Adelina Sotnikova uber thread

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I read Russian skating sports news all the time, and my impression about Sotnikova is that she does want to compete in theory, and mentally not ready to say good-by to being a competitive athlete. But! she is being advised, and probably agrees, that if she competes internationally her chances of winning are not very high, and it's best to "leave the sport" as an Olympic Champion, then "placing off the podium" even if in top 5-6.

She could possibly get her self back in shape to compete for a medal, but that would mean giving up well paid shows, which she can't afford to do because her family needs the money. She only has 1-2 more years of skating shows in the status of an Olympic Champion, so she is maximizing on it. If the next Olympic champion is a Russian girl, Sotnikova will not be such a hot commodity. If it is not a Russian girl, then she may still be the top Star and in demand... but still, she does not have too many years to make "top money" in shows.


Well-Known Member
Makes a lot of sense. It's a shame because I really liked what I saw of her from the test skate. She really matured in her presentation.


There are so many rumors about the mclaren report on Friday that say all Russian medals from Sochi could be taken away
Haha, so Aliona would finally have her gold? :rofl:

McLaren report might get interesting towards a propable pyeonghang ban, i do not see all russian medals taken away.

Goodness imagine Korea'18 without all the Russians :drama:


Active Member

There is now overwhelming evidence that for years, Russian officials have run a program that took urine samples given by athletes during competitions and secretly replaced the urine. Usually they would use urine from the same athlete, taken at a time when they would know there’d be nothing in it to find. The design of the bottles is such that reopening them to make the switches could result in microscopic scratches to the lids.

A bottle of Sotnikova’s urine had a single such scratch, a long horizontal mark on the inside of the lid. This is not absolute proof that the bottle was even opened after being initially sealed. Also, it was only one mark. The majority of the samples under investigation have multiple marks. They likely cannot do anything based on this single scratch, besides start further investigation. There have been some cases where the sodium content of the urine has also stood as evidence of tampering. Apparently Sotnikova’s sodium count is normal.


Well-Known Member
The scheme only worked when the athletes texted or told high officials their doping control number otherwise there was no way to know. So we see if WADA demands all of sotnikova's phones or coaches phones or alla's phone. Radionova (of the ministry) needs to hand over her phone.


Active Member
WADA refuses to show how samples can be opened using those scratches. Moreover the manufacturer of the bottles says it's impossible to open the this way. Therefore with a single scratch and normal sodium content Adelina should not be under suspicion.


Well-Known Member
I am a bit out of the loop, will Adelina compete this season? I would love her to give the comeback another try even though for sure, competing for a spot at the Olympic team will be extremely tough for any Russian lady.
I just feel Adelina still has so much potential and if healthy, it would be nice to see what jumps she has in her arsenal these days.


Well-Known Member
I am a bit out of the loop, will Adelina compete this season? I would love her to give the comeback another try even though for sure, competing for a spot at the Olympic team will be extremely tough for any Russian lady.
I just feel Adelina still has so much potential and if healthy, it would be nice to see what jumps she has in her arsenal these days.

Depends on her recovery and form. She's coming off an injury and is now coached by Plushenko. He says test skates is the goal and then they will decide what to do and neither are ruling out competing up until the Olympics in Beijing. Test skates are 6 weeks from today. She has a good shot at Rostelecom if she shows decent form at test skates. But she's battling other skaters for that 1 spot.

Also, if the Olympics in Korea is their goal, she has no choice but to compete internationally this season as she needs to earn the minimums to qualify for Euros, Olympics, and Worlds.


Well-Known Member
Depends on her recovery and form. She's coming off an injury and is now coached by Plushenko. He says test skates is the goal and then they will decide what to do and neither are ruling out competing up until the Olympics in Beijing. Test skates are 6 weeks from today. She has a good shot at Rostelecom if she shows decent form at test skates. But she's battling other skaters for that 1 spot.

Also, if the Olympics in Korea is their goal, she has no choice but to compete internationally this season as she needs to earn the minimums to qualify for Euros, Olympics, and Worlds.

Thanks for the update!
Do you know her programs for the test skates?


Well-Known Member
If Adelina is working with Plushenko and Sandhu, it sounds like she is serious about a comeback. Those guys have better things to do than work with a skater who isn't really planning to compete.

well, yes.. But Adelina and Plushenko don't hurry..Plus Adelina got injured again their work wasn't too succesful they just started working.
Eman came into this story because of Plushenko. They met again in last year in Mishin camp. Eman worked to Mishin. Plushy and Eman liked to work together, they made choreography for him, too. And after Plushy invited him and Eman was one of the choreographers of the Nutcracker show and he skated in it, too.( He was the Rat King) And he performed in some other Plushenko's shows.Thus that was obvious Eman choreographed her programs or one of the programs..we don't know. Probably they will seriously work in Auguste.
BTW I can't wait to see her skating in Russian test skate!!!!!


Well-Known Member
New (really long) interview from Elena Buyanova:
"Sotnikova and I had to stop deceiving ourselves"

Coach Elena Buyanova talked about why she stopped working with Adeline Sotnikova.

"The first moment that knocked me down as a coach, was the injury that happened in Adeline in the season-2015. At us in fact before it did not happen at all serious traumas. Sotnikova was always not just disciplined and efficient, but also very well pumped - she did not have any weak place in the body.

Problems began to arise after the interruptions with training began. Adeline was constantly invited to all kinds of events, I did not resist it very much, but I always said: you yourself must understand what you want. And she always told me that she wanted to ride. I clearly saw what and how I can do with Adeline on. But a year later I began to notice that some moments start me, not to annoy me, but ...

We formed a little chaos. We jointly came to the decision that it is necessary to start performing at least in minor competitions, put very good programs. Of course, Adeline was hard. She gained excess weight, from this, when the load began to hurt the back. Nevertheless, she did prepare, she wanted to perform.

The theme of the "Ice Age" arose in fact in her life is not spontaneous. I knew that Sotnikov was constantly called there, offering big money. Moreover, we discussed all this with her and, it seemed to me, closed the topic.

We approved the plans, and just two days later, when we returned from Sochi to Moscow, Adeline said that she was going to perform in the "Ice Age". For me it became ... well, this is the last point, probably. You know, the limit of trust - it is therefore the limit, which has its limits.

Adeline has a very large technical potential. With her, you could twist and quadruple sheepskin - the question is only that the body was ready. All the directors who have worked with her have always been amazed at how quickly she grasps everything. Therefore, I always knew that Adeline would not be lost in life. I just wanted her to follow a different path, instead of coming to what she is doing now, "Buyanova said.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Thank you for the snippet. Wish I could read the entire thing. That is a lot of honesty going on there!


Well-Known Member
No surprise here

Sochi 2014 champion Sotnikova will miss season-2017/18 due to injury
Olympic champion in figure skating Adeline Sotnikova will miss the season-2017/18 due to injury.

"Adeline Sotnikova in this season will not compete due to injury. We all hoped that we would heal this trauma, but, unfortunately, it did not happen.

Injury is still troubling, full-fledged training does not work, and going out to competitions in such a situation is wrong, "- said coach athlete Eugene Plushenko.

Evgeni Plushenko: "The passage of the Hundred Year's season does not mean the end of a career"
Coach Olympic champion Adeline Sotnikova Evgeni Plushenko said that the athlete is not going to retire, despite the passing of the current season due to injury.

"Skipping the season does not mean a career end.

Now we need to cure the trauma, which still exists due to the fact that, unfortunately, the diagnosis was incorrectly diagnosed. Adeline has not recovered, and this damage disturbs her.

She had a rupture of the ankle ligament and a bone fracture in the foot. Originally thought that from this injury Adeline will quickly recover. Initially, they did not put the plaster, and in general a completely different diagnosis was made, " Plushenko said .

Alexander Lakernik: "I do not think that Sotnikova's return is very likely"
The vice-president of the International Skating Union (ISU) Alexander Lakernik does not think that Adelina Sotnikova, who misses the season due to injury, will return to her level.

"I do not think this is very likely. I do not know why we will be wondering ... But all sorts of miracles happen.

Probably, having missed so much - it is difficult, but, on the other hand, Sotnikov and Plushenko set themselves some tasks. We'll see what happens, "Lakernik said.

Viktor Kudryavtsev: "I think Sotnikov will not return to the previous level, this is unrealistic"
Honored coach of Russia Viktor Kudryavtsev believes that Adeline Sotnikova will not be able to return to her previous level.

The athlete misses the Olympic season due to injury.

"I think Sotnikov will not return to the previous level, this is unrealistic. It will be hard for her to do this.

The result she achieved - the title of Olympic champion, it seems to me, she will not reach and will not repeat.

She can be a part of the Russian national team, but she can not be the leader of figure skating from Russia, this is my opinion, "Kudryavtsev said.

Tatyana Tarasova: "I can not talk about Sotnikova's return, I'm laughing"
Famous coach Tatyana Tarasova commented on the information about the season's passing by Olympic champion Adeline Sotnikova.

"I really love Adeline. She skates very beautifully. But now it's another woman's single skating. It will never work out, I do not believe in it. I would like, that I was wrong, but, unfortunately, I am always right in this. I would like to see Adeline, but, unfortunately, the reality is that it will not work.

I do not play these games. This Plushenko with Sotnikova in them play, but I do not. I'm not interested. I am a serious person, I understand what sports, training, competitions are. And I do not understand why they are playing. They are outstanding athletes, Olympic champions. Why, if she skates well, if she has her own show, if they have their own school? What to expect, when now they absolutely differently skate?

We look forward to the future. And I do not see Adeline there. It's just somehow ridiculous. I can not say more on this topic, I'm ridiculous. How long have we waited for Zhenya, now wait for Adeline? This is not serious, "Tarasova said.

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