Canadian Ladies 2017-18 season news & updates

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Chartrand looked awful in Regina. Like she had no clue on what to do with either program.

IMHO, she needs to make a choice on her coaching/training situation. Either stay with Michelle Leigh in Canada or go full time to Colorado Springs. My personal choice would be to pack my bags and move to Colorado Springs as there will be way less pressure there but then I'm not Alaine and don't know her financial/personal situation.


Well-Known Member
@Rock2 Austman had a good skate at Challenger Cup in 2017. No 3/3 in the short, but still scored 53.21 with a 3sal/2toe and a 3F. In the long she scored 104.69 landing four clean triples (3S, 3Lz, 3T, 3S) and under rotating the 3lo. This had me very hopeful. Unfortunately she hasn’t tried the 3lo again as far and I know, and while she landed the lutz again at Wild Rose, it has been MIA since then.

The British Eurosport guys had a very interesting analysis at the end of her SC free about why she might be struggling. Basically they said that her basic skating skills along with the way she lands her jumps is holding her back. They also doubt she can keep a consistent lutz with her technique. It is interesting to watch the video and listen to their analysis- you can really see what they are talking about. It also sounds like stuff that should have been addressed a long time ago. Austman always has great packaging and usually really good performance. It must be very frustrating for her (as well as for us fans!) to be having these struggles this season.


Well-Known Member
Yes, she was hitting a new level last winter/spring but her momentum has clearly dissipated.

This year unlike years past have come with expectations. She's now a top Canadian lady and was/is expected to challenge for an Olympic spot. I have always said you learn a lot about an athlete once expectations/hopes/goals are layered in and the spotlight intensifies. I think we're seeing the effects.

I'll def watch the Eurosport video if they are bringing the analysis. This could be another Alaine in the making. If she does in fact need a technique rework she needs to buy in and move to a better training facility. Maybe Ravi. I know money and other things factor in so it might not be possible. Just gets frustrating when athletes in the last couple of years of their career get with the program and try to fix stuff that just can't be effectively addressed by that point. Le sigh.
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Well-Known Member
@Rock2 it surprises me that she hasn’t moved to a bigger training center where there are more elite skaters. I also don’t know a lot about her early training except that she spent some time in Colorado Springs. Maybe she needs to pull an Ashley and move herself across the country. Sometimes what appeared to be working at 17 or 18 no longer works at 19 or 20.

I would really like to see someone skate lights out at Nationals and claim that third spot and would be happy to see any of Austman, Chartrand, or Pinneault raise their game and grab the spot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think they are the only three that are in it. Kim Decelles and Mallet probably had been in it but injuries especially have prevented them from building a body of work convincing enough. Tamura has done a full about face and has headed in the complete wrong direction.

Have to remember that Austman took a break from the sport not long ago. She came back pretty strong but I would guess that in the background she might be unsure of herself and her commitment to the sport. Also probably needed to be closer to home for support. I give her a pass on all decisions leading up until about now, where she's at another crossroads. If she's passionate about realizing her full potential she has decisions to make. If she's satisfied just making the national team and going to the occasional international (like, say, a Rheault of days past) then I won't criticize the choice. She just has to live with what comes with it.

I'd personally love to see her just thrive and grow. She has a star quality look about her and the way she skates. I see her still with potential to make the world team at some point.


Canadian ladies über
Not that I think this would happen but what if a skater skated lights out and finished third at nationals but didn't have the minimum tech score. Is there time to send them somewhere to get it before naming the Olympic team? I mean I'm thinking of Mallet, who is scheduled for Quebec sectionals this week-end. If she could somehow skate at nationals as well as she has before, in Chartrand's current form, I could see Mallet beating her. Hopefully Skate Canada will send her somewhere, if she looks decent at sectionals. And honestly even if she just qualifies for nationals I think based on her history she deserves a chance to get the minimum tech score.

Don't get me wrong - I'm still on the Alaine Train - but I'll cheer for someone else to get the third spot if they step up!


Well-Known Member
The concern is if Alaine cannot control nerves at a GP SC event, how will she fare at Olys? Maybe this was just a "one of" or something


Banned Member
The concern is if Alaine cannot control nerves at a GP SC event, how will she fare at Olys? Maybe this was just a "one of" or something

It's possible that there is more on the line now. Getting to the Olympics is the challenge, once she is there, she can enjoy the experience and would have nothing to lose.

That said, I do think there are serious concerns about her recent performance at Skate Canada. In particular, the triple lutz was way off-axis in both programs and had zero chance of being landed. She can get a pretty easy 8 points added to her score by getting her last two spins counted in the free, but that's still not even breaking 100 points the free, so there is still a lot of work to do. Her protocol was littered with underrotation calls at both Skate Canada and Autumn Classic.

If Alaine isn't it, I'm not sure who there is though. Austman has shown she can't even beat one of Alaine's worst performances in years. Tamura has been on a downward trend. Schumacher and Cotop are too young. Pineault is the most likely spoiler as she had a decent showing in Salt Lake City in the short, but her 94 point free skate there has me unconvinced. Mallet is an interesting idea, but I'll hold comments until we see what she looks like this weekend. And even if she looks good, her chances are dependent on Skate Canada being willing to send her out to get the minimum scores.

I guess what I'm saying is that I hope that Alaine relaxes and gets it together because the pickings are still slim after her. (And please train in CO Springs full-time)


Well-Known Member
Not that I think this would happen but what if a skater skated lights out and finished third at nationals but didn't have the minimum tech score. Is there time to send them somewhere to get it before naming the Olympic team? I mean I'm thinking of Mallet, who is scheduled for Quebec sectionals this week-end. If she could somehow skate at nationals as well as she has before, in Chartrand's current form, I could see Mallet beating her. Hopefully Skate Canada will send her somewhere, if she looks decent at sectionals. And honestly even if she just qualifies for nationals I think based on her history she deserves a chance to get the minimum tech score.

Don't get me wrong - I'm still on the Alaine Train - but I'll cheer for someone else to get the third spot if they step up!

I don't think that would be fair to anyone. I'm impressed that SC is giving just about everyone an opportunity to prove themselves before nationals. They are going deep into the pool to send athletes out for international assignments. Whether it be because of poor performance or injuries, if you couldn't haul hiney out there and get tech mins, you're not counted. Exceptions would be if an elite skater with exceptional historical results had been out with injury. Might pull out all the stops in that case. But that's like only a small handful of athletes. Mallet wouldn't fit that criteria.

Turnaround time between Nationals and Olympics is compressed as it is. I have to think the team is named immediately, going with the best of what SC has. Will be a great team regardless!

Cant Skate

Well-Known Member
I just watched Jane Gray from ABNWTNUN lay down a beautiful short program scoring 56.76 Nice 3LZ + 2T combo, 3S and 2A. Looks like she lost some points on her layback spin when she missed the foot grab into a hair cutter. But for not having a 3/3, that's a pretty decent score. Good for her!

ETA: Yep, they called her layback spin level 1.
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Well-Known Member
I just watched Jane Gray from ABNWTNUN lay down a beautiful short program scoring 56.76 Nice 3LZ + 2T combo, 3S and 2A. Looks like she lost some points on her layback spin when she missed the foot grab into a hair cutter. But for not having a 3/3, that's a pretty decent score. Good for her!

ETA: Yep, they called her layback spin level 1.

I love Jane Gray, but I seriously doubt she will put it together at Nationals (assuming she gets there.) I think she has two major problems: first, lack of consistency. Yes, I know that is an issue with all the rest of the senior ladies going for that 3rd spot, but Jane is even less consistent. Second, her choreography is way beneath her ability. I think she could do way more, but needs a better choreographer and someone to work regularly with her on her programs. IMHO she has better SS than Austman, but she will never see Austman level PCS with her current programs. I say all this because I think she is a skater with a ton of potential and with a little investment by SC she could really improve.

All that said, well done in short! Fingers crossed she can skate a great long!

Cant Skate

Well-Known Member
I completely agree with everything youve said, Jane has struggled for years with consistency. I didnt really mean to imply she could be an olympic contender, I just really enjoyed her performance today and thought I would share it. It was nice to see her so happy with her performance :) Hopefully she can keep it together for the freeskate!


Well-Known Member
Watching the video, I'm reminded that it's been a while since either Jan or Cynthia Ullmark had a top flight women's skater in Canada, right?


Canadian ladies über
Wow Daleman is leading after the short at Cup of China, which I did not expect based on the field and on her showing at Finlandia. But she really sold her Carmen program IMO and wow her second triple toe is higher than the first! I'll post a video when I find one (if someone else doesn't before then). I was so impressed with her composure skating last after so many contenders had skated well.

ETA: youtube uploaders are fast!


Well-Known Member
Wow Daleman is leading after the short at Cup of China, which I did not expect based on the field and on her showing at Finlandia. But she really sold her Carmen program IMO and wow her second triple toe is higher than the first! I'll post a video when I find one (if someone else doesn't before then). I was so impressed with her composure skating last after so many contenders had skated well.

ETA: youtube uploaders are fast!

She was terrific. I've noticed not a lot of people like her Carmen program, but I liked it because like you said she sold it and expressed the music well. Her 3T-3T was just wonderful! It brings the "wow" factor.


Well-Known Member
Let’s face it, regarding Chartrand, she needs to get away from Michelle Leigh. I don’t know know what Leigh said to Chartrand and/or her parents to make them think she’s the answer for Alaine, but she is clearly not the answer. We are talking about a “coach” who could never get Jennifer Robinson past two-footing jumps and I actually question what her credentials are other than being Doug Leigh’s ex wife.


Well-Known Member
Let’s face it, regarding Chartrand, she needs to get away from Michelle Leigh. I don’t know know what Leigh said to Chartrand and/or her parents to make them think she’s the answer for Alaine, but she is clearly not the answer. We are talking about a “coach” who could never get Jennifer Robinson past two-footing jumps and I actually question what her credentials are other than being Doug Leigh’s ex wife.

I agree with you on that one. Doug and Michelle Leigh don't have the reputation of coaching champions anymore. At least when Jennifer Robinson skater under Michelle, there were other champions like Elvis and later Jeff Buttle that were also part of the Mariposa club. Alaine doesn't seem to have other high caliber skaters to feed off of. Like so many posters have mentioned, she needs to pick a reputable coach and just stay put for a while. Then maybe her skating will improve.


Banned Member
Could you stop telling me how I feel? That's your perception of my posts. You don't know it all much more than me. Learn to be humble.

You have different standards for different skater. I don't want you to agree with me, but don't put extrameaning to my writtings.

Actually, right back at ya! :D I don't need you to agree with me either. You were the one who began the back-and-forth regarding Osmond by misinterpreting and exaggerating my initial commentary. Therefore, please acknowledge your misperceptions of my posts. It does pay to take it easy indeed and learn to be humble. There's no accounting for misunderstandings on an Internet forum.


Well-Known Member
I still dread Gab's LP - the music is way too drab and depressing for her. At China her program clearly was one of the weaker ones in that deep field. Is it too late to dump this program. Her team needs to figure a way to maximize her TES.

Alaine will continue to struggle under Michelle. Like everyone has mentioned she needs to find a new training environment, and leave Michelle (even training full time with Krall)


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to Chartrand spending time at the Cricket Club?

I think she was only there like a day or at most 2 days a week anyway. She was travelling around all over the place the last few season, spending some time each week at her home club, then time with Michelle Leigh elsewhere and then going to the Cricket on Saturdays IIRC.

If I were her, I'd move to Colorado for the next 4 months. Go all in and see what happens. It is not too late yet. This reminds me a little of Amelie Lacoste actually. IMO, she waited far too long to get a new coaching situation. She moved to Krall in the fall in 2013 and we saw a very big improvement in her jumps and consistency in that small amount of time. She still came up short for the olympic team, but she went for it. Alaine needs to do the same thing right now.


plotting, planning and travelling
Alaine on a bad day is still better than our other ladies. I truly hope she is the third spot she has done very well representing Canada.


Banned Member
^^ Right. Gabby you are Wonder Woman, and you need to go get 'em lady! Because right now it looks to me like Wakaba Higuchi and Mai Mihara are stealing some thunder, no matter that politically-conflicted judges do not want to give Wakaba and Mai proper credit on PCS. Both ladies were unfairly slighted on PCS at Cup of China, especially in the sp.

Gabby was looking stronger and more confident in her sp than in her first outing this season, but I think it may have been Gabby's World medal rep that helped place her ahead of Wakaba in the sp. I thought Wakaba deserved first place in both segments. Wakaba looks like she's on a mission, even if the judges are trying their best not to fully reward her. Alina Zagitova should have been in 6th or 7th after the sp because she made a mistake on a jumping pass in a tough field of ladies where no other top lady made that kind of mistake. Unsurprisingly, Zagitova was held up because she and Medvedeva are perceived as 'special' and to be treated with kid gloves.

Osmond, IMO, is the class of the ladies field, especially in terms of her power, technique and well-rounded abilities. What Osmond needs is to ace her confidence in order to go out there and lay it down. It's just an OTT conceit that the Russian ladies are better than everybody else when they aren't. The Russian ladies are competitive and strong technically, but they DO NOT deserve PCS marks out the wazoo. Still, with the depth and high quality exhibited at CoC, I think every lady better start thinking in terms of giving themselves the best advantage they can by doing everything in their power to skate well in both programs. Of course that's what everyone hopes to do when they go out there. But the stakes are extremely high this season, and every competitor's mindset has to be strong if they want to win. And skaters only have control over their performances, not over judges' whims. That was a crock the way Zagitova was held up. Even Tukytamysheva skated better than Radionova and Zagitova in the sp. And of course Mihara was low-balled in both segments and should have comfortably won the bronze medal over Radionova.

Bottom line and wake-up call: Gabby's fp music did not build and therefore did not help her against the better paced and more crowd-pleasing, inspirational music the other top ladies had for their fps, especially Mihara and Wakaba. I think it should be obvious to Gabby and her team at this point that she needs to make some fixes to the fp. So add in the Wonder Woman track aptly suggested by @poths, or follow the trend by going back to Gabby's last season tried and true fp music. When push comes to shove, Gabby's fp this season is not going to help her make the impact she needs to make in a field this hugely talented. It never pays to listen to the wrong criticism. For example, the nose-in-the-air coded critiques in some quarters about Gabby needing 'refinements.' Instead of Lori catering to that erroneous complaint about Gabby, I would have slammed some womanly fierceness and power along with stellar grace & boffo technique right back in their faces. Take note that's exactly what Wakaba is doing.
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Well-Known Member
@aftershocks , your assessment was pretty accurate. I would also have Wakaba 1st in both segments. Alina seems to be getting the Slutskaya 2000-02 treatment. Her technical content is probably the most difficult of any senior, with her bonus feature jumps, difficult combo and backloaded programs, but she's getting more credit than deserved in GOE and PCS. Radio is entertaining and a passionate performer, but the quality of her SS and technical elements are not up-to-the-mark of a Russian No. 2 or 3. Re. Wakaba, I also wonder whether the fact that she cost Japan's 3rd spot at Worlds is affecting her scores politically. At WTT, Mihara had received a score boost over her when both went clean -- this wouldn't have happened before that.

Back to the topic, I'm a bit disappointed neither Kaetlyn or Gabby are challenging themselves more technically. They probably have the most front-loaded programs of the top ladies. I'm not a supporter of fully backloaded programs but Kaetlyn could challenge Medvedeva if she backloaded her programs more, and she isn't making any effort to. She can move her combo or solo triple to the second half in the SP, and her 2axel-3toe to the second half of her LP at the least. I find both skaters are banking on their easier jump content (especially Gaby with her 3toe-3toe), which worked last year because they execute everything so well. But this year, with the jump in competition from Russia and Japan, I don't think it's going to hold up. I also don't enjoy Gabby's LP long -- I was really excited to read she was skating to Gladiator and thought she could own a powerful LP like Yagudin or Joubert skating to a similar music cut, but that's not the case.
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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Chartrand looked awful in Regina. Like she had no clue on what to do with either program.

SO totally agree! And her facial expression unsells all her programs too. If she could do something else with her expression except that kinda deer in headlights I think she could squeak more points... Sell it Chartrand...sell it....

Her coaching team just stares at her (weirdly) in the K&C as they have no idea what to say to her.

Well CoC was so stacked that Daleman I think woulda medaled that if she had been at SC.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree on the Wonder Woman front. Gabby has that fire and verve. It's simply odd that her program isn't capitalizing on her endogenous strength.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, even Kurt Browning says Gabby should upgrade her combinations.

(At this point, I wouldn't tinker with anything, though she should somehow avoid getting called out on a lip in the future, something that's always been suspect in the past).

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, even Kurt Browning says Gabby should upgrade her combinations.

(At this point, I wouldn't tinker with anything, though she should somehow avoid getting called out on a lip in the future, something that's always been suspect in the past).
I like the idea of Wonder Woman for Daleman also, but i doubt she's changing her LP at this time in the season. Olys are exactly 3 months away.
Daleman can put more "conviction" into her movements and land the jumps and she'll be fine.

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