ISU Statement on Russia's war against Ukraine - Participation in international competitions of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus


Antique member
It is a tragedy for the sport that Russians cannot compete. And it was a tragedy that not more was done against abusive training methods, doping within Russia and rewarding incorrect technique.

Both can be true at the same time 😢


Well-Known Member
I think I saw on Twitter that a male Russian gymnast was competing on the weekend (at the last gymnastic competition they will be allowed at) with a Z taped to his chest which is the Russian symbol for the invasion. Which understandably upset the Ukrainian competitors.

The you have Plushenko posting things like this:

So gosh. There is so much possibilities for all of this to lapse over into sports.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot more to Russian skating than Eteri's school. I am sorry for the boys, some of whom could end up conscripted against their will...never say never. Not all Russian skaters have bad technique, not all benefit from judging favoritism and I don't believe everyone outside of Eteri's school is doping. Do Rukavitsin's skaters seem like they are doping when they barely have the stamina to get through a program?

The gymnast with the Z on his chest is disgusting and should have his medal taken away. Of course there are going to be bad apples out there. But the world of Russian sport is huge and not everyone is that hateful or indoctrinated. The generalizing is tiresome.


Well-Known Member
What does the translation of Pluschenko's tweet mean by "I was born in Great Russia"?


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Russians not competing is not a tragedy. It’s a consequence for corruption that has been a long time coming.
It is a loss for FS - competition is generally good.

I am excited to see what will happen at Worlds with regard to the pairs. Such an unusual and unprecedented state of competition. I wonder if the pairs that compete will rise up to the occasion.


What does the translation of Pluschenko's tweet mean by "I was born in Great Russia"?
"Stop genocide, stop racism, stop fascism! Stop Russian hate." And in another recent post railing against the banning of Russian athletes "The negotiations will bear fruit. I believe our president". Gaslighting pro-Putin propaganda. What exactly is the genocide, racism and fascism he's referring to?

If he's said anything about Ukraine at all in his social media posts, I've missed it.


Well-Known Member
What does the translation of Pluschenko's tweet mean by "I was born in Great Russia"?
Great Russia, sometimes Great Rus' (Russian: Великая Русь, Velikaya Rus', Великая Россия, Velikaya Rossiya, Великороссия, Velikorossiya), is a name formerly applied to the territories of "Russia proper", the land that formed the core of Muscovy and later Russia.
What Plushenko artfully ignores is that his surname is "distinctively Ukrainian."
🇺🇦 :shuffle:


Well-Known Member
"Stop genocide, stop racism, stop fascism! Stop Russian hate." And in another recent post railing against the banning of Russian athletes "The negotiations will bear fruit. I believe our president". Gaslighting pro-Putin propaganda. What exactly is the genocide, racism and fascism he's referring to?

If he's said anything about Ukraine at all in his social media posts, I've missed it.
pay attention to tags: #stoprussianhate #ZaМир #СвоихНеБросаем #Россия
these are official slogans in support of the Russian army in Ukraine


Well-Known Member
I think that Plushenko (I was born in Great Russia) means that he was born in 1982 = Soviet Union existed with all those countries that now are independent and that he hopes for Putin taking them back...


Well-Known Member
I think that Plushenko (I was born in Great Russia) means that he was born in 1982 = Soviet Union existed with all those countries that now are independent and that he hopes for Putin taking them back...
No. See post #309.

No one born in, say, Tashkent or Riga would say, "I was born in Great Russia."


In A Fake Snowball Fight
Former Ukrainian skater Anton Kovalevski had this to say on Facebook (the post is public) about Russian skaters moving abroad to represent other countries:

Warning post ❗❗❗

As you all already know, Russia bloodthirsty attacked Ukraine on 02/24/22 and received worldwide recognition as an occupant and outcast country.

in this regard, many russian athletes and coaches and functionaries (who are also russian military personnel), began to look for opportunities to move to other countries and even perform under the flags of other countries (which is even more arrogant).

I call on all sports federations and National Olympic Committees to be careful with such cases. Don't let this happen. #IOC

The last couple of years they have supported the repressive politics of the putin administration. The last couple of days they supported the decision to send troops to Ukraine and start bombing the cities of Ukraine and continue to support this.

These people have made their choice and can be simply dangerous in a normal, civilized society and world.

Stop Putin, Stop War in Ukraine, Stop the genocide.

Share, Tag federations or national Olympic Commitee of your countries as I did


Rooting for the Underdogs
I understand the fear, frustration, outrage, etc., but I also think that post is a little yikes.

I have not seen anything from any current Russian skaters come out in support. They’re either silent or have made some vague post saying as much as they can.


Rooting for the Underdogs
He said “athletes” so am guessing it goes beyond skating?
Fair, but I don’t think the answer is to blanket ban everyone from every sport switching countries if they have the opportunity.

I also think it’s highly doubtful at this point thar athletes would even be allowed to physically leave Russia, especially to change countries.


Well-Known Member
Sad that the boys have to stay and fight...

So I guess no man, pairs and dance at Worlds. :(
Will worlds actually happen though? How safe is it to travel for the competitors at this time? If it does go forward I hope they find a way to honor the Ukrainian athletes.


Rooting for the Underdogs
Agreed. Russians not competing is not a tragedy. It’s a consequence for corruption that has been a long time coming.
They’re not banned for corruption though. They’re banned because the country they’re from brutally attacked another country. It’s a consequence of war, not anything else.

I feel like a lot of people wanted to see Russian athletes punished for other things and see this as a punishment for other things and ignore the real why of them not being there. It reads to me that it’s ok a war is happening because Russian athletes are finally getting punished.

If I had a magic wand and holding the most corrupt and doped up world figure skating championships in the history of the world would rewind the clock and make the invasion to not have happened, I’d do it a trillion times over.


Antique member
They’re not banned for corruption though. They’re banned because the country they’re from brutally attacked another country. It’s a consequence of war, not anything else.

I feel like a lot of people wanted to see Russian athletes punished for other things and see this as a punishment for other things and ignore the real why of them not being there. It reads to me that it’s ok a war is happening because Russian athletes are finally getting punished.

If I had a magic wand and holding the most corrupt and doped up world figure skating championships in the history of the world would rewind the clock and make the invasion to not have happened, I’d do it a trillion times over.
very true.
I think this is just a way to deal also with sadness and anger over the whole situation and make the hurt every figure skating fan will feel about losing the amazing Russian skating that we knew and loved be a bit less. It is just so much to take.

Like I read on several accounts - I feel the same. I aged about 20 years in the last 10 days.


Well-Known Member
I think that Russia deserved to be banned for running a state-run doping system during an Olympics in which it was the host.

I think it should have happened as soon as there was proof that Russia had done so, and I think it should not have been lifted until the Russian government complied with WADA's requirements for openness.

Russia never did this.

Instead, we have been force fed the viewpoint that sports and skating without the Russian participants aren't valid. When in fact, again and again, we have seen that skating with the Russian participants has been invalid. We have seen a push to undermine the validity of the entire sport.

And, yes, it sucks. It absolutely sucks that innocent athletes and athletes who never had any intention of cheating have been caught up in this. And that goes for all of the innocent athletes from other countries that were cheated by this political machine as well as the Russian athletes that have been caught up in it.

It should have happened earlier, and we didn't want it to happen. We didn't want to believe that it really affected our favorite sport. We didn't want innocent athletes punished because of the actions of a corrupt dictator. And there we were, watching the events in Beijing reveal to the entire world that ladies figure skating, the "crown jewel" of the entire Winter Olympic Games had been corrupted by the same philosophy that is right now leading to the deaths of civilian men, women, and children. The attitude that one country's power, money, and success is more important or more significant than the rest. That one country is exempt from rules of common decency and fair play. So here we are. I don't think you can separate the two, frankly. Russia has been on this collision course since Putin rose to power, and the only question from a figure skating perspective at this point, is whether the whole of the sport goes down with it.

I think not. I think, like Ukraine, skating has been around longer than this evil man & the fact that there is now enough public sentiment to say, "Stop!" is a sign that the sport can and will outlast him.


Well-Known Member
I feel like a lot of people wanted to see Russian athletes punished for other things and see this as a punishment for other things and ignore the real why of them not being there. It reads to me that it’s ok a war is happening because Russian athletes are finally getting punished.

If I had a magic wand and holding the most corrupt and doped up world figure skating championships in the history of the world would rewind the clock and make the invasion to not have happened, I’d do it a trillion times over.

Sorry, I did not at all mean to suggest that I’m happy war is happening because Russian figure skaters won’t be able to skate in the worlds.

Perhaps I wasn’t clear with my words but I see it as a separate issue. I’m tired of Russia getting away with state sponsored doping and am also tired of the attitude that Russians are so much better and the competition will be somehow lacking without them when we know about how the program work. I certainly would have preferred to see Russian figure skating punished specifically for that instead of this happening because of tragedy in the world.


Z used to be associated with supporters of Grigoris Lambrakis, a democratic politician assassinated by the right wing government of Greece. The excellent movie Z was about his murder and the subsequent investigation,
with the villains getting away with it in the end

Really ironic it got co-opted by an oppressive regime.

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