Michelle Kwan (Threads Merged)


Well-Known Member
Actually, I remember Lapinski for beating Kwan, but I don't remember Hughes for much except she had a very lucky night. Lapinski had won a US National title, World title, and Grand Prix finals before winning the Olympics, so eventually (after about 10 years) I had to say kudos to her. Not the same for Hughes. I am not disrespecting Hughes, but she hadn't been on the top of any podiums.

Not a major podium per se, but Sarah did beat Michelle and Irina to win 2001 Skate Canada. That turned out to be the exact same podium for SLC.

Of all her major competitors (Lulu, Tara, Maria, Irina and Sasha) I just have to respect Irina the most. Say all you want about her style and judging bias etc but she was most resilient and was with Michelle at or near the top for the longest (96 to 05) despite breaks during that period. Lulu was wonderful but she and Michelle only really went head to head in 95 and 96, Tara only 97 and 98, Maria only 99 and 00, Sasha only 02 to 05 but she only started beating Michelle when she became injured circa 04.
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Well-Known Member
Not a major podium per se, but Sarah did beat Michelle and Irina to win 2001 Skate Canada. That turned out to be the exact same podium for SLC.

Of all her major competitors (Lulu, Tara, Maria, Irina and Sasha) I just have to respect Irina the most. Say all you want about her style and judging bias etc but she was most resilient and was with Michelle at or near the top for the longest (96 to 05) despite breaks during that period. Lulu was wonderful but she and Michelle only really went head to head in 95 and 96, Tara only 97 and 98, Maria only 99 and 00, Sasha only 02 to 05 but she only started beating Michelle when she became injured circa 04.

I loved the domination/favoritism that went to Irina even though I'm American! There was just something about MK that was so "self-entitled;" needing to be taken down a peg! Irina had her number there for a few years from 2000 doing 3/3's and "judge satisfying" routines that brought the crowds to their feet! I stayed up all night to catch 2001 Goodwill Games in Australia! Since it was an Olympic year with '02 SLC soon, the skaters featured their new "short programs!" I loved Irina's, "Serenade!" I ask and maybe someone has explained why Russia got 4 female skaters in the event? They had Irina, Maria Butyr., Volchkova, & Sokolova; all making the top 10 and Irina edging out Michelle to win GOLD! :rolleyes: :barrel :kickass: :revenge:


Well-Known Member
loved the domination/favoritism that went to Irina even though I'm American! There was just something about MK that was so "self-entitled;" needing to be taken down a peg!

I heard Michelle Kwan say herself before one Worlds, "I take nothing for granted." I don't see the self-entitlement. But I did enjoy the Irina-Michelle rivalry and it made them both better competitors.




Banned Member
^^ Thanks for posting. Michelle is Miraculous, Marvelous, Multi-Faceted! I look forward to seeing her in Pyeongchang with TeamUSA! :cheer2:

From the article:
"Whereas [Kwan] used to bounce back up after taking a tumble, now, 'I fall, and I’m like, Wow, that hurt,’ she said, laughing."

"Not only did Gucci’s most recent collection feature elements, like crystal-embellished bodysuits, that seemed pulled straight from Tara Lipinski’s wardrobe, but next month, the new Tonya Harding biopic I, Tonya, in which Margot Robbie plays Harding opposite Allison Janney and Sebastian Stan, will premiere. So I asked Kwan, did she plan to see the film?
'I’m sure I’ll watch it, but I kind of lived it, so…' Kwan said. 'I was very close to it.'"

And an interesting tidbit: I did not realize that MK's sister Karen had designed her famous Rachmaninoff sp dress! Kudos to multi-talented Karen Kwan Oppegard! :D


Well-Known Member
Michelle Kwan is still AMAZING . . . Yahoo! linked to this article.


I clicked on it, then I probably made a stupid move . . . I clicked on the comments section . . . then I saw something I never thought I would see . . .

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  • Snowball 5 hours ago
So sorry she is a Hillaryite, but I will forgive her. It would be wonderful to see her back on the ice. We need something.

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  • BK 3 hours ago
    You know she was a Republican until she met her ex-husband.

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Well-Known Member
I have always had this sense that Michele always does something with a purpose in mind. Hoping these recent reveals that she is back on the ice mean we can look forward to seeing her perform sometime soon.

Based on her recent SM post, it kind of looks like she actually snagged the P&G sponsorship (?) that typically goes to a top Olympic prospect ...


Well-Known Member
I have always had this sense that Michele always does something with a purpose in mind. Hoping these recent reveals that she is back on the ice mean we can look forward to seeing her perform sometime soon.

Based on her recent SM post, it kind of looks like she actually snagged the P&G sponsorship (?) that typically goes to a top Olympic prospect ...

...and so it continues; using up resources well past a prime! :rolleyes: :COP: :judge: :revenge:


Rotating while Russian!
I have always had this sense that Michele always does something with a purpose in mind. Hoping these recent reveals that she is back on the ice mean we can look forward to seeing her perform sometime soon.

Based on her recent SM post, it kind of looks like she actually snagged the P&G sponsorship (?) that typically goes to a top Olympic prospect ...

Not to be snarky, but I think the purpose is to pay for the divorce :shuffle:

And they usually give sponsorships to retired Olympians in the lead up to the Games. For example, Mary Lou Retton was with either P&G or GE Healthcare before and during Beijing and Michelle was with GE Healthcare in Vancouver, iirc.

So no active skater is losing out to her :)


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that ever heard of Costume National and Helmut Lang? whoops

Going slightly off-topic:

No, my fellow fashionista. I have both in my closet (including some "vintage" pieces from when Helmut Lang was still designing his own line) and Costume National pieces from designer/co-owner Ennio Capasa. Ms. Kwan has exquisite, rarified tastes (but we knew that already;)).


Well-Known Member
Not to be snarky, but I think the purpose is to pay for the divorce :shuffle:

Sure, why not. This is the day in age when Madonna paid her born into privilege but has little personal success British husband $80 million upon divorce, so why shouldn't we expect Michelle Kwan to cough up a couple million to her born into privilege but having little personal success American husband upon divorce.


Well-Known Member
Not to be snarky, but I think the purpose is to pay for the divorce :shuffle:

And they usually give sponsorships to retired Olympians in the lead up to the Games. For example, Mary Lou Retton was with either P&G or GE Healthcare before and during Beijing and Michelle was with GE Healthcare in Vancouver, iirc.

So no active skater is losing out to her :)

Her estranged husband is a trust fund baby. Too bad if Michelle has to pay him.

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