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I will miss most of mens free today, bad timing, one last prep-practice.... Hopefully I'll make it home for the last group, or try to catch it on my phone in the rink or something... If not, I have to stay away from FSU and watch my recording when I get anxiety. I'm sending all my calming vibes to Russia, I guess Dima is holding Rukavitsin's hand during warm up as well.

Go Gingersoldier:cheer2: Slay and make us proud, then you're allowed to pass out later:gallopin1
Go Misha:cheer2:
Go Deniss:cheer2: (though I'm a bit worried now...)
Go Oddvoll the Great:cheer2:

Go Jorik, Baby Rizzo, Moris, Cutie Bychenko, Naurits, Chafik and dr.Valtter! So many men!

And go Fentz!!:cheer2: Get that second spot for Kötting!

...I'm feeling robbed not being able to write something about Blackwolfwhitewolf here.....

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
Thanks to my :sekret:, especially for @alchemy void :
Photoshoot of Lambiel and his boy. God knows, why it has been taken in the bedroom :smokin:

:yikes: I just can't.

I'm trying not to be too judgmental, god only knows comments I've made about 18 year old guys on here, so I'm really in no position to criticize. :lol:

I'm sorry, but those are creepy as hell. :huh:

Totally agree.

The pics are indeed creepy. IMO, they or at least Lambiel should have said no, when they were asked to do a photo shoot in a bedroom. He is the coach after all and in coach-student relationship there's always going to be the power structure in it.

Did you see the selfie from this summer where they were shirtless, cooking together in the kitchen? :scream:


#allaboutthevoids #teamtrainwreck

honestly I’m prepared for a meltdown of Pogorilaya standards. :scream:

Anything else would be a pleasant surprise!

I’m worried about his swollen feet :(

He’s not exactly the strongest competitor to begin with and if he’s hurt now I just get more worried :fragile:


Let the skating begin
Face it, we all know what's going to happen with the boy. :lol: I have greater faith that Samarin will double down and pass him. Aliev may be the better skater, but Samarin is the better competitor. Most of the time.

But, if neither of them end up on the podium, I will :rofl: if the RuFed calls on Voronov. They had their chance.


Let the skating begin
I will be very happy to kick Aliev off for winning medals. I cannot believe he held it together. But, the boy really needs to work on his stamina.

Damn Brezina. Just when we're ready to :kickass: him, he goes and meets the criteria again. He really likes to ride this train.

Kolyada is a serious headcase. I'm getting over him quickly. I agree he's not #TTW worthy because he just makes you not care.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
I think Kolyada belongs on this train, despite his bronze medals at GPF and the Europeans. He just can't land a quad.


I believed in Hubbell&Donohue before it was cool
^I think there's no questions that Aliev should go to Pyeongchang, russian fed seems to go with the results of the competition and not think much about the infamous body of work.
I meant @Jeschke will have a 'positive' meltdown :wuzrobbed:encore:
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