Mirai Nagasu Cheer thread: Return to Olympus


Well-Known Member
I think it's most likely her just trying to cheer herself up...but instead of doing it internally as most would, it fell out of her mouth at a really bad time.

I think that's probably what happened. Those around her gave her pep talk and it got away from her in her mind, then came out with no filter. But she's a woman now, not a girl, she is responsible for her own words and actions. Hopefully she can use this as a learning experience and do better in the future, similar to how she's done with skating in the past.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
It was most certainly a bad interview. One might say horrid.

Oh Dear I have not been in this thread today..

At work the local NBC news in LA (no sound at work) said Skater and controversial statements with Mirai's face all over the screen.. Came home did some research and found this.... What a strange interview....... Kinda makes Abbott look sane from last time around... lol, nah.


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Well-Known Member
Mirai apologized. I think people should advise her to do a social media blackout for a while. In the meantime, I'm now getting to the point where I'm finding the *degree* to which Mirai is getting backlash for this to be a bit much, so I guess I'm officially as bad of a person as Mirai is and should invest in fainting salts to sell to the people who found her comments so "shocking", now that she has spoken about it some more. I'm glad that she's doing at least a few other seasons. I would like Ashley to do another season too, even though I could understand if she wants to move on.


Well-Known Member
I am not surprised Mirai wanted to clarify herself and somehow I am glad she did it in this people interview. I think she will be more careful in the future and she is basically confirming what a rollercoster ride these past few weeks have been. Everybody is dealing differently with emotional stress..

I am glad she came to terms with her 10th place finish after all. Of course, she did not "plan" to pop two jumping pass in her LP (who does really..?) and we know over the years how difficult it has been for her to project, perform and enjoy her programs while dealing with UR issues and most probably also to live up to her own expectations..

If she find motvation to stay for another few seasons I would be a very happy fan! There is still so much room for improvement and technically, she has never been better than this season.

Rooting for a fired up Mirai at Worlds!

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I hate when skaters feel like they have to "redeem themselves".

F#@&! Just skate to win for yourself. Don't skate to relieve guilt.
Is there really much of a difference? She raised expectations with the team event and is skating at a new level. If she goes back to placing 5th on the GP and 9th at Worlds what's the point of it all? Why wouldn't she want redemption from a bad Olympic performance? It will make a big difference to her future prospects as well as to Team USA.

My only concern is that she seems too completely exhausted and emotional now to be ready for Worlds in less than a month. This media circus alone is enough to have wiped her out mentally. Plus she still (in spite of the unfortunate interview) may be dealing with post Olympic offers that suck up her time. I would rather she withdraw from Worlds than repeat her Olympic IE performances and get more Qs about what's happened to US ladies.

I'm really not a doubter but this has been a hell of a ride.

ETA: I don't think it's about redemption in the theological sense but more of ending her amazing season on a high note. It was just a shame for her brilliant Olympics to end that way with two pops when, as she said, she's not a popper.
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Well-Known Member
Let's not forget that Mirai seems to finally have a consistent 3F-3T and 2A-3T-2T, even after messing up her 3A, which is something we all dreamed about last season. It's still only her first season with the 3A, so I'm sure she'll improve even more next season if she continues.

The fact that she came back with sheer confidence after that mistake with clean jumps is amazing.the Axel made her other jumps better


EFF those losers. They're all NOBODIES, including Hersh, who spent the day re-tweeting all that garbage while trashing Mirai on his own, using sexist terms like 'elegant and graceful' to describe Evgenia's post competition interview (would he have called say a Tim Tebow post-competition interview 'elegant and graceful'?). Yeah we get it Phil. Mirai and Karen's honest remarks (as well as Ashley's for that matter) weren't 'feminine' enough for you. They should've just buried their disappointment, shut about it like a good woman should and just be 'elegant and graceful' in their remarks to suit your sexist sensibilities.

Enough about those two-faced Judas yellow journalists and their rags.

I hope Mirai takes some time off but then regroups and sets her focus on Worlds, along with Bradie and Karen! We've got to try to keep those 3 spots for next year and beyond! I also hope Mirai doesn't retire just yet! I think she's only just hitting her stride. She always had great artistic qualities but post-Frank Carroll and under Tom those qualities suffered in order to get those jumps (3A, and 3S) back into her arsenal. I'd love for her to try to keep improving, get those PCS scores up and maybe even adding a 3A-3T combo into her FS! That would be amazing!

I also hope that, if they are invited, Adam and Mirai won't do DWTS at the same time. I couldn't bear it. Nor with the Shibs. I hated when Meryl and Charlie competed against each other on that show. I just couldn't enjoy it enough that way! But that's just selfish me talking! In the end, Mirai has to do what makes her happy! She already reached her Olympic goals! Returned to Olympus, made history, and brought home an Olympic medal with the skate of her life in the TE! :respec:
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This is the Mirai cheer thread so you shouldn't expect validation of criticisms of her here and you should expect pushback.

THIS! I mean, for real. :rolleyes: For some of those here in Mirai's CHEER thread, who I assume consider themselves fans of Mirai - their remarks are nothing like cheering her on. More like buying into the trashy media which lauded her last week and now is savaging her all over the press. Typical media bs. And here are her 'fans' in Mirai's CHEER thread - slamming and criticizing her and/or her remarks. There are other threads to vent their views on Mirai's comments real, or alleged. I for one could care less what she meant to say. She skated out there, I didn't. She can vent her disappointment any way she chooses too. And like on Twitter and IG, anyone who hates or goes turncoat on Mirai I just block or ignore. :p

If Mirai after a few days decides NOT to go to Worlds and decides to just get on with her life, I hope a lot of opportunities open up for her.

She, Nathan, the Shibs and Adam by far were my faves at the Olympics, imo the biggest stars! :rockstar: I think thanks to them there will be quite a few more fans brought into the sport this next quad.

I wish them all many happy opportunities down the road - and many great skates yet to come! :summer:
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I am not surprised Mirai wanted to clarify herself and somehow I am glad she did it in this people interview. I think she will be more careful in the future and she is basically confirming what a rollercoster ride these past few weeks have been. Everybody is dealing differently with emotional stress..

I am glad she came to terms with her 10th place finish after all. Of course, she did not "plan" to pop two jumping pass in her LP (who does really..?) and we know over the years how difficult it has been for her to project, perform and enjoy her programs while dealing with UR issues and most probably also to live up to her own expectations..

If she find motvation to stay for another few seasons I would be a very happy fan! There is still so much room for improvement and technically, she has never been better than this season.

Rooting for a fired up Mirai at Worlds!

Speaking of which - am I wrong, or was Mirai not called on a single UR at these Olympic Games? If so, that is HUGE!

I'll be rooting for Mirai at Worlds and beyond. I do agree with enough of these redemption talks - just train your butt off Mirai and skate your best for YOU!

I'm glad that People gave Mirai the chance to clarify her remarks and to apologize, especially to her teammates and Gabby. I really do hope she is careful in future though as to who she talks to. I personally would never speak to the likes of Hersh and Co. again who unlike People, didn't give her a chance to clarify her remarks. Instead they CRUCIFIED her in the press, the double crossing low lives, as they are wont to do with a media darling they hype to the skies, who goes off script. You'll see, it will happen to Adam too, and possibly Nathan. In future, I would prefer that Mirai not accept any of those post-skate interviews when her emotions are still high and muddled (if she has a bad skate). Especially with Hersh, USA Today Sports, etc. To hell with them. Onwards and upwards Mirai!


If what she said in her People interview can be taken at face value, then, I hope she gets back to Colorado right away, though it wouldn't be a bad thing if she took it easy for a week just to give her body a break. But still, no media until after Worlds. She needs to refocus. Based on her current trajectory she is set to become a contender for podium next season, BUT (as was mentioned upthread) she needs a good skate at Worlds.


Well-Known Member
Mirai's had some public defeats and humiliations before and has been able to bounce back...people who have followed her career know that she's resilient. The fact that she wants to continue for a few more seasons means that she still has goals that she wants to achieve. I read in the Washington Post article that Mirai also said she was maybe a little too focused on the medals, and after her short program, her mom told her "Who cares? This is the Olympics. Who cares if you get last place, the hard part is getting here". So maybe going in with that perspective made her show a little less fight in the long program, or maybe it avoided what could have been an even bigger meltdown where she was under rotating every jump. It's still impressive to me that she was able to land everything else cleanly the very FIRST time she landed her positive GOE triple axel in competition, and it's still even impressive to me that she was able to recover so well after freaking popping, of all things, her triple axel in the individual event.

Mirai was clearly a little punch drunk by the end of everything. I think the bronze medal talk after the team event got to her. If she wants to be on top, she'll need to learn to deal with the pressure of being at the top, which has always been a problem for her. But c'est la vie. She has also said that maybe someone else could have dealt with the pressures or done a better job than her here, but that it was still a personal victory for her. In my mind, she conquered two very important demons this season: 1.) Nationals, and 2.) The Triple axel. Even if she only hit it cleanly once. People made fun of her so much when she started training it seriously, and said that there was no use training a jump that would get downgraded and that would make her just underrotate the rest of your triples in a program. I also had a very big fear that she would "just miss" making the podium at nationals, and then land her triple axel at someplace like 4CC of all places!

I wish the quote that had gotten more attention was the one where Mirai said that she couldn't wait to get home and put her medal around all of the little kids at her rink's neck, and tell them that if she can persevere and get a medal at 24, that they can too. That was really sweet.
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Well-Known Member
It's still impressive to me that she was able to land everything else cleanly the very FIRST time she landed her positive GOE triple axel in competition, and it's still even impressive to me that she was able to recover so well after freaking popping, of all things, her triple axel in the individual event.

In my mind, she conquered two very important demons this season: 1.) Nationals, and 2.) The Triple axel. Even if she only hit it cleanly once. People made fun of her so much when she started training it seriously, and said that there was no use training a jump that would get downgraded and that would make her just underrotate the rest of your triples in a program.

I wish the quote that had gotten more attention was the one where Mirai said that she couldn't wait to get home and put her medal around all of the little kids at her rink's neck, and tell them that if she can persevere and get a medal at 24, that they can too. That was really sweet.
Well said for all those things especially in regards to the haters' criticism of her doing the 3Axle to only under rotating the other jumps. She has worked so hard to prove the haters all wrong, not only she rotates the 3Axle she also rotates all of the other jumps - YAY, which I would like to add another "demon" to your list 3) the under rotations. None of her jumps was called under rotated - even after the fall, the pop and the glorious landing of the 3Axle.


Well-Known Member


1) Mirai is NOT National Champion.

2) Mirai is NOT the previous National Champion or . . . the previous, previous, previous National Champion . . . etc.

3) Mirai had no hope of ever beating Zagitova or Medvedeva.

4) Osmond and Daleman were the favorites for the bronze.

5) Miyahara, a former World Medalist, former 4CC Champion AHEAD OF MIRAI . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

6) Carolina Kostner, a former Olympic Medalist, former World Champion, a former European Champion, and current European Championship medalist . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

7) Mirai was at an 7-15 point disadvantage in "Artistry", no matter what! The highest PCS score Mirai received by the panel during the whole Olympics was 8.32 . . . SHE IS NOT GETTING 9.25 like Zagitova, Medvedeva, Kostner, Osmond . . .

8) Mirai did the hardest content of ANY Ladies Olympic SP, Team or Singles! Mirai had the highest TES Base Value of any skater in either the Team or Singles Ladies short program, 36.41. Compare that to Zagitova, with 34.97.

9) In the Team LP Mirai scored 137.53 with a perfect skate that included the only clean 3A of the Olympics. HAD MIRAI SCORED THE SAME IN THE SINGLES LP SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN 6TH!

10) Mirai did get a 2nd place finish in a Team Event. The Shibs did get two 2nd place finishes in the Team Event. These were the best ranked skates by the US skaters in the Team Event.

11) US Figure Skating IN NO WAY HELPED MIRAI PREPARE TO BE EVEN THOUGHT OF AS A MEDALIST, rather she was treated like S#17 for years after she did not become another Michelle Kwan.

12) US Figure Skating would not even look at Mirai until she started doing the 3A.

Mirai's comments were completely realistic. She went out there to do her best and beat expectations.


ETA: From Mirai -

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1) Mirai is NOT National Champion.

2) Mirai is NOT the previous National Champion or . . . the previous, previous, previous National Champion . . . etc.

3) Mirai had no hope of ever beating Zagitova or Medvedeva.

4) Osmond and Daleman were the favorites for the bronze.

5) Miyahara, a former World Medalist, former 4CC Champion AHEAD OF MIRAI . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

6) Carolina Kostner, a former Olympic Medalist, former World Champion, a former European Champion, and current European Championship medalist . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

7) Mirai was at an 7-15 point disadvantage in "Artistry", no matter what! The highest PCS score Mirai received by the panel during the whole Olympics was 8.32 . . . SHE IS NOT GETTING 9.25 like Zagitova, Medvedeva, Kostner, Osmond . . .

8) Mirai did the hardest content of ANY Ladies Olympic SP, Team or Singles! Mirai had the highest TES Base Value of any skater in either the Team or Singles Ladies short program, 36.41. Compare that to Zagitova, with 34.97.

9) In the Team LP Mirai scored 137.53 with a perfect skate that included the only clean 3A of the Olympics. HAD MIRAI SCORED THE SAME IN THE SINGLES LP SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN 6TH!

10) US Figure Skating IN NO WAY HELPED MIRAI PREPARE TO BE EVEN THOUGHT OF AS A MEDALIST, rather she was treated like S#17 for years after she did not become another Michelle Kwan.

11) US Figure Skating would not even look at Mirai until she started doing the 3A.

Mirai's comments were completely realistic. She went out their to do her best and beat expectations.


ETA: From Mirai -


PREACH!! :respec:

Mirai's post on her IG was so moving! You did it Mirai! Let the haters and the hacks keep hating! You did it and no one will be able to take what you did at the Olympics away from you!

Her IG story is so cute! In one Adam is packing his crystals away, and in another Zack is taking care of Maddie while a riot of suitcases and clothes are all over the floor lol! "Last day in the Village, disaster!'. Mirai is so funny! Just love her to bits! We need a 'love' smiley of some kind!
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Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the bull$#i7 about owing something to someone else.
I don't think that's BS. It's part of the price of making it to the top. A very high price. Once you are up there, you are representing your country, not just yourself. Especially at the Olympics and Worlds where the damn three spots will be hanging over her head even if there is little chance of keeping them and not even three girls at home who are internationally competitive.

Sigh. What a long season! I sure hope that if she IS going to Worlds she can keep her head down, train hard, steer clear of the media and postpone the celebrations until afterwards.

ETA: "Owing" is not the right word for it. But responsibility --yes.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's BS. It's part of the price of making it to the top. A very high price. Once you are up there, you are representing your country, not just yourself.

Alas . . . in America, when you win for yourself, it is good for the country.

ETA: "Owing" is not the right word for it. But responsibility --yes.

Taking responsibility is good.

Feeling guilty because you did not perform unrealistically well is bad.


Alas . . . in America, when you win for yourself, it is good for the country.

Taking responsibility is good.

Feeling guilty because you did not perform unrealistically well is bad.

ITA! Mirai doesn't owe anyone anything and I agree it's all BS!




1) Mirai is NOT National Champion.

2) Mirai is NOT the previous National Champion or . . . the previous, previous, previous National Champion . . . etc.

3) Mirai had no hope of ever beating Zagitova or Medvedeva.

4) Osmond and Daleman were the favorites for the bronze.

5) Miyahara, a former World Medalist, former 4CC Champion AHEAD OF MIRAI . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

6) Carolina Kostner, a former Olympic Medalist, former World Champion, a former European Champion, and current European Championship medalist . . . beat Mirai, as expected.

7) Mirai was at an 7-15 point disadvantage in "Artistry", no matter what! The highest PCS score Mirai received by the panel during the whole Olympics was 8.32 . . . SHE IS NOT GETTING 9.25 like Zagitova, Medvedeva, Kostner, Osmond . . .

8) Mirai did the hardest content of ANY Ladies Olympic SP, Team or Singles! Mirai had the highest TES Base Value of any skater in either the Team or Singles Ladies short program, 36.41. Compare that to Zagitova, with 34.97.

9) In the Team LP Mirai scored 137.53 with a perfect skate that included the only clean 3A of the Olympics. HAD MIRAI SCORED THE SAME IN THE SINGLES LP SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN 6TH!

10) Mirai did get a 2nd place finish in a Team Event. The Shibs did get two 2nd place finishes in the Team Event. These were the best ranked skates by the US skaters in the Team Event.

11) US Figure Skating IN NO WAY HELPED MIRAI PREPARE TO BE EVEN THOUGHT OF AS A MEDALIST, rather she was treated like S#17 for years after she did not become another Michelle Kwan.

12) US Figure Skating would not even look at Mirai until she started doing the 3A.

Mirai's comments were completely realistic. She went out their to do her best and beat expectations.


ETA: From Mirai -

Thank you for writing so clearly, all the things I've been thinking...not particularly clearly!


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch the closing ceremony and see that Mirai was one skater who was featured on the big screens at the close! I think it says alot about her accomplishment there and the triumph over the not so good skates. Go Mirai, hope we see you at Worlds.

It says that that SK and the IOC consider her one of the best parts of the Olympics. The fact that she wasn’t featured coming in with the Americans was disappointing.


Well-Known Member
It says that that SK and the IOC consider her one of the best parts of the Olympics. The fact that she wasn’t featured coming in with the Americans was disappointing.
It's also sad that the only woman who successfully landed a 3Axle at the Olympics did not get an invite to skate in the Gala - the north Korean pair did (I don't dislike them although I think Mirai deserved a recognition more than they did). Quite messed up :rolleyes:

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