Pokemon Go part 2


Active Member
Finally saw a lapras, and it was inside an amusement park. >_<
I'm not going to pay 20 dollars for one pokemon, I'm not that addicted.


Well-Known Member
Well that's frustrating - I just did the update that purports to include all the new features, switched on the app and got excited because the two gyms near work were grey and (look different to the old gyms) but I tap on it and it still says "gym under construction".


Doing all the things
Finally saw a lapras, and it was inside an amusement park. >_<
I'm not going to pay 20 dollars for one pokemon, I'm not that addicted.
If you can see it on your screen and you are zoomed all the way in, you should be able to get it right where you are standing. The only time I get "you are too far away" messages is when I have the screen zoomed all the way out and can see stuff on the edges better.


Active Member
If you can see it on your screen and you are zoomed all the way in, you should be able to get it right where you are standing. The only time I get "you are too far away" messages is when I have the screen zoomed all the way out and can see stuff on the edges better.

It showed up on my radar. It said it was near a pokestop in the park.
I couldn't see it on my screen.


Active Member
The new gym is up, and so far I hate the new coin system. I live in a high turn over area. It'll be almost impossible to get any free coins.


Well-Known Member
The new gym is up, and so far I hate the new coin system. I live in a high turn over area. It'll be almost impossible to get any free coins.

Same. My Dragonite was gone for 10 mins and came back with diddly squat. And it takes so long to take down a gym too.


Doing all the things
It showed up on my radar. It said it was near a pokestop in the park.
I couldn't see it on my screen.
Oh, I never even look at that any more. :) There are 6 Pokestops on the street I work on (8 now that gyms are pokestops too) and it always shows me Pokemons from stops over a mile away! So lame.

The new gym is up, and so far I hate the new coin system. I live in a high turn over area. It'll be almost impossible to get any free coins.
How do you even get coins? I haven't figured that out.


Active Member
Oh, I never even look at that any more. :) There are 6 Pokestops on the street I work on (8 now that gyms are pokestops too) and it always shows me Pokemons from stops over a mile away! So lame.

How do you even get coins? I haven't figured that out.

You have to occupy a gym for at least an hour to get 1 coin! And you only get the coin when you get kicked out of the gym.

Gym battles takes so much longer now, since you have to fight all the pokemon until their will power is gone. They basically made it almost impossible to kick out another team solo. You need to play with someone else, otherwise it is a grind.


Doing all the things
So if I'm in a gym for ten days, do I get 1 coin or 1440 coins?

I also just got a RAID pass. I'm assuming that's some team thing?


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I also got a raid pass. And I have a Pokemon in a gym. How do I get my coins?

Oh, I get them when I'm kicked out? Weird.


Well-Known Member
My main joy in Pokemon Go is hatching eggs as I walk/exercise. The new gym system makes it harder- for the moment- to collect coins to buy incubators, so right now I am not a fan.
Hopefully I'll adjust.


Doing all the things
I was invited to raid at a gym while I was driving to a party. I gather I would use my RAID pass to get in. Also one of my Pokemon was thrown out of a gym and I don't think I got coins. Oh, I take that back. Another one got thrown out and I got 13 coins! I bet I got coins for the first one and I didn't realize it.


Doing all the things
Well so far I've had 3 Pokemons in gyms and gotten over 53 coins from it. That's in 3 days. I used to get 10 coins a day, once in a while 20. But because you could only collect the coins once day (give or take), it was really hard for me to get more than one 'mon into a gym at the right time. Plus most of the gyms around me were level 10 so it was really hard to find a gym with some space.

With this new system, I get coins for every 'mon I get in a gym even if it's not for a whole day and gyms seem to change hands pretty often so it's easier to get into them. The Raiding has been interesting too. I watched a Blue team raid a Red gym and they were able to take it over and it went from having 5-7 pokemon from red team members to having 5-7 from the blue team in a very short span of time.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the new gym system! I live in an area where the same 10 blue team members had the gyms full anyway. Now it's the same few with six in permanently, and where I could happily take down a level 10 gym solo before, 6 fully motivated pokemon takes forever.

I tried different tactics - like battling the first pokemon, then leaving and fighting it again and so on til it got kicked out, then when I tried to do the same for the second one I just got an error message, so it looks like you can't pick them off one by one?

The fighting in the gym is still too glitch. If you swap pokemon in the middle of a fight, like when you beat one and want a better suited one to fight with, it switched back and forth twice before settling on the new pokemon.

Also the bigger attack (special attack?) gauge fills up, then empties and fills up and empties, as do life gauges, but I found that if you use the special attack, and then catch it again while it's glitching you could do double the damage with the same attack, if that makes sense?

My pokemon keep getting kicked out before I get any coins (though that was before they changed it to 10mins for a coin) so it might be better.

I don't even understand how raids are supposed to work, or how you get anything from the battles.

But then i'm not great with change....we will see how this works out :lol:


Well-Known Member
Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying this gym rework now that the coin issue is fixed. I was the time who maybe battled once a day, in order to get the 10 coins. But my area was always full of gyms stacked with 3000 CP Blisseys and Dragonites, which was discouraging. If I put my Pokémon in the gym first thing in the morning when I walk my dog, I find it stays in there for a few hours and gets me a good amount of coins - I've gotten the max 50 in the past two days which never would have happened before. It's also nice to beat 6 different types instead of a row of Blisseys.

I've done two raids so far, a Croconaw and a Machamp. The Croconaw was easy, but you get good XP and rewards. The Machamp was challenging, and I wasn't able to beat it until two other people joined in. I'm excited to try a Tyranitar raid and the like. Type seems really important - My Exeggutor did tons of damage to the Machamp. Plus the rewards are good!


Doing all the things
@antmanb, I think the key is to participate in Raids. Those aren't rolled out for everyone yet so you might not have gotten a Raid pass.

In the old system, there was a gym at work and it was mostly always held by my team at level 10. So if I got my Pokemon in, it stayed in for about 10 days at a time. That's 100 coins, 10 a day, as I was never able to get another Pokemon into another gym and have it stay there long enough to get coins for it. And, if I didn't get into the gym, it would be level 10 for ages and I'd have to watch very carefully for a chance to get it. So that might be 7 days of no coins.

With the new system, I am not hanging out in a gym all the time but if I get into a gym, I always get coins.

I think this system is fairer to everyone.

P.S. The Raid part is in beta and I do think there are bugs. You aren't the only one I've seen complain about it not sticking with your Pokemon swap the first time.


Doing all the things
Btw, I don't think the 100 coin limit is in effect any more. The most coins you can get from any one 'mon is 50. If you have more than two Pokemon get thrown out of a gym on the same day, I don't know if you get 150 or 100 though. But I had a Pokemon in a gym for days and only got 50 coins for it and I've seen that reported elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I've not yet taken part in a raid, more because I don't know what it entails :lol:

I have a raid pass though. Maybe i'll check a raid out. I actually went out last night and took down a gym where most of the pokemon in it were nearly dead, so I put one in. Then inspired by that I found a couple more with only one lone pokemon and took them down. This morning they're all still in there and I found that most of the gyms have turned red so the blue teams have all been thrown out! I saw a yellow gym with only 3 pokemon on the way to work so I added another pokemon and fed all the rest of them berries to get Stardust.

I feel a lot happier about the gyms now....I think I was just struggling with change :lol:


Holding Alex Johnson's Pineapple
I did a raid yesterday, an easy one because no one else was around. I got a high point magikarp that I hope to one day evolve into an awesome gyardos.


Well-Known Member
:cheer2: PL what CP magikarp did you get?

I thought raids would be more difficult if you are on your own because it would be harder to take down a high CP Pokémon?


Well-Known Member
Hey, my one and only Snorlax has a CP of 45!

Btw, you can now search for pokemon in your box by name. No more scrolling and scrolling to get to the one you want

I had not realized! I've wanted that feature for a while! :cheer:


Well-Known Member
Their CP gets reduced to "normal" levels after the raid.It's supposed to have good stats, though.


Well-Known Member
So I still haven't managed to be near a raid when it starts so I haven't experienced one. What is the significance of the coloured eggs that tell you about the raids - I've noticed some are sort of golden and some are pink?

Now i'm getting more used to the gyms I think I like them more :) Though I did get four pokemon kicked out in the last 24 hours and I only got 50 coins for the first one and nothing for the other three. I can't remember when the first pokemon got kicked out so I've had to keep putting pokemon in gyms to hope I get the full 50 next time too:lol: but at this rate I'll be earning more coins than I ever managed under the old system so that is good - I might stop spending real money buying incubators.

I also went around feeding loads of pokemon berries! At first I thought you could only feed them razz berries but then realised you can feed them any :cheer2: because Nanab berries are actually useless and I usually just dump them as soon as I get them, now I can just go to a gym and feed all the pokemon!

I've also noticed that whenever I add my pokemon to an existing gym it goes in with less than 100% motivation (this doesn't seem to happen when you take over a gym and are the first in) so it's always worth throwing a couple of berries at your pokemon before you leave to boost it up.


Well-Known Member
So I still haven't managed to be near a raid when it starts so I haven't experienced one. What is the significance of the coloured eggs that tell you about the raids - I've noticed some are sort of golden and some are pink?
Pink eggs: Level 1 and 2 raids
Yellow eggs: Level 3 and 4

They must have extended the raid hours because it's 7:47 am here and there are two raids already started nearby.

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