technical scores were overall higher than A&P, who had atleast equally high presentation marks. Which shows a complete disregard for the huge disparity in technical difficulty given that A&P actually skated well that night.

It reminds me of Baiul winning the 94 Olympics over Kerrigan on technical marks, but atleast there, there were some technical arguments in her favor- better and higher triple lutz, atleast landed the triple flip (even if two footed), arguably better spins.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
It reminds me of Baiul winning the 94 Olympics over Kerrigan on technical marks,

LOLLLL but are you factoring in the judge who said he didn’t see Nancy Kerrigan’s triple triple combination? That’s one of the funniest things.… the most inexcusable things in figure skating competition history. “Oh… I did not see Ito’s triple axel“ lol could you imagine??
LOLLLL but are you factoring in the judge who said he didn’t see Nancy Kerrigan’s triple triple combination? That’s one of the funniest things.… the most inexcusable things in figure skating competition history. “Oh… I did not see Ito’s triple axel“ lol could you imagine??
Or the judges who said they didn't see Jamie's single axel (a wide open single that even a blind person could see) in the long program at the 2001 worlds. Where Sale & Pelletier made a major mistake in both programs and corruptly still won over a clean Elena & Anton, a superior team to begin with. Judges can say whatever balogna nonsense they want to justify their marks/results they want.


Well-Known Member
This is why the ISU has discouraged judges from giving interviews and answering questions, :lol: . Reminds me of a judge who explained that Blumberg/Seibert lost the Olympic bronze in 1984 because they didn't dance to "dance music" and somebody pointed out that Torvill/Dean did a more interpretive dance to Ravel's "bolero" even though "Bolero" is a ballroom dance style, technically. Instead of making some roundabout argument that T/D was doing a "bolero" ballroom dance (does anybody really think that they did?), the judge basically just said Torvill/Dean could do whatever they wanted... probably because they were pretty much ahead of the game. Of course, "Scheherezade" is a ballet, but I guess that's not ballroom. I always thought Davis/White winning the Olympics to "Scheherezade" 26 years later was some sort of poetic justice.
Blumberg & Seibert deserved the silver in 84 IMO. And 2 judges in fact placed them 2nd. The Soviets had such entitlement when it comes to pairs and dance, that since it was obvious Torvill & Dean were winning for sure that year, I am sure they made arrangements they would get 2 medals as some kind of compensation. There was nothing Blumberg & Seibert could have done, whatever they did, they would have found an excuse to justify bumping them off the podium so Soviets could get their 2 medals as "compensation" for not getting the pairs or dance gold like usual. That is also IMO why they dropped from 2nd to 3rd barely in the FD at the 83 worlds, they were already thinking ahead and knew it would be harder to justify them dropping to 4th at the Olympics as the 83 world silver medalists, then as just the bronze medalists. It also explains why at the 84 worlds the judges were ready to give them to silver (they beat B&B in the OD there, despite B&B skating an excellent OD) had they skated well in the FD, and they still handily won the bronze despite a subpar FD and skating worse than the Olympics, while a young Klimova & Ponomarenko skated better than the Olympics.

Klimova & Ponamarenko would be robbed so many times in their career, I sort of don't mind they were probably early gifted a bronze in 84, I just wish it had not been at the expense of yet another NA judging victim in ice dancing. Queen Judy Blumberg is an excellent commentator too IMO.
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Well-Known Member
Blumberg & Seibert deserved the silver in 84 IMO. And 2 judges in fact placed them 2nd. The Soviets had such entitlement when it comes to pairs and dance, that since it was obvious Torvill & Dean were winning for sure that year, I am sure they made arrangements they would get 2 medals as some kind of compensation. There was nothing Blumberg & Seibert could have done, whatever they did, they would have found an excuse to justify bumping them off the podium so Soviets could get their 2 medals as "compensation" for not getting the pairs or dance gold like usual. That is also IMO why they dropped from 2nd to 3rd barely in the FD at the 83 worlds, they were already thinking ahead and knew it would be harder to justify them dropping to 4th at the Olympics as the 83 world silver medalists, then as just the bronze medalists. It also explains why at the 84 worlds the judges were ready to give them to silver (they beat B&B in the OD there, despite B&B skating an excellent OD) had they skated well in the FD, and they still handily won the bronze despite a subpar FD and skating worse than the Olympics, while a young Klimova & Ponomarenko skated better than the Olympics.

Klimova & Ponamarenko would be robbed so many times in their career, I sort of don't mind they were probably early gifted a bronze in 84, I just wish it had not been at the expense of yet another NA judging victim in ice dancing. Queen Judy Blumberg is an excellent commentator too IMO.
You're entitled to whatever narratives you wish to make here. However, as much as I love B&B's 1984 OSP they did make a mistake in it at Worlds and the judges marked them down for it.

For the record, Blumberg & Seibert made major mistakes in every FD at worlds except 1983. That does produce an expectation of dropping in that portion of the event - we on FSU would be talking about it that way collectively as we would predict how things would place in the next event. It is easy for me to imagine judges kiiinda assuming something similar could happen, ya know?

Not that I personally agreed that they should drop behind B&B in the FD at 1983 Worlds, nor necessarily place behind them in Sarajevo but there was precedent that they themselves were setting with these major mistakes in the FD at Worlds over and over...
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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Where Sale & Pelletier made a major mistake in both programs and corruptly still won over a clean Elena & Anton,

lol well, you certainly are derailing this thread. Who are the Elena and Anton that were clean that you speak of? I like the rewriting of history. Anton wasn’t clean. Not even in your best scenario.

what’s next, Angela Nikodinov is world champion? I will take that scenario.


Well-Known Member
lol well, you certainly are derailing this thread. Who are the Elena and Anton that were clean that you speak of? I like the rewriting of history. Anton wasn’t clean. Not even in your best scenario.

what’s next, Angela Nikodinov is world champion? I will take that scenario.
Was Anton not clean at 2001 Worlds? Their triple twist did have that crashy-landing and cleaniless here can be questionable using IJS standards... and Elena really had to hang on for their second throw, but it was completed.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Was Anton not clean at 2001 Worlds? Their triple twist did have that crashy-landing and cleaniless here can be questionable using IJS standards... and Elena really had to hang on for their second throw, but it was completed.

arent we talking 02 Olympics?
I thought about that but I think she needed those silvers and that 2004 Worlds bronze… and the ones I’m willing to let her place lower (like 1999 Worlds) was before Angela Nikodinov became THE Angela Nikodinov I fell in love with. Maybe 2002 but why kick someone when they’re down.

In that case could just swap her out for Hughes at the 2002 Olympics, and have Nikodinov as the shock SLC gold medalist as #3 US lady and transport Hughes to Nikodinov's spot sitting at home watching as #4 US lady. It is fantasy after all. ;)

Former Lurve Goddess

Well-Known Member
Was Anton not clean at 2001 Worlds? Their triple twist did have that crashy-landing and cleaniless here can be questionable using IJS standards... and Elena really had to hang on for their second throw, but it was completed.
IIRC their twist landing was really, really crashy. I was surprised when B&S didn't win but S&P's free program was surprisingly mesmerizing in person. Under the old system, I'd guess that some judges would have emphasized quality pairs elements over SBS jumps.
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