Canadian Pairs 2017/2018 Season News and Updates


New Member
I liked S/D the technique is there.I can't wait to see them later in the season.
W/M yes I agree in a league of their own and only been a team for 12months!!
The siblings have improved from last and suspect they'll do well at Nationals
A/K she's young, only started pairs less then a year ago and teammates of W/M we'll see what happens
M/L seemed to pull it together for the long they'll be scoring well for a new team
I'm sure teams in Quebec will be in the running at nationals Chloe and Steven won Novice and looked junior ready then


Well-Known Member
I just didn't wanted to started criticizing kids or arguing between forum members. My apologies if any of my comments sounds like subjective critics. I'm trying to remain objective. It's normal that new pairs are not matching perfectly at the beginning. They have different warm-ups for years, learn different techniques of jumping. They will re-learn do do that together. I didn't want to sound like criticizing. Same thing for the lack of pair elements. This will come in time. Hope all the new pairs will pursue their route.

I may have been a little negative because so many people are believing great single skaters will become instantaneously great pairs skaters. A little unfair for those pairs who are working hard for years. Pairs is a different discipline. Time is needed. I will move to something else. Don't want to annoy members with opinions conflicts.

M/L seemed to pull it together for the long they'll be scoring well for a new team

Btw, I'm trying to figure out who is M/L ? McCaw/Adcock?


Banned Member
I have mixed feelings about Walsh/Michaud.
Clearly he's an athletic stud with tons of skill and moves really well, too. And kudos to Walsh for getting up to speed in pairs to stay with him. She doesn't look out of place.

Together they are decent but unremarkable. But clearly the best junior pair we got by a long shot.
Their short is fine but Trennt's coaches insist in giving him syrupy stuff year after year. Don't get me wrong -- I love show programs with tons of emotion and he can definitely do justice to the music. But someone has got to just once let him rock out by creating programs that can show so much more of what I think he can do. I feel like he's skating in a straight jacket, as if the packaging year after year is all about making sure the girl is comfortable.

Skating to "I can't help falling in love with you" with a girl who just turned 16 is just a let down on so many levels.

I have said in the past with Trennt it's a long term view. I'm convinced he's going to have a kick butt career. Just gonna have to wait for all the right pieces to come together. Next cycle....

Totally agree with you. I think Walsh/Michaud are somewhat interesting as a team who have displayed some improvements. And I really give a lot of credit to Evelyn Walsh for getting up to speed in trying to match Trennt. They are definitely looking promising and game for what their coaches are giving them to work on. And yet, it still seems like a long way to go and a lot to work on. Whereas if Trennt was paired with a more well-matched partner with greater skill level, boy they would fly. It's too bad that Michaud's previous pairing did not work out, which seems to me more based on either logistics of location and/or personalities and rink politics not meshing.

In any case, Walsh/Michaud at the moment seem to be committed to investing in and developing their partnership. Magic is a rare commodity that doesn't come along too often. It likely would help if more time was spent working on finding better music that the two of them could be inspired by and that would help bring out their personalities and enhance their skating. Their costumes and sp looks like taking inspiration from James/Cipres' last season sp. And their fp, including Evelyn's dress looks like taking inspiration from Papadakis/Cizeron's breakthrough romance-driven Mozart program a few years ago.
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New Member
I just didn't wanted to started criticizing kids or arguing between forum members. My apologies if any of my comments sounds like subjective critics. I'm trying to remain objective. It's normal that new pairs are not matching perfectly at the beginning. They have different warm-ups for years, learn different techniques of jumping. They will re-learn do do that together. I didn't want to sound like criticizing. Same thing for the lack of pair elements. This will come in time. Hope all the new pairs will pursue their route.

I may have been a little negative because so many people are believing great single skaters will become instantaneously great pairs skaters. A little unfair for those pairs who are working hard for years. Pairs is a different discipline. Time is needed. I will move to something else. Don't want to annoy members with opinions conflicts.

Btw, I'm trying to figure out who is M/L ? McCaw/Adcock?
Yes sorry I meant M/A
No apology needed I wasn't offended by any comments. I appreciate reading your insight


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone has super high expectations for Schumacher/Daleman (or anyone else for that matter) too soon.

It's just important we collectively put into context any good or bad performance that we see on any given day. It just represents a moment in time. Circumstances and trends have to be recognized before forming an opinion of what we're seeing.
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New Member

I think the 2 best novices, McIntosh /Toste and Ripley/Brawley could have compete agains the "other juniors" (I mean, apart from Walsh/Michaud and the Boys-Eddy).The juniors would have taken all the podium steps, but not by a wide margin, especially considering the better Junior index factors in the program components (which is allowing around 2.5 points per program just moving from Novice to Junior with exactly the same performance).

Especially in the short program were Ripley/Brawley did a 33,72, probably worthing around 36,25 if using the junior pcs. It's sad they couldn't repeat their perfomance in the free program. It was interersting, but many, many details cost them points to finish second overall.


New Member
Unfortunately, I somewhat disagree with you. From my point of view, I would go the other way around: most Juniors should have skated as Novices. In fact, their scores are more in line with Novices's scores than with Juniors' scores. For Ripley/Brawley, I have done the maths and as Juniors, their SP score would have been 35,49 (you have to consider each program component individually since some components worth the same for both novice and junior while others are different). Still a novice range score.


New Member
I don't think anyone has super high expectations for Schumacher/Daleman (or anyone else for that matter) else too soon.

It's just important we collectively put into context any good or bad performance that we see on any given day. It just represents a moment in time. Circumstances and trends have to be recognized before forming an opinion of what we're seeing.


New Member

Right (about not too high expectations). One can wonder, though, why is Shumacher doing Pairs. Her performance in Junior Women over the weekend is absolutely wonderful and astounding. Her score is higher than all Senior Women scores with the exception of that of Alaine Chartrand. One must consider, too, that Juniors have one less element than Seniors (one must take this into account when comparing across categories). That being said, I believe that she is a wonderful, very promising single skater. Perhaps she should focus on this instead of chasing two rabbits and risking to get neither one.


Well-Known Member
Maybe she likes the challenge?
Doing pairs doesn't seem to be hurting her singles skating at the moment. If she gets to a certain level in singles she'll have to give up pairs but she isn't there yet.


Well-Known Member

Right (about not too high expectations). One can wonder, though, why is Shumacher doing Pairs. Her performance in Junior Women over the weekend is absolutely wonderful and astounding. Her score is higher than all Senior Women scores with the exception of that of Alaine Chartrand. One must consider, too, that Juniors have one less element than Seniors (one must take this into account when comparing across categories). That being said, I believe that she is a wonderful, very promising single skater. Perhaps she should focus on this instead of chasing two rabbits and risking to get neither one.

I am thinking she likes instead of just jumps and spins she gets to do lifts and throws as well. Good for her...Daleman is a beautiful skater and looks very strong and they look really good together. I am sure they will improve by leaps and bounds.. Can't wait to see them next outing


Well-Known Member

Right (about not too high expectations). One can wonder, though, why is Shumacher doing Pairs. Her performance in Junior Women over the weekend is absolutely wonderful and astounding. Her score is higher than all Senior Women scores with the exception of that of Alaine Chartrand. One must consider, too, that Juniors have one less element than Seniors (one must take this into account when comparing across categories). That being said, I believe that she is a wonderful, very promising single skater. Perhaps she should focus on this instead of chasing two rabbits and risking to get neither one.

I'm confident that Alison would not be doing pairs if it was not something that interested her. In addition, while also skating pairs she just put together probably the best singles competition of her life at Minto, so it doesn't seem to be hurting her as of yet. Also, I don't think it's fair to be comparing Alison and Zachary's pair skills to those of Pouliot/Simard or Turbide/St-Louis - if I'm not mistaken, at least one of the skaters in each of those teams (if not both of them) has previous pair experience. It's not a fair comparison IMO. I watched all the pairs in person this weekend - they all have potential - they just need time to gel. I'm excited to see how they've improved by Thornhill.

Cant Skate

Well-Known Member
I am most interested in seeing the new junior team if Ono/Schreiber. Both have a few years of pairs experience and I know Kurtis at least can jump...I havent really seen anything other than 3S from Marin when she skated with Wesley Killing last season for Japan. They are scheduled to debut at Wildrose this weekend so I wouldn't just hand Trennt and Evelyn the title again just yet! Plus I think Chloe and Mathieu will put up a good fight.


Ono/Schreiber are listed as representing Japan in the Skate Ontaro Summer Skate (Thornhill) entry list. IIRC, Kurtis has dual citizenship?

Cant Skate

Well-Known Member
Interesting...on the Wildrose start order they are listed as ABNWTNUN. No idea about his citizenship.


New Member
His mom is from Japan.

More details (from Wikipedia):

Japan is a strict[1] jus sanguinis state as opposed to jus soli state, meaning that it attributes citizenship by blood and not by location of birth. In practice, it can be by parentage and not by descent.[clarification needed] Article 2 of the Nationality Act provides three situations in which a person can become a Japanese national at birth:

When either parent is a Japanese national at the time of birth
When the father dies before the birth and is a Japanese national at the time of death
When the person is born on Japanese soil and both parents are unknown or stateless.

Therefore, he has citizenship by means of his mother.


RIP D-10
He can be dual until he's 22. Then he has to decide, as far as Japan is concerned. I've been told that there are people who keep dual citizenship under the radar, but being an elite athlete competing internationally is not lying low.

I'm not sure how old he is: he's skated Juniors at Canadian Nationals, but there isn't an age restriction.

That only matters for the Olympics, though, if one of them is Japanese.


He can be dual until he's 22. Then he has to decide, as far as Japan is concerned. I've been told that there are people who keep dual citizenship under the radar, but being an elite athlete competing internationally is not lying low.

I'm not sure how old he is:
Kurtis Schreiber is 20 - born June 5, 1997, according to the Tracings website. I remember he mentioned his dual citizenship in his icepartnersearch profile a while back.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how old he is: he's skated Juniors at Canadian Nationals, but there isn't an age restriction.

My files told me Kurtis Schreiber is born on may 6 1997. But it may be 5/06 that turned out to be reverse... Sylvia is probably right...


New Member
He can be dual until he's 22. Then he has to decide, as far as Japan is concerned. I've been told that there are people who keep dual citizenship under the radar, but being an elite athlete competing internationally is not lying low.

I'm not sure how old he is: he's skated Juniors at Canadian Nationals, but there isn't an age restriction.

That only matters for the Olympics, though, if one of them is Japanese.

Good point. Kurtis turned 20 on June 5, 2017. For the time being, although it may not look clear to all, since Ono was representing Japan last year, Ono/Schreiber must represent Japan if they aim at going international. Electing to represent Canada would be a bad decision for them since it would take a year to get a release for Ono; 2017/18 is the last year Kurtis is age eligible for JGP. Japan has 3 spots for JGP this year and to my knowledge there are not many junior pairs in Japan. Marin and Kurtis have the potential to qualify as the best Japanese junior pair for the current season. I hypothesize that they plan to continue as a pair for 2018-on; acquiring international experience right away can only be beneficial for their career as a pair. But as you wrote, Olympics is a different business. The requirement is that both skaters have the citizenship of the country they represent on one hand, but there is also a requirement of not changing country in the 3 years that precede the Games. The timing is thus good to start right now with Japan.


Well-Known Member
I'm confident that Alison would not be doing pairs if it was not something that interested her. In addition, while also skating pairs she just put together probably the best singles competition of her life at Minto, so it doesn't seem to be hurting her as of yet. Also, I don't think it's fair to be comparing Alison and Zachary's pair skills to those of Pouliot/Simard or Turbide/St-Louis - if I'm not mistaken, at least one of the skaters in each of those teams (if not both of them) has previous pair experience. It's not a fair comparison IMO. I watched all the pairs in person this weekend - they all have potential - they just need time to gel. I'm excited to see how they've improved by Thornhill.

Agreed..did not know Turbide/st.Louis but have been watching Pouliot for a few yrs..She won in juvenile prs(was just up fr.pre-juvenile)skated for a few mths this yr in pre-novice with old partner & just got together w/Simard. He did skate prs a few yrs ago& I saw a vid of him then..very strong elements & he has grown...rough outing for them as they just got together & she basically has jumped fr.juvenile to novice but I see good things for them..

I really liked the pairing of Alison & Zachary...both have strong skating skills & are building good foundation technique of pair moves....This is not a race and it would appear to be far harder to learn how to compete a pairs program than to do it at home at your the more competitions they enter the better.

Mary S

New Member
Well, both couples were in a tight battle with Forest/Foster and Perreault/Pierro in Pre-novice last year. It's not usual to jump a level at this young age (all the girls but Ripley are 12, Ripley 15, all the boys 16-17).
Toste is younger. He's only 14.


Well-Known Member

Can we just talk about this entry? The team may not be everyone's favorite, but I am continuously amazed with how they challenge themselves and try to up the ante rather than settling into what is easier or more comfortable. Not a bad jump, either.

Yup. By the looks of it they are planning to milk the music a lot more and embed the elements more deeply into the music and choreo. All good.

(If I was a betting man I'd say by the grand prix Meg won't be on two feet for almost the whole set up)


Well-Known Member
I just wish they would have more speed going into it. They aren't at as much of a complete stand still as some others who do/did the 4S, but I'm pretty sure I saw some snails pass them there on the ice.


So much happening on FSU... the event at Minto may leave Skate Canada scratching their heads as to what to do for JGP, it looks as if some teams have already been assigned Chloé Panetta / Steven Lapointe QC Belarus , Lori- Anne and Thiery posted something a while back and I am sure Walsh and Michaud. There are 12 JGP spots who will get the rest?? It was a shame we did not get to see some teams at Minto - Choinard / Ostiguy ( registered at Quebec Skate) Eby and den Boer ( registered at Thornhill) , they could be ready for JGP. Boys Eddy are not ready for JGP and they do not have the required elements that Skate Canada has set out and I can not see them getting d-axel or a triple any time soon. I honestly have seen little improvement since they were novice.

Walsh and Michaud...she just keeps getting taller, although they are managing the elements they just do not look like a pair team, all legs and arms. The new long program music is so typical, I agree Michaud needs to try something new, the ballads are getting old! It really is a shame things could not have worked out with Eby, that partnership had a future, she certainly has the charm and skills for a pair girl. It is unfortunate that some pair boys think they should call all the shots and not work as a team. We will have to see where W/M partnership goes after this year.

S/D this is such a new partnership , and neither have pair experience, they have a great coach to learn with and it certainly looks like they are going with the slow and steady approach. I am a little confused with Alison's decision to try pair now when her singles is going so well! She could be getting JGP for her singles, and that will affect the pair training, Timing is a little weird IMO.

So much to discuss after the 1st competition, It will be interesting to see how each teams progresses this year. Certainly more teams then last year, but not sure about the skill level. Crossing my fingers to see some surprises!

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