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I had a dream last week where Yuzuru was triumphant on a competition, no other skaters there. Don't know why, don't care who wins or loses. Also before Kiira Korpi broke her leg when still competing, had a dream where she broke her leg. Should train my subconscious to predict something more useful than figure skater's careers.


Earlier than expected I put #missionbronze back in. You can never know ;)
Dance soldier, dance!

Norwegian commentators gushing over Dima, not just his jumps, but saying "his program was perfect for him", "it was a real waltz", "his carriage is sublime", "he hits all the accents of the music", "he has excellent skating skills", "great flow", "all components should be very high" etc etc. They are, as you might have noticed, most of the time totally confused, yesterday they f.t. claimed that Nathan Chen has been SO RELIABLE this season, but finally the got everything right!



Let the skating begin

Aliev in 5th, final group, bitchez! :encore: However I fear an epic LP meltdown.

Brezina 9th place, clean SP, fantastic quad and fight. However I fear an epic LP meltdown.

Danny Salmon two clean quads + Morozov in the K&C! :encore: However I fear an epic LP meltdown.
We know our team so well. :lol: Other fans are gushing over them and all the #TTW posters are going, yeah, well, let's see.


I went straight from SP to practice this morning (worst practice ever:lol:, in solidarity with Paniot), were supposed to sleep for a loooooong time afterwards, but woke up after 2,5 hours, wondering what on earth was going on. I will for sure pass out in a few hours again. Haven't recovered after all the emotions from Empress big day yet, and before I know it, men is on.... #it'sawomansworld

Viking recap:

So many highs and lows, but what was to be expected
Hair battle: Brezina vs Kerry vs Paniot
Power of the zippers???

Montoya - Didn't wake me up.
Chafik - Aymoz wasn't send anywhere because he has doesn't do a quad???
Zhou - Trying to be lyrical teenager did pretty well
Ten - I will quote da bossman: "I cannot even describe the heartbreak I am in. This SP is so stunning and I can't believe we do not even see the equally stunning FS on olympic ice. 18 skaters with better PCS, WTF judges, WTF?"
Sigh. My Denis. :wuzrobbed
Rizzo - Good boy, make sure Gypsyking sticks to tattoos and golden sneakers.
Martinez - Who in their right mind being the first alternate to OG will stop training when you know the history of the Swedish Olympic committee? Sorry. That was just embarrassing. Wearing the 4 sizes too big Lidl-ripoff of Joubert's Matrix costume didn't help.
Paniot - As I said in the PBP: (((Ukrainian puppy))) Three MESS-awards in one SP is hard to beat. :gallopin1 Even the hair couldn't help him. And I'm sure constantly changing the lay-out doesn't either. Nipple @Jeschke?? And I'm blamed for going after the kiddos:lol:
Yan :smokin: - Power of the cheekbones. Rock and splat in one performance constantly, of course he's still in. That shirt helps too.
Yee - I actually don't remember much.....blame it on the suspense
Kerry - Good job, whatever....
Moris - After leaving Haddaway, it's all gone downhill. At least his rainbow outfit in the FS is cosy to look at....
Messing - :yikes::yikes::yikes:1994 called, they want their everything back.
Brezina - For sure he wanted to stay on the team! Now wait for the FS.
Cha - Cutie! The PBP was more about hair than skating. Cha's content shows that had D10 watered down, he'd be in the final, but of course no, go for that 4s that you haven't landed all season:wall: Good for homeboy to make it through, with no mistakes. Great music! Love the edge work, great stepseq.
Fentz - I swear that shirt was once pink. Good to make the final, but I need to see that quad again, now it's been MIA for too long. #dontletvikingdown
Ge - He's dating Zabiiako? Really? Good for him!
Jorik - Yay, talk of grabbing the Olympic moment. Again, if D10 had watered down...
Danny Salmon - White wolf came to play. Keep feeding it boy, keep feeding it.
Rippon - Dear Adam, I love you to death, but there's a fine line here you're about to cross. WHEN YOU CUT YOUR SLEEVES TO WEAR THEM SHORT AND TIGHT LIKE MICHAEL WEISS, DO NOT FLEX THOSE BICEPS DURING PROGRAM!!!!!! That is all. Yours sincerely.

Gingersoldier - Our boy, he's a standout! So proud of him! :respec:He's been going a bit under the radar, now he'll pull a Sotnikova after being left out of the TE for head case Kolyada, unable to skate a clean program to save his life, who now has an Olympic medal and Dima has not. Saving T/M for the individual event? Yes, that was big help. #missionbronze. I was amazed how calm he looked afterwards, no drama, no over the top-emotions, just a really cool kid. Maybe he grew up during those last months? So so so happy for him. Glad he's going first in the FS, get it over with, put pressure on the rest. But of course I'll be dead. Dead. But 4z, H*** yeah! Who needs Kolyada anyway?

Chan - Exquisite. Let me just watch his blades all day. Made the final flight, respect!
Tanaka:smokin: - Yes, I am crying :(:( That program is sooooo good for him, and he really came alive with it at 4CC. Slay back in the free boy, slay back!!!
Bychenko - Misha Schmerkin reincarnated.
Yuzu - Oh, how I love him! He's the one of few who manages to effortless weave those quads into the programs with no effort, no struggle. SO impressed with him coming back from injury like this. And the opening move, when he's just standing on the curve, staring at the judges is so bad ass. He's hypnotizing them. Love his introvert, yet powerful style. Love how the program builds, with actual speed in the steps, and actual choreo that fits the steps, not just trying to fit as many turns into it as possible. #firstsincebutton #missiongold
Chen - The poor, poor kid! What pressure he's been under. He needs a Mao-moment in the FS. (Skating to Mao's last dancer that could happen. Pun intended:p)
Kolyada - I'm seriously loosing faith in you. Sorry. But you are free to prove me so very wrong in the FS. Oh, wait. It's Elvis. It can't be done.
Javi - I'd be very happy if he gets a medal, but that program is not my cup of tea. Stellar quads.
Boyang - Still something lacking, watching him after Uno and Javi, but I'll take it. Miss Spiderboyang though....

Velvet Pocket Prince - :respec: My wish came true. I got this Olympic program skated clean. 3a was better in the TE, but I'll take it. He's such a dancer. He moves with the music (the one war horse I love forever). The way he holds his head, moves his arms, bends his knees, leans on the edges is clinic. I want two Japanese medals, one of them gold, then the rest of the games is whatever, and I can just enjoy. #missionmedal

Do hard - award (@SamuraiK tm) - Tanaka:smokin:
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LOL forgot Deniss in my recap. That must be because he was wearing his elderly aunt's vest at the warm up. But I have to love him for it.


Well-Known Member
Who needs Kolyada anyway?
I do, you can’t even imagine how harsh were Russian media and those once-in-four-years-fans on him :wuzrobbed
I actually need both of them to stay healthy and Russian Fed to stay as far from them as is possible :angryfire

Chan - Exquisite. Let me just watch his blades all day. Made the final flight, respect!
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Let the skating begin
Something has been off with Kolyada since Russian nationals. Since it's not injury, there is something going on in his life that's causing him to lose focus. The Olympics are done. My bigger concern is Worlds. But, the good thing is with the post Olympic retirements, the post Olympic worlds offers big opportunities. Hopefully, he and Aliev will be able to at the very least keep 2 Russian spots. I hate to see skaters crushed by the media expectations that they never asked for to begin with. Some can handle it and some can't.


Something has been off with Kolyada since Russian nationals. Since it's not injury, there is something going on in his life that's causing him to lose focus. The Olympics are done. My bigger concern is Worlds. But, the good thing is with the post Olympic retirements, the post Olympic worlds offers big opportunities. Hopefully, he and Aliev will be able to at the very least keep 2 Russian spots. I hate to see skaters crushed by the media expectations that they never asked for to begin with. Some can handle it and some can't.
I just want to remember, there is still Samarin :shuffle: :cool:


Well-Known Member
I blame his coach stubbornes with the non existent 4Lz for Kolyada's debacle. Its been landed 1/20 times , ruining everything.


Well-Known Member
I blame his coach stubbornes with the non existent 4Lz for Kolyada's debacle. Its been landed 1/20 times , ruining everything.

Or maybe it's Kolyada's stubborness? Or is there any proof that it's Valentina's idea?


Well-Known Member
Or maybe it's Kolyada's stubborness? Or is there any proof that it's Valentina's idea?
It’s Russian Federation’s idea, not only 4Lz but also his suicidal 4S attempts.
Look at the long list of all ruined Russian men for the proof (Uspenski, Borodulin, Gachinsky, Kovtun, Pitkeev and etc).
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Let the skating begin
It’s Russian Federation’s idea, as well as his suicidal 4S attempts.
Look at the long list of all ruined Russian men for the proof (Uspenski, Borodulin, Gachinsky, Kovtun, Pitkeev and etc).
And somehow Rukavicin has let Aliev come along at his own pace. Of course, that's because the attention was focused elsewhere. He's been Frodo and Sam making their way through Mordor, but now the eye of Sauron will be looking for him. Run Dima! Hide!


I believed in Hubbell&Donohue before it was cool
Earlier than expected I put #missionbronze back in. You can never know ;)
Dance soldier, dance!
When you have it for the dance event, I will pretend it's for another team :p

Add me to the Chan :swoon:, if we look only at the results post 2014 he would be such a #tt member with all the bizarre off ice accidents, misspoken interviews and coaches changes!


Well-Known Member
It’s Russian Federation’s idea, not only 4Lz but also his suicidal 4S attempts.
Look at the long list of all ruined Russian men for the proof (Uspenski, Borodulin, Gachinsky, Kovtun, Pitkeev and etc).

It's even worse then ... I don't understand 4S the most. Half time he pops it into double and in other scenarios he splats on quadruple. That's my impression. Either way all that (+ his back issues) may escalate one another. 4Lz as gorgeous as it is when he lands it is also like a miracle.
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I do, you can’t even imagine how harsh were Russian media and those once-in-four-years-fans on him :wuzrobbed

Actually I do too! I got a little carried away, I wasn't prepared for Dima nailing the 4z. God knows I've defended Kolyada in here, and Gods knows I really, really like him. I don't even want to think about the crazy media. (((Misha))) I just get so frustrated, because his skating is so beautiful, but he's such a head case, and he's skating to Elvis.

I actually need both of them to stay healthy and Russian Fed to stay as far from them as is posible :angryfire


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