"The Walking Dead": Any fans here?

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hirshey girl

Well-Known Member
The season four finale set tv ratings records.

I have a question... Didn't Daryl and Rick bury Daryl's crossbow outside the terminus perimeter leaving him with a gun? So how come the Terminus dude called him "The Archer"?

I'd have to go back and watch, but I think that Rick buried his bag of guns, not Daryl's crossbow. Daryl had the crossbow when they went over the fence.
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Let the skating begin
The shock value was diminished because Z Nation did the cannibal thing a couple of weeks ago. They were using girls to lure in the victims and kept them alive while cutting off parts so the body wouldn't go bad.


Let the skating begin
The assumption was the termites were the cannibals in the comic books, but the producers never confirmed. I'm behind on the comics and a new issue was just released.


Let the skating begin
Did you watch Talking Dead? If not, I hate to break it to you, but Beth is still alive. For the moment anyway.


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I saw her in the previews. I was so hoping she was on the grill, but alas, it was not to be.

I will watch Talking Dead tomorrow.


Life is a beautiful thing
So excited to have TWD back!! Daryl looked like a little boy when he saw carol, too cute :)


Lurker Extraordinaire
Great episode. So glad they didn't drag out Terminus for an entire season, like the farm and the prison. Carol is so bad-ass!!! Daryl & Carol reunion!! Unfortunately, I think the head Termite will still be around to cause problems. But will our group head to Washington DC now??


Well-Known Member
Best. Premiere. Ever.:cheer:

OMG, Wow! That opening part with the cattle/people slaughter was really heavy to watch. Man, that was terrifying. I was so tense the whole first 10 minutes...and then Carol came. Her badass level has gone up by like 8 points. The whole propane-tank-go-boom and employing the walker camouflage from season 1 and then of course walking straight through the front door...Carol is now like #4 on the bad ass survivors list (behind Daryl, Michonne and Rick who are constantly jockeying for top position in terms of who is the ultimate badass on the show). She rocked it.

Tyrese, OTOH, lost like all of his cool points by waiting so long to get rid of that guy who just wouldn't shut the hell up. I was like, okay please kill this guy now. And then he goes for Judith...*sigh* Well we're assuming Tyrese beat the guy to death, in which case he gained like 2 points back, but if he didn't that could come back to bite everyone. Let's just assume he's dead for now.

Thank goodness someone finally asked Eugene about the whole "I have the cure" thing he's been proclaiming. I always wondered why Glenn and Tara never asked him anything about it but when I think about it, Glenn wasn't concerned with the how; he was just trying to get to Maggie. Once everyone was together Sasha finally had the sense to ask about it. His reasoning behind curing it makes a certain amount of sense if you buy into the whole government conspiracy theories pertaining to certain diseases and the ability to weaponize them...still, I hope they dig a little deeper into that.

It's interesting to see the reason behind why the people in Terminus are so @#$%#! up; I guess they're trying to protect themselves but their methods are completely jacked up. Glad that place is off of the map.

I was really happy with the Daryl/Carol reunion. Awwwww! So sweet. I wonder if anything at all is going them this season? And yay for Judith with Rick & Carl and Tyrese & Sasha...all of the reunions were great. Even Carol and Rick. It was like all was forgiven. I think Rick understands why Carol did what she did...I'm sure there will be a certain level of awkwardness there eventually but for now, it's just great to see everyone back together. Well everyone except for Beth:EVILLE:. The fact that even her own sister wasn't terribly concerned about her should let you know where she stands. I mean, Maggie was "Glenn! Glenn! I gotta find Glenn!" Did she even mention Beth once?

IDK, I'm just not that concerned with Beth. I never was. Kudos to her for living so long but it's like, so what? She needs to amass oodles of badass points in order for me to care about her. I feel like the majority of one episode will be spent on what happened to her and where she is...IDK if I'm looking forward to that.

Great opening episode. So excited to see where everything is going this season. We know that Gareth isn't dead and that eventually he will catch up to the gang. I for one was in total agreement with Rick's plan to go back and make sure everyone was dead. In this world you don't want to leave loose ends b/c they always come back to bite you: Rick didn't kill Andrew (the prisoner) and he came back and Lori and T-Dog ended up dying; they didn't kill the Governor and he came back and killed Hershel and blew up the prison; Rick didn't take out the Claimers and they came after him...loose ends are a major liability in this world.

Can't wait for next episode!

ETA: I forgot about Morgan at the end!! It looks like he's shaken his crazy phase and is out and about. My theory is Rick is leaving the marks for Morgan. We never got to see the end of the conversation with Rick...I'm thinking maybe b/c they didn't have the walkie talkies anymore that they came up with another method of communicating. Just my theory. :)


Well-Known Member
Carol creeps me out ever since the whole "just look at the flowers" episode. From a beat-up wife to this, her character is awesome and so satisfying! People should note that she wasn't out with the gang at the building in Season 1 when Rick and Glenn put walkers blood and intestines on themselves. She was at the camp. So this must have been her own idea to smear blood on herself.

I also think it's great that Carol got to save everyone's life, esp. Rick's. After he dumped Carol in the city, he had to kill living people too, like the Claimers (am thinking more about the guy in the house whose neck he broke rather than the whole gang who was trying to rape Carl). I am sure he now understands what Carol had to do back in the prison. The kick comes not only because she saved their lives, but also that she took care of Judith, for Rick.

I was never convinced that the Governor died (coz we never explicitly saw it), much like I am not convinced at all that Gareth (or everyone at Terminus) died, or that Tyrese killed that man in the hut. I am predicting that man to come back to kill or worse still, bite, Sasha. And that's when Tyrese will finally wake up.


Well-Known Member
Didn't tyrese say he killed that guy? I guess they did make a point of NOT showing his dead body.


Well-Known Member
Didn't tyrese say he killed that guy? I guess they did make a point of NOT showing his dead body.

Exactly. He said he did, but did he? The show shows too much explicit violence to NOT show a simple murder of someone who was threatening to kill a little girl.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else feels like turning vegetarian after tonight's episode?! :eek:
Well, it is meatless Monday tomorrow....

Creepy episode. I'm guessing Bob was bit by the underwater walker, so the joke's on the cannibal crew, right? What happens when you eat zombie (or soon-to-be-zombie) meat?


Tuning up my Body of Work
Anyone else feels like turning vegetarian after tonight's episode?! :eek:

OMG I was stunned! and still are

I knew that those guys were not dead (we need a villain this season) but I never expected the cannibalism on screen!!! that was brutal for the episode's end

The character of the priest, I don't know what to think about him but I'm with Rick about not trusting him (or not yet)

And why Daryl run after the car? why he was so sure they were the guys who took Beth away??? I don't remember exact details but didn't Beth just ran away by herself alone?? I never saw she was caught


Headcase Addict
And why Daryl run after the car? why he was so sure they were the guys who took Beth away??? I don't remember exact details but didn't Beth just ran away by herself alone?? I never saw she was caught

Beth's backpack was on the ground as the car took off last season. I believe Daryl would assume that Beth was taken by the people in the car - and that it was the same car because (I think) it had a cross on the back window made out of tape like the one that took Beth.

I'm thinking the people who took Beth are the same people who abused the Terminus people earlier. Before the cannibal stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone else feels like turning vegetarian after tonight's episode?! :eek:

My life on FSU has been severely curtailed by the departure of the slink-a-way gramelin.

Cause I found myself googling what people taste like . . .apparently not bad, a bit like pork. Probably depends on age and fat level, too - just like any meat.

Slink-a-way slink-a-away and slink-away some more.

Also, isn't it dangerous to eat one's same species, because there is a high possibility of contracting infection?


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I was pleased to have two Beth-free episodes in a row.

I also thought Bob was most likely bitten while under water, but I had seen speculation on other sites that he is immune. So I am interested to see how this plays out.
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