The Pointless and Petty Annoyances Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm bored and avoiding cleaning so I have time to think of useless things that will make no one's life better but I would like them to fix it anyway because they are just wrong. :drama:

I am completely annoyed by the Old El Paso Tortilla Bowl commercial. The daughter tortilla bowl's last line is "I have got to get my own plate." If you paid any attention to the commercial at all you will notice she's already on her own plate. I want them to fix it by putting all the bowls on one plate. Then the last line will make more sense. Why didn't anyone edit this or catch this error?

Your turn. What will never improve the world but make you happier and less annoyed by stupid useless things?


Well-Known Member
Too funny, because every time I see that commercial, I think the same thing!

My petty annoyance is people in the grocery store who stand in the middle and block the aisle. The aisle is only designed for two people to go by, one on either side. If you want to stop and think, pull to one side instead of blocking the whole aisle and causing a line up to either end!


Searching for Sanity
I would love it if the Charmin bear commercials would go away because half the time they're annoying but at other times, they don't even make any sense. Seriously, in the one they find the boy's underwear in the bathroom and won't touch them, but he comes in to pick them up and sings all about how he'll pick them up because 'his hiney's clean'. Um, please tell me I'm not the only one annoyed about this since the bears AREN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES IN ANY OF THE COMMERCIALS. Why should the underwear make anyone uncomfortable?! THEY HAVEN'T BEEN WORN. :yikes: :wall::huh:

OK, now that I've ranted, I actually feel better....thanks for starting this thread, LOL :lol: :D


Better off than 2020
Twins Hailey and Hannah who hawk H&H car dealer (local one). They play one ad followed by a national commercial thend repeat the exact Hailey and Hannah spot.

Hannah has gotten breast enhancements and botox in the last year. Now you can tell them apart.


Well-Known Member
Um, please tell me I'm not the only one annoyed about this since the bears AREN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES IN ANY OF THE COMMERCIALS.
I say that every time I see it. I wanted to write to Charmin and ask them. You know I could fill up this thread with grammar, spelling, commercials, neighbor's van, stores, and EVERY DAY annoyances, but I'd have to keep a list with me all the time. :)
Just popped into my head - the Buick commercial - no, that's my Buick; how are we going to fit in your mom's Buick................... If you have a Mustang, do you call it your Ford? Or my son's Honda is in that crowded parking lot? Can you help me find IT. (Don't tell me if it is a Civic or an Accord or a CRV.)
All cars look alike anymore anyway, how would they even be able to tell something is a Buick, compared to a similar car? But then they aren't looking at a similar car but another Buick. Are they just reading the name on the back of the car? Are there that many Buicks out there? And my brain goes around and around and the the word Buick is really getting on my nerves. I'll stop now. hee hee


scratching at the light
I call my Mazda, my Mazda. :lol:

My petty annoyance is people who are obsessively attached to their cellphones. And loud personal conversations in public places. Obnoxious cellphone ring tones, notifications, timers, pings, chimes, dings, beeps, clangs, buzzes, and general clatter. Driving while using cellphones. Walking while using cellphones. Riding bikes while using cellphones. Coming up to the cash desk for me to assist you but you being on your cellphone and I can't actually talk to you because I don't want to be rude and interrupt your conversation. And if this is also done while chewing gum like a cow, get off my lawn. :mitchell:


Not Auto-Tuned
I call my Mazda, my Mazda. :lol:

My petty annoyance is people who are obsessively attached to their cellphones. And loud personal conversations in public places. Obnoxious cellphone ring tones, notifications, timers, pings, chimes, dings, beeps, clangs, buzzes, and general clatter. Driving while using cellphones. Walking while using cellphones. Riding bikes while using cellphones. Coming up to the cash desk for me to assist you but you being on your cellphone and I can't actually talk to you because I don't want to be rude and interrupt your conversation. And if this is also done while chewing gum like a cow, get off my lawn. :mitchell:

I completely agree. We have two newer attorneys in my office who spent the majority of their time during 3 days of training playing on their phones instead of listening, and then asking questions that my training partner and I had already gone over. Several times, I had to tell them to please pay attention because what we were saying was important. Our time is just as valuable as theirs, but their not paying attention meant repeated questions as they started actually using the tools on which we had been trying to train.


Well-Known Member
I call my Mazda, my Mazda. :lol:
shut up! just kidding! That makes perfect sense to me, probably because I don't even know any Mazda models? The other day I saw three newer Camaros at different times - yellow, black, red. I recognize Camaros. (I grew up with Mustangs, Camaros, Firebirds, etc. being THE thing.) I wouldn't say I saw three newer Chevys.

My dad always had new Dodge and Chrysler cars, being an employee. (I mean new at first and kept for 3-10 years, not new car every year!) They were referred to by their model, not the car company. If there was a 69 Charger in the driveway, what kid is going to say is that your dad's Dodge? More like "what a boat"! ha ha

I don't know - stop arguing with me. ha ha


Well-Known Member
I don't like the jewelry commercial where a guy asks a ~4-5 year old boy for his permission to propose to his mom.

Other peeves include the way political issues are "debated", people who willfully ignore science and people who litter & leave dog poop behind.


Well-Known Member
Screaming kids in stores. I can’t stand it. I remember when my own kids were younger, I would save up to hire a babysitter so I can buy groceries kid free. It was my time out but nope, lots of times I hear kids screaming and the parent doesn’t even ask them to be quiet. Nothing. Like it’s cute to listen to a screaming kid. No. My kids start screaming I demand they shut up or we haul @ss back to the car.

ok, rant over. oye


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Smokers who quickly puff down their cigarette and then jam themselves onto crowded public transport. The smell is just absolutely disgusting and they have no regard for anyone else.

Or smokers who smoke in public places generally. I should be able to walk around without copping a lungful of vile reek.


Well-Known Member
The Comcast ads I hear on our local radio stations - The radio announcer talks about the poor kids who are benefiting from free Comcast service, while sad piano music plays in the background. Two kids challenge her by saying something like, "Hey, radio announcer, you don't know anything about my life... Calculus, I'm crushing it!"


Well-Known Member
For me, doctors.

I need an appointment with specialist to get a specific procedure done and a referral was made by my sort-of family physician several months ago. I never heard from the specialist, so inquired about it when I saw my doctor a few days ago.

Turns out that the specialist does not give her phone number to the public. I guess she doesn't want to be bothered by that pesky population of patients (you know, the people that doctors ostensibly aim to serve).

They have an email address and I emailed, but of course got no reply. :(

I tried to find a new doctor some months ago because I prefer to see a female doctor, and my female doctor was moving on, to be replaced by a man. I set up an appointment and then got a phone call a few weeks later, saying that the doctor was no longer taking on new patients. :(:(

Also, my MIL is a senior, and says that many of her friends who are looking for a doctor get told that such-and-such doctor "doesn't treat seniors" :(:(:(


Well-Known Member
Praise the lord they're over now with the election today but those Clive Palmer ads made me want to throw a shoe through my TV. They played constantly, sometimes multiple times an ad break! It was painful.

Did any Aussies see the last one about the Chinese Government apparently owning airstrips and planning some sort attack? WTH? If Clive gets in because of QLD I'm gonna be pretty annoyed.


Well-Known Member
People who don’t let others get off the subway before they try to get in. Let everyone out! Also dumb tourists who block the subway entrance during rush hour. MOVE!

People do that on public transit here too, and it drives me crazy. How exactly do they think they are going to get on the bus if they are blocking me and the six people behind me from getting off?


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Praise the lord they're over now with the election today but those Clive Palmer ads made me want to throw a shoe through my TV. They played constantly, sometimes multiple times an ad break! It was painful.

Did any Aussies see the last one about the Chinese Government apparently owning airstrips and planning some sort attack? WTH? If Clive gets in because of QLD I'm gonna be pretty annoyed.

This is why I don't generally watch FTA television.

I just wanted our media, every time he had a press conference, to ask, "So when are you workers being paid? Can you produce evidence you're paying them?" over and over again. The guy is Trump-lite.


Well-Known Member
People do that on public transit here too, and it drives me crazy. How exactly do they think they are going to get on the bus if they are blocking me and the six people behind me from getting off?
I've never been on a subway or a public bus, but it happens on practically every elevator I've ever been on.

In Kroger yesterday, there was a guy studying all the milk in the cooler before he picked one and a woman waiting till he was done. I was waiting behind her. We both had carts. He left, she moved up and when she left, another woman with a cart coming from the other direction practically hit mine to get to the milk. Did she think I was just standing at the side of the aisle staring at the milk for fun. Maybe she thought I was a cardboard cutout display. aarrgghh

Personal pet peeve - why does this particular Kroger do all of their stocking on Saturday afternoon. Not even stocking, just moving pallets and boxes close to where they are going to put them away and leave them there. It's open 24 hours. They can't stock the shelves overnight? They have to be pushing those things around in the busiest part of the day.

And they have gotten rid of the 15 items or less registers. I only use the self check outs when I have a couple things because I have to keep track of my purse and wallet and my Kroger card and pay and not take the bags off the thing too soon, but hurry and gather them when I am done or it tells me to remove them. Shut up!!! I like the self check outs at Meijer with the long conveyors. But then I feel guilty when there is somebody behind me who can't start till I gather up 6 yogurts that have rolled around and all the other stuff. (sigh)


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
Videos of soldiers returning home from a deployment and surprising their kid. If you really loved your kid, you'd make your presence known right away and not hide behind a door or something.

So much this. And then they invite the local news to come film it. When I worked at the minor league ballpark, some version of this happened every month. You're not original. Just hug your kids when you get home and then you can have some quality family time together.

My snark is the ad for Neulasta. It's a drug that is given to chemo patients to prevent infection. The person in the commercial always has their hair. By the time you eligible to do the take home version YOUR HAIR HAS FALLEN OUT. Grr. You have to do the first one in the hospital and wait an hour so they can make sure your spleen doesn't explode. Cancer is fun. :p


Well-Known Member
My snark is the ad for Neulasta. It's a drug that is given to chemo patients to prevent infection. The person in the commercial always has their hair. By the time you eligible to do the take home version YOUR HAIR HAS FALLEN OUT. Grr. You have to do the first one in the hospital and wait an hour so they can make sure your spleen doesn't explode. Cancer is fun. :p

I agree with you, but I was just grateful they at least let the actors appear tired. So often they have people running around like they are well. They really ought to show the actors in bed, probably sick.

I just found one of mine while checking facebook. DO NOT make posts that say "I bet no one will share this....because they don't care" or some such stupidity.


Marriage proposals done in public, especially the public spectacle ones in front of a bunch of strangers (jumbotron shot of a couple in the stands at a football stadium, for example). Puts too much pressure on the proposee to say "yes" to the proposer. Gotta give the recipient the right of refusal.


Well-Known Member
This seems to becoming more popular at least amongst my acquaintances and friends on Facebook - posting a picture or video of your dog with a written internal dialogue. There will be a nice
picture of a golden retriever with a tennis ball and then the inane comment “Me zo happy Iz got dee ball!” No. If your dog talked he would not sound like a drunk Cookie Monster. Also if your pet clearly does not enjoy costumes stop putting him in them and saying how adorable it is.


Well-Known Member
Marriage proposals done in public, especially the public spectacle ones in front of a bunch of strangers (jumbotron shot of a couple in the stands at a football stadium, for example). Puts too much pressure on the proposee to say "yes" to the proposer. Gotta give the recipient the right of refusal.

Yes! I thought I was the only one who cringed when Kurt Browning did this.

Peaches LaTour

Well-Known Member
Smokers who quickly puff down their cigarette and then jam themselves onto crowded public transport. The smell is just absolutely disgusting and they have no regard for anyone else.

Or smokers who smoke in public places generally. I should be able to walk around without copping a lungful of vile reek.

And now that they have legalized pot in my state, you have to endure that stench, as well. Positively sickening.

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