What if Russia were at 2024 Worlds


Active Member
And then apart from all that is Russian skaters who have done whatever is necessary to represent other Russian satellite countries, particularly Georgia, some of them with Russian coaches, ie Eteri and a few others. How interesting that the lady head of the Georgia Fed is directly involved in taking in Russian skaters in each category. She certainly is hoping to get these skaters to make up a Team good enough to qualify for the 2026 Olympic Team Event.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
And then apart from all that is Russian skaters who have done whatever is necessary to represent other Russian satellite countries, particularly Georgia, some of them with Russian coaches, ie Eteri and a few others. How interesting that the lady head of the Georgia Fed is directly involved in taking in Russian skaters in each category. She certainly is hoping to get these skaters to make up a Team good enough to qualify for the 2026 Olympic Team Event.
Oh, they'll qualify for the TE. I've done a rough projection of likely qualifiers for the TE in 2026 based on Worlds results this year (and using this past season's GP/JGP also). It's hard for a country that earns points in all 4 disciplines to NOT qualify for the TE and they are doing that.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
That's racist!
Seriously?! If not enjoying to see Russians on the same ice as Ukrainians is being racist then I am a happy and proud racist 🙄🙄🙄 If not enjoying to see young starved girls stuffed with 50 different meds and/or doped up to their eyeballs with forbidden stuff that will permanently damage their health is being a racist I am an even happier and prouder one. So yes I would have enjoyed Worlds way less if Russians (although there were actually Russians at Worlds but not competing under their native flag) had been there and on top of it my work would have been much more complicated. I can't believe that you uttered such a stupid remark.
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Ananas Astra

Get woke, go broke!
Seriously?! If not enjoying to see Russians on the same ice as Ukrainians is being racist then I am a happy and proud racist 🙄🙄🙄 If not enjoying to see young starved girls stuffed with 50 different meds and/or doped up to their eyeballs with forbidden stuff that will permanently damage their health is being a racist I am an even happier and prouder one. So yes I would have enjoyed Worlds way less if Russians (although there were actually Russians at Worlds but not competing under their native flag) had been there and on top of it my work would have been much more complicated. I can't believe that you uttered such a stupid remark.
It's very interesting how this woke "culture" is always looking to "include" everyone, but Russians are always left out and are very free to be discriminated against all the time.

Everyone sees the elephant in the room and everyone knows that with the Russians participating in these Worlds and the Worlds before and the Worlds before the results in Ladies and Pairs would have been very different.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
It's very interesting how this woke "culture" is always looking to "include" everyone, but Russians are always left out and are very free to be discriminated against all the time.

Everyone sees the elephant in the room and everyone knows that with the Russians participating in these Worlds and the Worlds before and the Worlds before the results in Ladies and Pairs would have been very different.

Just my 2 cents.
Is the scary Woke in the room with us right now?

Edited to add: this is numbingly dumb. The Russia Federation is not a race.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
It's very interesting how this woke "culture" is always looking to "include" everyone, but Russians are always left out and are very free to be discriminated against all the time.

Everyone sees the elephant in the room and everyone knows that with the Russians participating in these Worlds and the Worlds before and the Worlds before the results in Ladies and Pairs would have been very different.

Just my 2 cents.
Since when did it become "woke" to not appreciate the rail-thin pre-pubescent girls who are doing everything possible from starvation to questionable health supplements and induced vomiting/purging in order to prevent the onset of puberty so that they can maintain their tiny quads and triple axels, all of questionable rotation and shoddy technique that doesn't allow their jumps to follow them into adulthood? Because, if that's the definition of "racist" then, by all means, sign me up as a "woke" anti-Russian racist. I've been a card-carrying member of that club for at least 6-8 years now.

The only discipline where Russia would be able to compete and dominate on the world stage without me questioning whether or not their skaters are doing irreparable damage to their young bodies and minds that will have life-long, lasting effects is pairs. But I'm fine with them not being there either because it has allowed other countries to develop their pairs programs and, to be honest, as with the absence of the Russian "women" the past two seasons, it spreads the prize money around. Not having the Russians around gives the other countries a sense that they're not being left behind in an unbeatable technical arms race that they'll never match because they are growing up in a sports ecosystem that is just the teensiest bit more ethical and concerned that the athletes are able to move past their competitive years as healthy humans.

But I never expected on Friday, March 29, 2024 to proudly accept the "woke" label. Figure skating truly is a magical sport.


Well-Known Member
Since when did it become "woke" to not appreciate the rail-thin pre-pubescent girls who are doing everything possible from starvation to questionable health supplements and induced vomiting/purging in order to prevent the onset of puberty so that they can maintain their tiny quads and triple axels, all of questionable rotation and shoddy technique that doesn't allow their jumps to follow them into adulthood? Because, if that's the definition of "racist" then, by all means, sign me up as a "woke" anti-Russian racist. I've been a card-carrying member of that club for at least 6-8 years now.

The only discipline where Russia would be able to compete and dominate on the world stage without me questioning whether or not their skaters are doing irreparable damage to their young bodies and minds that will have life-long, lasting effects is pairs. But I'm fine with them not being there either because it has allowed other countries to develop their pairs programs and, to be honest, as with the absence of the Russian "women" the past two seasons, it spreads the prize money around. Not having the Russians around gives the other countries a sense that they're not being left behind in an unbeatable technical arms race that they'll never match because they are growing up in a sports ecosystem that is just the teensiest bit more ethical and concerned that the athletes are able to move past their competitive years as healthy humans.

But I never expected on Friday, March 29, 2024 to proudly accept the "woke" label. Figure skating truly is a magical sport.
Welcome, Comrade.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Russia would've done that well outside of pairs. Their men have never been strong and since 2013-2014, their dance has been overshadowed by North Americans/IAM teams, and a huge part of their ladies success has been very questionable judging in their favor.

Meanwhile that questionable judging has gone away. I think the most obvious example was Eteri's daughter and her partner - who always had a shot at international medals in 2021-22. They've actually improved a bit since, but their scores and ranking has gone to closer to what it should be: middle of the pack. Given their speed that may even be a bit harsh. Similarly, Eteri's pair's team and men's skater here were both dumped by the judges. There's no more Eteri bonus. The other Russian expat skaters here were similarly scored much more fairly than they would've been if they were competing for Russia.

Seems with all the other judges getting sick of Russia's corruption they won't get the crazy scores they once did. Which means they won't be that competitive.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Russia would've done that well outside of pairs. Their men have never been strong and since 2013-2014, their dance has been overshadowed by North Americans/IAM teams, and a huge part of their ladies success has been very questionable judging in their favor.
Sinitisna and katasalapov would of
Continued assuming his back could hold. They would be winning medals.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Seems with all the other judges getting sick of Russia's corruption they won't get the crazy scores they once did. Which means they won't be that competitive.
Well, I'm not convinced of this completely. Get a bunch of Russian officials on the judges and tech panels and all the progress that's been made in the past two seasons could evaporate in another two. I really think we need at least a full Olympic cycle with no Russians (especially the women) competing to fully shed the PCS bonus they got for their questionable technique.

I'm also not convinced that when they do return they'll be sooooo far ahead of the rest of the world because they're going to have to compete as 17-year olds not 15-year olds. Good luck to most of them holding off puberty THAT long. We've seen how that's worked out (lots of ups and downs) for the likes of Levito, Repond, Jyrkinen, Chiba, Thorngren, Yoshida, Pinzarrone et al the past couple seasons as they've all had their growth spurts while competing at the highest levels.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Sinitisna and katasalapov would of
Continued assuming his back could hold. They would be winning medals.
SinKats were 100% done after Beijing. They wouldn't have shown up in Montpellier even if Russia hadn't been banned.

ETA - just making sure everyone here knows that I'm 100% not really "woke" except for the purposes of this thread and maintaining the ban on Russians in ISU competitions.


Well-Known Member
For sure in Pairs. Nothing against this 2024 Worlds Podium, but the level is far from what we saw few years ago. ;)


Marquessa of Chartreuse
It's very interesting how this woke "culture" is always looking to "include" everyone, but Russians are always left out and are very free to be discriminated against all the time.
Sure, I'm both a woke and a racist, it's so obvious :lol: Poor Russians! Who live in a society where social justice and racial equity is nowhere to be found. A country where 87% of the people reelected and support a bloodthirsty freak who decided that invading and slaughtering one of his neighbors was perfectly legitimate. How come they are not warmly loved and welcome everywhere?
Everyone sees the elephant in the room and everyone knows that with the Russians participating in these Worlds and the Worlds before and the Worlds before the results in Ladies and Pairs would have been very different.

Just my 2 cents.
Gaslighting. Don't make it look like it's the reason why some of us would have enjoyed Worlds less. It's not the case and you know it. This all goes way beyond the results and the ranking. No I wouldn't have enjoyed to see again mistreated disposable young girls who are discarded like Kleenexes once they are too damaged to perform. I wouldn't have enjoyed to see Russians skaters side by side with Ukrainians, I wouldn't have enjoyed to see Russians at all while Putin is threatening to blow us all up next time he is a bit displeased by the Occident reactions to his demented megalomania. This also goes way beyond figure skating for me.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Russia will be unofficially at Worlds 2024 if Ilia Malinin (& many other skaters of Russian heritage, with families still in Russia) are there!

Ilia’s own maternal grandfather still lives & teaches in Novosibirsk:



Throwing the (rule)book at them
Russia will be unofficially at Worlds 2024 if Ilia Malinin (& many other skaters of Russian heritage, with families still in Russia) are there!

Ilia’s own maternal grandfather still lives & teaches in Novosibirsk:

That’s not how it works, and Worlds 2024 already happened.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Russia will be unofficially at Worlds 2024 if Ilia Malinin (& many other skaters of Russian heritage, with families still in Russia) are there!

Ilia’s own maternal grandfather still lives & teaches in Novosibirsk:

Oh, please, let's not start down this path. Ilia is an American of Russian heritage. He is no different than Nathan Chen, Vincent Zhou, Alysa Liu or Karen Chen and we never went down the "well, they're really Chinese" when discussing their outstanding results for the US on the international stage.

Christ, no one spews this kind of pablum about the "best" Italian woman at Worlds the past two years being Isabeau Levito even though she easily and routinely skates circles around Gutmann, Pezzetta, Joos or any other woman Italy's got. And if Italy were suddenly banned, I'm pretty sure their media and citizens wouldn't start claiming her as their own and talking about how she goes to visit Italy every year and speaks fluent Italian.


Well-Known Member
That's racist!
It's very interesting how this woke "culture" is always looking to "include" everyone, but Russians are always left out and are very free to be discriminated against all the time.
You have no idea how counterproductive posts like these are.

Until the invasion of Ukraine, I defined myself as Russian-American, but I cannot bear to associate myself with this way of thinking. It's time for me to redefine myself. Thanks for giving me an unintended push in the right direction.


For those interested, this is a translation of the YT interview (uploaded on Feb. 13, 2023) that was posted on Reddit a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkat...long_interview_with_ilias_grandfather_valery/
From the end:
Do you think Ilia could come to Russia? As far as I understand, he hasn't been to his parents' homeland yet.

No, he hasn't. I would like to see him as a human being. Would he be interested? I don't know. Honestly, I don't know. Whether he'll come or not - it depends on the circumstances. Right now everything is complicated.


Cats and garlic lover
The ice dance and the men are nowhere near. I.e. SteBuk may have ended up top 10 but even that is not certain. Men - meh...
The pairs- I think it would be Russia 1-2 and a `thank you for organizing' medal for Stellato/Dechamps.
The ladies - if it wasn't for the war it would be Petrosian/Muravieva and Samodelkina, I assume (Samodelkina switched after the war began, in an ideal world where Russia is not ran by a maniac and is not invading a neighbouring country she would remain a Russian). The rest would depend on the previous competitions - Petrosian/Muravieva/Samodelkina probably would have a GPF behind them and assuming they skated clean at least 2 of them would medal.

I would love to see what Tutberidze could do with Boikova/KOzlovski. They are an amazing pair and some decent programmes could do wonders with them


Well-Known Member
The ice dance and the men are nowhere near. I.e. SteBuk may have ended up top 10 but even that is not certain. Men - meh...
The pairs- I think it would be Russia 1-2 and a `thank you for organizing' medal for Stellato/Dechamps.
The ladies - if it wasn't for the war it would be Petrosian/Muravieva and Samodelkina, I assume (Samodelkina switched after the war began, in an ideal world where Russia is not ran by a maniac and is not invading a neighbouring country she would remain a Russian). The rest would depend on the previous competitions - Petrosian/Muravieva/Samodelkina probably would have a GPF behind them and assuming they skated clean at least 2 of them would medal.

I would love to see what Tutberidze could do with Boikova/KOzlovski. They are an amazing pair and some decent programmes could do wonders with them

Are S / B THAT mediocre in Ice Dance lately? I figure they probably would've been 4th since F / G were not as scintillating as earlier this season., but not in the top 10?

Semenenko for bronze ONLY because of Adam SHF's SP / Shoma's LP, kinda woulda backed into it.


Doing all the things
Is the scary Woke in the room with us right now?
It's under the bed with all the other imaginary monsters. ;)

SinKats were 100% done after Beijing. They wouldn't have shown up in Montpellier even if Russia hadn't been banned.

ETA - just making sure everyone here knows that I'm 100% not really "woke" except for the purposes of this thread and maintaining the ban on Russians in ISU competitions.
You may not be woke, but you are definitely "woke" given that "woke" means whatever the person flinging the word around decides it means. :lol:

This also goes way beyond figure skating for me.
Also. Figure skating is a fun sport but it's not the center of the universe. There are cities being bombed to rubble and people dying and that's much more important.


Cats and garlic lover

Are S / B THAT mediocre in Ice Dance lately? I figure they probably would've been 4th since F / G were not as scintillating as earlier this season., but not in the top 10?
Frankly, I don't know, but somehow I can't see Stepanova's prenancy/birth making her a better/faster dancer.

Semenenko for bronze ONLY because of Adam SHF's SP / Shoma's LP, kinda woulda backed into it.
Semenenko wasn't bronze even in Tallinn, so why would he now?


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I don't know, but somehow I can't see Stepanova's prenancy/birth making her a better/faster dancer.

Semenenko wasn't bronze even in Tallinn, so why would he now?
OK. He won that Spartakiade competition in February (I think) w/ a score of like 304 and 3 quads. I assume based on that, he would have been selected by Russia (if they were present).

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