IOC's decision: (clean) Russian athletes can compete under neutral flag at PyeongChang Olympics


Well-Known Member
This was pretty foreseeable. I really do have a feeling that the IOC let the Russians know of their decision a while back or at least the Russians let the IOC know what decisions they would be ok with a while back, especially if it was leaked that they had already contacted Nike to make neutral uniforms and gear for the Russian athletes. I also believe Russian officials let the IOC know that they were not going to boycott or prevent their athletes from participating if Russia was banned from the Olympics, which made them contact Nike in the first place. I have a feeling the IOC and Russian officials and maybe others communicated to one another that this decision would be the best one for all involved beforehand before the IOC made its official decision after listening to the Russian delegation yesterday. This was a way to allow Russia to still win medals (even if not officially) but also make it look like the IOC wasn't just ignoring the insurmountable evidence of state-sponsored doping. Russia is too big of a player in the IOC and Thomas Bach and Putin have too close of a relationship for a harsher decision being made at least at this point in time. Two or Four years from now if the situation has not improved and there is continued non-compliance then I can see the IOC adopting the next harsh step but not the harshest step if it can help it.


AYS's snark-sponge
You know the people who think that athletes and fans from other countries were hoping the Russian athletes wouldn't compete so they would have an easier time basically share the mindset of the dopers. Winning is all that matters, not how.

Not everyone thinks like you all. There are a lot of athletes and fans the world over who want all the best athletes at the Olys and the best competition. A lot of athletes want the chance to compete against all the best athletes in the world. Not everyone is a lousy loser who just wants to cheat and win like the dopers but its understandable that people who share that doping mindset would think so.

ETA: and this is also about what I said earlier: Nationalism sucks. When all you can see is us vs them and what countries people are from you are letting down humanity.

Personally I want to see every athlete who competes at the Olys do their very best. I'm rooting for that for all of them even if I have my favorites. Some of my favorites are Russians, Med & BobSol, some are from other countries. Not changing how I root for anyone based on the decisions of international bodies that have a different job to do.
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Well-Known Member
There you have it. Of course Putin backed down from his "never, the humiliation, we will boycott if we can't have our flag, unis, anthem" stance. It's interesting that the Russian Foreign Ministry seems to have a different position. I would say it's 90% likely we will see neutral OARs in Pyeongchang but not entirely guaranteed yet. Putin could still be swayed by those who would rather boycott.

Where's our resident expert who kept posting all those statements about what Putin was going to do..... I even took CaseyEdwards off ignore just too see how this could get spun into some hysteria without facts.....

I think they will be there. I also think that Putin will spin every medal as "proof" he didn't do anything wrong.

Based on what the US athletes said when the old USSR boycotted the LA games I think MOST athletes want the Russians to be there (of course some won't and then there are actually some events where it really doesn't matter so they don't even care!) The US athletes in LA didn't want that * by their records!


Well-Known Member
Where's our resident expert who kept posting all those statements about what Putin was going to do..... I even took CaseyEdwards off ignore just too see how this could get spun into some hysteria without facts.....

I think they will be there. I also think that Putin will spin every medal as "proof" he didn't do anything wrong.

Based on what the US athletes said when the old USSR boycotted the LA games I think MOST athletes want the Russians to be there (of course some won't and then there are actually some events where it really doesn't matter so they don't even care!) The US athletes in LA didn't want that * by their records!
Like it was posted putin flip flopped! No more “neutrality is humiliating and would destroy Olympic movement!” TOTAL flip flop. I did agree flip flop was possible.


Well-Known Member
I know we were talking about these informations a lot but this is so irritating! I don't care about the excuses " they use it becaise of their illness.

This is still a poor argument, considering that any Russian athlete could also use these TEUs. Russian athlete with ADHD? They can have Ritalin. Russian athlete with an autoimmune condition? They can have steroids. Russian athlete who has surgery? They can have opioids. I doubt anyone would have a problem with an athlete of any nationality treating their medical condition.

It's entirely fair that these athletes were allowed to take these drugs because athletes from literally every country can get one of these TEUs as long as they send in a doctor's report verifying their condition. For a surgery an MRI/CT of the injury and a report of the surgery could easily be sent in. For an autoimmune condition, lab results for the athlete's autoantibody levels. For asthma, the results of peak-flow testing and other lung capacity studies. For ADHD, a 50+ page long behavioral/diagnostic analysis is generally needed. If you legitimately have the condition, it's not hard to get a TEU.

Actually, I'm more surprised that Russia's doping scandal didn't involve making up fake diagnoses for their athletes and submitting fake lab results to get TEUs... Then again, Rodchenkov was perfectly happy to show that he could fool drug tests, so he may have had something to do with that. Or maybe his system was working well enough that they saw no need?


Translation by mojo

Nizhni Novgorod, 6 December. TASS - Russian Federation authorities will not block the participation of Russian athletes in the 2018 Olympics in Pyeonchang, where they will have neutral status. RF president Vladimir Putin announced this on Wednesday.

"Without any doubt, we shall not announce any blockades, shall not create barriers for our Olympians to take part, if some of them want to participate personally," said the head of state during fellowship time with workers at the Gorki auto plant.

Putin placed attention to the point that many athletes, including those he knows personally, "have been preparing for this competition for the whole of their lives. They have been getting ready for these starts for their whole careers and for them it is very important. For these reasons, we, of course, will not forbid anybody from anything, not block anybody from anything or create conditions that make participation impossible," emphasized the head of state.

He added, that "we need to learn all the fine details of these decisions, to become acquainted with what is in the paperwork and know them in full detail. The final decision, of course, should be made by the Olympic meeting", concluded the president, noting that the event will take place within days.

Putin thinks that Russia itself gave a reason for the decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban the Russian Federation Olympic Team from participating, but that it was taken advantage of in a not completely honest way.

"First of all, it's important say directly that we are partially guilty because we gave a reason for this. But secondly, I think that this reason was used in not the most honest of ways, generously speaking," he said while answering the question of what will happen to Russian Olympians.

Putin clarified that "not the most honest" part of the decision is that the principle of collective responsibility was utilized. "No judicial system in the world foresees the use of collective responsibility," he noted.

The president noted that he is "very concerned" for Russian Olympic athletes as a result of the IOC decision.

"I also am concerned for the guys, some of them are not just my acquaintances, but I consider them my friends and I am very concerned for them. Each of them must make some kind of decision," said Putin. At the same time he noted that unlike other athletes, Russians "will be checked thrice. What does that mean? And how will it be organized?" asked the RF president.

The head of state noted that at the previous Olympics one of the Russian wrestlers was tested right before going out on the mat, waking him up at night.

In the end he won, but then passed out. "How will it be done, how will it be organized, this is what we do not know," said Putin. Moreover, according to his words, the Russian side doesn't know how the team events will be organized. "What kind of symbols will be used? This is also not such a happy question," Putin said. According to him, a number of questions arise from this situation.

"In the end, athletes must make the decision, each of them has to make it for himself or herself - both teams and individuals, who will compete and how," noted the head of state.


Well-Known Member
THIS. Every athlete with a legitimate medical condition is welcome to apply for the same waivers and go through the same scrutiny to continue receiving those waivers. I get there may be legitimate concerns over abuse of the process, and I think that's a fair point to talk about. However, in this and related threads here and on social media where I've seen some things posted, I doubt the sincerity of those who continue to use Serena and Simone to make their points. It's also never really used to talk about the issue in of itself but used to deflect the conversation and try to create new "enemies" and targets of abuse to excuse other behavior by other people. There's something much deeper and sinister going on with why they all of a sudden care about TUEs.

I think one of the biggest reasons why people are attacking Serena Williams and Simone Biles among others was because their private information was illegally hacked by those who wanted to make a point and I can't help but think other factors related to their look and race was involved to make them targets. It was a very limited and targeted hack, and I bet if more information came out about EVERYONE in the world who received TUE waivers and which countries they came from, then this will be a less popular weapon to use to deflect from the actual issues in other controversies. However, maybe the need to attack athletes that they can't stand because they beat their countryman's athletes or preferred athletes based on things outside of doping and more based on physical characteristics and national origin would have been too much to resist and they would still use it anyway.

Yeah, I said it, and I truly believe that is the case. Why else would they pick some of the photos that they've chosen every time they rant and rail against them? I've read all sorts of nasty things being said about Serena and Simone comparing them to apes and whatnot or saying they are less evolved humans, etc. by the same people or similarly-minded people who are now caring about TUE and feel free to espouse their ignorance of medical issues and how certain medications affect performance of those who have legitimate medical issues.

Just like in this past U.S. election, my faith in people has really gone downhill where they excuse illegal and unethical behavior due to emotional feelings and gaining "advantages" to advocate for their side.


Well-Known Member
There you have it. Of course Putin backed down from his "never, the humiliation, we will boycott if we can't have our flag, unis, anthem" stance. It's interesting that the Russian Foreign Ministry seems to have a different position. I would say it's 90% likely we will see neutral OARs in Pyeongchang but not entirely guaranteed yet. Putin could still be swayed by those who would rather boycott.

Are there people in Russia that can sway Putin at all once he makes up his mind? I don't think so. :lol:


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Well, that explains the fugly "team" uniforms. About half the pieces don't have anything on them, some even have the O rings where a Russian logo would go. The Russian hierarchy knew, probably several months ago.


Well-Known Member
I don`t know about the other meds, but frankly I don`t think Prednisolon would be helpful for performance. It weakens the immune system and reduces muscle mass as side effects. From experience I can also tell you, that it makes you very, very tired.

Yes, it seems more likely that Pred would hamper athletic performance rather than improve it. I can't imagine any competitive athlete taking it unless it was medically necessary.


Well-Known Member
Well, that explains the fugly "team" uniforms. About half the pieces don't have anything on them, some even have the O rings where a Russian logo would go. The Russian hierarchy knew, probably several months ago.
No :D
Actually most authorities didn't like that uniform and now want money which were spent on it back (because Russian team won't wear it obviously)
And that talented designer (high-ranking official's daughter) also did uniform for some Youth Games this summer, it looked pretty much the same :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm all for banning USA from all IAAC championships on the same basis the IOC has banned RUSSIA from the OG. That would be fair.

Why would you say that? The US Track and Field folks are anti doping. The USOC is anti doping. And for the most part, AMERICANS are anti doping. We want CLEAN sport. That can be independent from what your feelings are about the Russian ban at the Olympics. The USA does have drug cheats, but the USA is not a drug cheating nation. The evidence is overwhelmingly damning for the Russian system, so it makes sense that Russia is banned. RUSSIANS are not banned, and that's a right decision in my opinion. It might hurt to not wear your colors or to represent your country at the Olympics, but honestly, if you've worked your entire life for the Olympics but you can only compete under a neutral flag-- one that everyone obviously knows is synonymous with Russia, you should go for it. And if they do, I will support and cheer for them all the way... all clean athletes have worked way too hard to not be able to embrace their Olympic moment if they have been selected to compete.


Well-Known Member
Putin reportedly added in the athletes have been preparing all their lives. So I think with that from their President, the country will support their innocent athletes.

I'm glad that was added in by the President. It's important factor.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?

In the grand scheme of things, Russia DID get off easy. Their clean athletes get to go to Pyeongchang and compete and their "neutral" designation still makes it clear they are Russian even of they can't wave their flag or hear their national anthem. Putin will probably have some big celebration for all of the medalists when they get home, complete with all of the nationalistic imagery and sounds they didn't get to display at the Olympics.


Well-Known Member
In the grand scheme of things, Russia DID get off easy. Their clean athletes get to go to Pyeongchang and compete and their "neutral" designation still makes it clear they are Russian even of they can't wave their flag or hear their national anthem. Putin will probably have some big celebration for all of the medalists when they get home, complete with all of the nationalistic imagery and sounds they didn't get to display at the Olympics.

Still I feel for the athletes who won't get to hear THEIR anthem. But at least they will compete.


Well-Known Member
Still I feel for the athletes who won't get to hear THEIR anthem. But at least they will compete.

There were far more who could not hear THEIR ANTHEM or stand on the podium or deprived of higher place because of Russian cheaters than those Russians who hypothetically won't hear their anthem in Pyeong Chang because of this decision.

Something must be done though too with Norwegian 99% Asthmatic Cross-Country skiing team but that's another problem.
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