NBC Network Olympics Coverage


Well-Known Member
In the past, competition has be exclusively on NBC only (with fluff and exhibitions on the other networks). I'm hoping with the addition of the Olympic Channel, we will be able to see all of the skating without having to look at the online stream.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
In the past, competition has be exclusively on NBC only (with fluff and exhibitions on the other networks). I'm hoping with the addition of the Olympic Channel, we will be able to see all of the skating without having to look at the online stream.

NBCSN showed all of the skating live in 2014 since it was scheduled in the afternoon in the U.S. I thought maybe that channel would pick up the early groups this time around, but it looks like it might be too booked up to show any skating. I think the OC might pick up the slack.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
Just wanted to add that NBC Sports is also giving away Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Gear. You have to sign up for emails in order to enter. NBC Sports just sent me an email with a survey to complete, and upon completion, I was automatically entered to win a Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Jacket.

Just sign up to receive their emails, and anyone here will be receiving emails, too, to enter for the Winter Olympics Gear.


Well-Known Member
Bad news that skating is in primetime. NBC will likely only show the famous skaters, so we'll have to rely on web streaming to see the first two groups. Won't be able to see the lesser known skaters on my HDTV unfortunately.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Bad news that skating is in primetime. NBC will likely only show the famous skaters, so we'll have to rely on web streaming to see the first two groups. Won't be able to see the lesser known skaters on my HDTV unfortunately.

I'm not ruling out the possibility that the Olympic Channel will show the early groups live. We'll see shortly when they announce their programming schedule.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I hope the Olympic Channel does provide coverage (even it's repeat coverage the next day).

The figure skating "coverage" of Sochi on NBC prime-time was just pathetic. I'm not even sure if they showed all the skaters in the final 2 warmup groups for each discipline. It was more like occasional figure skating highlights than actual coverage. I'm totally spoiled by livestream skating ... Having to sit through/fast-forward all the other sports while waiting for figure skating to come back on during the prime-time stuff was a PITA. I just want my figure skating & that's all. :D (I know it doesn't really work that way from the network's POV. :))


Active Member
Hmmmm, I hope the Olympic Channel does provide coverage (even it's repeat coverage the next day).

The figure skating "coverage" of Sochi on NBC prime-time was just pathetic. I'm not even sure if they showed all the skaters in the final 2 warmup groups for each discipline. It was more like occasional figure skating highlights than actual coverage. I'm totally spoiled by livestream skating ... Having to sit through/fast-forward all the other sports while waiting for figure skating to come back on during the prime-time stuff was a PITA. I just want my figure skating & that's all. :D (I know it doesn't really work that way from the network's POV. :))

No, NBC did not show all skaters in final two groups during prime time; just whoever Scott and Sandra liked, beside the obvious names. Speaking of: let's all cheer! No Scott and Sandra calling the Olympic figure skating on prime time, for the first time in decades. Not that I don't reserve a sentimental spot for Scott.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I hope the Olympic Channel does provide coverage (even it's repeat coverage the next day).

The figure skating "coverage" of Sochi on NBC prime-time was just pathetic. I'm not even sure if they showed all the skaters in the final 2 warmup groups for each discipline. It was more like occasional figure skating highlights than actual coverage. I'm totally spoiled by livestream skating ... Having to sit through/fast-forward all the other sports while waiting for figure skating to come back on during the prime-time stuff was a PITA. I just want my figure skating & that's all. :D (I know it doesn't really work that way from the network's POV. :))
I watched the live stream during the day on my smart TV and followed the PBP on FSU. It was great. Never tuned in to the NBC coverage at all - their coverage stinks. IMHO. I hated that they switched between sports all the time. Would you watch one quarter of football and switch to basketball???? I am sure the fans of other sports would like to see their sport all at once too!


Well-Known Member
I hope this makes sense and wonder if anyone has had the Tara chatting on the Olympic Channel shows holding things up problem I will describe.

For Nationals and Worlds, we had skating coverage (Tara and Johnny) on NBC, usually on weekends, and selected that in high def. For extra coverage and for more obscure skating competitions, such as the Grand Prix, we supplementied with Ice Network.

Then NBC flipped the channels and we had to upgrade a few $$$ to a package that included the new Olympic Channel in order to get those more obscure competitions, such as the Grand Prix, coverage. It has basically been an even substitution in terms of coverage of The Olympic Channel for the old NBC Sports Channel, with the added bonus that the Olympic Channel is including lots and lots of stories all week long about any possible summer or winter Olympic sport, which has been kind of fascinating for this all sports fan. A few more programs, generally a one-time summary of Men's, Ladies, Pairs and Dance (the latter two if we were lucky) were still shown on NBC/HD with Tara and Johnny, as before. When reading this, I just figured out that, each week of the Grand Prix, I have seen 4 programs--all of the Shorts--on Fridays. And then 4 Longs followed each Saturday, all in Live coverage. Everything was picked up by my TIVO and I had decided too late this Fall after I re-subscribed, that it seems I don't need Ice Network any more so was going to drop it when my subscription runs out.

The only problem I have had is that during one Friday coverage, I think it was of the Men's Short, Tara was on as hostess with three other randomOlympians talking in general about what life is like being an athlete who qualifies to go to the big O. And she was so chatty and the coverage so lengthy that it chopped off the last 3 or 4 of the skaters. Grrr.

Next week, we are coincidentally switching from Verizon to Comcast for cable and phone. The original Comcast list did not include the Olympic Channel, and it was $30 more for about 100 more channels that did include it. Hopefully, should be a smooth transition.

I still believe that I really won't need Ice Network next year. Can anyone else think that I will need it?


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Last week's men's FS was the only time the Oly Channel schedule has been off from the actual event schedule so far this season. It wasn't because of Tara. The event must've started late or they didn't give OC the right programming time because we saw the first skater just not the last couple. I usually set my DVR 30 minutes over in case something like that happens. Never take any chances with live sporting events!

The only time I've used IN this year was when I was out of town. I started to watch the Olympic Channel feed online, but Ryan's voice was irritating me too much so I switched to IN.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I'm seriously considering dropping Ice Network next year.
Regionals/sectionals plus the early Euros groups and synchro are worth $50 to me. I figure I pay about $2/hour for IN and I think it's valuable as a backup.


Active Member
IN was a very valuable backup for the NHK Ladies for me this morning. The Olympic Channel was showing skiing during the first half hour.

Exactly. They missed showing the two early Russian ladies, Leonova & Tsurskaya, although they finally showed a tape of Tsurskaya during the 2nd warm-up period, as Tsurskaya skated so wall (eventual 3rd place).


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
NBC announced Olympic Channel coverage and it's just highlight/recap/news type of shows. Bad news for those of us hoping for the entire skating event to be shown on another channel like we got for NBCSN last Olympics. I am prepared for us skating fans to be mad at the NBC coverage and at skaters getting "chacked".


Ugh, well streaming it is then. The NBC website says all events will be available to stream live:



Well-Known Member
I hope they keep their word about that; since Spectrum's new cable arrangement is making it difficult for me to access it on television.


Tuning up my Body of Work
They way events are scheduled for Pyeongchang look like there can be a big posibility of Skating getting full coverage either on NBC Main channel and NBCSN

I have made my research on the Olympic Schedule and for example, given that skating will run during the morning in Korea it will be starting around 5:00 PM US Pacific, 8:00 PM US Eastern

Pairs Short Program will be on Tuesday evening/night February 13 in USA from 8:00-11:25 PM Eastern, while it is taking place there will be the Ladies Slalom in Alpine Skiing from 8:00-9:00 PM (First run) and the Men's Halfpipe Final from 8:30-12:00 Midnight (when this final begins the figure skating would have already started and might being shown on either network)

Only three events will be taking place at the same time with I can see for example NBC going back and forth: begining with the Slalom at 8:00 PM (with US Mikaela Schiffrin big time favourite for gold) and later for the Men's Halfpipe final mixed with the pairs short programs, this way it can be a big posibility that the first groups will be on NBCSN and the later groups on NBC mixed with the men's halfpipe final

Not al hope is lost of all the skating beingh showed on tv because the scheduling will be very similar, Figure skating and a pair of disciplines taking place during the korean morning/US evening-night it could perfectly fit NBCSN/NBC to broadcast all the skating

For the Men's Short is the same, on friday february 16 (Korean Time) only Skeleton and Snowboard will take place while the skating.

The skeleton ends at 10:00 PM Eastern, the snowboard finishes at 11:00 PM, Men's Short finishes at 12:30 AM midnight, hence the last hour and a half of the short wont have any other sport taking place at the same time so TV time will be entirely for it.
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Throwing the (rule)book at them
For some reason, I was under the impression that the skating events were occurring at 10AM or so EST, not Korean time. Even though there are now World Standing points that help comprise short program start orders, NBC tried to do the 'break in to coverage every so often' thing in 2002 when the events were live for SLC and we ended up seeing such a random, not always so good, selection of skaters. For example, with the ladies SP, we didn't see Sebestyen (who ended up making the Final group), Suguri, or Meier-- all in the top 10. With other events running live and during the late (top) groups of skaters, I'd just suggest all American audiences to brace themselves for less than ideal coverage on the main networks and to plan a guaranteed way to see all skaters outside of NBC.

And remember, in 2010 (also live), only the final group of ladies was shown in the LP. Didn't hurt that both American entries were in the group, but that is not going to happen this time around.
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Tuning up my Body of Work
No, this time NBC once again influenced the IOC to switch a sport to have their scheduling fit the USA market so the Figure Skating will take place at 10:00 AM in Korea all through the games that like I mentioned is 8:00 PM Eastern/5:00 PM Pacific


Throwing the (rule)book at them
No, this time NBC once again influenced the IOC to switch a sport to have their scheduling fit the USA market so the Figure Skating will take place at 10:00 AM in Korea all through the games that like I mentioned is 8:00 PM Eastern/5:00 PM Pacific

Yeah I saw. Doesn't work well for my own working schedule at all :(


Tuning up my Body of Work
I'm sure it isn't optimal for the skaters either.
Should we expect mediocre performances at 10:00 AM?

Who knows but given they are used to train at even earlier hours in the morning just had to adjust their training and runthroughs, at major championships the training sessions also begin at way too early in the morning.

At recent Olympic games other sports like swimming, athletics, gymnastics, have had their finals at morning hours to accomodate to the NBC schedule in the US and it have worked

With the games in 2020 in 2022 in Asia it looks like the same will happen, marquee events scheduled for morning hours in Asia to fit northamerican audiences primetime


Author of the Ice and Edge Series


Well-Known Member
NBC's Olympics commentating team announced. Tara, Johnny, and Terry obviously the team with Andrea Joyce as reporter. Tanith, Scott Hamilton, and Liam McHugh will be on "Olympic Ice," a new daily preview show on NBCSN. I wish Tanith was doing ice dance commentary since Tara and Johnny know nothing about it.

I'm hoping she can do commentary on the live streams like she did for Gymnastics in Rio. I mean if NBC can trust her with Gymnastics, they should definitely let her do all the skating. I guess the other 4 will probably based in Pyeongchang during the coverage.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the idea of having to watch via streaming. The Rio stream was spotty for us. And it's just less convenient, you can't record things on the DVR. Still, it is more appealing than watching the NBC prime-time "coverage." I don't think I could take the chacking of skaters that will go on there (especially in pairs/dance), not to mention Tara's commentary.

I wonder if Russian TV will have skating-only coverage like NBCSN did last time. (That was so wonderful. Why can't NBC do that again, now that they have the Olympic Channel?? They could run it commentary-free to reduce expense.)

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