Mirai Nagasu Cheer thread: Return to Olympus


Well-Known Member
It's also sad that the only woman who successfully landed a 3Axle at the Olympics did not get an invite to skate in the Gala - the north Korean pair did (I don't dislike them although I think Mirai deserved a recognition more than they did). Quite messed up :rolleyes:

Especially if H/D and S/M did not attend the exhibition. They should have alternates to the gala too. I think C/B with the chair exhibition would be cool too.


Well-Known Member
I hate when skaters feel like they have to "redeem themselves".

F#@&! Just skate to win for yourself. Don't skate to relieve guilt.
My "redeem myself" actions - and there have been a few - were a waste of time. I redeemed myself and when it was all over just quit. I learned that being a quitter is sometimes good. I'm not feeling Mirai really into more competitions. Though, it's been a hell of a year. Who would blame her for quitting?


Well-Known Member
My "redeem myself" actions - and there have been a few - were a waste of time. I redeemed myself and when it was all over just quit. I learned that being a quitter is sometimes good. I'm not feeling Mirai really into more competitions. Though, it's been a hell of a year. Who would blame her for quitting?

Well, Mirai has already said, as of her People Magazine interview, that she is doing more seasons. I am also getting a little tired of the redemption storyline...for the last four years, I've had to hear the commentators bring up 2014 and say that Mirai is looking for "redemption" (when really, 2014 should have been considered a comeback for her given her placement at nationals?). I wouldn't be surprised if Mirai felt, after her free skate in the individual event, that she was disappointed yet felt that she didn't have to PROVE anything to anyone anymore.

I was a little surprised by the Dancing with the Stars talk, only because she is scheduled for Stars on Ice and we know that that starts right after worlds. Of course, the irony is...I think that someone like Mirai could actually improve her skating expression by being on Dancing with the Stars. :p I'm glad she clarified, but I also feel a little like she got railroaded in people assuming the absolute worst motivations in some of her comments (aka the "I want to be a star", etc.). I also have an easier time giving her the benefit of the doubt by having seen a lot of interviews that she has done before, rather than being introduced to her through these comments. Some were acting like she defecated on the ice and kicked puppies afterwards. I'm sure she's hoping to do better at worlds, and I hope that she does too.
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
At this point I'm almost hoping Mirai doesn't go to Worlds because I think it may be too hard for her to handle emotionally after the roller coaster she's been on and the pressure she's been under, including the media storm at the end. It all sounds so draining. It might be better for her to take a little vacation, celebrate and then get down to training for next season.

My evil side would like to see bigmouth Ashley (TM) go. She can put her skates where her mouth is and deal with the pressure of the three spots.


Well-Known Member
At this point I'm almost hoping Mirai doesn't go to Worlds because I think it may be too hard for her to handle emotionally after the roller coaster she's been on and the pressure she's been under, including the media storm at the end. It all sounds so draining. It might be better for her to take a little vacation, celebrate and then get down to training for next season.

My evil side would like to see bigmouth Ashley (TM) go. She can put her skates where her mouth is and deal with the pressure of the three spots.

Is Ashley an alternate? I think she has been doing everything except train.


Ubering juniors against my will
At this point I'm almost hoping Mirai doesn't go to Worlds because I think it may be too hard for her to handle emotionally after the roller coaster she's been on and the pressure she's been under, including the media storm at the end. It all sounds so draining. It might be better for her to take a little vacation, celebrate and then get down to training for next season.

My evil side would like to see bigmouth Ashley (TM) go. She can put her skates where her mouth is and deal with the pressure of the three spots.

You know, when Mirai got unfairly raked over the coals for blurting out what was in her mind, I thought maybe it would inspire some people here to realize how easily skaters can be misunderstood, and give skaters in general a little more grace and understanding.

Silly me.


Re-posting from the Adam's fan thread:
NBC ran a full page ad on the back page of the 1st section on the New York Times yesterday. Above the fold they had a collage of Team USA athletes with the title 'The Best of U.S.' Featured in the photo collage were Shaun White, Mikaela Shiffrin, Chloe Kim, Lindsey Vonn, 3 athletes I didn't recognize, and Mirai and Adam, both of whom were in the front row. :)
Mirai is pictured mid-yell after she finished her team event FS with historic 3A. :)
(@BittyBug, the 3 other athletes in the collage were gold medalists Chris Mazdzer in luge, and snowboarders Jamie Anderson and Red Gerard.)

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
You know, when Mirai got unfairly raked over the coals for blurting out what was in her mind, I thought maybe it would inspire some people here to realize how easily skaters can be misunderstood, and give skaters in general a little more grace and understanding.

Silly me.
First, I don't think Mirai's "raking over the coals" was entirely unfair, although of course the media machine went to town with it and some anonymous posters were downright mean. (I'm thinking of those in major media, not here.) Yes, she was completely exhausted, but she's a grownup and very experienced -- she should have known better than to speak to the media like that. I wish to heaven she had thought before speaking.

As for Ashley, there is no misconstruing her anger at being left off the Olympic team. She is the one who was graceless, IMHO.


Sasha Cohen is showing her support on instagram, she never does that. I am so jelous!! :wuzrobbed:swoon:

YAY SASHA! My fave from 1999 to forever has my fave from 2008 to forever's back! :respec:

This might have been posted already, but 'controversy' be damned! - Mirai's landed KT Tape as a sponsor!

KT Tape@KTTape 9hhours ago

KT Tape Retweeted The Blast

We’re excited that @mirai_nagasu has been a fan of @KTTape to support her historic run and we’re honored to now partner with her as she continues to skate her way to victory! #FinishStronger

KT Tape added,

The Blast @TheBlastNews
EXCLUSIVE: Olympic #FigureSkating medalist Mirai Nagasu scores a sponsorship with @KTTape! #TeamUSA

Mirai Nagasu Sticks the Landing for Sponsorship With Athletic Tape Company

'KT tells The Blast they were just as surprised and excited when they saw the Olympic bronze medalist wearing their tape during the global event. The company says they’ve had a standing deal with the United States Olympic Committee, but now Nagasu is personally on board.'

Tell two-faced Hersh, that biotch Brennan and the rest of those media hacks to stick their poison pens in THAT! :rofl:

GO MIRAI!! ONWARD AND UPWARDS ROCK STAR! :respec::rockstar::cheer::cheer2:


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Well-Known Member
Okay...so, maybe she shouldn't go to Worlds...

I’m hoping is this is her last hurrah before Worlds. She’s too Jernigan lagged to practice right now.

I get the sense that Mirai is recalibration after Olympics. Her Instagram has included kids letters and art to her, reminding her why she went so far in the first place. I think the criticism she received was a blow and knocked her back down to earth. I was hoping before this,it would fire her up to really nail her programs at worlds.

But the Oscars, hopefully shouldn’t be too distracting. It’s just one night. She can get back to the ice as soon as it’s over. But after that, she has to do a media black out.


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Well-Known Member
I'm happy for Mirai having the opportunity to go to the Oscars although I hope that she will still have adequate training time for Worlds - hoping that she still plans on going.
Is there a list of participants to Worlds for ladies - I saw one for men but not for ladies.


Mirai just posted she going to the Oscars!


I knew she'd be invited just like Adam! I was so happy for her when she made the announcement on her IG and Twitter accounts! Setting my dvr for the Pre-Oscar shows/Red Carpet, etc. I don't like watching the Oscars anymore - it takes FOREVER but I'll watch for Mirai (fast forwarding of course to get to her and Adam).

She's having the time of her life - but I DO still hope she comes down after the Oscars and trains trains trains for Worlds!
Adam isn't going which I'm bummed about. I really want to see Mirai there! It's the first Worlds she's EARNED her way to since 2010 (she should've gone in 2011 too but that's another thread...). Not for a 'redemption' skate but just to skate lights out for herself!

I'm very curious to see how'd she score with a clean SP! She was lowballed imo in her Team FS. An 8 triple FS with a triple Axel and she was still outscored by some 20 points or so by Zagitova (overscored on PCS imo). Mirai's 24 but I believe she can improve even more before she calls it a career! Get some more choreo/transitions in there, maybe even backload a triple axel! Skies the limit! Nothing to prove though, whatever makes Mirai happy going forward!

GO MIRAI!! :rockstar::cheer::cheer2:


Okay...so, maybe she shouldn't go to Worlds...

Why the heck not? :confused: That doesn't even make any sense. The Oscars are just one night and she's not the first Olympic athlete to attend and keep right on competing afterwards. Shaun White, Aly Raisman, Ashley Wagner, Gabby Douglas to name a few. Getting dressed up one night for a fancy actor trophy show hasn't as yet derailed any top athlete's training or career AFAIK. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Usually, I don't give a damn about galas and Oscars and whatnot, but I'm excited that Mirai's excited!

Getting dressed up one night for a fancy actor trophy show hasn't as yet derailed any top athlete's training or career AFAIK.
Yeah, I don't think it's obligatory for an attendee to drink too much champagne and go on a four-day bender or anything. :p


I'm well aware that the Oscars are 'only one night', but going seems to speak of a larger issue of lack of focus, and Mirai needs to be focused. Getting caught up in the hubaloo and off-ice activities of the 3A and team event affected her performances in the IE at the Olympics and I'd really prefer not to see that happen again at Worlds. I say this only because I think Worlds is an opportunity for her to make a great statement for next season, however, I don't think a mediocre to poor performance will be to her benefit for next year and I'd rather her not go than attend not fully prepared and focused.
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Well-Known Member
Well, Tom Z. "liked" the post where Mirai announced she was going to the Oscars, he and Mirai are the only ones who truly can appreciate what went down at the Olympics for her, so I trust that they have a training plan in place for worlds. I also remember her saying in her Ice Talk interview after nationals that she had to turn down some interview requests because a lot of people wanted to interview her during "training time". Mirai more than anyone knows that going to worlds is one of the "prizes" of placing at nationals, after not getting to go in 2008 and 2014. After the team event, I figured that Adam and Mirai would be going to the Oscars.

Mirai is the one who had to sleep in a storage closet, become an Avalanche Girl to help pay her skating bills, skate for scholarship money at the collegiate championships, and skate at the Airforce Academy to get some extra ice time, so good for her for letting loose a little imo. Though I fully expect that if she has a poor performance at worlds, people will point to the Oscars (I remember Eurosport saying some nonsense like that about Gracie the year after the Olympics, like she was spending too much time with Taylor Swift, etc.). I wonder if Mirai and Adam are getting paid to go (to provide coverage for Access or something).
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about Mirai going to the Oscars, going back to 2006 when Sasha Cohen did and then underperformed at Worlds. But one night on familiar ground seems reasonable.

And unfortunately it doesn't seem that Mirai is doing much other post-Olympic media. (In contrast to, say, the Shibs, who are everywhere right now.) So it really does seem to be just one moment to shine and then back to the ice.

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