Which pair girl is your spirit animal? (fun quiz)

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Since it's off season and we could all use some fun, I made a personality quiz. And since female pair skaters have the most dynamic personalities of anyone in the sport (besides maybe Adam Rippon), I think it's only fitting to use them as part of this quiz!

Aliona Savchenko:
⁃ the most determined person in the world
⁃ a force of nature
⁃ men frequently let her down
⁃ chocoholic
⁃ if she wants something done right, she does it herself

Wenjing Sui:
⁃ sass in spades
⁃ talks things out
⁃ single and loving it
⁃ owns every shade of lipstick in the universe
⁃ would take a bullet for you, then call you an idiot for being in the path of the shot

Meagan Duhamel:
⁃ shares her opinions freely; you always know where you stand with her
⁃ knows all, sees all that happens at the office
⁃ a kid person
⁃ loves dogs and yoga
⁃ passionate and enthusiastic about everything she does

Evgenia Tarasova:
⁃ girl next door
⁃ but don’t let that innocent face fool you
⁃ a loyal and faithful girlfriend
⁃ dyes her hair but makes it look natural
⁃ questionable fashion choices

Vanessa James:
⁃ super stylish
⁃ smile that could end all pain and suffering
⁃ great sense of humor
⁃ a flirt, but actually a steady girlfriend
⁃ killer dance moves

Ksenia Stolbova:
⁃ fashionista
⁃ has the worst luck but still rocks it
⁃ hangs out with gay men
⁃ armed with a killer death stare and is not afraid to use it, but is secretly the most sensitive girl
⁃ gorgeous and she knows it

Alexa Scimeca Knierim
⁃ cat person
⁃ sweet, but NEVER mess with her
⁃ perfect wifey
⁃ puts sequins on everything
⁃ loves God and family

Valentina Marchei
⁃ the life of the party
⁃ ideal bestie to tell all your secrets to
⁃ shameless flirt
⁃ loud and lovable
⁃ looks totally adorable in ridiculous outfits

Natalia Zabijako
⁃ looks soft and shy
⁃ but could survive being stranded on a mountain for a week
⁃ always looks tasteful and classy
⁃ would drive to every store in the state to get what she wants
⁃ the quiet girl who draws amazing pictures


Banned Member
Love 'em all except Zabi who altho' beautiful has a bland personality.

I have to choose badass VJ with her killer smile, killer bod, and sexy dance moves as my spirit animal. Duhamel, Savchenko, and Sui are my honorable mention back-ups because they are just so determined with that never-give-up grit. All four of these gems are pairs divas extraodinaire! :D
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New Member
I sincerely think I am a mixture of Aljona and Meagan! While I share with Aljona my détermination, my love of chocolate and my way of wanting to do everything by myself, I share with Meagan my sense of observation, my love of cats and dogs and my excessive passion in everything I undertake! Not a bad mixture when you think about it 🤔😉! Nice game ! 🙂

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Love 'em all except Zabi who altho' beautiful has a bland personality.

I have to choose badass VJ with her killer smile, killer bod, and sexy dance moves as my spirit animal. Duhamel, Savchenko, and Sui are my honorable mention back-ups because they are just so determined with that never-give-up grit. All four of these gems are pairs divas extraodinaire! :D

I think Zabijako probably has a personality, but she is always stuck in snoozy programs.


Banned Member
I think Zabijako probably has a personality, but she is always stuck in snoozy programs.

Natalia has lovely long lines and she's very beautiful and striking looking on the ice with Alexander (who is German and very handsome). However, they do not project well and they show no emotional connection to each other or to the audience. That's often a problem with Russian pairs who otherwise have great technique and skating skills. Unfortunately, the judges never take the lack of connection into account when they score on PCS. It's generally political scoring and the Russians tend to be scored high on PCS due to their skating skills, despite a lack of emotional content, authenticity, and excitement.

On top of that, as you say, Natalia and Alexander have rather boring and bland programs. Z/E have worked on trying to improve their programs, but as with T/M, they have yet to succeed. The right music and choreography is everything, but Z/E and T/M continue to be scored well for dreck.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Natalia has lovely long lines and she's very beautiful and striking looking on the ice with Alexander (who is German and very handsome). However, they do not project well and they show no emotional connection to each other or to the audience. That's often a problem with Russian pairs who otherwise have great technique and skating skills. Unfortunately, the judges never take the lack of connection into account when they score on PCS. It's generally political scoring and the Russians tend to be scored high on PCS due to their skating skills, despite a lack of emotional content, authenticity, and excitement.

On top of that, as you say, Natalia and Alexander have rather boring and bland programs. Z/E have worked on trying to improve their programs, but as with T/M, they have yet to succeed. The right music and choreography is everything, but Z/E and T/M continue to be scored well for dreck.

I agree, they are a gorgeous-looking pair that lacks that fiery connection. I hope they'll find an awesome program this season and work on their chemistry, because they have all the technical goods. Same for T/M.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode

"Did he just throw me horizontal? Bitch, please, I'm still going to land this jump. Harley, if you ever do that again -"

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Can I make myself Tarah Kayne Sassy, Unfiltered, always on twitter and always injured :(. Plus in love with puppies

Omg yes! Can't forget Tarah! She's cool.

Savchenko and Stolbova without a doubt

We need an emoji for the members of the Savchenko-Stolbova sisterhood!


"Did he just throw me horizontal? Bitch, please, I'm still going to land this jump. Harley, if you ever do that again -"

Omg I've never heard this story before but it's hilarious! Don't mess with a pair girl!

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