Coughlin's Safe Sport Status Changed to Interim Suspension

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Well-Known Member
That was a collective you, not you personally. I have no idea who you are or your motives. You don’t have to buy it though. I’m okay with you disagreeing with what I wrote.

Sure, I could have left it out of my original post. Maybe it was unnecessary, I’m prepared to take that.

I’m not trying to start or continue a fight with anyone here. My heart hurts too much right now.

Take care. We’re all heartsick over this...


Well-Known Member
Take care. We’re all heartsick over this...
Thank you 💐

I’m really not here to cause anyone any issues. There are a lot of people hurting tonight.

To anyone out there struggling, whether it is with this, or something else going on in your life, please seek help. Sometimes life can seem bleak, it may be hard to see a way through your troubles. Please reach out, there is always someone willing to help and support you. ❤️❤️


Well-Known Member
I guess I just want to say what a tragic loss. I don't know what we will learn about the reasons behind this suspension later. Probably not good, and I don't want to minimize that; but at the moment, I think I would like to share some of the memories I have as a skating fan of John Coughlin's commentary over the past few seasons:

He was the one who commentated with Ted Barton on Nathan's LP performance at the JGP in Colorado Springs, which was really a breakthrough competition for Nathan and is a program I watch again and again.

John was one of the first people to cheer on Mirai in her attempts to perform the triple axel back in January of 2017 when many of us thought it would be too risky. I remember him talking about it on a panel at Nationals, when the rest of the commentators weren't convinced she should do it.

He was one of the first people to cheer on James & Cipres to go after the Quad throw at Skate America last season, before they started their big climb up the ranks.

He stood up to TSL on behalf of the Shibs' RD in 2017-18 and pointed out that they had "done their homework" in order to find the historical connections between blues and hip hop.

He really did some of the best quality pairs commentary I have heard in my lifetime.

He was really the spokesperson for Nationals coming to Kansas City in 2017, and he was elected--if my memory serves correctly, by the athletes--to serve on the Athletes Commission.
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The Observer

Active Member
The ISU has announced John Coughlin's death:

ISU Statement - Unexpected passing of John Coughlin

19 January 2019
Lausanne / Switzerland

We are shocked and saddened by the unexpected passing of John Coughlin, Chair of the ISU Athletes Commission and member of the ISU Single & Pair Skating Technical Committee. In the name of the ISU family, we herewith want to share our heartfelt condolences and kindest thoughts with John's family and friends in this time of sorrow.


Well-Known Member
You can read the threads!! People said he was Larry Nassar! Based on what was he Larry nassar?!? That was disgraceful. Secret “victims”, secret allegation, secret process, automatic guilty, fired from Wilson blades! Based on what? What jury convicted him of being Larry nassar! This is murder. Now safesport must be considered some kind of kill list! You get someone on that list and people rush to call that person Larry nassar! why? Hope people are happy with their scalp!

The fact that you put victims in quotation marks is really disgusting.

There was an investigation underway. Both TSL and Brennan were measured in their reporting. Nobody was accusing him of anything - they simply made public the fact that he was under investigation for sexual misconduct which skaters and parents and the community have a right to know. They are not to blame for his death.
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Well-Known Member
I checked John's birthday, he turned 33 last year.

I'm sure others are thinking what I'm thinking (but prefer not to say).


Well-Known Member
This is extremely tragic all around. While it is easy to blame one circumstance on another from what appears on the surface, we may never find out the truth behind everything that has happened in this ordeal. Very sad day for skating.😔


Well-Known Member
Well let’s start with the first fact that we actually know. TSL has never just stuck to the facts if they can make it sound sensational.

ISU has issued a press release announcing John’s death

I don’t know if the allegations are true, and at this point it’s useless speculation. I would hope that if there were any athletes who have concerns will get help. But there’s no need to hang a dead man. It doesn’t help anyone either the athletes involved or the family of the dead man


Well-Known Member
Could this thread be used for the discussing the issues around John Coughlin's sudden death, and the other thread just be used for those who want to remember him and pay tribute without bringing in those issues? Could the titles be changed to reflect that?


Well-Known Member

I have to say that with regard to the ISU statement, that I do not consider John's death to be unexpected, because I thought it a likely outcome when seeing how the case was being reported by TSL and Christine Brennan, and I think there should be an investigation and enquiry in to how this case was handled and how it was also reported by these two, particularly The Skating Lesson and Dave Lease.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
I have to say that with regard to the ISU statement, that I do not consider John's death to be unexpected, because I thought it a likely outcome when seeing how the case was being reported by TSL and Christine Brennan, and I think there should be an investigation and enquiry in to how this case was handled and how it was also reported by these two, particularly The Skating Lesson and Dave Lease.

TSL wants to be considered a serious news portal. Then, they need to understand that they can't do as they please.


Well-Known Member
I have to say that with regard to the ISU statement, that I do not consider John's death to be unexpected, because I thought it a likely outcome when seeing how the case was being reported by TSL and Christine Brennan, and I think there should be an investigation and enquiry in to how this case was handled and how it was also reported by these two, particularly The Skating Lesson and Dave Lease.

You are really digging and its out of line to implicate or suggest that TSL/CS/DL had anything to do with John suicide.


Well-Known Member
I hope Lease and Brennan are held accountable in some way.
There should be exploration of the issues and Dave Lease's conduct with regard to this case at the inquiry in to this man's death, but there should also be a larger enquiry that looks at how Safesport issues are handled and reported, in particular with regard to Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson.


Well-Known Member
People please stop placing blame before knowing at least some some facts. It’s hypocrisy all around at this point in this thread.

I know the facts of how this has been reported by Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson. I also know the facts of what sort of discussions have taken place under TSL posts regarding this case. I stand by that I said; and I stand by its factual basis.


Well-Known Member
Very sad. John's death is sad. The possible abuse is very sad.

Not a Dave fan, but, to be fair, he only reported the investigation and Safesports actions. Parents have a right to know of these actions to protect their kids.

Christine mentioned possible additional complaints against him.

Abuse is a terrible thing. But remember, if the abuse stories are true, John is not the victim here.

The ISU should not be holding him up as a model for others. If he damaged lives as an abuser, he should be mourned by his family and loved ones.

As fans, we mourn what we thought he was before all this came out.

Abusers are among us.


Well-Known Member

Which is why an inquiry should be held to establish whether there is any link between the reporting of Dave Lease from The Skating Lesson and Christine and this man's death, and also an enquiry regrading the general handling of cases like these, in particular with regard to the reporting of Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson.

Jonathan Beyer should also just disassociate himself from the project entirely.

I would also hope that it might help establish any evidence for any potential legal action that might be taken against Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson.


Retired by Frank Carroll
Which is why an inquiry should be held to establish whether there is any link between the reporting of Dave Lease from The Skating Lesson and Christine and this man's death, and also an enquiry regrading the general handling of cases like these, in particular with regard to the reporting of Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson.
You are acting like you know the reason of John Coughlin’s death. Those you mentioned are not the ones who banned him with the reasons being unclear. Nor is it clear nor will it ever be if those bans are the reasons John took his life. Please take a step back because your ignorance to this situation is sickening, others on here don’t know much more but at least we are trying to not create such a poisonous environment.


Well-Known Member
I know the facts of how this has been reported by Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson. I also know the facts of what sort of discussions have taken place under TSL posts regarding this case. I stand by that I said; and I stand by its factual basis.

Your dislike of TSL and DL has taken over your common sense and decency. You need to stop and think before pointing fingers and trying to find any excuse to blame them.


Well-Known Member
You are acting like you know the reason of John Coughlin’s death. Those you mentioned are not the ones who banned him with the reasons being unclear. Nor is it clear nor will it ever be if those bans are the reasons John took his life. Please take a step back because your ignorance to this situation is sickening, others on here don’t know much more but at least we are trying to not create such a poisonous environment.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
You are acting like you know the reason of John Coughlin’s death. Those you mentioned are not the ones who banned him with the reasons being unclear. Nor is it clear nor will it ever be if those bans are the reasons John took his life. Please take a step back because your ignorance to this situation is sickening, others on here don’t know much more but at least we are trying to not create such a poisonous environment.

I know the facts of how this reported and believe there should be an inquiry into whether the way it was reported on by Dave Lease and The Skating Lesson contributed to this man's death.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
There are no winners in this story. It's sad all around.

I would caution those that have entered the anger stage of grief that what TSL and Brennan did and do is no different to what a vast amount of posters on this forum and others do. They didn't invent the situations that led to this result. They talked about it. And for those that find that problematic some self-reflection might be in order.
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