Any Arborists here or someone knowledgeable about trees?


Well-Known Member
I'm very upset to notice this spring that my huge silver maple tree has a lot of missing leaves and smaller leaves than in the past, also lots of little dead branches throughout and tree buds that never blossomed into leaves.

I'm have a tree specialist come out to take a look this week, but was wondering what could have caused this sudden condition? It was fine last year and produced tons of leaves, but not so much this year. I'm wondering if my lawn cutting people have caused damage to the tree somehow by constantly running over the larger tree roots on the surface of the lawn over the past 5 years?

Just hoping it needs just a shot of something that they can do, and not have to have it cut down. I'm getting a new roof and was going to have it trimmed away from the roof line and part of it is hanging in the neighbor's yard as well.


scratching at the light
Did you have any drought type conditions last summer? That will affect the amount of leaves this year.
I have a huge silver maple that the city has been monitoring for several years as it is in obvious decline. If you are in the city, the life span is about 75-80 for silver maples. They will live much longer in the forest/rural settings. My town will no longer plant silver maples as they do not adapt very well to the city environment.


Well-Known Member
I was just reading up online and it seems it happens when the spring is too warm, we had a warmish spring in the beginning, so I'm hoping that's what it was. The article online also said the leaves should fill out by mid June, so crossing my fingers.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
It is so sad when a beloved tree seems to be in decline. Last year my desert willow didn't bloom. It usually has huge hot pink blooms all spring & summer but our yard guy had severely pruned it which it needed. Either that or the drought conditions affected it but I'm happy to report it is beautifully covered with blooms now.


Well-Known Member
The arborist said it was frost damage and also wanted to give it a $60.00 fertilizer spike.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
The arborist said it was frost damage and also wanted to give it a $60.00 fertilizer spike.

That sounds about right to me. Well worth it if it saves your tree. We recently paid over $400 to have 1 tree trimmed. Trees be expensive.
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Well-Known Member
That sounds about right to me. Well worth it if it saves your tree.
Plus I wanted it trimmed away from the roof and the neighbor's roof as I'm getting a new roof put on this year. What an expense having a house is!

Your tree with the purple blooms looks lovely.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Plus I wanted it trimmed away from the roof and the neighbor's roof as I'm getting a new roof put on this year. What an expense having a house is!

Your tree with the purple blooms looks lovely.

It's not my tree. It's Summer Phlox. The tree is much prettier.

pat c

Well-Known Member
The arborist said it was frost damage and also wanted to give it a $60.00 fertilizer spike.
Frost plays havoc with trees when they are thinking about budding out. When that happens, you usually can kiss the blooms goodbye.

Fertilizing is always good.

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