Ksenia Stolbova has a new partner?


Well-Known Member

If he needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to his grievances, i am MORE than happy to volunteer. He's such a nice guy.


Well-Known Member
The truth of the matter is that they are not a good match in terms of personality and Fedor has had multiple injuries. Also, Ksenia probably simply wants to get out of the Moser/Trankov camp. Personally, though I could relate.


Well-Known Member
Nay. "Insider" says it will be ridiculous and laughable. "falling from chairs moment" but not in good way.
More tea: rumor has it Morozov is free for hunting again. Lock up your daughters. Don't lock up your wives tho.

Upd. Pah. It's Elena Radionova, I mean, for Klimov.
Nah, I am sitting safely on my chair.
Just FYI - I think it's all rubbish, just some kind of hysteria on forums and social media but it's soooo entertaining.

Is it Maria Mukhortova, maybe?


Banned Member
Anyways, if we’re going down this road, screw Rogonov, I want Stolbova/Smirnov!

:lol: I think Rogonov is quite screwable partner material :grope:, but yeah Smirnov would def work for Ksenia too, if he's actually healthy and available.

Once again, does anyone know who Rogonov's rumored new partner might be?


Well-Known Member
The truth of the matter is that they are not a good match in terms of personality and Fedor has had multiple injuries. Also, Ksenia probably simply wants to get out of the Moser/Trankov camp. Personally, though I could relate.

Well, they have made it work all these years. Well enough to get an Olympic medal and several others. And Ksenia has had her share of injuries too. I'll be sad if they split, they had an aura that I don't see from other teams. But I'm sure the debacle last year didn't make relations great between Ksenia and Nina.


Cats and garlic lover
Rogonov would be too short for Stolbova, I think.

Am failing to udnerstand why does Stolbova bother. With the current state of the Russian pairs she has a good chance not making it to the team. Tarasova/Morozov and Boiko/Kozlovskii would beat her even with Klimov just with the technical content. Zabijako/Enbert are dead boring, but super consistent.


Values her privacy
:lol: I think Rogonov is quite screwable partner material :grope:, but yeah Smirnov would def work for Ksenia too, if he's actually healthy and available.

Once again, does anyone know who Rogonov's rumored new partner might be?
Maybe Osipova? If she wasn’t allowed to skate with Bidar, they might as well use her. She obviously isn’t at the senior top standard, but if a coach can take an average junior non pair girl (Antipova) and within two years she is in top ten senior worlds lady, with a reasonable junior pair girl the progress could be even quicker.


Values her privacy
Russian forum still speculate who Klimov’s new partner is. It is supposed to be some Elena and she has triples. Names thrown around include Radionova (who is also too tall for him even if she wanted to switch to pairs, which nothing indicates she does), Fedorova (who is at lest a pair skater, but never had triples. Could she miraculously learn two triples?) and Gedevanishvilli (again, single skater, retired for a while. Would she still need to be released by her federation if she was already retired?)

The speculations for Stolbova’s partner are between Novoselov and Krasnohorski. Considering that both of them would need to be released, I don’t believe either of them is her new partner. If S/K split up.

The Russian senior pair Lukashevich/Stepanov split up, so in theory Lukashevich would be available for Klimov or for Rogonov and Stepanov for Stolbova. Lukashevich and Stepanov were not that great seniors, so I don’t think either of them is anywhere near the necessary standard, but Astakhova was not in her previous partnership that great either and then with Rogonov she caught up quite quickly. So I guess it is hard for us to say if Lukashevich or Stepanov have some potential or if it would be waste of time.
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Well-Known Member
Rogonov would be too short for Stolbova, I think.

Am failing to udnerstand why does Stolbova bother. With the current state of the Russian pairs she has a good chance not making it to the team. Tarasova/Morozov and Boiko/Kozlovskii would beat her even with Klimov just with the technical content. Zabijako/Enbert are dead boring, but super consistent.

Maybe she bothers because she likes it, and because she is a beautiful & exciting skater. I don't care if she wins bronze or potato, she's far more interesting than anyone you mentioned could ever be. Without A/R and S/K, my interest in pairs drops to effectively zero.


Well-Known Member
What a mess... while we don't know yet what's going on exactly I wouldn't keep my hopes up. Their names missing from the GP selections was already very telling that something is not working out between the two of them. A real shame, the few times they were ON they were fantastic.


Well-Known Member
So even though stolbova has had her own injury problems I totally understand her wanting to bail from klimov who is injured a lot more!!!


Well-Known Member
What a mess... while we don't know yet what's going on exactly I wouldn't keep my hopes up. Their names missing from the GP selections was already very telling that something is not working out between the two of them. A real shame, the few times they were ON they were fantastic.
I am a fan of S/K but they've pretty much been MIA or hit-and-miss ever since Sochi. So, as much as I always look forward to their performances, I am more surprised their partnership has endured than I am about this latest rumor of a break-up.


Well-Known Member
Ooooh, it's escalates so quickly. From "New FSO": "Stories video is with Slusarenko as a coach. Stolbova is in Perm with Nikolai Morozov and Andrey Novoselov"

I love Russian figure skating, it gives more drama than Mexican telenovelas. The only trope they didn't cover yet is evil twin.
As far as Novoselovs partner Esbrat is obviously at a pair skating camp in Switzerland with Bidar it could be true.


Well-Known Member
What a mess... while we don't know yet what's going on exactly I wouldn't keep my hopes up. Their names missing from the GP selections was already very telling that something is not working out between the two of them. A real shame, the few times they were ON they were fantastic.

Yeah, I hate to feed into the rumor mill, but Ksenia wasn't exactly subtle with her video she posted.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
Oh well, hope always springs eternal. I got very ahead of myself there. I don't even know if Alexei's and Ksenia's heights would be comptatible for pairs skating (ETA: Alexei Rogonov is listed as 5'11" which is probably a stretch. He seems more like 5'9" or 5' 10"; and Ksenia is listed as 5'2" -- I would have thought she was a tad taller than that).

In any case, I was thinking of the fiery passion and sexiness that both Alexei and Ksenia exude. Plus I was hoping Alexei could find a new partner quickly.

Is it at least true then that Ksenia is partnering with someone new?

This off-season has been so busy and full of rumors and unexpected developments. If Rogonov does have a new partner who is not actually Ksenia, then who is she? And will she and Rogonov be coached by Dmitriev too?

Fedor is only 5'11" too btw, so Rogonov wouldn't be impossible. Yeah, Ksenia is 5'2" (like me!), but though she be but little she is fierce :D

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
The truth of the matter is that they are not a good match in terms of personality and Fedor has had multiple injuries. Also, Ksenia probably simply wants to get out of the Moser/Trankov camp. Personally, though I could relate.

I honestly don't think there was a personality clash between Ksenia and Fedor, as the media would like to portray it. Just because they aren't a lovey-dovey couple like Volosozhar/Trankov or Tarasova/Morozov doesn't mean they hate each other. It was always a business relationship. We all know Ksenia has a fiery temper but I don't think she's the b*tch everyone claims she is and from what I've heard, Fedor was always very rational and treated her like a gentleman should. Every couple is bound to quarrel sometimes, and I don't think Ksenia and Fedor clashed any more than Sui/Han or Aliona/Bruno or any of those other great pairs.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
I think it was the big death stare at Europeans that created the reputation

I think we can all agree she overreacted there, but everyone does stupid things in the heat of the moment that they will regret later. She was obviously angry and upset that they lost a European title because of a silly little mistake. Recently, she's been responding very supportive towards him, so I think we can let go of that reputation :D


Well-Known Member
I thought she was giving a big FU to the gossip with that video, not saying she actually had a new partner.

Nobody was gossiping about them or speculating that they had split until she posted the video.

I have no idea how Radionova's name came up, but she is clearly not going into pairs...she was just at the training camp with Buyanova. And too tall. And already slated for the GP...etc. Then again, enough other silly names have been thrown around here & FSO like Mukhortova (lol), Gedevanishili (lol), etc...


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think there was a personality clash between Ksenia and Fedor, as the media would like to portray it. Just because they aren't a lovey-dovey couple like Volosozhar/Trankov or Tarasova/Morozov doesn't mean they hate each other. It was always a business relationship. We all know Ksenia has a fiery temper but I don't think she's the b*tch everyone claims she is and from what I've heard, Fedor was always very rational and treated her like a gentleman should. Every couple is bound to quarrel sometimes, and I don't think Ksenia and Fedor clashed any more than Sui/Han or Aliona/Bruno or any of those other great pairs.

I think that's they key and that's why the split wouldn't surprise me . Other couples with more affective ties/relationships trie to solve their problems and work together towards a mutual goal, specially when they have already acheaved a certain level. So yeah, maybe they never "clashed" but their relationship was also so cold than it wouldnt be a problem for Ksenia to dump him or viceversa if any of them thinks things are not working anymore.


Well-Known Member
I am a fan of S/K but they've pretty much been MIA or hit-and-miss ever since Sochi. So, as much as I always look forward to their performances, I am more surprised their partnership has endured than I am about this latest rumor of a break-up.
This post pretty much sums it up for me.

I'm sure missing out on the Olys didn't help matters any. So many frequent and untimely injuries have piled up over the years. It's a shame that Ksenia and Fedor had so many hurdles to overcome every season. They’re great together, and I hope they stay together - and continue. It would be sad if their partnership ended, but the dissolution of any top-ranked pairs' team does not surprise me much, anymore.

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