Ksenia Stolbova has a new partner?


Banned Member
Nobody was gossiping about them or speculating that they had split until she posted the video.

Vaitsekhovskaya posted about seeing her “favorite pairs skater with a new partner,” which was heavily implied to be Stolbova and that’s what started the speculation, which was before the video came out.


Let the skating begin
Has anything been confirmed yet?
No. There are people trolling her instagram account waiting with baited breath. :lol: Apart from the mystery video, there's nothing there or on her FB account and the RuFed isn't talking either.


Doing all the things
There was immediate speculation that they'd spit as soon as the GP rosters came out without them.
There was also gossip coming from an interview with a coach. The video came out after that IIRC.

ETA sorry, didn't see Erin's post.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
I think that's they key and that's why the split wouldn't surprise me . Other couples with more affective ties/relationships trie to solve their problems and work together towards a mutual goal, specially when they have already acheaved a certain level. So yeah, maybe they never "clashed" but their relationship was also so cold than it wouldnt be a problem for Ksenia to dump him or viceversa if any of them thinks things are not working anymore.

I can agree they aren't all lovey-dovey, but I wouldn't describe their relationship as cold. There seems to be a certain level of affection between them; one of my friends saw them at the airport and she said Fedor was carrying Ksenia's luggage for her, and also he always hugs her when she is upset over a bad skate. I think they care about each other as human beings but have little in common, so you don't see them hanging out off the ice.

Sometimes you can be in a relationship with a person you care about, but you realize it's not going to work (it's long-distance, you want kids and the other person doesn't, etc). You can break up with someone because you want them to be happy and you know you can't be that special someone for them. Listen to "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston and you'll get the idea :D

Anyways, I really think they worked better together than the media would like to say.


Well-Known Member
I can agree they aren't all lovey-dovey, but I wouldn't describe their relationship as cold. There seems to be a certain level of affection between them; one of my friends saw them at the airport and she said Fedor was carrying Ksenia's luggage for her, and also he always hugs her when she is upset over a bad skate. I think they care about each other as human beings but have little in common, so you don't see them hanging out off the ice.

Sometimes you can be in a relationship with a person you care about, but you realize it's not going to work (it's long-distance, you want kids and the other person doesn't, etc). You can break up with someone because you want them to be happy and you know you can't be that special someone for them. Listen to "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston and you'll get the idea :D

Anyways, I really think they worked better together than the media would like to say.

LOL off topic but I dont plan to listen to that song ever again. Its not 1993 anymore.


Well-Known Member
You’re dead to me. :drama: (Although I do admit I Have Nothing or I Learned from the best are my go-to Whitney ballads).

I Have Nothing is just as annoying :blah:. I haven't heard the other :shuffle:

Just listen to the original by Dolly Parton

That version is much better I admit, but still not my cup of tea.

Then try "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson.

*pukes* I'd rather listen to Whitney. At least she had a voice :p

Ok enough off topic :D Any confirmation on the split or not???

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Hopefully. Klimov is not talented enough for her. She has no future with him.

Actually, I think Fedor has great talent (excellent skating skills, great feet in the lifts, consistent jumps). It's Ksenia who struggles with the technical elements. Fedor may not have Ksenia's bada$$ diva power, and he does struggle with twist, but he gets most of the job done and that's more than you can say for a lot of pair guys. In the words of John Coughlin, "She's amazing, but he's no slouch."

(And as a Savchenko/Massot fan, I think you know something about how somewhat unevenly matched pairs can still be great and successful).

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
*pukes* I'd rather listen to Whitney. At least she had a voice :p

Ok enough off topic :D Any confirmation on the split or not???

As a Kelly stan here, you're officially dead to me haha.

Anyhow, no confirmation yet. I swear Ksenia and Fedor just like to keep us guessing all the time.


Well-Known Member
She is skating with someone new, and it's not Evgeni. He's kind of a tall red-head. And things aren't going super smoothly yet, at least from what I saw. Not Rogonov either unless my eyes have gotten especially bad.
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Well-Known Member

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
For sure? :unsure:

Vladimir Morozov is a tall red-head. :sneaky:

Lol when "tall redhead" was mentioned I also thought immediately of Vladimir...

Well, I'm not thrilled about the split, but if this is what needs to be done, I'll hang in there and pray for the best.


Active Member
She is skating with Novoselov at Ice House in Hackensack
Makes one wonder if she intends to compete with him as well, I mean there is no way that Russia will release her to France and I don't see France releasing him to Russia either, at least not easily.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Makes one wonder if she intends to compete with him as well, I mean there is no way that Russia will release her to France and I don't see France releasing him to Russia either, at least not easily.

From what I heard, Abachkina and Drozd might be trying out together. People think that Drozd will be released to France and Novoselov will be released to Russia. Of course, just rumor.
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