RIP Prince


I was quite surprised when I learned how toxic acetaminophen actually is. I guess I naively used to assume that since it could be bought over the counter that it wasn't particularly dangerous. Then I heard about someone who tried to kill themselves by OD'ing on Tylenol. :yikes: It's now ibuprofen or aspirin for me.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
I was quite surprised when I learned how toxic acetaminophen actually is. I guess I naively used to assume that since it could be bought over the counter that it wasn't particularly dangerous. Then I heard about someone who tried to kill themselves by OD'ing on Tylenol. :yikes: It's now ibuprofen or aspirin for me.
Acetaminophen is a frequent topic at the hospital M&Ms (morbidity and mortality conferences).


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
No. The large part of the problem is overprescribing. It is being addressed with variable success within the pain management medical community. From the CDC
Well, there are new restrictions on the painkillers Hydrocodone and Tramadol now. The doctors really can't overprescribe medications.

That's what I recently went through in trying to get my prescription of Tramadol refilled when I ran out. My doctor has to see me and handwrite the prescription. He can't phone it in or fax it to my pharmacist. My doctor also didn't want me to take it anymore even though he's aware of the severe pain I have along with my leg spasms. I still have my prescription for Cyclobenzaprine which is a muscle relaxer and My doctor told me I could take Aleve for the pain now. So far so good, and I haven't missed the Tramadol.
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discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Yes, there are. They are certainly tightening the screws. Lets see how well it works in terms of addiction and overdose.

I am glad you are able to get pain relief with cyclobenzaprine (not an opioid) and Aleve! :)


Rotating while Russian!
Cyclobenzaprine is the greatest drug ever. Non-addictive, effective for a variety of uses, no significant side effects.

Back when they thought I had fibromyalgia (I didn't) they prescribed 5mg a night for me to help with my sleep quality. It really, really helped alleviate loads of symptoms.

I was sorry to see that the FDA recently approved opiate use in children.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
I was sorry to see that the FDA recently approved opiate use in children.
They can be very effective in pain control in children when used judiciously/short term. They are not inherently evil. Not a pain control story but I am very grateful I had access to codeine when I had pneumonia at age 12. I stayed up all night coughing, couldn't get any rest and couldn't shake it for 2 months. As soon as I had codeine, I stopped coughing, started sleeping and recovered within a week.


Rotating while Russian!
I can see the value for inpatient use for children, pain can be very traumatic. My concern is that an addicted adult family member will "munchausen" the kid into getting a script. Doctors practically need to be criminal investigators these days.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Cyclobenzaprine is the greatest drug ever. Non-addictive, effective for a variety of uses, no significant side effects.

Back when they thought I had fibromyalgia (I didn't) they prescribed 5mg a night for me to help with my sleep quality. It really, really helped alleviate loads of symptoms.

I was sorry to see that the FDA recently approved opiate use in children.
I take it at night, too. It's got to where I also don't need to take Aleve as much. I keep it on hand just in case. My doctor told me to also take the Cyclobenzaprine during the day if a spasm should occur. I mainly have them at night when I'm trying to relax and fall asleep. The Cyclobenzaprine has helped a lot with it, and I don't wake up from having those spasms as much as I used to. Thank God because it hurts like hell and feels like my leg muscles are trying to draw up on the back of my thigh and knee.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
No. The large part of the problem is overprescribing. It is being addressed with variable success within the pain management medical community. From the CDC
I don't draw the same conclusion you did. I understand that there is more prescribed,and that across the population that there is not less pain, although with the people living longer that could be a statistical moot point.

And when you talk about over prescribing do you mean to much to one patient? Or do you mean prescribed wben it does not need to be prescribed?


Well-Known Member
Heard all MTV channels were running prince on a loop :) watching now and started blubbering, he was so massive to us who grew up in the 80s - totally cooler than Michael Jackson to me. MJ seemed "novelty" where as the cool kids loved Prince.

"Cream" was my absolute favourite Prince track though, reminds me of a certain time in my life I look back on favourably.

RIP you little bundle of purple awesome and thank you, don't think a celebrity death has upset me so much.

I sound full of shit but it's so so sad. Although he hadn't really been relevant for a long time, he deserved to live out his life dying as an eccentric octogenarian at least... Not this :fragile:

I thought Robin Willams' death hit me hard, but this sad news is hitting just as hard. His music was part of the soundtrack of my teens and was played at so many Celebrations and Family Parties over the years, I can't even begin to count.

Purple Rain was a constant to Homwork/Studying. So much so, I broke the tape and had to get another copy. :D. My favourite is Let's Go Crazy and I dare anyone to not get up and dance to that thing. It's one of those songs where you have no choice, you *have* to get up and dance to it. :)

Of all the Memorial Things I've seen my Favourite one is the Hamilton Cast's After Show Dance Party to Let's Go Crazy the other night. To me that's how Prince would want to be remembered. His music blasting and everybody on their feet having a ball.

Just...Sigh...I've been saying this too often this year, but what a huge, huge loss. :(:(:(


Well-Known Member
Again looks like marijuana is least addictive pain killer and from the research I've read very few if any documented cases of cardiac or respiratory arrest due to cannabis. It is safer than many OTC meds. So many stains, options to use cannabis for pain that realtivity little to no risk. Plus there are very low THC strains with CB-d the combine for very good pain relief. Oil, concentrates, lotions, balms, flower, and edibles.


Well-Known Member
Of all the recent deaths, this is the one that's hit me the hardest. I was extremely sad when Heath Ledger died. I think this one is even worse for me.

I loved how he defied categorization in everything. He was truly unique.

I've been listening to his music whenever I got a chance today and I dusted off some of my old CDs. What an amazing artist.


Well-Known Member
Just made a list of my most beloved Prince songs and I was amazed at how evenly they were spread throughout his albums. Yes, I loved every track on Purple Rain. But, Sign 'O' of the Times, Diamonds and Pearls, Graffiti Bridge and The Gold Experience each contained nearly as many of my favorites as Purple Rain. And then, so many other gems scattered all through his other albums, both before and after the ones mentioned. I'm just SO grateful that I "got him" from the beginning and was blessed to be along for "the whole ride." He brought me so much joy. Good Lord, I'm going to miss him ....... :(


Well-Known Member
Prince was the cool version of Michael Jackson. He had the moves but he didn't announce them. He kind of switched effortlessly between singing and dancing like James Brown. The heels were a good look.


Well-Known Member
I saw Bonnie Raitt in concert this weekend. (Great concert!) She dedicated "I Can't Make You Love Me" to Prince. I hadn't realized that he had recorded a version of that song. Bonnie talked about how great Prince was in helping female artists.

I know that there have been reports that he wrote and produced a bunch of songs for Bonnie a long time ago, but those recordings were never released. I wonder who owns the rights to them. It makes me think that the vault he reportedly has of hundreds or thousands of unreleased songs might include a lot of songs recorded with other artists. The legalities and logistics of getting those songs released are going to be complicated.


Well-Known Member
I wonder who owns the rights to them.

The lawyer who got Prince out of his contract with Warner Brothers was still his friend until today (and still his lawyer, I believe), so I would imagine all the work Prince did was being dealt with his lawyer so that the problems he experienced in the first part of his career were not repeated. So I imagine now that Prince's estate owns everything that Prince ever recorded. I would guess that anyone who recorded with Prince agreed to let him have the rights to whatever they produced. Or maybe joint ownership between Prince and that artist.

It makes me think that the vault he reportedly has of hundreds or thousands of unreleased songs might include a lot of songs recorded with other artists.

Prince has released an album a year since he left Warner Brothers. And some of those albums were double or even triple albums. Plus he released music under various band names as well. So it might be a matter or whether Prince wanted any of that unreleased music to ever be for public consumption. That might be in the hands of the estate now. As for other artists, well, that might make things interesting! :) I'm not sure I knew that Prince and Raitt worked together. I would love to hear whatever they did!!


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Be careful with them too. A lot of people used to overdose on aspirin back when the newer drugs weren't available. And ibuprofen is hard on the liver and kidneys.
It's true. My doctor did allow me to take Aleve instead of the Tramadol, but it can be hard on the kidneys, too. I'm only taking it if I need it. I'm also highly allergic to Ibuprofen which is also Motrin. I've had to be careful in the past when purchasing over-the-counter medications for things like bloating, etc. Of course, I haven't had that problem since I was 47. :)


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
The lawyer who got Prince out of his contract with Warner Brothers was still his friend until today (and still his lawyer, I believe), so I would imagine all the work Prince did was being dealt with his lawyer so that the problems he experienced in the first part of his career were not repeated. So I imagine now that Prince's estate owns everything that Prince ever recorded. I would guess that anyone who recorded with Prince agreed to let him have the rights to whatever they produced. Or maybe joint ownership between Prince and that artist.

Prince has released an album a year since he left Warner Brothers. And some of those albums were double or even triple albums. Plus he released music under various band names as well. So it might be a matter or whether Prince wanted any of that unreleased music to ever be for public consumption. That might be in the hands of the estate now. As for other artists, well, that might make things interesting! :) I'm not sure I knew that Prince and Raitt worked together. I would love to hear whatever they did!!
Well, I did find Prince's version on YouTube:

I Can't Make You Love Me

Not too bad at all. :)


Staff member
Bonnie talked about how great Prince was in helping female artists.

That was one of the things I always admired about him. How many male leads even now have female guitarists and drummers in their bands, not to mention all the pop songs he wrote for female singers?

So it might be a matter or whether Prince wanted any of that unreleased music to ever be for public consumption.

I have to wonder how complete a lot of it is. Prince used to carry around a notebook and jot down ideas for songs; during the New Power Generation days, he used to send some really bare bones beginnings of songs to Wendy and Lisa, who would then flesh them out and get them recording ready.

RE: Acetaminophen-- I know someone who had a sports injury and took OTC Tylenol for the pain. She took it according to the instructions, but she took it something like every four hours for several days. Then one day, she couldn't get out of bed, and soon after that, she had to have a liver transplant.

The doctors thought she must be particularly sensitive to acetaminophen, which is probably true, but ever since then, I have avoided Tylenol altogether and avoided taking more than one dose of any NSAID in a day, even after surgery.


Well-Known Member
Well, there are new restrictions on the painkillers Hydrocodone and Tramadol now. The doctors really can't overprescribe medications.

That's what I recently went through in trying to get my prescription of Tramadol refilled when I ran out. My doctor has to see me and handwrite the prescription. He can't phone it in or fax it to my pharmacist. My doctor also didn't want me to take it anymore even though he's aware of the severe pain I have along with my leg spasms. I still have my prescription for Cyclobenzaprine which is a muscle relaxer and My doctor told me I could take Aleve for the pain now. So far so good, and I haven't missed the Tramadol.

Yeah, I know we're drifting way into the personal.....I used to be able to take Tramadol for pain with no problem. Just one at night, not the six per day that is prescribed. A couple months ago, I took one of a new prescription before bed and the next day I couldn't walk from the kitchen to the bathroom without stopping to rest in the living room. I couldn't sit up to eat. IT WAS TERRIBLE! I was so scared I was going to collapse and hit my head or something, I almost called 911. Didn't take any more Tramadol. I'll be looking up cyclobenzaprine!!

Anyway, drifting back - I'm thinking maybe Prince took a combination of medicines you are not supposed to take (WHATEVER was previously or chronically wrong with him, I don't know) when he was sick. And maybe took more and more trying to get better, on top of whatever he might have already been taking. If he was in the elevator, he might have thought he was feeling o.k. and just collapsed. Or he was trying to get to someone because he didn't feel right. If anyone knew he was in danger of collapsing, they would have put him back in the hospital. Or had a nurse stay with him. I don't even watch the news, so I don't know if any of that has been discussed or proven or whatever. I just prefer to think of it as an accident because he was sick (knowing how I felt with the Ultram). Heck, in 9th grade I had the flu and got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and passed out. I was told that my crashing to the floor woke my dad up. They made sure I was o.k. and got me back to bed and sat next to me all night. I don't remember doing it.........TMI, I'll shut up now.

Edited to add - that's Flexeril. Nope - made me too dizzy when I was not as sensitive to all this stuff. I can't even take one Advil without stomach cramps. And I had a severe reaction to eye vitamins (too much zinc?), of all things. Turning off the TMI again.........
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Cowardly admin
Staff member
That was one of the things I always admired about him. How many male leads even now have female guitarists and drummers in their bands, not to mention all the pop songs he wrote for female singers?

I have to wonder how complete a lot of it is. Prince used to carry around a notebook and jot down ideas for songs; during the New Power Generation days, he used to send some really bare bones beginnings of songs to Wendy and Lisa, who would then flesh them out and get them recording ready.

RE: Acetaminophen-- I know someone who had a sports injury and took OTC Tylenol for the pain. She took it according to the instructions, but she took it something like every four hours for several days. Then one day, she couldn't get out of bed, and soon after that, she had to have a liver transplant.

The doctors thought she must be particularly sensitive to acetaminophen, which is probably true, but ever since then, I have avoided Tylenol altogether and avoided taking more than one dose of any NSAID in a day, even after surgery.

In Israel this past winter, suffering through what turned out to be dysentery, I know not to take Advil for the fever because it upsets the stomach and I didn't need that. So I took a lot of Tylenol over two days...and then woke up with a rash up and down my legs. Doctor told me to stop taking the Tylenol and I did.

I usually don't take it because it just doesn't work for me but now I know I don't react well to it either.


Rotating while Russian!
Dysentery? How is that even possible in 2015/16? Sounds horrifying.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Here's a useless piece of trivia regarding acetaminophen/Tylenol. Ever wonder how drug companies come up with the generic and brand name?

The name of the molecule is aceTYL aminophENOL (caps/color to differentiate the breakdown). They divvied it up into brand name TYLENOL and what remained became the generic name acetaminophen. The generic is always harder to pronounce although it's not so bad in this case. I don't know why I know this. Sometimes I wish I could reformat my brain.
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Well-Known Member
I would guess that anyone who recorded with Prince agreed to let him have the rights to whatever they produced. Or maybe joint ownership between Prince and that artist.

I think Warner Brothers still owns the rights to some of his older stuff. I doubt any of the major artists gave up all their rights. And, if the other artist was under contract to a record label, then that label probably has some legal interest in it. And then they'd probably have to figure out exactly when it was recorded and whether that record company still has rights to it. For example, Bonnie Raitt has her own record label now, but she worked with Prince decades ago, when she was signed to a major label. There reportedly is stuff Prince did with Madonna. There are tons of people who would want to hear that stuff, but it may never come out:

Prince has released an album a year since he left Warner Brothers. And some of those albums were double or even triple albums. Plus he released music under various band names as well. So it might be a matter or whether Prince wanted any of that unreleased music to ever be for public consumption. That might be in the hands of the estate now. As for other artists, well, that might make things interesting! :) I'm not sure I knew that Prince and Raitt worked together. I would love to hear whatever they did!!

I agree that there is some stuff he didn't want released. But for some stuff, it was more that he seemed to want to choose the timing of the release.

A few articles that indicate Prince and Bonnie Raitt worked together, though which label she was signed to at the time, if any, isn't clear:

Who knows what other artists are in that vault with Prince.

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