The Dance Hall 9: Bring the Bling or No Beijing 2021-2022

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Well-Known Member
Came across a 20 seconds snippet of Papadakis/Cizeron's FD and all I can say is that if accidents and injuries and clothing malfunctions are avoided Beijing should be a done deal for gold.

And Faure will become as much a warhorse as "Rain In Your Black Eyes" and "To Build A Home".
They sure do not seem to make any concession to their art in this snippet ...


Well-Known Member
Came across a 20 seconds snippet of Papadakis/Cizeron's FD and all I can say is that if accidents and injuries and clothing malfunctions are avoided Beijing should be a done deal for gold.

And Faure will become as much a warhorse as "Rain In Your Black Eyes" and "To Build A Home".
You can say that again 22/23 season onward.


Fetchez la vache... mais fetchez la vache !
Trying to catch up after being away from FS for the last year and a half. The team I still enjoy a lot is definitely Reviya/Kazakova. Can't wait to see them grow. The programs of the top teams up to now have not impressed me much but it is really early in the season.


Well-Known Member
ISU Questions and Answers # 1 added on September 29th

Q: What is the call when only one partner changes feet during an attempted Combination Spin and the other partner touches down without changing to the other skating foot?
A: The call is Combination Spin with touch down. All Basic Positions and Difficult Variations for the skater who changed feet are considered for level. Only the Basic Positions and Difficult Variations for the partner who does not change to the other foot are considered for level before the touch down and the reduction for touch down is applied.

Has this put out in response to the Flores/Tsarevski's calls?

Q: What is allowed per the following Illegal Element definition?
- lifting partner swinging the lifted partner around without the assistance of hand(s) /arm(s) and the lifted partner holds only with legs/feet around the lifting partner’s neck;
A: Per the picture and for season 2021/22, only swinging or holding by the feet is considered illegal during a lift.

Is this in response of Fabbri/Ayer's lift called at Lombardia? She holds by the legs.

So can someone with a lot more comprehension than I explain to me (over my head) if Fabbri/Ayer's lift was illegal or not? Also what would they have to change in the lift to make it legal if it is really illegal? Would totally appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I just don't have the RAM space or time right now to get into the rules but I'm certain someone will clue us in.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any news on any of the following teams?

--Galyavieva & Thauron
--Kaliszek & Spodyriev
--Reed & Ambrulevicius


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any news on any of the following teams?

--Galyavieva & Thauron
--Kaliszek & Spodyriev
--Reed & Ambrulevicius
R&A are back in Montreal training as of last month. Her first stab Lithuanian citizenship was denied by Lithuania's president but she's planning on at least one more try before the Olympic deadline.


Well-Known Member
Reed & Ambrulevicius are also entered to the Budapest Trophy next week (along with Montreal's British teams and the Armenians. Zagorski/Guerreiro are entered there too).

Wow, definitely about that call for Flores & Tsarevski.

I’m surprised that the technical panel is labeling something not meeting the definition for the element as the element. Usually, meeting the definition is a guiding principle for calling. This is a very surprising clarification/decision. The only way this makes sense to me is if they’re considering their spin as an “attempted” combination spin that they failed. She touched down, but didn’t spin on the other foot after a ”failed“ change of foot.

So, the new call would be CoSp1, same base points they got in Courcheval 2. They get credit for both of Tsarevski’s difficult positions, but both of Flores’ occurs after her touchdown, so the call is CoSp2, but a reduction of 1 level for the touchdown, so a final call of CoSp1. :lol:

So in the end all the calls were "wrong" but one at least equalled to the "correct" points.

Summer local competition (Rettstatt-Julia Rey-Blumberg): Comb. Spin 4. Here they clearly didn't pay attention to her feet.

Lake Placid International (Rettstatt-Chait-Fraser): Comb. Spin 2. Here it seems they caught her not changing foot and so they stopped counting the features at that point. However, it seems they didn't apply the -1 level for her pushing into the second spin on the same foot.

Courchevel#2 (Leaver-Petetin-Senft): Sp1. Here they didn't consider as a combination spin because she didn't change spinning feet.

In the 2019/20 version of the Technical Rules they added a very clear line: "If during a Dance Spin only one partner changes feet, this is considered still as a Spin, the Level is assessed up until the point of the change of foot and reduced by one Level".
In the 2020/21 and 2021/22 versions, they delated it. They added the specification that "A push without changing a foot is considered as a “touch down” (which applies in F/T's case too).
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Well-Known Member
Also, Stepanova/Bukin are out. :( I hope they are OK, doesn't look like a promising start to their Oly season. I want them to get to go this time so badly!
(Reposting your comment from the Challenger thread so that I could respond here in The Dance Hall).

Yeah, not good. The odds of all those top teams staying in the same early season event were never good though. It's possible S&B are on the road back, but not so much on the road back that they are ready for this head-to-head at Finlandia yet. We'll have to wait & see.


Well-Known Member
Emily Bratti & Ian Somerville are competing in one of the U.S. Championship Series events this week. Results & streaming info are in the Championships Series thread in the Kiss & Cry.


Well-Known Member
Emily Bratti & Ian Somerville are competing in one of the U.S. Championship Series events this week. Results & streaming info are in the Championships Series thread in the Kiss & Cry.
Bratti & Somerville won the competition this morning. In their debut as a team, they beat Pate & Bye by 2.36 points.


Well-Known Member
This seems to be the most appropriate thread to post this interview with Sara Hurtado

About their new programs, plans for the future (she is studying journalism so she could popularize figure skating in Spain, and both want to develop skating in Spain, teach kids, etc), recovery from last season's injury, her teammates and life in Moscow. She also mentioned that they had a chance to visit Madrid for a week to solve papers issues and get J&J vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Just catching up on some RDs of the top teams. Thoughts:

1. P/C should have been in first with all judges today as they clearly had the most ambitious and best-executed program, with the most speed and intricacy. My favorite part is the last music cut, when it gets more exciting. The middle section is less interesting but I suppose necessary for the Blues portion. Overall there is kind of a lot of armography, but it does give the program a distinctive look.
2. I like C/B's RD but I don't know as it really stood out in terms of originality. Maybe it will more upon a second viewing. Well-skated, though, and great costumes.
3. Also watched Guignard/Fabbri's RD for the first time and :eek:. Five different music cuts in one RD and not smooth cuts either? I like that they focus on "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," one of my fave MJ songs, but overall this seemed a bit of a mess. Hopefully they pare it down a bit and make the skating more crisp.
4. Sinitsina/Katsalapov's RD seemed to be decently skated at Russian test skates. However, the lyrics are so cringey and dated-sounding. And the whole program doesn't seem very current. Wonder if there is any chance they will change music? ....
5. So far my personal favorite of the top teams' RDs is H/D's Janet Jackson piece. I find it very interesting in terms of the hip-hop choreo, the mood changes, the sultriness of the middle section, and H/D's skating itself.
6. Outside of the top teams, the RDs that have stood out to me most so far are Hurtado/Khaliavin's and, secondarily, Green/Parsons's. Also liked Skoptcova and Zagorski.


Well-Known Member
Well, armography is the distinctive feature and indeed the main point of waacking!
yes, which makes it such a brilliant choice for an ice dance program. the arm/upper body movements easily lend themselves to more lyrical, flowy choreography. if you watch some of the waaaking vids online, many dancers perform waacking to slow, subdued, lyrical musical styles.


Well-Known Member
Also watched Guignard/Fabbri's RD for the first time and :eek:. Five different music cuts in one RD and not smooth cuts either? I like that they focus on "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," one of my fave MJ songs, but overall this seemed a bit of a mess. Hopefully they pare it down a bit and make the skating more crisp.
I was really surprised when I first saw G/F's RD, MJ definitely wasn't the route I was expecting them to take!
I agree that the music is a bit of a mess, and the poor audio quality on the stream from Lombardia probably didn't help that.
They've got quite a bit of time between Lombardia and Skate Canada so hopefully they can alter the music a bit to have less cuts and clean up some of the transitions which looked a bit frantic in places. Love their RD new lift though, and their commitment to the theme of the program.

Depending on the feedback they got from the judges, I wouldn't put it past them to pull another mid-season RD change either.


Well-Known Member
When have they said this?
Interview with



Well-Known Member
Sinitsina/Katsalapov, RD from RC #2


Reformed Manspreader
Sinitsina/Katsalapov, RD from RC #2
That shirt makes him look fat!

It's not bad. They seem to hit the right points of music , I am surprised they went with 1970s funk/ soul. His twizzles are still meh


I don't like the costumes. His is terrible, hers is beautiful but the pants at the test skates showed her lines better. It's a solid program though. Out of all the top teams, S&K are the only ones who make the blues a highlight, actually interpret it and play with it. The others all look like "now we must stop our fun program to somberly concentrate on performing this compulsory element, then we can resume dancing."


Well-Known Member
Sinitsina/Katsalapov, RD from RC #2
I need to think that S/K were forced to skate to this music and are making the best of it, because otherwise it drives me crazy.
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