Celebrity Big Brother US Feb 2018


Well-Known Member
I watched the first episode tonight.
I admit I do not know who some of these folks are
About half are over 40, only 1 or 2 r in their 20s, rest r in their 30s
So that is different from other seasons

Don’t like- bad first impressions...
Brandi (don’t know who she is, but not surprised she is a real housewife - that look of plastic surgery). Drinking right away. Some of her snark might be entertaining
Mark- seems like a know it all

Good / Potential
Liddell- may be good under the radar type playerthey seem more on the ball than the guys so far
James- seems adaptive and he does not like Brandi

Her own category....
Omarosa, I have seen her on the apprentice and she is a piece of work. She was on her best behavior - but give her time. Also production fix was obvious with her being safe first round.
She is their marketing plug. They might not want her to win, but they want her to go far and cause her drama

Hair girl’s son -loved his reaction

And several others - no real impresion yet

Hated that they brought Paul back, but liked seeing Rachel. I don’t like Mr Pectacular, but he is probably always available for B.B. does he have the most visits to B.B. when not competing?


I’m still mocking the star power of these “celebrities” but otherwise I like the casting. Older players with more diversity is a nice change from a regular season.


Well-Known Member
With the Olympics I guess many are not watching. I am doing both - crazy I know.
Omarosa - as someone said in previously tv - she is 'rebranding'. She is not the worst actress, but having seen her on the Apprentice, I just have trouble believing her. I am really biased. I could be wrong. She is not dumb.
Her comparison of her situation with trump and 'Rudy' from the Cosby Show and her relationship with Cosby - is an interesting one with some merit.
Interesting that many are playing.
Shannon may have played too much in the beginning.


A bitch from Canada
I've only watched the first episode, but I'm going to try and watch the whole season. I may have to binge it on my PVR after the Olympics are over. :)

I'm skeptical about the "celebrity" cast, but I do love a good train wreck. :lol:
Shannon is playing HARD right out of the gate.


Well-Known Member
I tried to watch bbad but they have everyone's mics on and they all talk at once. It's making me crazy. also i have no idea who most of the people are.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I'm still watching. It's better than I expected.

For those of you who are watching the feeds/keeping up with everything outside of the telecasts, is the reason for Marissa and Ross' popularity drop solely because they went after Shannon? They were two of the favorites but I see on Jokers now that they are pretty much at the bottom, and everyone seems to love James after hating him at first. I don't have the energy to read through the live feed stuff.

Same thing happened with the real Big Brother last season, by the way (regarding how the early favorites became the most hated and Cody worked his way up to Americas Choice). If I ever went on a reality game show, I'd know to be an outcast or disliked at first so by the halfway point I'd become the favorite ;)


Well-Known Member
I watch the feeds. I think the Jokers poll is not accurate. However, people are annoyed at how much Marissa talks.
James is a smarmy, cocky, fool and doesn't make good TV.


I’m still watching but the Olympics are definitely a factor. I check my DVR and find a couple of episodes recorded so I’m rarely caught up.

But I am liking this season and I think the condensed game helps. The game moves quickly without the filler episodes.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
So a double eviction Friday and then a triple eviction on the final night before the vote for the winner. Well, that's really cramming it in.


Hmmm the triple evictees won’t have the benefit of going home and watching some of the episodes. It will be interesting to see if their votes are consistent with the people who got to see everything.


Well-Known Member
the next few days seem crazy. I wonder if they thought at least one would self evict - and why it is so crunched at the end.
I am finding this season fascinating. Just hard to keep up due to the Olympics taking priority. Last night since there was no skating, I watched Mon's episode, last nights episode and then the 2 hr Amazing Race finale.
My tv will be overheating being on so many hours each night.

I have been noticing that Ari seems quite on the ball, and Marissa has said she is the smartest in the house. It looked like Brandi was taking some of the credit before.
Seems like it would be hard to be around Brandi for long.
Metta - seems like a nice guy, and his exit interview talking about playing - not you weren't.
Omarosa - I don't like her, but she is very smart and it is interesting to watch. I find it hilarious how she talks about 'voting with the house'.
Ross is interesting. Outside the house - he is probably great to hang out with. But if others figure out all his deals - he will be gone.

I hope the producers really notice that no showmances, a mature group, a shorter season - provides good tv. The regular season could be maybe 80 days instead of the 99. I like how so many know this is a game and keeping the personal relationship separate. Except I totally get them not wanting to deal with Oma.


From the Bloc
I hope the producers really notice that no showmances, a mature group, a shorter season - provides good tv. The regular season could be maybe 80 days instead of the 99. I like how so many know this is a game and keeping the personal relationship separate. Except I totally get them not wanting to deal with Oma.

I'm not watching but following here, and knowing that we so often agree on all things BB and Survivor, your point is interesting.

with Jody now having won AR, and with them and Marlena now engaged, and Maven still together, I worry that BB will continue to feed the fires of a showmance based show by casting a bunch of pretty single people this summer and making it easier for them than ever.


A bitch from Canada
with Jody now having won AR, and with them and Marlena now engaged, and Maven still together, I worry that BB will continue to feed the fires of a showmance based show by casting a bunch of pretty single people this summer and making it easier for them than ever.



Well-Known Member
I just watched the finale.
I am not thrilled with the winner. I think Ross played a much better game than Marissa. She rode his coattails

Overall a really good, fun season.
Love the age of competitors, no showmances, and it really seemed like everyone kept gameplay and personal relationships separate. No junior high shunning and cliques. Most really played the game.
And Metta who did not play was entertaining.
Everyone, except Brandi did not do anything to really embarrass themselves. Is she like this on the housewife show? What a pain in the ass. What is sad is that some of her nasty questions demonstrated she had an understanding of the game and person being questioned..maybe if she was more thoughtful, she could have used those opportunities to help her game
Omarosa- not as bad as it could have been and she did seem to care abou the social side. No more harm to her image.

Nitpic@ in the hashtag HOH- did not appreciate the humor with alcohol and Brandi. She has an issue and it is not funny

I read the ratings were good, so hopefully they will do it again. And since it seems these celebs had a good time, it will attract some good ones.

I have a feeling this summer it will feel very long and the cliques will really annoy me more than usual


Letting the celebrities go home and watch the show is probably what did Ross in. Any other season Marissa would have been called out as the goat dragged to the end.

“Marissa, why do you deserve to win?”
“Ross would come up with ideas and I would do them.”

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