What Annoys You? Pet Peeves and Worse....


Well-Known Member
When people post all of MY annoyances before I can :mad: :drama:

My biggest professional annoyance is personal questions at meetings. For the love of Dunder Mifflin, if you have a question that applies ONLY to your bizarre, overly-specific, highly hypothetical situation, send an email or ask later. If there are multiple departments present, and your bizarre, overly-specific, highly hypothetical situation applies only to your department, have your department head send an email or ask later. Do not keep the entire staff waiting because you are convinced of your own specialness.

This is a life-long pet-peeve. I even tell students: if you cannot put your question in ten words or less, you do not have a question. You are grandstanding and the only one allowed to grandstand is ME.

I swear there is one person on every teaching staff who must do this at the end of every meeting, and, if that person leaves, another person will suddenly step in to fill the void.

At my first school, it was the music teacher who was always concerned about how anything might hypothetically affect the band. And the hypotheticals about how it could potentially affect the band were often so far fetched that you had to admire her imagination if nothing else.


Codger level achieved
Does anyone else here get annoyed when someone in a work email asks you to "Please advise..." - I feel like some people think that wording is more intelligent.

I have used that phrase often. Two words, so it's concise - and it politely reminds the mail recipient that an answer is expected. What phrase do you use or would you recommend instead? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Drivers that don't pickup their speed while merging onto a highway. A few years ago, a driver in front of me came to a complete stop in a merge lane. I keept space, otherwise I would have rear ended her.


Well-Known Member
Drivers that don't pickup their speed while merging onto a highway. A few years ago, a driver in front of me came to a complete stop in a merge lane. I kept space, otherwise I would have rear ended her.
..........and I'll bet he never looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. He just wanted to remind you that its his highway.


Well-Known Member
..........and I'll bet he never looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. He just wanted to remind you that its his highway.
Actually, it seemed more like a person that was scared of the highway & frightened to merge. It was January and the roads were pretty snowy.


Better off than 2020
Reading these pet peeves, particularly ones about children hits one of my pet peeves. Yes I'm going there....

Adults are also annoying - recently I've seen more adults acting out than kids. Being intoxicated, being judgemental, being rude, cutting one off in traffic. Adults are often deadly in those situations. Children are often just loud.

I'm pretty sure your parents took you out in public or how else would you know what perfection looks like


Well-Known Member
One of my employees walked into my office today, and sat down, and then rasped, "I have the flu, so I might need to skip work tomorrow."
WHY DIDN'T YOU SKIP WORK TODAY???? Why did you insist on bringing your germs INTO my office instead of JUST EMAILING ME this information? A**hole. If I get the flu in the next 10 days, your a** is FIRED.
Seriously, people, stop trying to be a hero. If you go to work with the flu....no one....not even your boss....is impressed with your awesome work ethic. Instead, everyone around you thinks you're an a**hole. If you're sick with something miserable and contagious, STAY HOME if at all possible.

My state has signs posted on the sides of the highway that say "slower traffic keep right." Hey, guy sitting in the fast lane and pacing a car in the slow lane.....if you've got empty highway ahead of you, and a row of 12 angry cars right behind you.....you're an a**hole. And that highway sign is for you.

Not really a pet peeve, but I am super bitter about how I got screwed by the recession. I bought my house in 2007. Thought I was doing the right thing, becoming a home owner, all that responsible crap. Two years later I watched people buy twice as much house for half as much money and far better interest rates. The amount they'll save in the long run is in six figures, easily. That's walkin' around money. That's a kid's college education money. That's money that would be building up in my bank account if I'd waited a couple years. But I couldn't exactly predict the housing market cratering like that. So...yeah....did the right thing, got screwed by market forces outside my control, and I'm kind of bitter.
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Well-Known Member
Cyslists. At least here in Italy. They go ahead with green, yellow and red lights. They go on streets and sidewalks. I go mad when I see them on sidewalks and they pretend I should walk away and make room for them. :kickass:


Well-Known Member
I'm another who dislikes seeing cigarette butts thrown out along the road. Stop at any intersection and look around; they are everywhere. I was walking across a parking lot and somebody had emptied about 20 butts onto the pavement instead of in the nearby trash can. Is it really that much trouble to throw them away properly instead of littering the streets and pavement?

At my former agency, smokers rarely went to the designated smoking area near the parking garage but would smoke anywhere so we'd have to pass through their smoke as we left the garage. Since the ashcans were in the smoking area, they'd throw their butts into the mulch and were always setting it on fire. One woman in particular would flop herself on a bench, deliberating positioning herself in front of the "No Smoking Area" sign on the back of the bench, and puff away before throwing her butts on the ground or in the bushes. Sorry, smokers, but I don't want to smell your stinking cigarettes or see your nasty cigarette butts and ashes.
When the weather was nice at my old job, I would accompany a few work friends for their smoke breaks, just to get out of the office (I don't smoke). It always stunned me when they would throw their butts in the grass instead of in the cigarette butt disposal thingie. I mean, it's right there! I have friends who are conscientious about their smoking and that kind of thing pissed them off even more than me, because people like that gave smokers a bad name.

I also had a boss at that job who would throw paper in her garbage can. The recycling bin was literally next to the garbage. :duh:


Well-Known Member
Cutting down old growth, healthy trees.
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson....you get my drift.... :wall::EVILLE:[/QUOTE]
Absolutely! Trees that were here long before most of us!
(Giant Sequoias, Redwoods, etc.)

"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky." -Khalil Gibran
"All our wisdom is stored in the trees." -Santosh Kalwar
"It's time to plant the trees whose shade we will never see."-Barbra Streisand
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Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Cyclists or as I prefer the term, road weenies. Think they own the road and can act like assholes all day long. Our local government just passed a new law stating that cars must leave a minimum of 1m clearance when passing a cyclist. Well that's fine - except when the cyclist is fcuking cycling down a road with no shoulder and the car has no way to safely pass them! Selfish prat!

And now cyclists in Sydney are getting all pissy that the government will soon require them to carry ID and can issue fines for infringements like not wearing a helmet or running a red light. Oh, you poor little babies!

Xela M

Well-Known Member
Cyclists or as I prefer the term, road weenies. Think they own the road and can act like assholes all day long. Our local government just passed a new law stating that cars must leave a minimum of 1m clearance when passing a cyclist. Well that's fine - except when the cyclist is fcuking cycling down a road with no shoulder and the car has no way to safely pass them! Selfish prat!

And now cyclists in Sydney are getting all pissy that the government will soon require them to carry ID and can issue fines for infringements like not wearing a helmet or running a red light. Oh, you poor little babies!

Cyclists should have a driving licence


Drivers that don't pickup their speed while merging onto a highway. A few years ago, a driver in front of me came to a complete stop in a merge lane. I keept space, otherwise I would have rear ended her.

Bad, crazy, inconsiderate, incompetent driving, on the highway or backroads.

Toll booth idiots
One of my job routes takes me from a toll road to a major highway. If you have an EZ pass, you don't stop as you drive through the toll booth - you slow down enough so that the thing reads the pass on your window. But once a week, clueless people find themselves in the "wrong" or slow lane, and they stop, make a 90 degree turn, drive perpendicular to moving traffic - as though they aren't on a highway - to find a different toll booth. Insane.

Bright blinding headlights
For no reason. Like on a brightly lit highway. Often combined with tailgating. Or, drivers who keep their brights on after they've exited the highway.

At excessive speed, of course. They zip from lane to lane like other cars are just obstacles.


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind noisy kids. A kid at a table eating who suddenly lets out a screech, okay kids are unpredictable, they are learning - I get this! This includes those who have to be reminded to sit on their bottoms, eat nicely, talk with an inside voice, etc. It is part of growing up. But that infant under 6 months who is crying hysterically before they even walked in the restaurant and is absolutely miserable and just left in a stroller/car seat to cry, makes my heart hurt. Totally ignored, mom and dad pretending the baby isn't crying and having the pleasantest of conversations. I had one kid with colic, one parent picked up food while the other stayed home with the baby. Why inflict that on other diners? (and the baby too of course!)


Well-Known Member
At excessive speed, of course. They zip from lane to lane like other cars are just obstacles.
And they never, ever use their signals. I've found that sometimes I can tell when people are going to change lanes before they put a signal on, but never these impulsive assholes.


Well-Known Member
And they never, ever use their signals. I've found that sometimes I can tell when people are going to change lanes before they put a signal on, but never these impulsive assholes.
I find that signals merely tell the jerk behind you to hurry up and cut you off before you can get over in his lane.


Well-Known Member
Cyclists should have a driving licence

Well, cyclists should have a cycling licence if they're going to share the road with motor vehicles, IMO. And carry insurance, because they can cause accidents too.

That being said, I also think most cities can use more bike-only routes -- and if you stick to those, you won't need the licence & insurance.


Well-Known Member
I don't really mind noisy kids. A kid at a table eating who suddenly lets out a screech, okay kids are unpredictable, they are learning - I get this! This includes those who have to be reminded to sit on their bottoms, eat nicely, talk with an inside voice, etc. It is part of growing up. But that infant under 6 months who is crying hysterically before they even walked in the restaurant and is absolutely miserable and just left in a stroller/car seat to cry, makes my heart hurt. Totally ignored, mom and dad pretending the baby isn't crying and having the pleasantest of conversations. I had one kid with colic, one parent picked up food while the other stayed home with the baby. Why inflict that on other diners? (and the baby too of course!)


And I don't mind slightly noisy or wiggly toddlers. I do mind it when the parents are not paying attention. We were in restaurant once and a child of about three was running around totally ignored by the adults with her and at one point was at our table trying to reach the french fries on my husband's plate. Sorry, but no. Someone should be stopping that behavior.

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