Hurricane Ida


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
We woke up Saturday morning Aug 27, 2005 and heard that we needed to get the heck out of Jefferson Parish for Katrina which hit the morning of Aug 29. The timeframe was about the same as it was for Ida but I think the path of Katrina that had it coming directly up the river was the difference. Every parish had a mandatory evacuation.


Well-Known Member
So, what happens when the next high intensity storm shows up? These types of storms that form late are going to be more common according to climate scientists.

It may mean starting evacuations when you aren’t sure how bad things will get and “wasting resources”. Because as we see, no plan doesn’t work very well.
I’m not an authority figure but I guess what I was try to fix is people’s lax attitude, especially with those in power. Regular working people have very real considerations before they decide to evacuate and it’s not like they get much help from any level of government. Hopefully businesses will allow people to get off of work and those in power will be quicker to pull mandatory evacuations plans with this new normal.
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Well-Known Member
I mean I’m not an authority figure and it may seem like easy solutions for those on the outside looking in who aren’t actually living their lives there, but people have very real considerations before they decide to evacuate and it’s not like they get much help from any level of government. Hopefully businesses will allow people to get off of work and those in power will be quicker to pull mandatory evacuations plans with this new normal.
Oh I think this is all very difficult and challenging. That’s why I would hope leaders start thinking about it and having a plan of some kind.


Well-Known Member
Oh I think this is all very difficult and challenging. That’s why I would hope leaders start thinking about it and having a plan of some kind.
Sorry I edited my post when I realized how much of a witch I was sounding like. I really do agree with you. I think the new normal as you recognized needs to be taken seriously by others. My mom’s boss wanted her to work that Saturday! If she had followed through on that I think my mom really would have shown up to work! A lot of people’s bosses were forcing them to stay until the last minute and the wishy washy heads of government were making all of these seem optional until they realized oh this is more serious than thought. And because it wasnt declared a mandatory evacuation, friends and family are telling me so many people are being denied FEMA assistance to help pay for food and shelter.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
A friend in PA is posting PBP of the remnants of Ida as long as she has electricity/wifi tonight - it looks like her house is about 200 yards from a river that is overflowing, and as of the last photo, the water is almost up to her upper floor (2 story house). I do not know anything about her decision to stay vs evacuate, but someone posted on her page that she should think about moving. Her reply: sure, wanna buy my house? Like, dude, NOT NOW.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I edited my post when I realized how much of a witch I was sounding like. I really do agree with you. I think the new normal as you recognized needs to be taken seriously by others. My mom’s boss wanted her to work that Saturday! If she had followed through on that I think my mom really would have shown up to work! A lot of people’s bosses were forcing them to stay until the last minute and the wishy washy heads of government were making all of these seem optional until they realized oh this is more serious than thought. And because it wasnt declared a mandatory evacuation, friends and family are telling me so many people are being denied FEMA assistance to help pay for food and shelter.
That’s just awful. Yes things need to be rethought!


Well-Known Member
^Same. We've had worse storms/rainfall during the summer but I think it was very localized here in the area.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
My nephew’s place in Brooklyn flooded from rain infiltration. Their entire lower level is unusable, so they have 2 adults, 2 teens, a dog, and a cat in about 400 square feet of space. The teens are highly motivated to get their space back!


Well-Known Member
My nephew’s place in Brooklyn flooded from rain infiltration. Their entire lower level is unusable, so they have 2 adults, 2 teens, a dog, and a cat in about 400 square feet of space. The teens are highly motivated to get their space back!
I saw on social media that a/the lower level at Newark Airport flooded, too. Looks like the NYC area was hit pretty badly.


Well-Known Member
PA got hit HARD from Ida. Between the flooding and the tornados, it's awful. The suspected tornado 2 miles from my home condemned 7 homes, caused major damage to 9 more, and additional damage to 40. Other nearby damage was bad too. And yet we're fine. Not even a branch down? NJ had horrific tornados.

The flooding all over Chester County, PA is horrific. Bridges and roads washed out and water rescues still happening. At least 1 (or 2?) covered bridges are gone. The photos friends have shared in Downingtown are terrifying. The Brandywine has reached historic flood levels. Near Philly the Schuylkill is also flooding.

It's unbelievable. My property is surrounded/bordered by creeks, but they're at the low point and we're at the high point and on several acres. I just feel very fortunate right now.


Well-Known Member
PA got hit HARD from Ida. Between the flooding and the tornados, it's awful. The suspected tornado 2 miles from my home condemned 7 homes, caused major damage to 9 more, and additional damage to 40. Other nearby damage was bad too. And yet we're fine. Not even a branch down? NJ had horrific tornados.

The flooding all over Chester County, PA is horrific. Bridges and roads washed out and water rescues still happening. At least 1 (or 2?) covered bridges are gone. The photos friends have shared in Downingtown are terrifying. The Brandywine has reached historic flood levels. Near Philly the Schuylkill is also flooding.

It's unbelievable. My property is surrounded/bordered by creeks, but they're at the low point and we're at the high point and on several acres. I just feel very fortunate right now.
I’m glad to hear you you came out ok. We just got back after a road trip to the Philly area to look at real estate. So many of the areas we looked at were hit hard. Two weeks ago I was telling an agent that we wouldn’t consider anything there with a below ground basement. She thought we were being overly cautious.🙄 My daughter lives in Manayunk but several blocks above Main St where it’s flooding badly.


It’s so surreal that my family in Louisiana and me and my family in Brooklyn are both dealing with major issues and craziness from the same storm.
It truly is. And Ida proves just how much damage is going to be the new norm as storms are fueled by climate change.

It's crazy that at its tail end, Ida dropped 10+ inches of rain across large parts of the Northeast (never mind the highly unusual tornadoes). I saw a tweet that asked for advice - what to do when you're simultaneously under a tornado watch (move to basement) and a flash flood warning (move to higher ground)? The snarky Twitter answer was "go outside and take a video," but this storm was a monster.

My aunt's house on Long Island is completely flooded, and she's just one of what I'd guess are millions whose homes have been impacted. Add to that the general infrastructure damage and it's just mind boggling that we have trillions to spend on senseless wars and (un)natural disasters, yet we supposedly can't afford an insfrastructure bill or the Green New Deal. :wall:


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
My friend evacuated when the waters breached her upper floor - she posted a photo at midnight before she left. A local friend is calling for volunteers to help everything from shoveling out dirt to microwaving important documents. :(

I guess they also have a tenant in their garage (2nd floor apartment) who evacuated earlier in the day but has lost everything.

I had no idea how bad Ida was that far north :eek: Checked in on my mom and she's fine, fortunately.

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Ida decided to make a trek all the way up the east coast.

I'm finally going to get into my house tomorrow--well, my nephew and brother in law are. I've decided not to make the trek over from Houston quite yet as I don't deal with the heat/humidity very well and with no AC I just don't think its a good idea to go at this time. Its all so overwhelming but most of my coworkers also have damage to their homes so we are all in this together. Take care everyone!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Ida decided to make a trek all the way up the east coast.

I'm finally going to get into my house tomorrow--well, my nephew and brother in law are. I've decided not to make the trek over from Houston quite yet as I don't deal with the heat/humidity very well and with no AC I just don't think its a good idea to go at this time. Its all so overwhelming but most of my coworkers also have damage to their homes so we are all in this together. Take care everyone!
100% X 1,000 agree that you shouldn't go, I do terribly in heat/humidity, and this whole thing is a big mess which unfortunately isn't going to go away soon, so take your time.


Well-Known Member
My sweet, old Aunt Karen (yep that's her name) in New Jersey said the next time someone tries to tell her climate change isn't real she is going to "pop them in the mouth." Our coastlines are ravaged whether it be East, West or South. Thank God for Canada.




Well-Known Member
I think there ended up being at least 7 tornados in the Philly area last night on Wednesday as a leftover of Hurricane Ida as it came up the east coast. It was the most bizarre thing to watch the evening news, for two hours, become strictly a weather show as the two weather anchors tracked the tornados coming up back to back to back, they dropped the regular news, and they were working with an I-Pad and taking turns because it was so overwhelming to have just one person do the reporting, they were both exhausted.

And the flooding was a whole different issue that came up later and continues tonight, Thursday. Parts of Philly highways are still closed.

Not sure how many deaths there were, but tragically there were some.

They all said it was worse than Hurricane Sandy.


RIP D-10
We got email at work today about all of the freight delays -- backlogs or no export cargo at JFK and EWR, warehouse access roads flooded, ocean terminals' openings delayed, etc. -- and the state of emergency declared in NJ.

Earlier today, there was a GoFundMe started to help a 50-year resident of my hometown in northern NJ; his basement was floating away. I am so grateful my sister and i were able to sell our family house in early 2021. It will not be the last GFM.

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