Carreira/Ponomarenko Need a Cheer Thread

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
Don't essential workers cross the border and return everyday? If she's allowed to commute like this, there must be some sort of border exception that's letting this happen.
Yes, there are various medical professionals who are allowed to do that, in particular (live in the US and work in Canada, or vice versa) and truck drivers obviously are allowed to cross the border without quarantine because it'd be impossible to move things otherwise.

I'm quite surprised that an athlete is allowed to do that, though.


Well-Known Member
I'd be very surprised if she's allowed to cross the border every day under the current rules. There are exceptions for essential workers like truck drivers or nurses, but in general being a Canadian citizen does not exempt you from the mandatory 2 week quarantine. And she shouldn't be allowed to do that, frankly.


Well-Known Member
I found the interview very telling by her facial expressions - I just get the impression that maybe something happened with Igor and the training under him just became super toxic? Like they really emphasised how Scott et al are kind, supportive, encouraging etc. I thought it was interesting that Anthony said that they knew Scott "only wants the best for us"...

Total speculation (and I'm going on absolutely nothing here, I've just been thinking about it!) but I wonder if maybe Igor was pushing for a partner swap since Avonley (his obvious favourite) was available? That or they were totally sick of his cookie cutter programmes for them - even with the mistakes they did not look happy with that score at SkAm and then changed quite a bit of the programme? That doesn't scream that he was interested in their career, just the income.

As far as the mimicking V/M thing goes - that mostly started happening after Chock/Bates left Novi - they said themselves in the interview that they were the team they looked up to the most when they trained with them - perhaps they were influenced by V/M because they just needed someone to look up to? I think Scott and IAM will be good in this area - IAM do seem to be in the business of finding a unique identity for teams.

Regardless, I think this will be a good move for them and help them find some new energy that they seem to have lost recently. Any move away from a training environment that isn't positive or healthy anymore is always a good move, imo.


Well-Known Member
Total speculation (and I'm going on absolutely nothing here, I've just been thinking about it!) but I wonder if maybe Igor was pushing for a partner swap since Avonley (his obvious favourite) was available? That or they were totally sick of his cookie cutter programmes for them - even with the mistakes they did not look happy with that score at SkAm and then changed quite a bit of the programme? That doesn't scream that he was interested in their career, just the income.

I can totally see this. Like, weren't there rumors he did the same thing years ago to V/M when Tessa became injured?

I'd be very surprised if she's allowed to cross the border every day under the current rules. There are exceptions for essential workers like truck drivers or nurses, but in general being a Canadian citizen does not exempt you from the mandatory 2 week quarantine. And she shouldn't be allowed to do that, frankly.

Well, she only has to be in the US six months out of the year. Maybe she's moving to London for first and hopefully in six months, COVID will have settled enough that she can then move to Port Huron and make the daily commute.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
I found the interview very telling by her facial expressions - I just get the impression that maybe something happened with Igor and the training under him just became super toxic? Like they really emphasised how Scott et al are kind, supportive, encouraging etc. I thought it was interesting that Anthony said that they knew Scott "only wants the best for us"...

Total speculation (and I'm going on absolutely nothing here, I've just been thinking about it!) but I wonder if maybe Igor was pushing for a partner swap since Avonley (his obvious favourite) was available? That or they were totally sick of his cookie cutter programmes for them - even with the mistakes they did not look happy with that score at SkAm and then changed quite a bit of the programme? That doesn't scream that he was interested in their career, just the income.
The possibility of their falling out with Igor also crossed my mind more than once, since there was no particularly obvious motivation to switch coaches right now. I doubt it was over partner swapping, just because breaking up really successful pairings is not something coaches are known to suggest much.


Well-Known Member
I love VM and think Scott is probably one of the most gifted skaters I’ve ever seen, but I am not that jazzed about this move if CP become even more VM-lite than they already are. I thought they were already pushing it with Igor recycling so many old VM programs for them, but then they did Latch for their exhibition and Christina was aping so many of Tessa’s old costumes, and it started to cross a line from “becoming inspired by” to straight up mimicry. I hope Scott can encourage them to grow their own identity in the sport... but for some reason I’m not hopeful lol

I am still very interested to see the impact Scott will have on them, especially Anthony. Anthony’s a fantastic skater, but is lacking as a partner imo. He doesn’t always lead and frame Christina as well as he should, which is one thing Scott always did very well for Tessa. But I honestly have no idea what he can do for Christina that Igor couldn’t do.
Honestly, if he just focuses on Anthony at first, that will bring so much improvement. That's what I would do if I were him, because that would be easier than try to improve both at the same time. Once Anthony becomes a better partner, he can focus on Christina -- or send them to Marie-France for that when it comes time.

For me, one thing that's key is now both Zach and Anthony have mentioned how it's nice to be around a coach like Scott -- which suggests to me that he is providing a strong model for male ice dancers. With the way Marie-France focuses on ice dance women, this is a good counterbalance.


Well-Known Member
I can totally see this. Like, weren't there rumors he did the same thing years ago to V/M when Tessa became injured?

Well, she only has to be in the US six months out of the year. Maybe she's moving to London for first and hopefully in six months, ********* will have settled enough that she can then move to Port Huron and make the daily commute.
Or maybe she'll work out a system where she lives in London during the week and in Port Huron on weekends/whatever amount to hit the 180 day mark. VM had a similar system themselves, so Scott would know all about it.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
Cost of the commute versus the cost of maintaining two residences is a bit of a crapshoot (when Scott and Tessa did it they were commuting between their parents' house and Detroit, whereas if she were to be rotating between places she'd have to arrange accommodations in two different cities on an ongoing basis).


Active Member
The coaching change was something that it was suggested to them after skate america so they had been thinking for a while their coaching options. Nationals was supposed to be their last competition with Igor.
It was not an easy change but igor wasn't longer helping them to improve on finding their own voice.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Essential workers who travel every day over the border doesn't need to quarantine, but otherwise it's mandatory now to quarantine at a hotel upon arrival. I know certain "athletes" have been crossing the border by land, sometimes without any trouble. It's not truly closed.


Well-Known Member
Cost of the commute versus the cost of maintaining two residences is a bit of a crapshoot (when Scott and Tessa did it they were commuting between their parents' house and Detroit, whereas if she were to be rotating between places she'd have to arrange accommodations in two different cities on an ongoing basis).
With real estate like it is, if she buys two places, maybe she’ll be able to build a lot of equity by the end.


Rooting for the Underdogs
With real estate like it is, if she buys two places, maybe she’ll be able to build a lot of equity by the end.
I’m hard pressed to think of any lending institutions who would approve of someone her age holding two mortgages. I’ve seen fully well-employeed couples in their 40s struggle with that one (and it was usually just a temporary situation when buying a new house and not having the old one sold yet).
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Well-Known Member
I’m hard pressed to think of any lending institutions who would approve of someone her age holding two mortgages. I’ve seen fully well-employees couples in their 40s struggle with that one (and it was usually just a temporary situation when buying a new house and not having the old one sold yet).
Yeah, no, I can't think of any bank that would give her two mortgages with most of her income, in all likelihood, going to support her skating career. Possibly her parents could afford a second home but who knows?

The other possibility is that Anthony gets a place in the London area with enough room for both of them and she spends a few nights a week there and a few nights a week at her own place in Port Huron.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no, I can't think of any bank that would give her two mortgages with most of her income, in all likelihood, going to support her skating career. Possibly her parents could afford a second home but who knows?

The other possibility is that Anthony gets a place in the London area with enough room for both of them and she spends a few nights a week there and a few nights a week at her own place in Port Huron.
Haven't they both lived away from home for years?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how well integrated Pasquale is? I ask because, i don't recognize the choreography as his. His work was always fresh, interesting, new, light and his athletes seemed to like what they did. When he and Anjelika were working together, they REALLY did stay in their respective lanes. She did most of the coaching and he the choreography and worked on details. I get the feeling that Pasquale is playing " second fiddle" to Igor and that there is a subordination thing going on that does not help the skaters. Igor's coaching is great but his choreography and taste are... ghastly. i mean, nothing changed skill wise with Chock and Bates, just the programs. That says a LOT as does the fact that when Igor and Marina split, the teams all went with her and said that the programs coming from her were the reason why.

When Igor and Marina split, Tarasova said that it was too soon to tell if each would be as successful apart as together. While some would argue that Marina is, Igor's setback is pride; he will NOT accept that aside from a Tango, his choreography is dated, uninteresting and holding his skaters back. LET PASQUALE DO WHAT HE DOES BEST!!! I remember Igor saying during the split that the reason hinged on his desire to create and raise a team on his own but that has not worked well for him, AT ALL. Igor is like.. an architect and Marina like an interior designer. NOBODY wants a poorly built home but an ugly home will not sell. Igor should just continue being a good architect and let a good designer ( in this case Camerlengo) do the decorating ( Choreography) because it has been many years since the split and i fear that this is the final blow for him... Meanwhile, the best in the world are still going to Zueva... whether they stay or not is a different story lol. no top teams are seeking him.


4 photos shared by Christina about their week training in Montreal:
Thank you for the amazing week!🥰 @iceacademyofmontreal
Re-posting the IFS article link @victorskid shared in the U.S. Dance thread just now:
... in August 2020, she finally received a green card. “It was a very long, complicated story,” said Carreira. “I actually petitioned three times and the third time I was approved. There were still problems getting the card and getting it expedited, but now I have it.”
Ponomarenko found an apartment close to the rink in London and will be living in Canada full-time. Once he is settled he plans to continue his studies and start working toward an MBA.
Both know there are many aspects of their skating they can work on and improve and said they are excited about the challenges. “We need to work on partnering to look more mature, and we need constant work on skating skills, connection, transitions and making sure everything looks polished, so we are at the same level as the other teams,” said Carreira.
“It is very difficult right now in the U.S. with how good all the teams are, so our focus is getting into the top three, getting on the World team and climbing that ladder. We will try our best, set our goals and aim for the 2026 Olympics,” Ponomarenko added. “As first alternates for Worlds, we will not be penalized next season for not competing at the 2021 Championships. That was all discussed and nothing will be affected with respect to getting assignments next season.”


Well-Known Member
4 photos shared by Christina about their week training in Montreal:

Re-posting the IFS article link @victorskid shared in the U.S. Dance thread just now:
Where does Anthony go to school? Has he completed his bachelor's?


RIP D-10
Cost of the commute versus the cost of maintaining two residences is a bit of a crapshoot (when Scott and Tessa did it they were commuting between their parents' house and Detroit, whereas if she were to be rotating between places she'd have to arrange accommodations in two different cities on an ongoing basis).
Families maintain dual residences so that one parent can live with the skater in another city, not it's not unheard of to factor that into training costs. The Canadian dollar is getting stronger against the US dollar, so that would work on the US residence.

I'm glad that they were able to make the move. I was never a fan of Moir as a competitor, even if there was no denying his skills, but I think he's going to be a truly great coach in the end, and this is the best of all possible worlds: a satellite where there is independence, but with the support of the Mother Rink, which respects and is loyal to him, and not all of the anxieties of hanging out one's shingle. Ponamarenko will be getting in on the ground floor with a coach who can give them attention, and they'll have competitive rink-mates day-to-day. It's Moir's family business, after all, -- he knows what that really means -- and he is an observant fellow.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that they were able to make the move. I was never a fan of Moir as a competitor, even if there was no denying his skills, but I think he's going to be a truly great coach in the end, and this is the best of all possible worlds: a satellite where there is independence, but with the support of the Mother Rink, which respects and is loyal to him, and not all of the anxieties of hanging out one's shingle. Ponamarenko will be getting in on the ground floor with a coach who can give them attention, and they'll have competitive rink-mates day-to-day. It's Moir's family business, after all, -- he knows what that really means -- and he is an observant fellow.
It seems Anthony's dad agrees:

Both said their parents are thrilled with the coaching change they have made. “After we moved to seniors a few years ago, my dad (the 1992 Olympic ice dance champion, Sergei Ponomarenko) called me one day and said, ‘I really want you to work with Scott Moir to make this happen,’” Ponomarenko recalled. “Now every time we talk about it he says, ‘I told you so.’ They are very excited for this new adventure and think it is going to be great. They are very happy.”




Well-Known Member
I am looking forward to seeing what this team brings! I am happy that they left. Igor is a great technician so they are showing up with technique that Scott is VERY familiar with


Fan Zone article by Karen Rosen (June 8):
"We just got the ball rolling for the next season," said Ponomarenko, "and then after the World Championships we officially came to Canada and did our quarantine and started training live and not over a computer screen."
Carreira said their days are now "much more structured and well-rounded. We tackle everything we have to do in a day -- every element, every transition."
Although she was born in Montreal, this is only a partial homecoming for Carreira. She will still live in Michigan as she pursues U.S. citizenship. Once Carreira moves into her own place later this month with her Maltipoo Charlie, her commute will be a little over an hour, but she said the drive will be worth it. Ponomarenko will live in London, Ontario, with his new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named George.
Alas, Carreira added, "I still don't need my French."
Well, maybe a little since they work every day with the Montreal coaches via Zoom.


Well-Known Member
It's nice to see them sound so happy and excited about their team - I feel like the last couple of seasons their interveiws have highlighted the pressure they put themselves under to make the US top 3 and the interview that Christina did with Elliana Pogrebinsky last summer about women in sport/body image made the environment sound like a pretty toxic one for young women. This just seemed refreshingly positive and energised. (Not that they have ever sounded/said anything negative or ungrateful etc - they seem like very kind and loyal people, it was just a general vibe)


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Listening to the interview litenkyckling posted in the main US dance thread made me happy because they seem happy. Scott sounds like a very detailed and involved coach. I think a lot of their happiness comes from what they said about being able to take ownership of and make choices about their skating instead of just having to do what the coaches said.

I also laughed at how Christina had been having to listen to coaching in Russian before and now Anthony is the odd man out when they're all speaking French. And it's adorable that Anthony's grandma comes to watch them skate in Russia and cooks for them (Christina seemed really excited about the cooking).

I'm excited to see what their new programs are!


Well-Known Member
Listening to the interview litenkyckling posted in the main US dance thread made me happy because they seem happy. Scott sounds like a very detailed and involved coach. I think a lot of their happiness comes from what they said about being able to take ownership of and make choices about their skating instead of just having to do what the coaches said.

I also laughed at how Christina had been having to listen to coaching in Russian before and now Anthony is the odd man out when they're all speaking French. And it's adorable that Anthony's grandma comes to watch them skate in Russia and cooks for them (Christina seemed really excited about the cooking).

I'm excited to see what their new programs are!
I found it interesting how they spoke about program ownership and putting their stamp on it - their previous music choices did always seem like uninspired Igor choices so I'm excited to see how they look with program's they've had more of an input into! Maybe that's part of the IAM "magic" is that teams just feel like their programs really 'belong' to them.


For those who'd like to read their interview highlights:

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